 *   Copyright (C) 2006 by Dominic Rath                                    *
 *   Dominic.Rath@gmx.de                                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   Copyright (C) 2009 by David Brownell                                  *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
#include "config.h"

#include "target.h"
#include "arm_disassembler.h"
#include <helper/log.h>

 * This disassembler supports two main functions for OpenOCD:
 *  - Various "disassemble" commands.  OpenOCD can serve as a
 *    machine-language debugger, without help from GDB.
 *  - Single stepping.  Not all ARM cores support hardware single
 *    stepping.  To work without that support, the debugger must
 *    be able to decode instructions to find out where to put a
 *    "next instruction" breakpoint.
 * In addition, interpretation of ETM trace data needs some of the
 * decoding mechanisms.
 * At this writing (September 2009) neither function is complete.
 *  - ARM decoding
 *     * Old-style syntax (not UAL) is generally used
 *     * VFP instructions are not understood (ARMv5 and later)
 *       except as coprocessor 10/11 operations
 *     * Most ARM instructions through ARMv6 are decoded, but some
 *       of the post-ARMv4 opcodes may not be handled yet
 *     * NEON instructions are not understood (ARMv7-A)
 *  - Thumb/Thumb2 decoding
 *     * UAL syntax should be consistently used
 *     * Any Thumb2 instructions used in Cortex-M3 (ARMv7-M) should
 *       be handled properly.  Accordingly, so should the subset
 *       used in Cortex-M0/M1; and "original" 16-bit Thumb from
 *       ARMv4T and ARMv5T.
 *     * Conditional effects of Thumb2 "IT" (if-then) instructions
 *       are not handled:  the affected instructions are not shown
 *       with their now-conditional suffixes.
 *     * Some ARMv6 and ARMv7-M Thumb2 instructions may not be
 *       handled (minimally for coprocessor access).
 *     * SIMD instructions, and some other Thumb2 instructions
 *       from ARMv7-A, are not understood.
 *  - ThumbEE decoding
 *     * As a Thumb2 variant, the Thumb2 comments (above) apply.
 *     * Opcodes changed by ThumbEE mode are not handled; these
 *       instructions wrongly decode as LDM and STM.
 *  - Jazelle decoding ...  no support whatsoever for Jazelle mode
 *    or decoding.  ARM encourages use of the more generic ThumbEE
 *    mode, instead of Jazelle mode, in current chips.
 *  - Single-step/emulation ... spotty support, which is only weakly
 *    tested.  Thumb2 is not supported.  (Arguably a full simulator
 *    is not needed to support just single stepping.  Recognizing
 *    branch vs non-branch instructions suffices, except when the
 *    instruction faults and triggers a synchronous exception which
 *    can be intercepted using other means.)
 * ARM DDI 0406B "ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARM v7-A and
 * ARM v7-R edition" gives the most complete coverage of the various
 * generations of ARM instructions.  At this writing it is publicly
 * accessible to anyone willing to create an account at the ARM
 * web site; see http://www.arm.com/documentation/ for information.
 * ARM DDI 0403C "ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual" provides
 * more details relevant to the Thumb2-only processors (such as
 * the Cortex-M implementations).

/* textual represenation of the condition field */
/* ALways (default) is ommitted (empty string) */
static const char *arm_condition_strings[] =
	"EQ", "NE", "CS", "CC", "MI", "PL", "VS", "VC", "HI", "LS", "GE", "LT", "GT", "LE", "", "NV"

/* make up for C's missing ROR */
static uint32_t ror(uint32_t value, int places)
	return (value >> places) | (value << (32 - places));

static int evaluate_unknown(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32
			"\tUNDEFINED INSTRUCTION", address, opcode);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_pld(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* PLD */
	if ((opcode & 0x0d70f000) == 0x0550f000)
		instruction->type = ARM_PLD;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tPLD ...TODO...", address, opcode);

		return ERROR_OK;
	return evaluate_unknown(opcode, address, instruction);

static int evaluate_srs(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	const char *wback = (opcode & (1 << 21)) ? "!" : "";
	const char *mode = "";

	switch ((opcode >> 23) & 0x3) {
	case 0:
		mode = "DA";
	case 1:
		/* "IA" is default */
	case 2:
		mode = "DB";
	case 3:
		mode = "IB";

	switch (opcode & 0x0e500000) {
	case 0x08400000:
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32
				"\t0x%8.8" PRIx32
				"\tSRS%s\tSP%s, #%d",
				address, opcode,
				mode, wback,
				(unsigned)(opcode & 0x1f));
	case 0x08100000:
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32
				"\t0x%8.8" PRIx32
				address, opcode,
				(unsigned)((opcode >> 16) & 0xf), wback);
		return evaluate_unknown(opcode, address, instruction);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_swi(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	instruction->type = ARM_SWI;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tSVC %#6.6" PRIx32,
			address, opcode, (opcode & 0xffffff));

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_blx_imm(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	int offset;
	uint32_t immediate;
	uint32_t target_address;

	instruction->type = ARM_BLX;
	immediate = opcode & 0x00ffffff;

	/* sign extend 24-bit immediate */
	if (immediate & 0x00800000)
		offset = 0xff000000 | immediate;
		offset = immediate;

	/* shift two bits left */
	offset <<= 2;

	/* odd/event halfword */
	if (opcode & 0x01000000)
		offset |= 0x2;

	target_address = address + 8 + offset;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tBLX 0x%8.8" PRIx32 "", address, opcode, target_address);

	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = -1;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = target_address;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_b_bl(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t L;
	uint32_t immediate;
	int offset;
	uint32_t target_address;

	immediate = opcode & 0x00ffffff;
	L = (opcode & 0x01000000) >> 24;

	/* sign extend 24-bit immediate */
	if (immediate & 0x00800000)
		offset = 0xff000000 | immediate;
		offset = immediate;

	/* shift two bits left */
	offset <<= 2;

	target_address = address + 8 + offset;

	if (L)
		instruction->type = ARM_BL;
		instruction->type = ARM_B;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tB%s%s 0x%8.8" PRIx32 , address, opcode,
			 (L) ? "L" : "", COND(opcode), target_address);

	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = -1;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = target_address;

	return ERROR_OK;

/* Coprocessor load/store and double register transfers */
/* both normal and extended instruction space (condition field b1111) */
static int evaluate_ldc_stc_mcrr_mrrc(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t cp_num = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;

	/* MCRR or MRRC */
	if (((opcode & 0x0ff00000) == 0x0c400000) || ((opcode & 0x0ff00000) == 0x0c400000))
		uint8_t cp_opcode, Rd, Rn, CRm;
		char *mnemonic;

		cp_opcode = (opcode & 0xf0) >> 4;
		Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
		Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
		CRm = (opcode & 0xf);

		/* MCRR */
		if ((opcode & 0x0ff00000) == 0x0c400000)
			instruction->type = ARM_MCRR;
			mnemonic = "MCRR";

		/* MRRC */
		if ((opcode & 0x0ff00000) == 0x0c500000)
			instruction->type = ARM_MRRC;
			mnemonic = "MRRC";

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32
				"\t%s%s%s p%i, %x, r%i, r%i, c%i",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic,
				((opcode & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000)
						? "2" : COND(opcode),
				 COND(opcode), cp_num, cp_opcode, Rd, Rn, CRm);
	else /* LDC or STC */
		uint8_t CRd, Rn, offset;
		uint8_t U, N;
		char *mnemonic;
		char addressing_mode[32];

		CRd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
		Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
		offset = (opcode & 0xff) << 2;

		/* load/store */
		if (opcode & 0x00100000)
			instruction->type = ARM_LDC;
			mnemonic = "LDC";
			instruction->type = ARM_STC;
			mnemonic = "STC";

		U = (opcode & 0x00800000) >> 23;
		N = (opcode & 0x00400000) >> 22;

		/* addressing modes */
		if ((opcode & 0x01200000) == 0x01000000) /* offset */
			snprintf(addressing_mode, 32, "[r%i, #%s%d]",
					Rn, U ? "" : "-", offset);
		else if ((opcode & 0x01200000) == 0x01200000) /* pre-indexed */
			snprintf(addressing_mode, 32, "[r%i, #%s%d]!",
					Rn, U ? "" : "-", offset);
		else if ((opcode & 0x01200000) == 0x00200000) /* post-indexed */
			snprintf(addressing_mode, 32, "[r%i], #%s%d",
					Rn, U ? "" : "-", offset);
		else if ((opcode & 0x01200000) == 0x00000000) /* unindexed */
			snprintf(addressing_mode, 32, "[r%i], {%d}",
					Rn, offset >> 2);

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32
				"\t0x%8.8" PRIx32
				"\t%s%s%s p%i, c%i, %s",
				address, opcode, mnemonic,
				((opcode & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000)
						? "2" : COND(opcode),
				(opcode & (1 << 22)) ? "L" : "",
				cp_num, CRd, addressing_mode);

	return ERROR_OK;

/* Coprocessor data processing instructions */
/* Coprocessor register transfer instructions */
/* both normal and extended instruction space (condition field b1111) */
static int evaluate_cdp_mcr_mrc(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	const char *cond;
	char* mnemonic;
	uint8_t cp_num, opcode_1, CRd_Rd, CRn, CRm, opcode_2;

	cond = ((opcode & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000) ? "2" : COND(opcode);
	cp_num = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;
	CRd_Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
	CRn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
	CRm = (opcode & 0xf);
	opcode_2 = (opcode & 0xe0) >> 5;

	/* CDP or MRC/MCR */
	if (opcode & 0x00000010) /* bit 4 set -> MRC/MCR */
		if (opcode & 0x00100000) /* bit 20 set -> MRC */
			instruction->type = ARM_MRC;
			mnemonic = "MRC";
		else /* bit 20 not set -> MCR */
			instruction->type = ARM_MCR;
			mnemonic = "MCR";

		opcode_1 = (opcode & 0x00e00000) >> 21;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s p%i, 0x%2.2x, r%i, c%i, c%i, 0x%2.2x",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, cond,
				 cp_num, opcode_1, CRd_Rd, CRn, CRm, opcode_2);
	else /* bit 4 not set -> CDP */
		instruction->type = ARM_CDP;
		mnemonic = "CDP";

		opcode_1 = (opcode & 0x00f00000) >> 20;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s p%i, 0x%2.2x, c%i, c%i, c%i, 0x%2.2x",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, cond,
				 cp_num, opcode_1, CRd_Rd, CRn, CRm, opcode_2);

	return ERROR_OK;

/* Load/store instructions */
static int evaluate_load_store(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t I, P, U, B, W, L;
	uint8_t Rn, Rd;
	char *operation; /* "LDR" or "STR" */
	char *suffix; /* "", "B", "T", "BT" */
	char offset[32];

	/* examine flags */
	I = (opcode & 0x02000000) >> 25;
	P = (opcode & 0x01000000) >> 24;
	U = (opcode & 0x00800000) >> 23;
	B = (opcode & 0x00400000) >> 22;
	W = (opcode & 0x00200000) >> 21;
	L = (opcode & 0x00100000) >> 20;

	/* target register */
	Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;

	/* base register */
	Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;

	instruction->info.load_store.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.load_store.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.load_store.U = U;

	/* determine operation */
	if (L)
		operation = "LDR";
		operation = "STR";

	/* determine instruction type and suffix */
	if (B)
		if ((P == 0) && (W == 1))
			if (L)
				instruction->type = ARM_LDRBT;
				instruction->type = ARM_STRBT;
			suffix = "BT";
			if (L)
				instruction->type = ARM_LDRB;
				instruction->type = ARM_STRB;
			suffix = "B";
		if ((P == 0) && (W == 1))
			if (L)
				instruction->type = ARM_LDRT;
				instruction->type = ARM_STRT;
			suffix = "T";
			if (L)
				instruction->type = ARM_LDR;
				instruction->type = ARM_STR;
			suffix = "";

	if (!I) /* #+-<offset_12> */
		uint32_t offset_12 = (opcode & 0xfff);
		if (offset_12)
			snprintf(offset, 32, ", #%s0x%" PRIx32 "", (U) ? "" : "-", offset_12);
			snprintf(offset, 32, "%s", "");

		instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 0;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.offset = offset_12;
	else /* either +-<Rm> or +-<Rm>, <shift>, #<shift_imm> */
		uint8_t shift_imm, shift;
		uint8_t Rm;

		shift_imm = (opcode & 0xf80) >> 7;
		shift = (opcode & 0x60) >> 5;
		Rm = (opcode & 0xf);

