/** @page serverdocs OpenOCD Server APIs OpenOCD provides support for implementing different types of servers. Presently, the following servers have APIs that can be used. - @subpage servergdb - @subpage servertelnet - @subpage serverhttp @section serverdocsoverview Overview What follows is a development history, and describes some of the intent of why certain features exist within OpenOCD along with the reasoning behind them. This roadmap section was written May 2009 - about 9 to 12 months after some of this work had started, it attempts to document some of the reasons why certain features exist within OpenOCD at that time. @section serverdocsbg Background In early 2008, Oyvind Harboe and Duane Ellis had talked about how to create a reasonable GUI for OpenOCD - something that is non-invasive, simple to use and maintain, and does not tie OpenOCD to many other packages. It would be wrong to "spider web" requirements into other external external packages. That makes it difficult for developers to write new code and creates a support nightmare. In many ways, people had talked about the need for some type of high-level interface to OpenOCD, because they only had two choices: - the ability to script: via an external program the actions of OpenOCD. - the ablity to write a complex internal commands: native 'commands' inside of OpenOCD was complicated. Fundamentally, the basic problem with both of those would be solved with a script language: -# Internal: simple, small, and self-contained. -# Cross Language: script friendly front-end -# Cross Host: GUI Host interface -# Cross Debugger: GUI-like interface What follows hopefully shows how the plans to solve these problems materialized and help to explain the grand roadmap plan. @subsection serverdocsjim Why JimTCL? The Internal Script Language At the time, the existing "command context schema" was proving itself insufficient. However, the problem was also considered from another direction: should OpenOCD be first class and the script second class? Which one rules? In the end, OpenOCD won, the conclusion was that simpler will be better. Let the script language be "good enough"; it would not need numerous features. Imagine debugging an embedded Perl module while debugging OpenOCD. Yuck. OpenOCD already has a complex enough build system, why make it worse? The goal was to add a simple language that would be moderately easy to work with and be self-contained. JimTCL is a single C and single H file, allowing OpenOCD to avoid the spider web of dependent packages. @section serverdocstcl TCL Server Port The TCL Server port was added in mid-2008. With embedded TCL, we can write scripts internally to help things, or we can write "C" code that interfaces well with TCL. From there, the developers wanted to create an external front-end that would be @a very usable and that that @a any language could utilize, allowing simple front-ends to be (a) cross-platform (b) languag agnostic, and (c) easy to develop and use. Simple ASCII protocols are easy. For example, HTTP, FTP (control), and SMTP are all text-based. All of these examples are widely and well-known, and they do not require high-speed or high-volume. They also support a high degree of interoperability with multiple systems. They are not human-centric protocols; more correctly, they are rigid, terse, simple ASCII protocols that are emensely parsable by a script. Thus, the TCL server -- a 'machine' type socket interface -- was added with the hope was it would output simple "name-value" pair type data. At the time, simple name/value pairs seemed reasonably easier to do at the time, though Maybe it should output JSON; See here: http://www.mail-archive.com/openocd-development%40lists.berlios.de/msg00248.html The hope was that one could write a script in what ever language you want and do things with it! @section serverdocsgui GUI Like Interfaces A lot has been said about various "widigit-foo-gui-library is so wonderful". Please refer back to the domino and spider web problem of dependencies. Sure, you may well know the WhatEver-GUI library, but most others will not (including the next contributer to OpenOCD). How do we solve that problem? For example, Cygwin can be painful, Cygwin GUI packages want X11 to be present, crossing the barrier between MinGW and Cygwin is painful, let alone getting the GUI front end to work on MacOS, and Linux, yuck yuck yuck. Painful. very very painful. What works easier and is less work is what is already present in every platform? The answer: A web browser. In other words, OpenOCD could serve out embedded web pages via "localhost" to your browser. Long before OpenOCD had a TCL command line, Zylin AS built their ZY1000 devince with a built-in HTTP server. Later, they were willing to both contribute and integrate most of that work into the main tree. @subsection serverdocsother Other Options Considered What if a web browser is not acceptable ie: You want to write your own front gadget in Eclipse, or KDevelop, or PerlTK, Ruby, or what ever the latest and greatest Script De Jour is. - Option 1: Can we transport this extra data through the GDB server protocol? In other words, can we extend the GDB server protocol? No, Eclipse wants to talk to GDB directly and control the GDB port. - Option 2: SWIG front end (libopenocd): Would that work? That's painful - unless you design your api to be very simplistic - every language has it's own set of wack-ness, parameter marshaling is painful. What about "callbacks" and structures, and other mess. Imagine debugging that system. When JimTCL was introduced Spencer Oliver had quite a few well-put concerns (Summer 2008) about the idea of "TCL" taking over OpenOCD. His concern is and was: how do you debug something written in 2 different languages? A "SWIG" front-end is unlikely to help that situation. @subsection serverdoccombined Combined: Socket & WebServer Benifits Seriously think about this question: What script language (or compiled language) today cannot talk directly to a socket? Every thing in the OpenOCD world can work a socket interface. Any host side tool can talk to Localhost or remote host, however one might want to make it work. A socket interface is very simple. One could write a Java application and serve it out via the embedded web server, could it - or something like it talk to the built in TCL server? Yes, absolutely! We are on to something here. @subsection serverdocplatforms