/** @mainpage OpenOCD Reference Manual

@ref oocd explains how the code has been organized into layers
of APIs and gives an overview of how they fit together.  These pages
attempt to give developers a high-level perspective of the various
code modules provided by OpenOCD.
@ref primer provide introductory materials for new developers.

The List of @ref thelist enumerates opportunities for improving or
extending the OpenOCD platform.


/** @page primer OpenOCD Technical Primers

This pages lists Technical Primers available for OpenOCD Developers.
They seek to provide information to pull novices up the learning curves
associated with the fundamental technologies used by OpenOCD.

- @subpage primerjtag

Contributions or suggestions for new Technical Primers are welcome.


/** @page oocd OpenOCD Architecture

The OpenOCD library consists of several APIs that build together to
provide the support functionality.  The following list shows how these
modules are stacked in the current implementation (from bottom to top):

- @subpage helperdocs
  - @ref helperporting
  - @ref helperjim
  - @ref helpercommand
  - @ref helperlogging
- @subpage jtagdocs
  - @ref jtagcable
  - @ref jtagtap
  - @ref jtagmdriver
  - @ref jtagdriver
- @subpage targetdocs
  - @ref targetarm
  - @ref targetnotarm
  - @ref targetregister
  - @ref targetimage
  - @ref targettrace
- @subpage flashdocs
  - @ref flashcfi
  - @ref flashnand
  - @ref flashtarget
- @subpage serverdocs
  - @ref servergdb
  - @ref servertelnet
  - @ref serverhttp
- @subpage appdocs

Obviously, there are some nuances to the stack that are not shown by
this linear list of layers.

The List of @ref thelist enumerates opportunities for improving or
extending the OpenOCD platform.