		/* LSR encodes a shift by 32 bit as 0x0 */
		if ((shift == 0x1) && (shift_imm == 0x0))
			shift_imm = 0x20;

		/* ASR encodes a shift by 32 bit as 0x0 */
		if ((shift == 0x2) && (shift_imm == 0x0))
			shift_imm = 0x20;

		/* ROR by 32 bit is actually a RRX */
		if ((shift == 0x3) && (shift_imm == 0x0))
			shift = 0x4;

		instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 1;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.Rm = Rm;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.shift = shift;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.shift_imm = shift_imm;

		if ((shift_imm == 0x0) && (shift == 0x0)) /* +-<Rm> */
			snprintf(offset, 32, ", %sr%i", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm);
		else /* +-<Rm>, <Shift>, #<shift_imm> */
			switch (shift)
				case 0x0: /* LSL */
					snprintf(offset, 32, ", %sr%i, LSL #0x%x", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm, shift_imm);
				case 0x1: /* LSR */
					snprintf(offset, 32, ", %sr%i, LSR #0x%x", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm, shift_imm);
				case 0x2: /* ASR */
					snprintf(offset, 32, ", %sr%i, ASR #0x%x", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm, shift_imm);
				case 0x3: /* ROR */
					snprintf(offset, 32, ", %sr%i, ROR #0x%x", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm, shift_imm);
				case 0x4: /* RRX */
					snprintf(offset, 32, ", %sr%i, RRX", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm);

	if (P == 1)
		if (W == 0) /* offset */
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, [r%i%s]",
					 address, opcode, operation, COND(opcode), suffix,
					 Rd, Rn, offset);

			instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 0;
		else /* pre-indexed */
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, [r%i%s]!",
					 address, opcode, operation, COND(opcode), suffix,
					 Rd, Rn, offset);

			instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 1;
	else /* post-indexed */
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, [r%i]%s",
				 address, opcode, operation, COND(opcode), suffix,
				 Rd, Rn, offset);

		instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 2;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_extend(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address, char *cp)
	unsigned rm = (opcode >> 0) & 0xf;
	unsigned rd = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
	unsigned rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	char *type, *rot;

	switch ((opcode >> 24) & 0x3) {
	case 0:
		type = "B16";
	case 1:
		sprintf(cp, "UNDEFINED");
	case 2:
		type = "B";
		type = "H";

	switch ((opcode >> 10) & 0x3) {
	case 0:
		rot = "";
	case 1:
		rot = ", ROR #8";
	case 2:
		rot = ", ROR #16";
		rot = ", ROR #24";

	if (rn == 0xf) {
		sprintf(cp, "%cXT%s%s\tr%d, r%d%s",
				(opcode & (1 << 22)) ? 'U' : 'S',
				type, COND(opcode),
				rd, rm, rot);
		return ARM_MOV;
	} else {
		sprintf(cp, "%cXTA%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d%s",
				(opcode & (1 << 22)) ? 'U' : 'S',
				type, COND(opcode),
				rd, rn, rm, rot);
		return ARM_ADD;

static int evaluate_p_add_sub(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address, char *cp)
	char *prefix;
	char *op;
	int type;

	switch ((opcode >> 20) & 0x7) {
	case 1:
		prefix = "S";
	case 2:
		prefix = "Q";
	case 3:
		prefix = "SH";
	case 5:
		prefix = "U";
	case 6:
		prefix = "UQ";
	case 7:
		prefix = "UH";
		goto undef;

	switch ((opcode >> 5) & 0x7) {
	case 0:
		op = "ADD16";
		type = ARM_ADD;
	case 1:
		op = "ADDSUBX";
		type = ARM_ADD;
	case 2:
		op = "SUBADDX";
		type = ARM_SUB;
	case 3:
		op = "SUB16";
		type = ARM_SUB;
	case 4:
		op = "ADD8";
		type = ARM_ADD;
	case 7:
		op = "SUB8";
		type = ARM_SUB;
		goto undef;

	sprintf(cp, "%s%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d", prefix, op, COND(opcode),
			(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);
	return type;

	/* these opcodes might be used someday */
	sprintf(cp, "UNDEFINED");

/* ARMv6 and later support "media" instructions (includes SIMD) */
static int evaluate_media(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	char *cp = instruction->text;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;

		"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t",
		address, opcode);
	cp = strchr(cp, 0);

	/* parallel add/subtract */
	if ((opcode & 0x01800000) == 0x00000000) {
		instruction->type = evaluate_p_add_sub(opcode, address, cp);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* halfword pack */
	if ((opcode & 0x01f00020) == 0x00800000) {
		char *type, *shift;
		unsigned imm = (unsigned) (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;

		if (opcode & (1 << 6)) {
			type = "TB";
			shift = "ASR";
			if (imm == 0)
				imm = 32;
		} else {
			type = "BT";
			shift = "LSL";
		sprintf(cp, "PKH%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d, %s #%d",
			type, COND(opcode),
			(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
			shift, imm);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* word saturate */
	if ((opcode & 0x01a00020) == 0x00a00000) {
		char *shift;
		unsigned imm = (unsigned) (opcode >> 7) & 0x1f;

		if (opcode & (1 << 6)) {
			shift = "ASR";
			if (imm == 0)
				imm = 32;
		} else {
			shift = "LSL";

		sprintf(cp, "%cSAT%s\tr%d, #%d, r%d, %s #%d",
			(opcode & (1 << 22)) ? 'U' : 'S',
			(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0x1f,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
			shift, imm);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* sign extension */
	if ((opcode & 0x018000f0) == 0x00800070) {
		instruction->type = evaluate_extend(opcode, address, cp);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* multiplies */
	if ((opcode & 0x01f00080) == 0x01000000) {
		unsigned rn = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;

		if (rn != 0xf)
			sprintf(cp, "SML%cD%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d",
				(opcode & (1 << 6)) ? 'S' : 'A',
				(opcode & (1 << 5)) ? "X" : "",
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
			sprintf(cp, "SMU%cD%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d",
				(opcode & (1 << 6)) ? 'S' : 'A',
				(opcode & (1 << 5)) ? "X" : "",
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;
	if ((opcode & 0x01f00000) == 0x01400000) {
		sprintf(cp, "SML%cLD%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d",
			(opcode & (1 << 6)) ? 'S' : 'A',
			(opcode & (1 << 5)) ? "X" : "",
			(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;
	if ((opcode & 0x01f00000) == 0x01500000) {
		unsigned rn = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;

		switch (opcode & 0xc0) {
		case 3:
			if (rn == 0xf)
				goto undef;
		case 0:
			goto undef;

		if (rn != 0xf)
			sprintf(cp, "SMML%c%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d",
				(opcode & (1 << 6)) ? 'S' : 'A',
				(opcode & (1 << 5)) ? "R" : "",
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
			sprintf(cp, "SMMUL%s%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d",
				(opcode & (1 << 5)) ? "R" : "",
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* simple matches against the remaining decode bits */
	switch (opcode & 0x01f000f0) {
	case 0x00a00030:
	case 0x00e00030:
		/* parallel halfword saturate */
		sprintf(cp, "%cSAT16%s\tr%d, #%d, r%d",
			(opcode & (1 << 22)) ? 'U' : 'S',
			(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x00b00030:
		mnemonic = "REV";
	case 0x00b000b0:
		mnemonic = "REV16";
	case 0x00f000b0:
		mnemonic = "REVSH";
	case 0x008000b0:
		/* select bytes */
		sprintf(cp, "SEL%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d", COND(opcode),
			(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x01800010:
		/* unsigned sum of absolute differences */
		if (((opcode >> 12) & 0xf) == 0xf)
			sprintf(cp, "USAD8%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d", COND(opcode),
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf);
			sprintf(cp, "USADA8%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d", COND(opcode),
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;
	if (mnemonic) {
		unsigned rm = (opcode >> 0) & 0xf;
		unsigned rd = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;

		sprintf(cp, "%s%s\tr%d, r%d", mnemonic, COND(opcode), rm, rd);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* these opcodes might be used someday */
	sprintf(cp, "UNDEFINED");
	return ERROR_OK;

/* Miscellaneous load/store instructions */
static int evaluate_misc_load_store(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t P, U, I, W, L, S, H;
	uint8_t Rn, Rd;
	char *operation; /* "LDR" or "STR" */
	char *suffix; /* "H", "SB", "SH", "D" */
	char offset[32];

	/* examine flags */
	P = (opcode & 0x01000000) >> 24;
	U = (opcode & 0x00800000) >> 23;
	I = (opcode & 0x00400000) >> 22;
	W = (opcode & 0x00200000) >> 21;
	L = (opcode & 0x00100000) >> 20;
	S = (opcode & 0x00000040) >> 6;
	H = (opcode & 0x00000020) >> 5;

	/* target register */
	Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;

	/* base register */
	Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;

	instruction->info.load_store.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.load_store.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.load_store.U = U;

	/* determine instruction type and suffix */
	if (S) /* signed */
		if (L) /* load */
			if (H)
				operation = "LDR";
				instruction->type = ARM_LDRSH;
				suffix = "SH";
				operation = "LDR";
				instruction->type = ARM_LDRSB;
				suffix = "SB";
		else /* there are no signed stores, so this is used to encode double-register load/stores */
			suffix = "D";
			if (H)
				operation = "STR";
				instruction->type = ARM_STRD;
				operation = "LDR";
				instruction->type = ARM_LDRD;
	else /* unsigned */
		suffix = "H";
		if (L) /* load */
			operation = "LDR";
			instruction->type = ARM_LDRH;
		else /* store */
			operation = "STR";
			instruction->type = ARM_STRH;

	if (I) /* Immediate offset/index (#+-<offset_8>)*/
		uint32_t offset_8 = ((opcode & 0xf00) >> 4) | (opcode & 0xf);
		snprintf(offset, 32, "#%s0x%" PRIx32 "", (U) ? "" : "-", offset_8);

		instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 0;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.offset = offset_8;
	else /* Register offset/index (+-<Rm>) */
		uint8_t Rm;
		Rm = (opcode & 0xf);
		snprintf(offset, 32, "%sr%i", (U) ? "" : "-", Rm);

		instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 1;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.Rm = Rm;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.shift = 0x0;
		instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.shift_imm = 0x0;

	if (P == 1)
		if (W == 0) /* offset */
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, [r%i, %s]",
					 address, opcode, operation, COND(opcode), suffix,
					 Rd, Rn, offset);

			instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 0;
		else /* pre-indexed */
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, [r%i, %s]!",
					 address, opcode, operation, COND(opcode), suffix,
					 Rd, Rn, offset);

			instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 1;
	else /* post-indexed */
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, [r%i], %s",
				 address, opcode, operation, COND(opcode), suffix,
				 Rd, Rn, offset);

		instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 2;

	return ERROR_OK;

/* Load/store multiples instructions */
static int evaluate_ldm_stm(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t P, U, S, W, L, Rn;
	uint32_t register_list;
	char *addressing_mode;
	char *mnemonic;
	char reg_list[69];
	char *reg_list_p;
	int i;
	int first_reg = 1;

	P = (opcode & 0x01000000) >> 24;
	U = (opcode & 0x00800000) >> 23;
	S = (opcode & 0x00400000) >> 22;
	W = (opcode & 0x00200000) >> 21;
	L = (opcode & 0x00100000) >> 20;
	register_list = (opcode & 0xffff);
	Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;

	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.register_list = register_list;
	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.S = S;
	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.W = W;

	if (L)
		instruction->type = ARM_LDM;
		mnemonic = "LDM";
		instruction->type = ARM_STM;
		mnemonic = "STM";

	if (P)
		if (U)
			instruction->info.load_store_multiple.addressing_mode = 1;
			addressing_mode = "IB";
			instruction->info.load_store_multiple.addressing_mode = 3;
			addressing_mode = "DB";
		if (U)
			instruction->info.load_store_multiple.addressing_mode = 0;
			/* "IA" is the default in UAL syntax */
			addressing_mode = "";
			instruction->info.load_store_multiple.addressing_mode = 2;
			addressing_mode = "DA";

	reg_list_p = reg_list;
	for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
		if ((register_list >> i) & 1)
			if (first_reg)
				first_reg = 0;
				reg_list_p += snprintf(reg_list_p, (reg_list + 69 - reg_list_p), "r%i", i);
				reg_list_p += snprintf(reg_list_p, (reg_list + 69 - reg_list_p), ", r%i", i);