Platform Permuntations Look at some permutations where OpenOCD can run; these "just work" if the Socket Approach is used. - Linux/Cygwin/MinGw/MacOSx/FreeBSD development Host Locally - OpenOCD with some dongle on that host - Linux/Cygwin/MingW/MacOS/FreeBSD development host - DONGLE: tcpip based ARM-Linux perhaps at91rm9200 or ep93xx.c, running openocd. - Windows cygwin/X desktop environment. - Linux development host (via remote X11) - Dongle: "eb93xx.c" based linux board @subsection serverdocfuture Development Scale Out During 2008, Duane Ellis created some TCL scripts to display peripheral register contents. For example, look at the sam7 TCL scripts, and the stm32 TCL scripts. The hope was others would create more. A good example of this is display/view the peripheral registers on your embedded target. Lots of commercial embedded debug tools have this, some can show the TIMER registers, the interrupt controller. What if the chip companies behind STM32, or PIC32, AT91SAM chips - wanted to write something that makes working with their chip better, easier, faster, etc. @a Question: How can we (the OpenOCD group) make that really fancy stuff across multiple different host platforms? Remember: OpenOCD runs on: -# Linux via USB, -# ARM Linux - bit-banging GPIO pins -# MacOSX -# FreeBSD -# Cygwin -# MinGW32 -# Ecos How can we get that to work? @subsection serverdocdebug What about Debugger Plugins? Really GDB is nice, it works, but it is not a good embedded debug tool. OpenOCD cannot work in a GUI when one cannot get to its command line. Some GDB front-end developers have pedantic designs that refuse any and all access to the GDB command line (e.g. http://www.kdbg.org/todo.php). The TELNET interface to OpenOCD works, but the intent of that interface is human interaction. It must remain available, developers depend upon it, sometimes that is the only scheme available. As a small group of developers, supporting all the platforms and targets in the debugger will be difficult, as there are enough problem with the plethora of Dongles, Chips, and different target boards. Yes, the TCL interface might be suitable, but it has not received much love or attention. Perhaps it will after you read and understand this. One reason might be, this adds one more host side requirement to make use of the feature. In other words, one could write a Python/TK front-end, but it is only useable if you have Python/TK installed. Maybe this can be done via Ecllipse, but not all developers use Ecplise. Many devlopers use Emacs (possibly with GUD mode) or vim and will not accept such an interface. The next developer reading this might be using Insight (GDB-TK) - and somebody else - DDD.. There is no common host-side GDB front-end method. @section serverdocschallenge Front-End Scaling Maybe we are wrong - ie: OpenOCD + some TK tool Remember: OpenOCD is often (maybe 99.9%) of the time used with GDB-REMOTE. There is always some front-end package - be it command-line GDB under DDD, Eclipse, KDevelop, Emacs, or some other package (e.g. IAR tools can talk to GDB servers). How can the OpenOCD developers make that fancy target display GUI visible under 5 to 10 different host-side GDB.. Sure - a man on a mission can make that work. The GUI might be libopenocd + Perl/TK, or maybe an Eclipse Plug-in. That is a development support nightmare for reasons described above. We have enough support problems as it is with targets, dongles, etc. @section serverdocshttpbg HTTP Server Background OpenOCD includes an HTTP server because most development environments are likely contain a web browser. The web browser can talk to OpenOCD's HTTP server and provide a high-level interfaces to the program. Altogether, it provides a universally accessible GUI for OpenOCD. @section serverdocshtml Simple HTML Pages There is (or could be) a simple "Jim TCL" function to read a memory location. If that can be tied into a TCL script that can modify the HTTP text, then we have a simple script-based web server with a JTAG engine under the hood. Imagine a web page - served from a small board with two buttons: "LED_ON" and "LED_OFF", each click - turns the LED on or OFF, a very simplistic idea. Little boards with web servers are great examples of this: Ethernut is a good example and Contiki (not a board, an embedded OS) is another example. One could create a simple: Click here to display memory or maybe click here to display the UART REGISTER BLOCK; click again and see each register explained in exquisit detail. For an STM32, one could create a simple HTML page, with simple substitution text that the simple web server use to substitute the HTML text JIMTCL_PEEK32( 0x12345678 ) with the value read from memory. We end up with an HTML page that could list the contents of every peripheral register on the target platform. That also is transportable, regardless of the OpenOCD host platform: Linux/X86, Linux/ARM, FreeBSD, Cygwin, MingW, or MacOSX. You could even port OpenOCD to an Google Android and use it as a bit-bang dongle JTAG serving web pages. @subsection serverdocshtmladv Advanced HTML Pages Java or JavaScript could be used to talk back to the TCL port. One could write a Java, AJAX, FLASH, or some other developer friendly toolbox and get a real cross-platform GUI interface. Sure, the interface is not native - but it is 100% cross-platform! OpenOCD current uses simple HTML pages; others might be an Adobe FLASH expert, or a Java Expert. These possibilities could allow the pages remain cross-platform but still provide a rich user-interface experience. Don't forget it can also be very simple, exactly what one developer can contribute, a set of very simple web pages. @subsection serverdocshtmlstatus HTTP/HTML Status As of May 2009, much of the HTML pages were contributed by Zylin AS, hence they continue to retain some resemblance to the ZY1000 interface. Patches would be welcome to move these parts of the system forward. */ /** @page servergdb OpenOCD GDB Server API This section needs to be expanded. */ /** @page servertelnet OpenOCD Telnet Server API This section needs to be expanded. */ /** @page serverhttp OpenOCD HTTP Server API Smoketest: configure --enable-httpd --enable-dummy --enable-ioutil openocd -s /usr/local/share/openocd -f httpd/httpd.tcl -f interface/dummy.cfg -f target/lpc2148.cfg Navigate to: http://localhost:8888/ */ 243' href='#n243'>243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536