 *   Copyright (C) 2005 by Dominic Rath                                    *
 *   Dominic.Rath@gmx.de                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009 Øyvind Harboe                            *
 *   oyvind.harboe@zylin.com                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *   Copyright (C) 2008 by Spencer Oliver                                  *
 *   spen@spen-soft.co.uk                                                  *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
#ifndef TARGET_H
#define TARGET_H

#include "types.h"
#include "jim.h"

struct reg;
struct trace;
struct command_context;
struct breakpoint;
struct watchpoint;
struct mem_param;
struct reg_param;

 * TARGET_UNKNOWN = 0: we don't know anything about the target yet
 * TARGET_RUNNING = 1: the target is executing user code
 * TARGET_HALTED  = 2: the target is not executing code, and ready to talk to the
 * debugger. on an xscale it means that the debug handler is executing
 * TARGET_RESET   = 3: the target is being held in reset (only a temporary state,
 * not sure how this is used with all the recent changes)
 * TARGET_DEBUG_RUNNING = 4: the target is running, but it is executing code on
 * behalf of the debugger (e.g. algorithm for flashing)
 * also see: target_state_name();

enum target_state

extern const Jim_Nvp nvp_target_state[];

enum nvp_assert {

extern const Jim_Nvp nvp_assert[];

enum target_reset_mode
	RESET_RUN = 1,		/* reset and let target run */
	RESET_HALT = 2,		/* reset and halt target out of reset */
	RESET_INIT = 3,		/* reset and halt target out of reset, then run init script */

extern const Jim_Nvp nvp_reset_mode[];

enum target_debug_reason

extern const Jim_Nvp nvp_target_debug_reason[];

enum target_endianess

extern const Jim_Nvp nvp_target_endian[];

struct working_area
	uint32_t address;
	uint32_t size;
	int free;
	uint8_t *backup;
	struct working_area **user;
	struct working_area *next;

// target_type.h contains the full definitionof struct targe_type
struct target
	struct target_type *type;				/* target type definition (name, access functions) */
	const char *cmd_name;				/* tcl Name of target */
	int target_number;					/* DO NOT USE!  field to be removed in 2010 */
	struct jtag_tap *tap;					/* where on the jtag chain is this */
	const char *variant;				/* what variant of this chip is it? */

	 * Indicates whether this target has been examined.
	 * Do @b not access this field directly, use target_was_examined()
	 * or target_set_examined().
	bool examined;

	struct target_event_action *event_action;

	int reset_halt;						/* attempt resetting the CPU into the halted mode? */
	uint32_t working_area;					/* working area (initialized RAM). Evaluated
										 * upon first allocation from virtual/physical address. */
	bool working_area_virt_spec;		/* virtual address specified? */
	uint32_t working_area_virt;			/* virtual address */
	bool working_area_phys_spec;		/* virtual address specified? */
	uint32_t working_area_phys;			/* physical address */
	uint32_t working_area_size;			/* size in bytes */
	uint32_t backup_working_area;			/* whether the content of the working area has to be preserved */
	struct working_area *working_areas;/* list of allocated working areas */
	enum target_debug_reason debug_reason;/* reason why the target entered debug state */
	enum target_endianess endianness;	/* target endianess */
	// also see: target_state_name()
	enum target_state state;			/* the current backend-state (running, halted, ...) */
	struct reg_cache *reg_cache;		/* the first register cache of the target (core regs) */
	struct breakpoint *breakpoints;	/* list of breakpoints */
	struct watchpoint *watchpoints;	/* list of watchpoints */
	struct trace *trace_info;			/* generic trace information */
	struct debug_msg_receiver *dbgmsg;/* list of debug message receivers */
	uint32_t dbg_msg_enabled;				/* debug message status */
	void *arch_info;					/* architecture specific information */
	struct target *next;				/* next target in list */

	int display;						/* display async info in telnet session. Do not display
										 * lots of halted/resumed info when stepping in debugger. */
	bool halt_issued;					/* did we transition to halted state? */
	long long halt_issued_time;			/* Note time when halt was issued */

enum target_event
	/* LD historical names
	 * - Prior to the great TCL change
	 * - June/July/Aug 2008
	 * - Duane Ellis */