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32
			"\t%s%s%s r%i%s, {%s}%s",
			 address, opcode,
			 mnemonic, addressing_mode, COND(opcode),
			 Rn, (W) ? "!" : "", reg_list, (S) ? "^" : "");

	return ERROR_OK;

/* Multiplies, extra load/stores */
static int evaluate_mul_and_extra_ld_st(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* Multiply (accumulate) (long) and Swap/swap byte */
	if ((opcode & 0x000000f0) == 0x00000090)
		/* Multiply (accumulate) */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f800000) == 0x00000000)
			uint8_t Rm, Rs, Rn, Rd, S;
			Rm = opcode & 0xf;
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;
			Rn = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
			Rd = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			S = (opcode & 0x00100000) >> 20;

			/* examine A bit (accumulate) */
			if (opcode & 0x00200000)
				instruction->type = ARM_MLA;
				snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tMLA%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i, r%i",
						address, opcode, COND(opcode), (S) ? "S" : "", Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn);
				instruction->type = ARM_MUL;
				snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tMUL%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i",
						 address, opcode, COND(opcode), (S) ? "S" : "", Rd, Rm, Rs);

			return ERROR_OK;

		/* Multiply (accumulate) long */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f800000) == 0x00800000)
			char* mnemonic = NULL;
			uint8_t Rm, Rs, RdHi, RdLow, S;
			Rm = opcode & 0xf;
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;
			RdHi = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
			RdLow = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			S = (opcode & 0x00100000) >> 20;

			switch ((opcode & 0x00600000) >> 21)
				case 0x0:
					instruction->type = ARM_UMULL;
					mnemonic = "UMULL";
				case 0x1:
					instruction->type = ARM_UMLAL;
					mnemonic = "UMLAL";
				case 0x2:
					instruction->type = ARM_SMULL;
					mnemonic = "SMULL";
				case 0x3:
					instruction->type = ARM_SMLAL;
					mnemonic = "SMLAL";

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i, r%i",
						address, opcode, mnemonic, COND(opcode), (S) ? "S" : "",
						RdLow, RdHi, Rm, Rs);

			return ERROR_OK;

		/* Swap/swap byte */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f800000) == 0x01000000)
			uint8_t Rm, Rd, Rn;
			Rm = opcode & 0xf;
			Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
			Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;

			/* examine B flag */
			instruction->type = (opcode & 0x00400000) ? ARM_SWPB : ARM_SWP;

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s r%i, r%i, [r%i]",
					 address, opcode, (opcode & 0x00400000) ? "SWPB" : "SWP", COND(opcode), Rd, Rm, Rn);
			return ERROR_OK;


	return evaluate_misc_load_store(opcode, address, instruction);

static int evaluate_mrs_msr(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	int R = (opcode & 0x00400000) >> 22;
	char *PSR = (R) ? "SPSR" : "CPSR";

	/* Move register to status register (MSR) */
	if (opcode & 0x00200000)
		instruction->type = ARM_MSR;

		/* immediate variant */
		if (opcode & 0x02000000)
			uint8_t immediate = (opcode & 0xff);
			uint8_t rotate = (opcode & 0xf00);

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tMSR%s %s_%s%s%s%s, 0x%8.8" PRIx32 ,
					 address, opcode, COND(opcode), PSR,
					 (opcode & 0x10000) ? "c" : "",
					 (opcode & 0x20000) ? "x" : "",
					 (opcode & 0x40000) ? "s" : "",
					 (opcode & 0x80000) ? "f" : "",
					 ror(immediate, (rotate * 2))
		else /* register variant */
			uint8_t Rm = opcode & 0xf;
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tMSR%s %s_%s%s%s%s, r%i",
					 address, opcode, COND(opcode), PSR,
					 (opcode & 0x10000) ? "c" : "",
					 (opcode & 0x20000) ? "x" : "",
					 (opcode & 0x40000) ? "s" : "",
					 (opcode & 0x80000) ? "f" : "",

	else /* Move status register to register (MRS) */
		uint8_t Rd;

		instruction->type = ARM_MRS;
		Rd = (opcode & 0x0000f000) >> 12;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tMRS%s r%i, %s",
				 address, opcode, COND(opcode), Rd, PSR);

	return ERROR_OK;

/* Miscellaneous instructions */
static int evaluate_misc_instr(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* MRS/MSR */
	if ((opcode & 0x000000f0) == 0x00000000)
		evaluate_mrs_msr(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* BX */
	if ((opcode & 0x006000f0) == 0x00200010)
		uint8_t Rm;
		instruction->type = ARM_BX;
		Rm = opcode & 0xf;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tBX%s r%i",
				 address, opcode, COND(opcode), Rm);

		instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = Rm;
		instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = -1;

	/* BXJ - "Jazelle" support (ARMv5-J) */
	if ((opcode & 0x006000f0) == 0x00200020)
		uint8_t Rm;
		instruction->type = ARM_BX;
		Rm = opcode & 0xf;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tBXJ%s r%i",
				 address, opcode, COND(opcode), Rm);

		instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = Rm;
		instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = -1;

	/* CLZ */
	if ((opcode & 0x006000f0) == 0x00600010)
		uint8_t Rm, Rd;
		instruction->type = ARM_CLZ;
		Rm = opcode & 0xf;
		Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tCLZ%s r%i, r%i",
				 address, opcode, COND(opcode), Rd, Rm);

	/* BLX(2) */
	if ((opcode & 0x006000f0) == 0x00200030)
		uint8_t Rm;
		instruction->type = ARM_BLX;
		Rm = opcode & 0xf;

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tBLX%s r%i",
				 address, opcode, COND(opcode), Rm);

		instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = Rm;
		instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = -1;

	/* Enhanced DSP add/subtracts */
	if ((opcode & 0x0000000f0) == 0x00000050)
		uint8_t Rm, Rd, Rn;
		char *mnemonic = NULL;
		Rm = opcode & 0xf;
		Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
		Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;

		switch ((opcode & 0x00600000) >> 21)
			case 0x0:
				instruction->type = ARM_QADD;
				mnemonic = "QADD";
			case 0x1:
				instruction->type = ARM_QSUB;
				mnemonic = "QSUB";
			case 0x2:
				instruction->type = ARM_QDADD;
				mnemonic = "QDADD";
			case 0x3:
				instruction->type = ARM_QDSUB;
				mnemonic = "QDSUB";

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, COND(opcode), Rd, Rm, Rn);

	/* Software breakpoints */
	if ((opcode & 0x0000000f0) == 0x00000070)
		uint32_t immediate;
		instruction->type = ARM_BKPT;
		immediate = ((opcode & 0x000fff00) >> 4) | (opcode & 0xf);

		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tBKPT 0x%4.4" PRIx32 "",
				 address, opcode, immediate);

	/* Enhanced DSP multiplies */
	if ((opcode & 0x000000090) == 0x00000080)
		int x = (opcode & 0x20) >> 5;
		int y = (opcode & 0x40) >> 6;

		/* SMLA < x><y> */
		if ((opcode & 0x00600000) == 0x00000000)
			uint8_t Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn;
			instruction->type = ARM_SMLAxy;
			Rd = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			Rm = (opcode & 0xf);
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;
			Rn = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tSMLA%s%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i, r%i",
					 address, opcode, (x) ? "T" : "B", (y) ? "T" : "B", COND(opcode),
					 Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn);

		/* SMLAL < x><y> */
		if ((opcode & 0x00600000) == 0x00400000)
			uint8_t RdLow, RdHi, Rm, Rs;
			instruction->type = ARM_SMLAxy;
			RdHi = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			RdLow = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
			Rm = (opcode & 0xf);
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tSMLA%s%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i, r%i",
					 address, opcode, (x) ? "T" : "B", (y) ? "T" : "B", COND(opcode),
					 RdLow, RdHi, Rm, Rs);

		/* SMLAW < y> */
		if (((opcode & 0x00600000) == 0x00100000) && (x == 0))
			uint8_t Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn;
			instruction->type = ARM_SMLAWy;
			Rd = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			Rm = (opcode & 0xf);
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;
			Rn = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tSMLAW%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i, r%i",
					 address, opcode, (y) ? "T" : "B", COND(opcode),
					 Rd, Rm, Rs, Rn);

		/* SMUL < x><y> */
		if ((opcode & 0x00600000) == 0x00300000)
			uint8_t Rd, Rm, Rs;
			instruction->type = ARM_SMULxy;
			Rd = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			Rm = (opcode & 0xf);
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tSMULW%s%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i",
					 address, opcode, (x) ? "T" : "B", (y) ? "T" : "B", COND(opcode),
					 Rd, Rm, Rs);

		/* SMULW < y> */
		if (((opcode & 0x00600000) == 0x00100000) && (x == 1))
			uint8_t Rd, Rm, Rs;
			instruction->type = ARM_SMULWy;
			Rd = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;
			Rm = (opcode & 0xf);
			Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;

			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tSMULW%s%s r%i, r%i, r%i",
					 address, opcode, (y) ? "T" : "B", COND(opcode),
					 Rd, Rm, Rs);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_data_proc(uint32_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t I, op, S, Rn, Rd;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;
	char shifter_operand[32];

	I = (opcode & 0x02000000) >> 25;
	op = (opcode & 0x01e00000) >> 21;
	S = (opcode & 0x00100000) >> 20;

	Rd = (opcode & 0xf000) >> 12;
	Rn = (opcode & 0xf0000) >> 16;

	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.data_proc.S = S;

	switch (op)
		case 0x0:
			instruction->type = ARM_AND;
			mnemonic = "AND";
		case 0x1:
			instruction->type = ARM_EOR;
			mnemonic = "EOR";
		case 0x2:
			instruction->type = ARM_SUB;
			mnemonic = "SUB";
		case 0x3:
			instruction->type = ARM_RSB;
			mnemonic = "RSB";
		case 0x4:
			instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
			mnemonic = "ADD";
		case 0x5:
			instruction->type = ARM_ADC;
			mnemonic = "ADC";
		case 0x6:
			instruction->type = ARM_SBC;
			mnemonic = "SBC";
		case 0x7:
			instruction->type = ARM_RSC;
			mnemonic = "RSC";
		case 0x8:
			instruction->type = ARM_TST;
			mnemonic = "TST";
		case 0x9:
			instruction->type = ARM_TEQ;
			mnemonic = "TEQ";
		case 0xa:
			instruction->type = ARM_CMP;
			mnemonic = "CMP";
		case 0xb:
			instruction->type = ARM_CMN;
			mnemonic = "CMN";
		case 0xc:
			instruction->type = ARM_ORR;
			mnemonic = "ORR";
		case 0xd:
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			mnemonic = "MOV";
		case 0xe:
			instruction->type = ARM_BIC;
			mnemonic = "BIC";
		case 0xf:
			instruction->type = ARM_MVN;
			mnemonic = "MVN";

	if (I) /* immediate shifter operand (#<immediate>)*/
		uint8_t immed_8 = opcode & 0xff;
		uint8_t rotate_imm = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;
		uint32_t immediate;

		immediate = ror(immed_8, rotate_imm * 2);

		snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "#0x%" PRIx32 "", immediate);

		instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 0;
		instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate.immediate = immediate;
	else /* register-based shifter operand */
		uint8_t shift, Rm;
		shift = (opcode & 0x60) >> 5;
		Rm = (opcode & 0xf);

		if ((opcode & 0x10) != 0x10) /* Immediate shifts ("<Rm>" or "<Rm>, <shift> #<shift_immediate>") */
			uint8_t shift_imm;
			shift_imm = (opcode & 0xf80) >> 7;

			instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 1;
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.Rm = Rm;
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.shift_imm = shift_imm;
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.shift = shift;

			/* LSR encodes a shift by 32 bit as 0x0 */
			if ((shift == 0x1) && (shift_imm == 0x0))
				shift_imm = 0x20;

			/* ASR encodes a shift by 32 bit as 0x0 */
			if ((shift == 0x2) && (shift_imm == 0x0))
				shift_imm = 0x20;

