 *   Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 by Simtec Electronics                        *
 *   linux@simtec.co.uk                                                    *
 *   http://www.simtec.co.uk/products/SWLINUX/                             *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
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 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
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 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *

 * S3C2410 NAND register definitions

#define __ASM_ARM_REGS_NAND "$Id: nand.h,v 1.3 2003/12/09 11:36:29 ben Exp $"

#define S3C2410_NFREG(x) (x)

#define S3C2410_NFCONF  S3C2410_NFREG(0x00)
#define S3C2410_NFCMD   S3C2410_NFREG(0x04)
#define S3C2410_NFADDR  S3C2410_NFREG(0x08)
#define S3C2410_NFDATA  S3C2410_NFREG(0x0C)
#define S3C2410_NFSTAT  S3C2410_NFREG(0x10)
#define S3C2410_NFECC   S3C2410_NFREG(0x14)

#define S3C2440_NFCONT   S3C2410_NFREG(0x04)
#define S3C2440_NFCMD    S3C2410_NFREG(0x08)
#define S3C2440_NFADDR   S3C2410_NFREG(0x0C)
#define S3C2440_NFDATA   S3C2410_NFREG(0x10)
#define S3C2440_NFECCD0  S3C2410_NFREG(0x14)
#define S3C2440_NFECCD1  S3C2410_NFREG(0x18)
#define S3C2440_NFECCD   S3C2410_NFREG(0x1C)
#define S3C2440_NFSTAT   S3C2410_NFREG(0x20)
#define S3C2440_NFESTAT0 S3C2410_NFREG(0x24)
#define S3C2440_NFESTAT1 S3C2410_NFREG(0x28)
#define S3C2440_NFMECC0  S3C2410_NFREG(0x2C)
#define S3C2440_NFMECC1  S3C2410_NFREG(0x30)
#define S3C2440_NFSECC   S3C2410_NFREG(0x34)
#define S3C2440_NFSBLK   S3C2410_NFREG(0x38)
#define S3C2440_NFEBLK   S3C2410_NFREG(0x3C)

#define S3C2412_NFSBLK		S3C2410_NFREG(0x20)
#define S3C2412_NFEBLK		S3C2410_NFREG(0x24)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT		S3C2410_NFREG(0x28)
#define S3C2412_NFMECC_ERR0	S3C2410_NFREG(0x2C)
#define S3C2412_NFMECC_ERR1	S3C2410_NFREG(0x30)
#define S3C2412_NFMECC0		S3C2410_NFREG(0x34)
#define S3C2412_NFMECC1		S3C2410_NFREG(0x38)
#define S3C2412_NFSECC		S3C2410_NFREG(0x3C)

#define S3C2410_NFCONF_EN          (1<<15)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_512BYTE     (1<<14)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_4STEP       (1<<13)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_INITECC     (1<<12)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_nFCE        (1<<11)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_TACLS(x)    ((x)<<8)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_TWRPH0(x)   ((x)<<4)
#define S3C2410_NFCONF_TWRPH1(x)   ((x)<<0)

#define S3C2410_NFSTAT_BUSY        (1<<0)

#define S3C2440_NFCONF_BUSWIDTH_8	(0<<0)
#define S3C2440_NFCONF_BUSWIDTH_16	(1<<0)
#define S3C2440_NFCONF_ADVFLASH		(1<<3)
#define S3C2440_NFCONF_TACLS(x)		((x)<<12)
#define S3C2440_NFCONF_TWRPH0(x)	((x)<<8)
#define S3C2440_NFCONF_TWRPH1(x)	((x)<<4)

#define S3C2440_NFCONT_LOCKTIGHT	(1<<13)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_SOFTLOCK		(1<<12)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_ILLEGALACC_EN	(1<<10)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_RNBINT_EN	(1<<9)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_RN_FALLING	(1<<8)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_SPARE_ECCLOCK	(1<<6)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_MAIN_ECCLOCK	(1<<5)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_INITECC		(1<<4)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_nFCE			(1<<1)
#define S3C2440_NFCONT_ENABLE		(1<<0)

#define S3C2440_NFSTAT_READY		(1<<0)
#define S3C2440_NFSTAT_nCE			(1<<1)
#define S3C2440_NFSTAT_RnB_CHANGE	(1<<2)
#define S3C2440_NFSTAT_ILLEGAL_ACCESS	(1<<3)

#define S3C2412_NFCONF_NANDBOOT		(1<<31)
#define S3C2412_NFCONF_ECCCLKCON	(1<<30)
#define S3C2412_NFCONF_ECC_MLC		(1<<24)
#define S3C2412_NFCONF_TACLS_MASK	(7<<12)	/* 1 extra bit of Tacls */

#define S3C2412_NFCONT_ECC4_DIRWR	(1<<18)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_LOCKTIGHT	(1<<17)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_SOFTLOCK		(1<<16)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_ECC4_ENCINT	(1<<13)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_ECC4_DECINT	(1<<12)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_MAIN_ECC_LOCK	(1<<7)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_INIT_MAIN_ECC	(1<<5)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_nFCE1		(1<<2)
#define S3C2412_NFCONT_nFCE0		(1<<1)

#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_ECC_ENCDONE	(1<<7)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_ECC_DECDONE	(1<<6)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_ILLEGAL_ACCESS	(1<<5)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_RnB_CHANGE	(1<<4)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_nFCE1		(1<<3)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_nFCE0		(1<<2)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_Res1			(1<<1)
#define S3C2412_NFSTAT_READY		(1<<0)

#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_SERRDATA(x)	(((x) >> 21) & 0xf)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_SERRBIT(x)		(((x) >> 18) & 0x7)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_MERRDATA(x)	(((x) >> 7) & 0x3ff)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_MERRBIT(x)		(((x) >> 4) & 0x7)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_SPARE_ERR(x)	(((x) >> 2) & 0x3)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_MAIN_ERR(x)	(((x) >> 2) & 0x3)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_NONE		(0)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_1BIT		(1)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_MULTIBIT	(2)
#define S3C2412_NFECCERR_ECCAREA	(3)

#endif /* __ASM_ARM_REGS_NAND */