	/* allow GDB to do stuff before others handle the halted event,
	 * this is in lieu of defining ordering of invocation of events,
	 * which would be more complicated
	 * Telling GDB to halt does not mean that the target stopped running,
	 * simply that we're dropping out of GDB's waiting for step or continue.
	 * This can be useful when e.g. detecting power dropout.
	TARGET_EVENT_HALTED,		/* target entered debug state from normal execution or reset */
	TARGET_EVENT_RESUMED,		/* target resumed to normal execution */

	TARGET_EVENT_GDB_START, /* debugger started execution (step/run) */
	TARGET_EVENT_GDB_END, /* debugger stopped execution (step/run) */


	TARGET_EVENT_DEBUG_HALTED,	/* target entered debug state, but was executing on behalf of the debugger */
	TARGET_EVENT_DEBUG_RESUMED, /* target resumed to execute on behalf of the debugger */




struct target_event_action {
	enum target_event event;
	struct Jim_Obj *body;
	int has_percent;
	struct target_event_action *next;

struct target_event_callback
	int (*callback)(struct target *target, enum target_event event, void *priv);
	void *priv;
	struct target_event_callback *next;

struct target_timer_callback
	int (*callback)(void *priv);
	int time_ms;
	int periodic;
	struct timeval when;
	void *priv;
	struct target_timer_callback *next;

int target_register_commands(struct command_context *cmd_ctx);
int target_register_user_commands(struct command_context *cmd_ctx);
int target_init(struct command_context *cmd_ctx);
int target_examine(void);
int handle_target(void *priv);
int target_process_reset(struct command_context *cmd_ctx,
		enum target_reset_mode reset_mode);

int target_register_event_callback(
		int (*callback)(struct target *target,
				enum target_event event, void *priv),
		void *priv);
int target_unregister_event_callback(
		int (*callback)(struct target *target,
				enum target_event event, void *priv),
		void *priv);
int target_poll(struct target *target);
int target_resume(struct target *target, int current, uint32_t address,
		int handle_breakpoints, int debug_execution);
int target_halt(struct target *target);
int target_call_event_callbacks(struct target *target, enum target_event event);

 * The period is very approximate, the callback can happen much more often
 * or much more rarely than specified
int target_register_timer_callback(int (*callback)(void *priv),
		int time_ms, int periodic, void *priv);
int target_unregister_timer_callback(int (*callback)(void *priv), void *priv);

int target_call_timer_callbacks(void);
 * Invoke this to ensure that e.g. polling timer callbacks happen before
 * a syncrhonous command completes.
int target_call_timer_callbacks_now(void);

struct target* get_current_target(struct command_context *cmd_ctx);
struct target *get_target(const char *id);

 * Get the target name.
 * This routine is a wrapper for the target->type->name field.
const char *target_get_name(struct target *target);

 * Examine the specified @a target, letting it perform any
 * initialization that requires JTAG access.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->examine.
int target_examine_one(struct target *target);

/// @returns @c true if target_set_examined() has been called.
static inline bool target_was_examined(struct target *target)
	return target->examined;

/// Sets the @c examined flag for the given target.
/// Use in target->type->examine() after one-time setup is done.
static inline void target_set_examined(struct target *target)
	target->examined = true;

 * Add the @a breakpoint for @a target.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->add_breakpoint.
int target_add_breakpoint(struct target *target,
		struct breakpoint *breakpoint);
 * Remove the @a breakpoint for @a target.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->remove_breakpoint.
int target_remove_breakpoint(struct target *target,
		struct breakpoint *breakpoint);
 * Add the @a watchpoint for @a target.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->add_watchpoint.
int target_add_watchpoint(struct target *target,
		struct watchpoint *watchpoint);
 * Remove the @a watchpoint for @a target.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->remove_watchpoint.
int target_remove_watchpoint(struct target *target,
		struct watchpoint *watchpoint);

 * Obtain the registers for GDB.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->get_gdb_reg_list.
int target_get_gdb_reg_list(struct target *target,
		struct reg **reg_list[], int *reg_list_size);

