# # Defines basic Tcl procs that must be there for # OpenOCD to work. # # Embedded into OpenOCD executable # # Help text list. A list of command + help text pairs. # # Commands can be more than one word and they are stored # as "flash banks" "help text x x x" proc add_help_text {cmd cmd_help} { global ocd_helptext lappend ocd_helptext [list $cmd $cmd_help] } proc get_help_text {} { global ocd_helptext return $ocd_helptext } # Show flash in human readable form # This is an example of a human readable form of a low level fn proc flash_banks {} { set i 0 set result "" foreach {a} [ocd_flash_banks] { if {$i > 0} { set result "$result\n" } set result [format "$result#%d: %s at 0x%08x, size 0x%08x, buswidth %d, chipwidth %d" $i $a(name) $a(base) $a(size) $a(bus_width) $a(chip_width)] set i [expr $i+1] } return $result } # We need to explicitly redirect this to the OpenOCD command # as Tcl defines the exit proc proc exit {} { ocd_throw exit } #Print help text for a command. Word wrap #help text that is too wide inside column. proc help {args} { global ocd_helptext set cmd $args foreach a [lsort $ocd_helptext] { if {[string length $cmd]==0||[string first $cmd $a]!=-1||[string first $cmd [lindex $a 1]]!=-1} { set w 50 set cmdname [lindex $a 0] set h [lindex $a 1] set n 0 while 1 { if {$n > [string length $h]} {break} set next_a [expr $n+$w] if {[string length $h]>$n+$w} { set xxxx [string range $h $n [expr $n+$w]] for {set lastpos [expr [string length $xxxx]-1]} {$lastpos>=0&&[string compare [string range $xxxx $lastpos $lastpos] " "]!=0} {set lastpos [expr $lastpos-1]} { } #set next_a -1 if {$lastpos!=-1} { set next_a [expr $lastpos+$n+1] } } puts [format "%-25s %s" $cmdname [string range $h $n [expr $next_a-1]] ] set cmdname "" set n [expr $next_a] } } } } add_help_text help "Tcl implementation of help command" # If a fn is unknown to Tcl, we try to execute it as an OpenOCD command # # We also support two level commands. "flash banks" is translated to # flash_banks proc unknown {args} { # do the name mangling from "flash banks" to "flash_banks" if {[llength $args]>=2} { set cmd_name "[lindex $args 0]_[lindex $args 1]" # Fix?? add a check here if this is a command? # we'll strip away args until we fail anyway... return [eval "$cmd_name [lrange $args 2 end]"] } # This really is an unknown command. return -code error "Unknown command: $args" } proc new_target_name { } { return [target number [expr [target count] - 1 ]] } # Try flipping / and \ to find file if the filename does not # match the precise spelling proc find {filename} { if {[catch {ocd_find $filename} t]==0} { return $t } if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {\ /} $filename} t]==0} { return $t } if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {/ \\} $filename} t]==0} { return $t } # make sure error message matches original input string return -code error "Can't find $filename" } add_help_text find " - print full path to file according to OpenOCD search rules" # Run script proc script {filename} { source [find $filename] } #proc daemon_reset {} { # puts "Daemon reset is obsolete. Use -c init -c \"reset halt\" at end of openocd command line instead"); #} add_help_text script " - filename of OpenOCD script (tcl) to run" # Handle GDB 'R' packet. Can be overriden by configuration script, # but it's not something one would expect target scripts to do # normally proc ocd_gdb_restart {target_num} { # Fix!!! we're resetting all targets here! Really we should reset only # one target reset halt } # If RCLK is not supported, use fallback_speed_khz proc jtag_rclk {fallback_speed_khz} { if {[catch {jtag_khz 0}]!=0} { jtag_khz $fallback_speed_khz } } add_help_text jtag_rclk "fallback_speed_khz - set JTAG speed to RCLK or use fallback speed" proc ocd_process_reset { MODE } { # If this target must be halted... set halt -1 if { 0 == [string compare $MODE halt] } { set halt 1 } if { 0 == [string compare $MODE init] } { set halt 1; } if { 0 == [string compare $MODE run ] } { set halt 0; } if { $halt < 0 } { return -error "Invalid mode: $MODE, must be one of: halt, init, or run"; } foreach t [ target names ] { # New event script. $t invoke-event reset-start } # Init the tap controller. jtag arp_init-reset # Examine all targets. foreach t [ target names ] { $t arp_examine } # Let the C code know we are asserting reset. foreach t [ target names ] { $t invoke-event reset-assert-pre # C code needs to know if we expect to 'halt' $t arp_reset assert $halt $t invoke-event reset-assert-post } # Now de-assert reset. foreach t [ target names ] { $t invoke-event reset-deassert-pre # Again, de-assert code needs to know.. $t arp_reset deassert $halt $t invoke-event reset-deassert-post } # Pass 1 - Now try to halt. if { $halt } { foreach t [target names] { # Wait upto 1 second for target to halt. Why 1sec? Cause # the JTAG tap reset signal might be hooked to a slow # resistor/capacitor circuit - and it might take a while # to charge # Catch, but ignore any errors. catch { $t arp_waitstate halted 1000 } # Did we succeed? set s [$t curstate] if { 0 != [string compare $s "halted" ] } { return -error [format "TARGET: %s - Not halted" $t] } } } #Pass 2 - if needed "init" if { 0 == [string compare init $MODE] } { foreach t [target names] { set err [catch "$t arp_waitstate halted 5000"] # Did it halt? if { $err == 0 } { $t invoke-event reset-init } } } foreach t [ target names ] { $t invoke-event reset-end } } # stubs for targets scripts that do not have production procedure proc production_info {} { return "Imagine an explanation here..." } add_help_text production_info "Displays information on production procedure for target script. Implement this procedure in target script." proc production {firmwarefile serialnumber} { puts "Imagine production procedure running successfully. Programmed $firmwarefile with serial number $serialnumber" } add_help_text production " - Runs production procedure. Throws exception if procedure failed. Prints progress messages. Implement this procedure in the target script." proc production_test {} { puts "Imagine nifty test procedure having run to completion here." } add_help_text production "Runs test procedure. Throws exception if procedure failed. Prints progress messages. Implement in target script." add_help_text cpu " - prints out target options and a comment on CPU which matches name" # A list of names of CPU and options required set ocd_cpu_list { { name IXP42x options {xscale -variant IXP42x} comment {IXP42x cpu} } { name arm7 options {arm7tdmi -variant arm7tdmi} comment {vanilla ARM7} } } # Invoked from Tcl code proc ocd_cpu {args} { set name $args set result "" global ocd_cpu_list foreach a [lsort $ocd_cpu_list] { if {[string length $args]==0||[string first [string toupper $name] [string toupper "$a(name)$a(options)$a(comment)"]]!=-1} { lappend result $a } } return $result } proc cpu {args} { # 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 puts "CPU Options Comment" foreach a [lsort [ocd_cpu $args]] { puts [format "%-20s%-40s%s" $a(name) $a(options) $a(comment)] } } proc power_restore {} { puts "Sensed power restore." reset init } add_help_text power_restore "Overridable procedure run when power restore is detected. Runs 'reset init' by default." proc power_dropout {} { puts "Sensed power dropout." } proc srst_deasserted {} { puts "Sensed nSRST deasserted." reset init } add_help_text srst_deasserted "Overridable procedure run when srst deassert is detected. Runs 'reset init' by default." proc srst_asserted {} { puts "Sensed nSRST asserted." } # catch any exceptions, capture output and return output proc capture_catch {a} { catch { capture {uplevel $a} } result return $result } n151' href='#n151'>151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184