# converted to .tcl by html2tcl.tcl set buffer "" append buffer { OpenOCD debugger } set console "" set upload_filename /ram/upload append buffer {
} append buffer [capture version] append buffer {
} set toggle_details [formfetch toggle_details] if {[string length $toggle_details]==0} { set toggle_details 0 } set show_details [load_var show_details] if {[string length $show_details]==0} { set show_details 0 } if {$toggle_details==1} { set show_details [expr 1-$show_details] save_var show_details $show_details } if {[string length $console]!=0} { append buffer { } } append buffer {

Browse / Edit Memory

} set form_address [formfetch form_address] set form_length [formfetch form_length] set form_type [formfetch form_type] set form_action [formfetch form_action] set form_value [formfetch form_value] if {[string compare $form_length ""]==0} { set form_length 0 } if {$form_length<=0} { set form_length 0x80 } if {$form_length>0x1000} { set form_length 0x1000 } if {[string compare $form_type ""]==0} { set form_type mdw } if {[string compare $form_type "mdw"]==0} { set wordsize 4 set modify_cmd mww } if {[string compare $form_type "mdh"]==0} { set wordsize 2 set modify_cmd mwh } if {[string compare $form_type "mdb"]==0} { set wordsize 1 set modify_cmd mwb } if {[string compare $form_address ""]!=0} { if {[string compare $form_action "Previous"]==0} { # Kludge! Work around problems parsing hex in Jim Tcl expressions incr form_address ; set form_address [expr $form_address-1] if {$form_address-$form_length>0} { set form_address "0x[tohex [expr $form_address-$form_length]]" } else { set form_address "0x0" } } if {[string compare $form_action "Next"]==0} { # Kludge! Work around problems parsing hex in Jim Tcl expressions incr form_address ; set form_address [expr $form_address-1] set form_address "0x[tohex [expr $form_address+$form_length]]" } if {[string compare $form_action "Modify"]==0} { append console [capture_catch "$modify_cmd $form_address $form_value"] } if {[string compare $form_action "Fill"]==0} { append console [capture_catch "$modify_cmd $form_address $form_value $form_length"] } } append buffer {


} if {[string compare $form_address ""]!=0} { append console [encode [capture_catch halt]] append buffer [encode [capture_catch "$form_type $form_address [expr $form_length]"]] } append buffer {

} if {$show_details==1} { append buffer < append buffer {td style="background-color:#dddddd;padding-left:5px;padding-right:5px;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:3px;"} append buffer > } else { append buffer < append buffer {td style="background-image:url('menu_cuts/h_tab_free.png');width:110px;height:29px;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position:top left;"} append buffer > } append buffer { } if {$show_details==1} { append buffer "Hide details" append buffer
} else { append buffer {
} append buffer "Show details" append buffer {
} } append buffer {
} if {$show_details==1} { append buffer $console } append buffer {} if {$show_details!=1} { append buffer {} } append buffer {
OpenOCD Manual

Browse and edit target memory.
Length is in bytes, maximum 4096 bytes.

An error message is shown when trying to browse or edit memory which cases a CPU fault.

CPU will be halted if required.

Modify - Will modify only one byte, half-word or word starting at Address.

Fill - Will fill the specified region with the specified value.

Refresh - Display the content of the specified memory area.

} start_chunked "html" write_chunked $buffer end_chunked