/** @page flashdocs OpenOCD Flash APIs OpenOCD provides its Flash APIs for developers to support different types of flash devices, some of which are built-in to target devices while others may be connected via standard memory interface (e.g. CFI, FMI, etc.). The Flash module provides the following APIs: - @subpage flashcfi - @subpage flashnand - @subpage flashtarget This section needs to be expanded. */ /** @page flashcfi OpenOCD CFI Flash API This section needs to be expanded to describe OpenOCD's CFI Flash API. */ /** @page flashnand OpenOCD NAND Flash API This section needs to be expanded to describe OpenOCD's NAND Flash API. */ /** @page flashtarget OpenOCD Target Flash API This section needs to be expanded to describe OpenOCD's Target Flash API. */ })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-58643691-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview');
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