			/* ROR by 32 bit is actually a RRX */
			if ((shift == 0x3) && (shift_imm == 0x0))
				shift = 0x4;

			if ((shift_imm == 0x0) && (shift == 0x0))
				snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i", Rm);
				if (shift == 0x0) /* LSL */
					snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, LSL #0x%x", Rm, shift_imm);
				else if (shift == 0x1) /* LSR */
					snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, LSR #0x%x", Rm, shift_imm);
				else if (shift == 0x2) /* ASR */
					snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, ASR #0x%x", Rm, shift_imm);
				else if (shift == 0x3) /* ROR */
					snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, ROR #0x%x", Rm, shift_imm);
				else if (shift == 0x4) /* RRX */
					snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, RRX", Rm);
		else /* Register shifts ("<Rm>, <shift> <Rs>") */
			uint8_t Rs = (opcode & 0xf00) >> 8;

			instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 2;
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rm = Rm;
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rs = Rs;
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.shift = shift;

			if (shift == 0x0) /* LSL */
				snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, LSL r%i", Rm, Rs);
			else if (shift == 0x1) /* LSR */
				snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, LSR r%i", Rm, Rs);
			else if (shift == 0x2) /* ASR */
				snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, ASR r%i", Rm, Rs);
			else if (shift == 0x3) /* ROR */
				snprintf(shifter_operand, 32, "r%i, ROR r%i", Rm, Rs);

	if ((op < 0x8) || (op == 0xc) || (op == 0xe)) /* <opcode3>{<cond>}{S} <Rd>, <Rn>, <shifter_operand> */
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, r%i, %s",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, COND(opcode),
				 (S) ? "S" : "", Rd, Rn, shifter_operand);
	else if ((op == 0xd) || (op == 0xf)) /* <opcode1>{<cond>}{S} <Rd>, <shifter_operand> */
		if (opcode == 0xe1a00000) /* print MOV r0,r0 as NOP */
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tNOP",address, opcode);
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s%s r%i, %s",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, COND(opcode),
				 (S) ? "S" : "", Rd, shifter_operand);
	else /* <opcode2>{<cond>} <Rn>, <shifter_operand> */
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t%s%s r%i, %s",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, COND(opcode),
				 Rn, shifter_operand);

	return ERROR_OK;

int arm_evaluate_opcode(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* clear fields, to avoid confusion */
	memset(instruction, 0, sizeof(struct arm_instruction));
	instruction->opcode = opcode;
	instruction->instruction_size = 4;

	/* catch opcodes with condition field [31:28] = b1111 */
	if ((opcode & 0xf0000000) == 0xf0000000)
		/* Undefined instruction (or ARMv5E cache preload PLD) */
		if ((opcode & 0x08000000) == 0x00000000)
			return evaluate_pld(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Undefined instruction (or ARMv6+ SRS/RFE) */
		if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x08000000)
			return evaluate_srs(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Branch and branch with link and change to Thumb */
		if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x0a000000)
			return evaluate_blx_imm(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Extended coprocessor opcode space (ARMv5 and higher)*/
		/* Coprocessor load/store and double register transfers */
		if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x0c000000)
			return evaluate_ldc_stc_mcrr_mrrc(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Coprocessor data processing */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f000100) == 0x0c000000)
			return evaluate_cdp_mcr_mrc(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Coprocessor register transfers */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f000010) == 0x0c000010)
			return evaluate_cdp_mcr_mrc(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Undefined instruction */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f000000) == 0x0f000000)
			instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tUNDEFINED INSTRUCTION", address, opcode);
			return ERROR_OK;

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b000 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x00000000)
		/* Multiplies, extra load/stores */
		if ((opcode & 0x00000090) == 0x00000090)
			return evaluate_mul_and_extra_ld_st(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Miscellaneous instructions */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f900000) == 0x01000000)
			return evaluate_misc_instr(opcode, address, instruction);

		return evaluate_data_proc(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b001 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x02000000)
		/* Undefined instruction */
		if ((opcode & 0x0fb00000) == 0x03000000)
			instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128, "0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tUNDEFINED INSTRUCTION", address, opcode);
			return ERROR_OK;

		/* Move immediate to status register */
		if ((opcode & 0x0fb00000) == 0x03200000)
			return evaluate_mrs_msr(opcode, address, instruction);

		return evaluate_data_proc(opcode, address, instruction);


	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b010 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x04000000)
		/* Load/store immediate offset */
		return evaluate_load_store(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b011 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x06000000)
		/* Load/store register offset */
		if ((opcode & 0x00000010) == 0x00000000)
			return evaluate_load_store(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Architecturally Undefined instruction
		 * ... don't expect these to ever be used
		if ((opcode & 0x07f000f0) == 0x07f000f0)
			instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\tUNDEF",
				address, opcode);
			return ERROR_OK;

		/* "media" instructions */
		return evaluate_media(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b100 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x08000000)
		/* Load/store multiple */
		return evaluate_ldm_stm(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b101 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x0a000000)
		/* Branch and branch with link */
		return evaluate_b_bl(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b110 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x0c000000)
		/* Coprocessor load/store and double register transfers */
		return evaluate_ldc_stc_mcrr_mrrc(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* catch opcodes with [27:25] = b111 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0e000000) == 0x0e000000)
		/* Software interrupt */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f000000) == 0x0f000000)
			return evaluate_swi(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Coprocessor data processing */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f000010) == 0x0e000000)
			return evaluate_cdp_mcr_mrc(opcode, address, instruction);

		/* Coprocessor register transfers */
		if ((opcode & 0x0f000010) == 0x0e000010)
			return evaluate_cdp_mcr_mrc(opcode, address, instruction);

	LOG_ERROR("ARM: should never reach this point (opcode=%08x)",
			(unsigned) opcode);
	return -1;

static int evaluate_b_bl_blx_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t offset = opcode & 0x7ff;
	uint32_t opc = (opcode >> 11) & 0x3;
	uint32_t target_address;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;

	/* sign extend 11-bit offset */
	if (((opc == 0) || (opc == 2)) && (offset & 0x00000400))
		offset = 0xfffff800 | offset;

	target_address = address + 4 + (offset << 1);

	switch (opc)
		/* unconditional branch */
		case 0:
			instruction->type = ARM_B;
			mnemonic = "B";
		/* BLX suffix */
		case 1:
			instruction->type = ARM_BLX;
			mnemonic = "BLX";
			target_address &= 0xfffffffc;
		/* BL/BLX prefix */
		case 2:
			instruction->type = ARM_UNKNOWN_INSTUCTION;
			mnemonic = "prefix";
			target_address = offset << 12;
		/* BL suffix */
		case 3:
			instruction->type = ARM_BL;
			mnemonic = "BL";

	/* TODO: deal correctly with dual opcode (prefixed) BL/BLX;
	 * these are effectively 32-bit instructions even in Thumb1.  For
	 * disassembly, it's simplest to always use the Thumb2 decoder.
	 * But some cores will evidently handle them as two instructions,
	 * where exceptions may occur between the two.  The ETMv3.2+ ID
	 * register has a bit which exposes this behavior.

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\t%#8.8" PRIx32,
			address, opcode, mnemonic, target_address);

	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = -1;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = target_address;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_add_sub_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 0) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rn = (opcode >> 3) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rm_imm = (opcode >> 6) & 0x7;
	uint32_t opc = opcode & (1 << 9);
	uint32_t reg_imm  = opcode & (1 << 10);
	char *mnemonic;

	if (opc)
		instruction->type = ARM_SUB;
		mnemonic = "SUBS";
		/* REVISIT:  if reg_imm == 0, display as "MOVS" */
		instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
		mnemonic = "ADDS";

	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.data_proc.S = 1;

	if (reg_imm)
		instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 0; /*immediate*/
		instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate.immediate = Rm_imm;
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, r%i, #%d",
			address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, Rn, Rm_imm);
		instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 1; /*immediate shift*/
		instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.Rm = Rm_imm;
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, r%i, r%i",
			address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, Rn, Rm_imm);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_shift_imm_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 0) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rm = (opcode >> 3) & 0x7;
	uint8_t imm = (opcode >> 6) & 0x1f;
	uint8_t opc = (opcode >> 11) & 0x3;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;

	switch (opc)
		case 0:
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			mnemonic = "LSLS";
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.shift = 0;
		case 1:
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			mnemonic = "LSRS";
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.shift = 1;
		case 2:
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			mnemonic = "ASRS";
			instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.shift = 2;

	if ((imm == 0) && (opc != 0))
		imm = 32;

	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = -1;
	instruction->info.data_proc.S = 1;

	instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 1; /*immediate_shift*/
	instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.Rm = Rm;
	instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.shift_imm = imm;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, r%i, #%#2.2x" ,
			address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, Rm, imm);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_data_proc_imm_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t imm = opcode & 0xff;
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0x7;
	uint32_t opc = (opcode >> 11) & 0x3;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;

	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.S = 1;
	instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 0; /*immediate*/
	instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate.immediate = imm;

	switch (opc)
		case 0:
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			mnemonic = "MOVS";
			instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = -1;
		case 1:
			instruction->type = ARM_CMP;
			mnemonic = "CMP";
			instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = -1;
		case 2:
			instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
			mnemonic = "ADDS";
		case 3:
			instruction->type = ARM_SUB;
			mnemonic = "SUBS";

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, #%#2.2x",
			address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, imm);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_data_proc_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t high_reg, op, Rm, Rd,H1,H2;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;
	bool nop = false;

	high_reg = (opcode & 0x0400) >> 10;
	op = (opcode & 0x03C0) >> 6;

	Rd = (opcode & 0x0007);
	Rm = (opcode & 0x0038) >> 3;
	H1 = (opcode & 0x0080) >> 7;
	H2 = (opcode & 0x0040) >> 6;

	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.S = (!high_reg || (instruction->type == ARM_CMP));
	instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 1 /*immediate shift*/;
	instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate_shift.Rm = Rm;

	if (high_reg)
		Rd |= H1 << 3;
		Rm |= H2 << 3;
		op >>= 2;

		switch (op)
			case 0x0:
				instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
				mnemonic = "ADD";
			case 0x1:
				instruction->type = ARM_CMP;
				mnemonic = "CMP";
			case 0x2:
				instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
				mnemonic = "MOV";
				if (Rd == Rm)
					nop = true;
			case 0x3:
				if ((opcode & 0x7) == 0x0)
					instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = Rm;
					if (H1)
						instruction->type = ARM_BLX;
						snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
							"0x%8.8" PRIx32
							"  0x%4.4x    \tBLX\tr%i",
							address, opcode, Rm);
						instruction->type = ARM_BX;
						snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
							"0x%8.8" PRIx32
							"  0x%4.4x    \tBX\tr%i",
							address, opcode, Rm);
					instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
					snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
						"0x%8.8" PRIx32
						"  0x%4.4x    \t"
						address, opcode);
				return ERROR_OK;
		switch (op)
			case 0x0:
				instruction->type = ARM_AND;
				mnemonic = "ANDS";
			case 0x1:
				instruction->type = ARM_EOR;
				mnemonic = "EORS";
			case 0x2:
				instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
				mnemonic = "LSLS";
				instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 2 /*register shift*/;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.shift = 0;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rm = Rd;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rs = Rm;
			case 0x3:
				instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
				mnemonic = "LSRS";
				instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 2 /*register shift*/;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.shift = 1;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rm = Rd;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rs = Rm;
			case 0x4:
				instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
				mnemonic = "ASRS";
				instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 2 /*register shift*/;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.shift = 2;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rm = Rd;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rs = Rm;
			case 0x5:
				instruction->type = ARM_ADC;
				mnemonic = "ADCS";
			case 0x6:
				instruction->type = ARM_SBC;
				mnemonic = "SBCS";
			case 0x7:
				instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
				mnemonic = "RORS";
				instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 2 /*register shift*/;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.shift = 3;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rm = Rd;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.register_shift.Rs = Rm;
			case 0x8:
				instruction->type = ARM_TST;
				mnemonic = "TST";
			case 0x9:
				instruction->type = ARM_RSB;
				mnemonic = "RSBS";
				instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 0 /*immediate*/;
				instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate.immediate = 0;
				instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = Rm;
			case 0xA:
				instruction->type = ARM_CMP;
				mnemonic = "CMP";
			case 0xB:
				instruction->type = ARM_CMN;
				mnemonic = "CMN";
			case 0xC:
				instruction->type = ARM_ORR;
				mnemonic = "ORRS";
			case 0xD:
				instruction->type = ARM_MUL;
				mnemonic = "MULS";
			case 0xE:
				instruction->type = ARM_BIC;
				mnemonic = "BICS";
			case 0xF:
				instruction->type = ARM_MVN;
				mnemonic = "MVNS";

	if (nop)
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tNOP\t\t\t"
				"; (%s r%i, r%i)",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, Rm);
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, r%i",
				 address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, Rm);

	return ERROR_OK;

