Submitting patches to the OpenOCD mailing list: By the time you have read this, one supposes that you have figured out how to clone the OpenOCD git repository. Below is a basic workflow and specific instructions to get you going with git and patches. 0. Clone the git repository, rather than just download the source. git clone git:// or if you have problems with the "git:" protocol, use the slower http protocol: git clone 1. Set up git with your name and email: git config --global "John Smith" git config --global "" 2. Work on your patches. Split the work into multiple small patches that can be reviewed and applied seperately and safely to the OpenOCD repository. while(!done) { work - edit files using your favorite editor. run "git commit -a" to commit all changes. } TIP! use "git add ." before commit to add new files. --- example comment, notice the short first line w/topic --- topic: short comment <blank line> longer comments over several lines... ----- 3. Next you need to make sure that your patches are on top of the latest stuff on the server and that there are no conflicts. git pull --rebase 4. Generate the patch files. This will generate patches for all commits that are on top of the latest stuff on the server: git format-patch origin/master 5. Email the patches to