
Hypertext Application Language (HAL)



The hal+json media type is standard JSON with a minimal amount of structure. It expects a Resource Object as root object and defines two reserved properties:

  • _links: It's an object whose properties are link relation types and values are link objects
  • _embedded: It's an object whose properties are link relation types and values are representations

Example Resource

  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/orders" },
    "next": { "href": "/orders?page=2" },
    "find": { "href": "/orders{?id}", "templated": true }
  "_embedded": {
    "orders": [{
        "_links": {
          "self": { "href": "/orders/123" },
          "basket": { "href": "/baskets/98712" },
          "customer": { "href": "/customers/7809" }
        "total": 30.00,
        "currency": "USD",
        "status": "shipped"
        "_links": {
          "self": { "href": "/orders/124" },
          "basket": { "href": "/baskets/97213" },
          "customer": { "href": "/customers/12369" }
        "total": 20.00,
        "currency": "USD",
        "status": "processing"
  "currentlyProcessing": 14,
  "shippedToday": 20