/* PC-relative data addressing is word-aligned even with Thumb */
static inline uint32_t thumb_alignpc4(uint32_t addr)
	return (addr + 4) & ~3;

static int evaluate_load_literal_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t immediate;
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0x7;

	instruction->type = ARM_LDR;
	immediate = opcode & 0x000000ff;
	immediate *= 4;

	instruction->info.load_store.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.load_store.Rn = 15 /*PC*/;
	instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 0; /*offset*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 0; /*immediate*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset.offset = immediate;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
		"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t"
		"LDR\tr%i, [pc, #%#" PRIx32 "]\t; %#8.8" PRIx32,
		address, opcode, Rd, immediate,
		thumb_alignpc4(address) + immediate);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_load_store_reg_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 0) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rn = (opcode >> 3) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rm = (opcode >> 6) & 0x7;
	uint8_t opc = (opcode >> 9) & 0x7;
	char *mnemonic = NULL;

	switch (opc)
		case 0:
			instruction->type = ARM_STR;
			mnemonic = "STR";
		case 1:
			instruction->type = ARM_STRH;
			mnemonic = "STRH";
		case 2:
			instruction->type = ARM_STRB;
			mnemonic = "STRB";
		case 3:
			instruction->type = ARM_LDRSB;
			mnemonic = "LDRSB";
		case 4:
			instruction->type = ARM_LDR;
			mnemonic = "LDR";
		case 5:
			instruction->type = ARM_LDRH;
			mnemonic = "LDRH";
		case 6:
			instruction->type = ARM_LDRB;
			mnemonic = "LDRB";
		case 7:
			instruction->type = ARM_LDRSH;
			mnemonic = "LDRSH";

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, [r%i, r%i]",
			address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, Rn, Rm);

	instruction->info.load_store.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.load_store.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 0; /*offset*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 1; /*register*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset.reg.Rm = Rm;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_load_store_imm_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t offset = (opcode >> 6) & 0x1f;
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 0) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rn = (opcode >> 3) & 0x7;
	uint32_t L = opcode & (1 << 11);
	uint32_t B = opcode & (1 << 12);
	char *mnemonic;
	char suffix = ' ';
	uint32_t shift = 2;

	if (L)
		instruction->type = ARM_LDR;
		mnemonic = "LDR";
		instruction->type = ARM_STR;
		mnemonic = "STR";

	if ((opcode&0xF000) == 0x8000)
		suffix = 'H';
		shift = 1;
	else if (B)
		suffix = 'B';
		shift = 0;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
		"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s%c\tr%i, [r%i, #%#" PRIx32 "]",
		address, opcode, mnemonic, suffix, Rd, Rn, offset << shift);

	instruction->info.load_store.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.load_store.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 0; /*offset*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 0; /*immediate*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset.offset = offset << shift;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_load_store_stack_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t offset = opcode  & 0xff;
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0x7;
	uint32_t L = opcode & (1 << 11);
	char *mnemonic;

	if (L)
		instruction->type = ARM_LDR;
		mnemonic = "LDR";
		instruction->type = ARM_STR;
		mnemonic = "STR";

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
		"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tr%i, [SP, #%#" PRIx32 "]",
		address, opcode, mnemonic, Rd, offset*4);

	instruction->info.load_store.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.load_store.Rn = 13 /*SP*/;
	instruction->info.load_store.index_mode = 0; /*offset*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset_mode = 0; /*immediate*/
	instruction->info.load_store.offset.offset = offset*4;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_add_sp_pc_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t imm = opcode  & 0xff;
	uint8_t Rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0x7;
	uint8_t Rn;
	uint32_t SP = opcode & (1 << 11);
	const char *reg_name;

	instruction->type = ARM_ADD;

	if (SP)
		reg_name = "SP";
		Rn = 13;
		reg_name = "PC";
		Rn = 15;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
		"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x  \tADD\tr%i, %s, #%#" PRIx32,
		address, opcode, Rd, reg_name, imm * 4);

	instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 0 /* immediate */;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = Rd;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate.immediate = imm*4;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_adjust_stack_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t imm = opcode  & 0x7f;
	uint8_t opc = opcode & (1 << 7);
	char *mnemonic;

	if (opc)
		instruction->type = ARM_SUB;
		mnemonic = "SUB";
		instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
		mnemonic = "ADD";

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s\tSP, #%#" PRIx32,
			address, opcode, mnemonic, imm*4);

	instruction->info.data_proc.variant = 0 /* immediate */;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rd = 13 /*SP*/;
	instruction->info.data_proc.Rn = 13 /*SP*/;
	instruction->info.data_proc.shifter_operand.immediate.immediate = imm*4;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_breakpoint_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t imm = opcode  & 0xff;

	instruction->type = ARM_BKPT;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x  \tBKPT\t%#2.2" PRIx32 "",
			address, opcode, imm);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_load_store_multiple_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t reg_list = opcode  & 0xff;
	uint32_t L = opcode & (1 << 11);
	uint32_t R = opcode & (1 << 8);
	uint8_t Rn = (opcode >> 8) & 7;
	uint8_t addr_mode = 0 /* IA */;
	char reg_names[40];
	char *reg_names_p;
	char *mnemonic;
	char ptr_name[7] = "";
	int i;

	/* REVISIT:  in ThumbEE mode, there are no LDM or STM instructions.
	 * The STMIA and LDMIA opcodes are used for other instructions.

	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0xc000)
	{ /* generic load/store multiple */
		char *wback = "!";

		if (L)
			instruction->type = ARM_LDM;
			mnemonic = "LDM";
			if (opcode & (1 << Rn))
				wback = "";
			instruction->type = ARM_STM;
			mnemonic = "STM";
		snprintf(ptr_name, sizeof ptr_name, "r%i%s, ", Rn, wback);
	{ /* push/pop */
		Rn = 13; /* SP */
		if (L)
			instruction->type = ARM_LDM;
			mnemonic = "POP";
			if (R)
				reg_list |= (1 << 15) /*PC*/;
			instruction->type = ARM_STM;
			mnemonic = "PUSH";
			addr_mode = 3; /*DB*/
			if (R)
				reg_list |= (1 << 14) /*LR*/;

	reg_names_p = reg_names;
	for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
		if (reg_list & (1 << i))
			reg_names_p += snprintf(reg_names_p, (reg_names + 40 - reg_names_p), "r%i, ", i);
	if (reg_names_p > reg_names)
		reg_names_p[-2] = '\0';
	else /* invalid op : no registers */
		reg_names[0] = '\0';

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x  \t%s\t%s{%s}",
			address, opcode, mnemonic, ptr_name, reg_names);

	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.register_list = reg_list;
	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.Rn = Rn;
	instruction->info.load_store_multiple.addressing_mode = addr_mode;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_cond_branch_thumb(uint16_t opcode,
		uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	uint32_t offset = opcode  & 0xff;
	uint8_t cond = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
	uint32_t target_address;

	if (cond == 0xf)
		instruction->type = ARM_SWI;
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tSVC\t%#2.2" PRIx32,
				address, opcode, offset);
		return ERROR_OK;
	else if (cond == 0xe)
		instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tUNDEFINED INSTRUCTION",
			address, opcode);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* sign extend 8-bit offset */
	if (offset & 0x00000080)
		offset = 0xffffff00 | offset;

	target_address = address + 4 + (offset << 1);

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tB%s\t%#8.8" PRIx32,
			address, opcode,
			arm_condition_strings[cond], target_address);

	instruction->type = ARM_B;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = -1;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = target_address;

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_cb_thumb(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	unsigned offset;

	/* added in Thumb2 */
	offset = (opcode >> 3) & 0x1f;
	offset |= (opcode & 0x0200) >> 4;

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tCB%sZ\tr%d, %#8.8" PRIx32,
			address, opcode,
			(opcode & 0x0800) ? "N" : "",
			opcode & 0x7, address + 4 + (offset << 1));

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_extend_thumb(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* added in ARMv6 */
	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%cXT%c\tr%d, r%d",
			address, opcode,
			(opcode & 0x0080) ? 'U' : 'S',
			(opcode & 0x0040) ? 'B' : 'H',
			opcode & 0x7, (opcode >> 3) & 0x7);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_cps_thumb(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* added in ARMv6 */
	if ((opcode & 0x0ff0) == 0x0650)
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tSETEND %s",
				address, opcode,
				(opcode & 0x80) ? "BE" : "LE");
	else /* ASSUME (opcode & 0x0fe0) == 0x0660 */
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
				"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tCPSI%c\t%s%s%s",
				address, opcode,
				(opcode & 0x0010) ? 'D' : 'E',
				(opcode & 0x0004) ? "A" : "",
				(opcode & 0x0002) ? "I" : "",
				(opcode & 0x0001) ? "F" : "");

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_byterev_thumb(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	char *suffix;

	/* added in ARMv6 */
	switch ((opcode >> 6) & 3) {
	case 0:
		suffix = "";
	case 1:
		suffix = "16";
		suffix = "SH";
	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tREV%s\tr%d, r%d",
			address, opcode, suffix,
			opcode & 0x7, (opcode >> 3) & 0x7);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_hint_thumb(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	char *hint;

	switch ((opcode >> 4) & 0x0f) {
	case 0:
		hint = "NOP";
	case 1:
		hint = "YIELD";
	case 2:
		hint = "WFE";
	case 3:
		hint = "WFI";
	case 4:
		hint = "SEV";

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \t%s",
			address, opcode, hint);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int evaluate_ifthen_thumb(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	unsigned cond = (opcode >> 4) & 0x0f;
	char *x = "", *y = "", *z = "";

	if (opcode & 0x01)
		z = (opcode & 0x02) ? "T" : "E";
	if (opcode & 0x03)
		y = (opcode & 0x04) ? "T" : "E";
	if (opcode & 0x07)
		x = (opcode & 0x08) ? "T" : "E";

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tIT%s%s%s\t%s",
			address, opcode,
			x, y, z, arm_condition_strings[cond]);

	/* NOTE:  strictly speaking, the next 1-4 instructions should
	 * now be displayed with the relevant conditional suffix...

	return ERROR_OK;

int thumb_evaluate_opcode(uint16_t opcode, uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	/* clear fields, to avoid confusion */
	memset(instruction, 0, sizeof(struct arm_instruction));
	instruction->opcode = opcode;
	instruction->instruction_size = 2;

	if ((opcode & 0xe000) == 0x0000)
		/* add/substract register or immediate */
		if ((opcode & 0x1800) == 0x1800)
			return evaluate_add_sub_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		/* shift by immediate */
			return evaluate_shift_imm_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Add/substract/compare/move immediate */
	if ((opcode & 0xe000) == 0x2000)
		return evaluate_data_proc_imm_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Data processing instructions */
	if ((opcode & 0xf800) == 0x4000)
		return evaluate_data_proc_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Load from literal pool */
	if ((opcode & 0xf800) == 0x4800)
		return evaluate_load_literal_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Load/Store register offset */
	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0x5000)
		return evaluate_load_store_reg_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Load/Store immediate offset */
	if (((opcode & 0xe000) == 0x6000)
		||((opcode & 0xf000) == 0x8000))
		return evaluate_load_store_imm_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Load/Store from/to stack */
	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0x9000)
		return evaluate_load_store_stack_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Add to SP/PC */
	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0xa000)
		return evaluate_add_sp_pc_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Misc */
	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0xb000)
		switch ((opcode >> 8) & 0x0f) {
		case 0x0:
			return evaluate_adjust_stack_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		case 0x1:
		case 0x3:
		case 0x9:
		case 0xb:
			return evaluate_cb_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		case 0x2:
			return evaluate_extend_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		case 0x4:
		case 0x5:
		case 0xc:
		case 0xd:
			return evaluate_load_store_multiple_thumb(opcode, address,
		case 0x6:
			return evaluate_cps_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		case 0xa:
			if ((opcode & 0x00c0) == 0x0080)
			return evaluate_byterev_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		case 0xe:
			return evaluate_breakpoint_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);
		case 0xf:
			if (opcode & 0x000f)
				return evaluate_ifthen_thumb(opcode, address,
				return evaluate_hint_thumb(opcode, address,

		instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
		snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%4.4x    \tUNDEFINED INSTRUCTION",
			address, opcode);
		return ERROR_OK;