 * Step the target.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->step.
int target_step(struct target *target,
		int current, uint32_t address, int handle_breakpoints);
 * Run an algorithm on the @a target given.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->run_algorithm.
int target_run_algorithm(struct target *target,
		int num_mem_params, struct mem_param *mem_params,
		int num_reg_params, struct reg_param *reg_param,
		uint32_t entry_point, uint32_t exit_point,
		int timeout_ms, void *arch_info);

 * Read @a count items of @a size bytes from the memory of @a target at
 * the @a address given.
 * This routine is a wrapper for target->type->read_memory.
int target_read_memory(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint8_t *buffer);
 * Write @a count items of @a size bytes to the memory of @a target at
 * the @a address given.
 * This routine is wrapper for target->type->write_memory.
int target_write_memory(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, uint8_t *buffer);

 * Write @a count items of 4 bytes to the memory of @a target at
 * the @a address given.  Because it operates only on whole words,
 * this should be faster than target_write_memory().
 * This routine is wrapper for target->type->bulk_write_memory.
int target_bulk_write_memory(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t count, uint8_t *buffer);

 * Write to target memory using the virtual address.
 * Note that this fn is used to implement software breakpoints. Targets
 * can implement support for software breakpoints to memory marked as read
 * only by making this fn write to ram even if it is read only(MMU or
 * MPUs).
 * It is sufficient to implement for writing a single word(16 or 32 in
 * ARM32/16 bit case) to write the breakpoint to ram.
 * The target should also take care of "other things" to make sure that
 * software breakpoints can be written using this function. E.g.
 * when there is a separate instruction and data cache, this fn must
 * make sure that the instruction cache is synced up to the potential
 * code change that can happen as a result of the memory write(typically
 * by invalidating the cache).
 * The high level wrapper fn in target.c will break down this memory write
 * request to multiple write requests to the target driver to e.g. guarantee
 * that writing 4 bytes to an aligned address happens with a single 32 bit
 * write operation, thus making this fn suitable to e.g. write to special
 * peripheral registers which do not support byte operations.
int target_write_buffer(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer);
int target_read_buffer(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint8_t *buffer);
int target_checksum_memory(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t* crc);
int target_blank_check_memory(struct target *target,
		uint32_t address, uint32_t size, uint32_t* blank);
int target_wait_state(struct target *target, enum target_state state, int ms);

/** Return the *name* of this targets current state */
const char *target_state_name( struct target *target );

/* DANGER!!!!!
 * if "area" passed in to target_alloc_working_area() points to a memory
 * location that goes out of scope (e.g. a pointer on the stack), then
 * the caller of target_alloc_working_area() is responsible for invoking
 * target_free_working_area() before "area" goes out of scope.
 * target_free_all_working_areas() will NULL out the "area" pointer
 * upon resuming or resetting the CPU.
int target_alloc_working_area(struct target *target,
		uint32_t size, struct working_area **area);
int target_free_working_area(struct target *target, struct working_area *area);
int target_free_working_area_restore(struct target *target,
		struct working_area *area, int restore);
void target_free_all_working_areas(struct target *target);
void target_free_all_working_areas_restore(struct target *target, int restore);

extern struct target *all_targets;

extern struct target_event_callback *target_event_callbacks;
extern struct target_timer_callback *target_timer_callbacks;

uint32_t target_buffer_get_u32(struct target *target, const uint8_t *buffer);
uint16_t target_buffer_get_u16(struct target *target, const uint8_t *buffer);
uint8_t  target_buffer_get_u8 (struct target *target, const uint8_t *buffer);
void target_buffer_set_u32(struct target *target, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t value);
void target_buffer_set_u16(struct target *target, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t value);
void target_buffer_set_u8 (struct target *target, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t  value);

int target_read_u32(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint32_t *value);
int target_read_u16(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint16_t *value);
int target_read_u8(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint8_t *value);
int target_write_u32(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint32_t value);
int target_write_u16(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint16_t value);
int target_write_u8(struct target *target, uint32_t address, uint8_t value);

/* Issues USER() statements with target state information */
int target_arch_state(struct target *target);

void target_handle_event(struct target *t, enum target_event e);
void target_all_handle_event(enum target_event e);


extern const Jim_Nvp nvp_error_target[];

const char *target_strerror_safe(int err);

#endif /* TARGET_H */