source [find target/c100.cfg] # basic register defintion for C100 source [find target/c100regs.tcl] # board-config info source [find target/c100config.tcl] # C100 helper functions source [find target/c100helper.tcl] # Telo board & C100 support trst and srst # Note that tries to assert srst # which break this script # use library instead with this script # make the reset asserted to # allow RC circuit to discharge for: [ms] adapter_nsrst_assert_width 100 jtag_ntrst_assert_width 100 # don't talk to JTAG after reset for: [ms] adapter_nsrst_delay 100 jtag_ntrst_delay 100 reset_config trst_and_srst separate # issue telnet: reset init # issue gdb: monitor reset init $_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init { adapter_khz 100 # this will setup Telo board setupTelo #turn up the JTAG speed adapter_khz 3000 puts "JTAG speek now 3MHz" puts "type helpC100 to get help on C100" } $_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-deassert-post { # Force target into ARM state. # soft_reset_halt # not implemented on ARM11 puts "Detected SRSRT asserted on C100.CPU" } $_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-assert-post { puts "Assering reset" #sleep 10 } proc power_restore {} { puts "Sensed power restore. No action." } proc srst_deasserted {} { puts "Sensed nSRST deasserted. No action." } # boots from NOR on CS0: 8 MBytes CFI flash, 16-bit bus # it's really 16MB but the upper 8mb is controller via gpio # openocd does not support 'complex reads/writes' to NOR set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash flash bank $_FLASHNAME cfi 0x20000000 0x01000000 2 2 $_TARGETNAME # writing data to memory does not work without this memwrite burst disablehref='/git/junk/openocd_libswd.git/'>summaryrefslogtreecommitdiff