	/* Load/Store multiple */
	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0xc000)
		return evaluate_load_store_multiple_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	/* Conditional branch + SWI */
	if ((opcode & 0xf000) == 0xd000)
		return evaluate_cond_branch_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	if ((opcode & 0xe000) == 0xe000)
		/* Undefined instructions */
		if ((opcode & 0xf801) == 0xe801)
			instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
			snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
					"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%8.8x\t"
					address, opcode);
			return ERROR_OK;
		{ /* Branch to offset */
			return evaluate_b_bl_blx_thumb(opcode, address, instruction);

	LOG_ERROR("Thumb: should never reach this point (opcode=%04x)", opcode);
	return -1;

static int t2ev_b_bl(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	unsigned offset;
	unsigned b21 = 1 << 21;
	unsigned b22 = 1 << 22;

	/* instead of combining two smaller 16-bit branch instructions,
	 * Thumb2 uses only one larger 32-bit instruction.
	offset = opcode & 0x7ff;
	offset |= (opcode & 0x03ff0000) >> 5;
	if (opcode & (1 << 26)) {
		offset |= 0xff << 23;
		if ((opcode & (1 << 11)) == 0)
			b21 = 0;
		if ((opcode & (1 << 13)) == 0)
			b22 = 0;
	} else {
		if (opcode & (1 << 11))
			b21 = 0;
		if (opcode & (1 << 13))
			b22 = 0;
	offset |= b21;
	offset |= b22;

	address += 4;
	address += offset << 1;

	instruction->type = (opcode & (1 << 14)) ? ARM_BL : ARM_B;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = -1;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = address;
	sprintf(cp, "%s\t%#8.8" PRIx32,
			(opcode & (1 << 14)) ? "BL" : "B.W",

	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_cond_b(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	unsigned offset;
	unsigned b17 = 1 << 17;
	unsigned b18 = 1 << 18;
	unsigned cond = (opcode >> 22) & 0x0f;

	offset = opcode & 0x7ff;
	offset |= (opcode & 0x003f0000) >> 5;
	if (opcode & (1 << 26)) {
		offset |= 0xffff << 19;
		if ((opcode & (1 << 11)) == 0)
			b17 = 0;
		if ((opcode & (1 << 13)) == 0)
			b18 = 0;
	} else {
		if (opcode & (1 << 11))
			b17 = 0;
		if (opcode & (1 << 13))
			b18 = 0;
	offset |= b17;
	offset |= b18;

	address += 4;
	address += offset << 1;

	instruction->type = ARM_B;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.reg_operand = -1;
	instruction->info.b_bl_bx_blx.target_address = address;
	sprintf(cp, "B%s.W\t%#8.8" PRIx32,

	return ERROR_OK;

static const char *special_name(int number)
	char *special = "(RESERVED)";

	switch (number) {
	case 0:
		special = "apsr";
	case 1:
		special = "iapsr";
	case 2:
		special = "eapsr";
	case 3:
		special = "xpsr";
	case 5:
		special = "ipsr";
	case 6:
		special = "epsr";
	case 7:
		special = "iepsr";
	case 8:
		special = "msp";
	case 9:
		special = "psp";
	case 16:
		special = "primask";
	case 17:
		special = "basepri";
	case 18:
		special = "basepri_max";
	case 19:
		special = "faultmask";
	case 20:
		special = "control";
	return special;

static int t2ev_hint(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	const char *mnemonic;

	if (opcode & 0x0700) {
		instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
		strcpy(cp, "UNDEFINED");
		return ERROR_OK;

	if (opcode & 0x00f0) {
		sprintf(cp, "DBG\t#%d", (int) opcode & 0xf);
		return ERROR_OK;

	switch (opcode & 0x0f) {
	case 0:
		mnemonic = "NOP.W";
	case 1:
		mnemonic = "YIELD.W";
	case 2:
		mnemonic = "WFE.W";
	case 3:
		mnemonic = "WFI.W";
	case 4:
		mnemonic = "SEV.W";
		mnemonic = "HINT.W (UNRECOGNIZED)";
	strcpy(cp, mnemonic);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_misc(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	const char *mnemonic;

	switch ((opcode >> 4) & 0x0f) {
	case 0:
		mnemonic = "LEAVEX";
	case 1:
		mnemonic = "ENTERX";
	case 2:
		mnemonic = "CLREX";
	case 4:
		mnemonic = "DSB";
	case 5:
		mnemonic = "DMB";
	case 6:
		mnemonic = "ISB";
	strcpy(cp, mnemonic);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_b_misc(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	/* permanently undefined */
	if ((opcode & 0x07f07000) == 0x07f02000) {
		instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
		strcpy(cp, "UNDEFINED");
		return ERROR_OK;

	switch ((opcode >> 12) & 0x5) {
	case 0x1:
	case 0x5:
		return t2ev_b_bl(opcode, address, instruction, cp);
	case 0x4:
		goto undef;
	case 0:
		if (((opcode >> 23) & 0x07) != 0x07)
			return t2ev_cond_b(opcode, address, instruction, cp);
		if (opcode & (1 << 26))
			goto undef;

	switch ((opcode >> 20) & 0x7f) {
	case 0x38:
	case 0x39:
		sprintf(cp, "MSR\t%s, r%d", special_name(opcode & 0xff),
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0x0f);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x3a:
		return t2ev_hint(opcode, address, instruction, cp);
	case 0x3b:
		return t2ev_misc(opcode, address, instruction, cp);
	case 0x3c:
		sprintf(cp, "BXJ\tr%d", (int) (opcode >> 16) & 0x0f);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x3e:
	case 0x3f:
		sprintf(cp, "MRS\tr%d, %s", (int) (opcode >> 8) & 0x0f,
				special_name(opcode & 0xff));
		return ERROR_OK;


static int t2ev_data_mod_immed(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	char *mnemonic = NULL;
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
	unsigned immed = opcode & 0xff;
	unsigned func;
	bool one = false;
	char *suffix = "";
	char *suffix2 = "";

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.2 Modified immediate constants */
	func = (opcode >> 11) & 0x0e;
	if (immed & 0x80)
		func |= 1;
	if (opcode & (1 << 26))
		func |= 0x10;

	/* "Modified" immediates */
	switch (func >> 1) {
	case 0:
	case 2:
		immed <<= 8;
	case 1:
		immed += immed << 16;
	case 3:
		immed += immed << 8;
		immed += immed << 16;
		immed |= 0x80;
		immed = ror(immed, func);

	if (opcode & (1 << 20))
		suffix = "S";

	switch ((opcode >> 21) & 0xf) {
	case 0:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_TST;
			mnemonic = "TST";
			one = true;
			suffix = "";
			rd = rn;
		} else {
			instruction->type = ARM_AND;
			mnemonic = "AND";
	case 1:
		instruction->type = ARM_BIC;
		mnemonic = "BIC";
	case 2:
		if (rn == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			mnemonic = "MOV";
			one = true;
			suffix2 = ".W";
		} else {
			instruction->type = ARM_ORR;
			mnemonic = "ORR";
	case 3:
		if (rn == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_MVN;
			mnemonic = "MVN";
			one = true;
		} else {
			// instruction->type = ARM_ORN;
			mnemonic = "ORN";
	case 4:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_TEQ;
			mnemonic = "TEQ";
			one = true;
			suffix = "";
			rd = rn;
		} else {
			instruction->type = ARM_EOR;
			mnemonic = "EOR";
	case 8:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_CMN;
			mnemonic = "CMN";
			one = true;
			suffix = "";
			rd = rn;
		} else {
			instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
			mnemonic = "ADD";
			suffix2 = ".W";
	case 10:
		instruction->type = ARM_ADC;
		mnemonic = "ADC";
		suffix2 = ".W";
	case 11:
		instruction->type = ARM_SBC;
		mnemonic = "SBC";
	case 13:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_CMP;
			mnemonic = "CMP";
			one = true;
			suffix = "";
			rd = rn;
		} else {
			instruction->type = ARM_SUB;
			mnemonic = "SUB";
		suffix2 = ".W";
	case 14:
		instruction->type = ARM_RSB;
		mnemonic = "RSB";
		suffix2 = ".W";

	if (one)
		sprintf(cp, "%s%s\tr%d, #%d\t; %#8.8x",
				mnemonic, suffix2 ,rd, immed, immed);
		sprintf(cp, "%s%s%s\tr%d, r%d, #%d\t; %#8.8x",
				mnemonic, suffix, suffix2,
				rd, rn, immed, immed);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_data_immed(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	char *mnemonic = NULL;
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
	unsigned immed;
	bool add = false;
	bool is_signed = false;

	immed = (opcode & 0x0ff) | ((opcode & 0x7000) >> 4);
	if (opcode & (1 << 26))
		immed |= (1 << 11);

	switch ((opcode >> 20) & 0x1f) {
	case 0:
		if (rn == 0xf) {
			add = true;
			goto do_adr;
		mnemonic = "ADDW";
	case 4:
		immed |= (opcode >> 4) & 0xf000;
		sprintf(cp, "MOVW\tr%d, #%d\t; %#3.3x", rd, immed, immed);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x0a:
		if (rn == 0xf)
			goto do_adr;
		mnemonic = "SUBW";
	case 0x0c:
		/* move constant to top 16 bits of register */
		immed |= (opcode >> 4) & 0xf000;
		sprintf(cp, "MOVT\tr%d, #%d\t; %#4.4x", rd, immed, immed);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x10:
	case 0x12:
		is_signed = true;
	case 0x18:
	case 0x1a:
		/* signed/unsigned saturated add */
		immed = (opcode >> 6) & 0x03;
		immed |= (opcode >> 10) & 0x1c;
		sprintf(cp, "%sSAT\tr%d, #%d, r%d, %s #%d\t",
				is_signed ? "S" : "U",
				rd, (int) (opcode & 0x1f) + is_signed, rn,
				(opcode & (1 << 21)) ? "ASR" : "LSL",
				immed ? immed : 32);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x14:
		is_signed = true;
	case 0x1c:
		/* signed/unsigned bitfield extract */
		immed = (opcode >> 6) & 0x03;
		immed |= (opcode >> 10) & 0x1c;
		sprintf(cp, "%sBFX\tr%d, r%d, #%d, #%d\t",
				is_signed ? "S" : "U",
				rd, rn, immed,
				(int) (opcode & 0x1f) + 1);
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 0x16:
		immed = (opcode >> 6) & 0x03;
		immed |= (opcode >> 10) & 0x1c;
		if (rn == 0xf)		/* bitfield clear */
			sprintf(cp, "BFC\tr%d, #%d, #%d\t",
					rd, immed,
					(int) (opcode & 0x1f) + 1 - immed);
		else			/* bitfield insert */
			sprintf(cp, "BFI\tr%d, r%d, #%d, #%d\t",
					rd, rn, immed,
					(int) (opcode & 0x1f) + 1 - immed);
		return ERROR_OK;

	sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%d, r%d, #%d\t; %#3.3x", mnemonic,
			rd, rn, immed, immed);
	return ERROR_OK;

	address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
	if (add)
		address += immed;
		address -= immed;
	/* REVISIT "ADD/SUB Rd, PC, #const ; 0x..." might be better;
	 * not hiding the pc-relative stuff will sometimes be useful.
	sprintf(cp, "ADR.W\tr%d, %#8.8" PRIx32, rd, address);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_store_single(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	unsigned op = (opcode >> 20) & 0xf;
	char *size = "";
	char *suffix = "";
	char *p1 = "";
	char *p2 = "]";
	unsigned immed;
	unsigned rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0x0f;
	unsigned rt = (opcode >> 12) & 0x0f;

	if (rn == 0xf)

	if (opcode & 0x0800)
		op |= 1;
	switch (op) {
	/* byte */
	case 0x8:
	case 0x9:
		size = "B";
		goto imm12;
	case 0x1:
		size = "B";
		goto imm8;
	case 0x0:
		size = "B";
	/* halfword */
	case 0xa:
	case 0xb:
		size = "H";
		goto imm12;
	case 0x3:
		size = "H";
		goto imm8;
	case 0x2:
		size = "H";
	/* word */
	case 0xc:
	case 0xd:
		goto imm12;
	case 0x5:
		goto imm8;
	case 0x4:
	/* error */

	sprintf(cp, "STR%s.W\tr%d, [r%d, r%d, LSL #%d]",
			size, rt, rn, (int) opcode & 0x0f,
			(int) (opcode >> 4) & 0x03);
	return ERROR_OK;

	immed = opcode & 0x0fff;
	sprintf(cp, "STR%s.W\tr%d, [r%d, #%u]\t; %#3.3x",
			size, rt, rn, immed, immed);
	return ERROR_OK;

	immed = opcode & 0x00ff;

	switch (opcode & 0x700) {
	case 0x600:
		suffix = "T";
	case 0x000:
	case 0x200:

	/* two indexed modes will write back rn */
	if (opcode & 0x100) {
		if (opcode & 0x400)	/* pre-indexed */
			p2 = "]!";
		else {			/* post-indexed */
			p1 = "]";
			p2 = "";

	sprintf(cp, "STR%s%s\tr%d, [r%d%s, #%s%u%s\t; %#2.2x",
			size, suffix, rt, rn, p1,
			(opcode & 0x200) ? "" : "-",
			immed, p2, immed);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_mul32(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int ra = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;

	switch (opcode & 0x007000f0) {
	case 0:
		if (ra == 0xf)
			sprintf(cp, "MUL\tr%d, r%d, r%d",
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);
			sprintf(cp, "MLA\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d",
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf, ra);
	case 0x10:
		sprintf(cp, "MLS\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d",
			(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
			(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf, ra);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_mul64_div(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int op = (opcode >> 4) & 0xf;
	char *infix = "MUL";

	op += (opcode >> 16) & 0x70;
	switch (op) {
	case 0x40:
	case 0x60:
		infix = "MLA";
	case 0:
	case 0x20:
		sprintf(cp, "%c%sL\tr%d, r%d, r%d, r%d",
				(op & 0x20) ? 'U' : 'S',
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);
	case 0x1f:
	case 0x3f:
		sprintf(cp, "%cDIV\tr%d, r%d, r%d",
				(op & 0x20) ? 'U' : 'S',
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_ldm_stm(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int op = (opcode >> 22) & 0x6;
	int t = (opcode >> 21) & 1;
	unsigned registers = opcode & 0xffff;
	char *mode = "";

	if (opcode & (1 << 20))
		op |= 1;

	switch (op) {
	case 0:
		mode = "DB";
	case 6:
		sprintf(cp, "SRS%s\tsp%s, #%d", mode,
				t ? "!" : "",
				(unsigned) (opcode & 0x1f));
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 1:
		mode = "DB";
	case 7:
		sprintf(cp, "RFE%s\tr%d%s", mode,
				(unsigned) ((opcode >> 16) & 0xf),
				t ? "!" : "");
		return ERROR_OK;
	case 2:
		sprintf(cp, "STM.W\tr%d%s, ", rn, t ? "!" : "");
	case 3:
		if (rn == 13 && t)
			sprintf(cp, "POP.W\t");
			sprintf(cp, "LDM.W\tr%d%s, ", rn, t ? "!" : "");
	case 4:
		if (rn == 13 && t)
			sprintf(cp, "PUSH.W\t");
			sprintf(cp, "STMDB\tr%d%s, ", rn, t ? "!" : "");
	case 5:
		sprintf(cp, "LDMDB.W\tr%d%s, ", rn, t ? "!" : "");

	cp = strchr(cp, 0);
	*cp++ = '{';
	for (t = 0; registers; t++, registers >>= 1) {
		if ((registers & 1) == 0)
		registers &= ~1;
		sprintf(cp, "r%d%s", t, registers ? ", " : "");
		cp = strchr(cp, 0);
	*cp++ = '}';
	*cp++ = 0;

	return ERROR_OK;

/* load/store dual or exclusive, table branch */
static int t2ev_ldrex_strex(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	unsigned op1op2 = (opcode >> 20) & 0x3;
	unsigned op3 = (opcode >> 4) & 0xf;
	char *mnemonic;
	unsigned rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	unsigned rt = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
	unsigned rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
	unsigned imm = opcode & 0xff;
	char *p1 = "";
	char *p2 = "]";

	op1op2 |= (opcode >> 21) & 0xc;
	switch (op1op2) {
	case 0:
		mnemonic = "STREX";
		goto strex;
	case 1:
		mnemonic = "LDREX";
		goto ldrex;
	case 2:
	case 6:
	case 8:
	case 10:
	case 12:
	case 14:
		mnemonic = "STRD";
		goto immediate;
	case 3:
	case 7:
	case 9:
	case 11:
	case 13:
	case 15:
		mnemonic = "LDRD";
		if (rn == 15)
			goto literal;
			goto immediate;
	case 4:
		switch (op3) {
		case 4:
			mnemonic = "STREXB";
		case 5:
			mnemonic = "STREXH";
		rd = opcode & 0xf;
		imm = 0;
		goto strex;
	case 5:
		switch (op3) {
		case 0:
			sprintf(cp, "TBB\t[r%u, r%u]", rn, imm & 0xf);
			return ERROR_OK;
		case 1:
			sprintf(cp, "TBH\t[r%u, r%u, LSL #1]", rn, imm & 0xf);
			return ERROR_OK;
		case 4:
			mnemonic = "LDREXB";
		case 5:
			mnemonic = "LDREXH";
		imm = 0;
		goto ldrex;

	imm <<= 2;
	if (imm)
		sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%u, r%u, [r%u, #%u]\t; %#2.2x",
				mnemonic, rd, rt, rn, imm, imm);
		sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%u, r%u, [r%u]",
				mnemonic, rd, rt, rn);
	return ERROR_OK;

	imm <<= 2;
	if (imm)
		sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%u, [r%u, #%u]\t; %#2.2x",
				mnemonic, rt, rn, imm, imm);
		sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%u, [r%u]",
				mnemonic, rt, rn);
	return ERROR_OK;

	/* two indexed modes will write back rn */
	if (opcode & (1 << 21)) {
		if (opcode & (1 << 24))	/* pre-indexed */
			p2 = "]!";
		else {			/* post-indexed */
			p1 = "]";
			p2 = "";

	imm <<= 2;
	sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%u, r%u, [r%u%s, #%s%u%s\t; %#2.2x",
			mnemonic, rt, rd, rn, p1,
			(opcode & (1 << 23)) ? "" : "-",
			imm, p2, imm);
	return ERROR_OK;

	address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
	imm <<= 2;
	if (opcode & (1 << 23))
		address += imm;
		address -= imm;
	sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%u, r%u, %#8.8" PRIx32,
			mnemonic, rt, rd, address);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_data_shift(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int op = (opcode >> 21) & 0xf;
	int rd = (opcode >> 8) & 0xf;
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int type = (opcode >> 4) & 0x3;
	int immed = (opcode >> 6) & 0x3;
	char *mnemonic;
	char *suffix = "";

	immed |= (opcode >> 10) & 0x1c;
	if (opcode & (1 << 20))
		suffix = "S";

	switch (op) {
	case 0:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			if (!(opcode & (1 << 20)))
			instruction->type = ARM_TST;
			mnemonic = "TST";
			suffix = "";
			goto two;
		instruction->type = ARM_AND;
		mnemonic = "AND";
	case 1:
		instruction->type = ARM_BIC;
		mnemonic = "BIC";
	case 2:
		if (rn == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
			switch (type) {
			case 0:
				if (immed == 0) {
					sprintf(cp, "MOV%s.W\tr%d, r%d",
						suffix, rd,
						(int) (opcode & 0xf));
					return ERROR_OK;
				mnemonic = "LSL";
			case 1:
				mnemonic = "LSR";
			case 2:
				mnemonic = "ASR";
				if (immed == 0) {
					sprintf(cp, "RRX%s\tr%d, r%d",
						suffix, rd,
						(int) (opcode & 0xf));
					return ERROR_OK;
				mnemonic = "ROR";
			goto immediate;
		} else {
			instruction->type = ARM_ORR;
			mnemonic = "ORR";
	case 3:
		if (rn == 0xf) {
			instruction->type = ARM_MVN;
			mnemonic = "MVN";
			rn = rd;
			goto two;
		} else {
			// instruction->type = ARM_ORN;
			mnemonic = "ORN";
	case 4:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			if (!(opcode & (1 << 20)))
			instruction->type = ARM_TEQ;
			mnemonic = "TEQ";
			suffix = "";
			goto two;
		instruction->type = ARM_EOR;
		mnemonic = "EOR";
	case 8:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			if (!(opcode & (1 << 20)))
			instruction->type = ARM_CMN;
			mnemonic = "CMN";
			suffix = "";
			goto two;
		instruction->type = ARM_ADD;
		mnemonic = "ADD";
	case 0xa:
		instruction->type = ARM_ADC;
		mnemonic = "ADC";
	case 0xb:
		instruction->type = ARM_SBC;
		mnemonic = "SBC";
	case 0xd:
		if (rd == 0xf) {
			if (!(opcode & (1 << 21)))
			instruction->type = ARM_CMP;
			mnemonic = "CMP";
			suffix = "";
			goto two;
		instruction->type = ARM_SUB;
		mnemonic = "SUB";
	case 0xe:
		instruction->type = ARM_RSB;
		mnemonic = "RSB";

	sprintf(cp, "%s%s.W\tr%d, r%d, r%d",
		mnemonic, suffix, rd, rn, (int) (opcode & 0xf));

	cp = strchr(cp, 0);

	switch (type) {
	case 0:
		if (immed == 0)
			return ERROR_OK;
		suffix = "LSL";
	case 1:
		suffix = "LSR";
		if (immed == 32)
			immed = 0;
	case 2:
		suffix = "ASR";
		if (immed == 32)
			immed = 0;
	case 3:
		if (immed == 0) {
			strcpy(cp, ", RRX");
			return ERROR_OK;
		suffix = "ROR";
	sprintf(cp, ", %s #%d", suffix, immed ? immed : 32);
	return ERROR_OK;

	sprintf(cp, "%s%s.W\tr%d, r%d",
		mnemonic, suffix, rn, (int) (opcode & 0xf));
	goto shift;

	sprintf(cp, "%s%s.W\tr%d, r%d, #%d",
		mnemonic, suffix, rd,
		(int) (opcode & 0xf), immed ? immed : 32);
	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_data_reg(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	char *mnemonic;
	char * suffix = "";

	if (((opcode >> 4) & 0xf) == 0) {
		switch ((opcode >> 21) & 0x7) {
		case 0:
			mnemonic = "LSL";
		case 1:
			mnemonic = "LSR";
		case 2:
			mnemonic = "ASR";
		case 3:
			mnemonic = "ROR";

		instruction->type = ARM_MOV;
		if (opcode & (1 << 20))
			suffix = "S";
		sprintf(cp, "%s%s.W\tr%d, r%d, r%d",
				mnemonic, suffix,
				(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 16) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);

	} else if (opcode & (1 << 7)) {
		switch ((opcode >> 20) & 0xf) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 4:
		case 5:
			switch ((opcode >> 4) & 0x3) {
			case 1:
				suffix = ", ROR #8";
			case 2:
				suffix = ", ROR #16";
			case 3:
				suffix = ", ROR #24";
			sprintf(cp, "%cXT%c.W\tr%d, r%d%s",
					(opcode & (1 << 24)) ? 'U' : 'S',
					(opcode & (1 << 26)) ? 'B' : 'H',
					(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
					(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
		case 8:
		case 9:
		case 0xa:
		case 0xb:
			if (opcode & (1 << 6))
			if (((opcode >> 12) & 0xf) != 0xf)
			if (!(opcode & (1 << 20)))

			switch (((opcode >> 19) & 0x04)
				| ((opcode >> 4) & 0x3)) {
			case 0:
				mnemonic = "REV.W";
			case 1:
				mnemonic = "REV16.W";
			case 2:
				mnemonic = "RBIT";
			case 3:
				mnemonic = "REVSH.W";
			case 4:
				mnemonic = "CLZ";
			sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%d, r%d",
					(int) (opcode >> 8) & 0xf,
					(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf);

	return ERROR_OK;

static int t2ev_load_word(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int immed;

	instruction->type = ARM_LDR;

	if (rn == 0xf) {
		immed = opcode & 0x0fff;
		if ((opcode & (1 << 23)) == 0)
			immed = -immed;
		sprintf(cp, "LDR\tr%d, %#8.8" PRIx32,
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
				thumb_alignpc4(address) + immed);
		return ERROR_OK;

	if (opcode & (1 << 23)) {
		immed = opcode & 0x0fff;
		sprintf(cp, "LDR.W\tr%d, [r%d, #%d]\t; %#3.3x",
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
				rn, immed, immed);
		return ERROR_OK;

	if (!(opcode & (0x3f << 6))) {
		sprintf(cp, "LDR.W\tr%d, [r%d, r%d, LSL #%d]",
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 0) & 0xf,
				(int) (opcode >> 4) & 0x3);
		return ERROR_OK;

	if (((opcode >> 8) & 0xf) == 0xe) {
		immed = opcode & 0x00ff;

		sprintf(cp, "LDRT\tr%d, [r%d, #%d]\t; %#2.2x",
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
				rn, immed, immed);
		return ERROR_OK;

	if (((opcode >> 8) & 0xf) == 0xc || (opcode & 0x0900) == 0x0900) {
		char *p1 = "]", *p2 = "";

		if (!(opcode & 0x0500))

		immed = opcode & 0x00ff;

		/* two indexed modes will write back rn */
		if (opcode & 0x100) {
			if (opcode & 0x400)	/* pre-indexed */
				p2 = "]!";
			else {			/* post-indexed */
				p1 = "]";
				p2 = "";

		sprintf(cp, "LDR\tr%d, [r%d%s, #%s%u%s\t; %#2.2x",
				(int) (opcode >> 12) & 0xf,
				rn, p1,
				(opcode & 0x200) ? "" : "-",
				immed, p2, immed);
		return ERROR_OK;


static int t2ev_load_byte_hints(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int rt = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
	int op2 = (opcode >> 6) & 0x3f;
	unsigned immed;
	char *p1 = "", *p2 = "]";
	char *mnemonic;

	switch ((opcode >> 23) & 0x3) {
	case 0:
		if ((rn & rt) == 0xf) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
			if (opcode & (1 << 23))
				address += immed;
				address -= immed;
			sprintf(cp, "PLD\tr%d, %#8.8" PRIx32,
					rt, address);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if (rn == 0x0f && rt != 0x0f) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
			if (opcode & (1 << 23))
				address += immed;
				address -= immed;
			sprintf(cp, "LDRB\tr%d, %#8.8" PRIx32,
					rt, address);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if (rn == 0x0f)
		if ((op2 & 0x3c) == 0x38) {
			immed = opcode & 0xff;
			sprintf(cp, "LDRBT\tr%d, [r%d, #%d]\t; %#2.2x",
					rt, rn, immed, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if ((op2 & 0x3c) == 0x30) {
			if (rt == 0x0f) {
				immed = opcode & 0xff;
				immed = -immed;
				p1 = (opcode & (1 << 21)) ? "W" : "";
				sprintf(cp, "PLD%s\t[r%d, #%d]\t; %#6.6x",
						p1, rn, immed, immed);
				return ERROR_OK;
			mnemonic = "LDRB";
			immed = opcode & 0xff;
			if (!(opcode & 0x200))
				immed = -immed;

			/* two indexed modes will write back rn */
			if (opcode & 0x100) {
				if (opcode & 0x400)	/* pre-indexed */
					p2 = "]!";
				else {			/* post-indexed */
					p1 = "]";
					p2 = "";
			sprintf(cp, "%s\tr%d, [r%d%s, #%d%s\t; %#8.8x",
					mnemonic, rt, rn, p1,
					immed, p2, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if ((op2 & 0x24) == 0x24) {
			mnemonic = "LDRB";
			goto ldrxb_immediate_t3;
		if (op2 == 0) {
			int rm = opcode & 0xf;

			if (rt == 0x0f)
				sprintf(cp, "PLD\t");
				sprintf(cp, "LDRB.W\tr%d, ", rt);
			immed = (opcode >> 4) & 0x3;
			cp = strchr(cp, 0);
			sprintf(cp, "[r%d, r%d, LSL #%d]", rn, rm, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
	case 1:
		if ((rn & rt) == 0xf)
			goto pld_literal;
		if (rt == 0xf) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			goto preload_immediate;
		if (rn == 0x0f)
			goto ldrb_literal;
		mnemonic = "LDRB.W";
		immed = opcode & 0xfff;
		goto ldrxb_immediate_t2;
	case 2:
		if ((rn & rt) == 0xf) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
			if (opcode & (1 << 23))
				address += immed;
				address -= immed;
			sprintf(cp, "PLI\t%#8.8" PRIx32, address);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if (rn == 0xf && rt != 0xf) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
			if (opcode & (1 << 23))
				address += immed;
				address -= immed;
			sprintf(cp, "LDRSB\t%#8.8" PRIx32, address);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if (rn == 0xf)
		if ((op2 & 0x3c) == 0x38) {
			immed = opcode & 0xff;
			sprintf(cp, "LDRSBT\tr%d, [r%d, #%d]\t; %#2.2x",
					rt, rn, immed, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if ((op2 & 0x3c) == 0x30) {
			if (rt == 0xf) {
				immed = opcode & 0xff;
				immed = -immed;	// pli
				sprintf(cp, "PLI\t[r%d, #%d]\t; -%#2.2x",
						rn, immed, -immed);
				return ERROR_OK;
			mnemonic = "LDRSB";
			goto ldrxb_immediate_t3;
		if ((op2 & 0x24) == 0x24) {
			mnemonic = "LDRSB";
			goto ldrxb_immediate_t3;
		if (op2 == 0) {
			int rm = opcode & 0xf;

			if (rt == 0x0f)
				sprintf(cp, "PLI\t");
				sprintf(cp, "LDRSB.W\tr%d, ", rt);
			immed = (opcode >> 4) & 0x3;
			cp = strchr(cp, 0);
			sprintf(cp, "[r%d, r%d, LSL #%d]", rn, rm, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
	case 3:
		if (rt == 0xf) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			sprintf(cp, "PLI\t[r%d, #%d]\t; %#3.3x",
					rn, immed, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if (rn == 0xf)
			goto ldrsb_literal;
		immed = opcode & 0xfff;
		mnemonic = "LDRSB";
		goto ldrxb_immediate_t2;


static int t2ev_load_halfword(uint32_t opcode, uint32_t address,
		struct arm_instruction *instruction, char *cp)
	int rn = (opcode >> 16) & 0xf;
	int rt = (opcode >> 12) & 0xf;
	int op2 = (opcode >> 6) & 0x3f;
	char *sign = "";
	unsigned immed;

	if (rt == 0xf) {
		sprintf(cp, "HINT (UNALLOCATED)");
		return ERROR_OK;

	if (opcode & (1 << 24))
		sign = "S";

	if ((opcode & (1 << 23)) == 0) {
		if (rn == 0xf) {
			immed = opcode & 0xfff;
			address = thumb_alignpc4(address);
			if (opcode & (1 << 23))
				address += immed;
				address -= immed;
			sprintf(cp, "LDR%sH\tr%d, %#8.8" PRIx32,
					sign, rt, address);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if (op2 == 0) {
			int rm = opcode & 0xf;

			immed = (opcode >> 4) & 0x3;
			sprintf(cp, "LDR%sH.W\tr%d, [r%d, r%d, LSL #%d]",
					sign, rt, rn, rm, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if ((op2 & 0x3c) == 0x38) {
			immed = opcode & 0xff;
			sprintf(cp, "LDR%sHT\tr%d, [r%d, #%d]\t; %#2.2x",
					sign, rt, rn, immed, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
		if ((op2 & 0x3c) == 0x30 || (op2 & 0x24) == 0x24) {
			char *p1 = "", *p2 = "]";

			immed = opcode & 0xff;
			if (!(opcode & 0x200))
				immed = -immed;

			/* two indexed modes will write back rn */
			if (opcode & 0x100) {
				if (opcode & 0x400)	/* pre-indexed */
					p2 = "]!";
				else {			/* post-indexed */
					p1 = "]";
					p2 = "";
			sprintf(cp, "LDR%sH\tr%d, [r%d%s, #%d%s\t; %#8.8x",
					sign, rt, rn, p1, immed, p2, immed);
			return ERROR_OK;
	} else {
		if (rn == 0xf)
			goto ldrh_literal;

		immed = opcode & 0xfff;
		sprintf(cp, "LDR%sH%s\tr%d, [r%d, #%d]\t; %#6.6x",
				sign, *sign ? "" : ".W",
				rt, rn, immed, immed);
		return ERROR_OK;


 * REVISIT for Thumb2 instructions, instruction->type and friends aren't
 * always set.  That means eventual arm_simulate_step() support for Thumb2
 * will need work in this area.
int thumb2_opcode(struct target *target, uint32_t address, struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	int retval;
	uint16_t op;
	uint32_t opcode;
	char *cp;

	/* clear low bit ... it's set on function pointers */
	address &= ~1;

	/* clear fields, to avoid confusion */
	memset(instruction, 0, sizeof(struct arm_instruction));

	/* read first halfword, see if this is the only one */
	retval = target_read_u16(target, address, &op);
	if (retval != ERROR_OK)
		return retval;

	switch (op & 0xf800) {
	case 0xf800:
	case 0xf000:
	case 0xe800:
		/* 32-bit instructions */
		instruction->instruction_size = 4;
		opcode = op << 16;
		retval = target_read_u16(target, address + 2, &op);
		if (retval != ERROR_OK)
			return retval;
		opcode |= op;
		instruction->opcode = opcode;
		/* 16-bit:  Thumb1 + IT + CBZ/CBNZ + ... */
		return thumb_evaluate_opcode(op, address, instruction);

	snprintf(instruction->text, 128,
			"0x%8.8" PRIx32 "  0x%8.8" PRIx32 "\t",
			address, opcode);
	cp = strchr(instruction->text, 0);
	retval = ERROR_FAIL;

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.1 Data processing (modified immediate) */
	if ((opcode & 0x1a008000) == 0x10000000)
		retval = t2ev_data_mod_immed(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.3 Data processing (plain binary immediate) */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1a008000) == 0x12000000)
		retval = t2ev_data_immed(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.4 Branches and miscellaneous control */
	else if ((opcode & 0x18008000) == 0x10008000)
		retval = t2ev_b_misc(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.5 Load/store multiple */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1e400000) == 0x08000000)
		retval = t2ev_ldm_stm(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.6 Load/store dual or exclusive, table branch */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1e400000) == 0x08400000)
		retval = t2ev_ldrex_strex(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.7 Load word */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1f700000) == 0x18500000)
		retval = t2ev_load_word(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.8 Load halfword, unallocated memory hints */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1e700000) == 0x18300000)
		retval = t2ev_load_halfword(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.9 Load byte, memory hints */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1e700000) == 0x18100000)
		retval = t2ev_load_byte_hints(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.10 Store single data item */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1f100000) == 0x18000000)
		retval = t2ev_store_single(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.11 Data processing (shifted register) */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1e000000) == 0x0a000000)
		retval = t2ev_data_shift(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.12 Data processing (register)
	 * and      A5.3.13 Miscellaneous operations
	else if ((opcode & 0x1f000000) == 0x1a000000)
		retval = t2ev_data_reg(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.14 Multiply, and multiply accumulate */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1f800000) == 0x1b000000)
		retval = t2ev_mul32(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	/* ARMv7-M: A5.3.15 Long multiply, long multiply accumulate, divide */
	else if ((opcode & 0x1f800000) == 0x1b800000)
		retval = t2ev_mul64_div(opcode, address, instruction, cp);

	if (retval == ERROR_OK)
		return retval;

	 * Thumb2 also supports coprocessor, ThumbEE, and DSP/Media (SIMD)
	 * instructions; not yet handled here.

		instruction->type = ARM_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
		strcpy(cp, "UNDEFINED OPCODE");
		return ERROR_OK;

	LOG_DEBUG("Can't decode 32-bit Thumb2 yet (opcode=%08" PRIx32 ")",

	strcpy(cp, "(32-bit Thumb2 ...)");
	return ERROR_OK;

int arm_access_size(struct arm_instruction *instruction)
	if ((instruction->type == ARM_LDRB)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_LDRBT)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_LDRSB)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_STRB)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_STRBT))
		return 1;
	else if ((instruction->type == ARM_LDRH)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_LDRSH)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_STRH))
		return 2;
	else if ((instruction->type == ARM_LDR)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_LDRT)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_STR)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_STRT))
		return 4;
	else if ((instruction->type == ARM_LDRD)
		|| (instruction->type == ARM_STRD))
		return 8;
		LOG_ERROR("BUG: instruction type %i isn't a load/store instruction", instruction->type);
		return 0;