path: root/bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <>2005-08-31 10:47:56 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2005-08-31 10:47:56 +0000
commitf54da734eb7b69e8e34de505bd89a13479e230e0 (patch)
treef796bea6f5683dfe3d591ca5390d12fd78e59c96 /bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/
parent4b46c1f6e891b1ddd5968536440b888661fade3e (diff)
Initial population
git-svn-id: 311d38ba-8fff-0310-9ca6-ca027cbcb966
Diffstat (limited to 'bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/ b/bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fac3e85b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/parse/parse_py/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+"""class for handling .bb files
+ Reads a .bb file and obtains its metadata
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
+ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+ Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA."""
+import re, bb, os, sys
+import bb.fetch,
+from bb import debug, data, fetch, fatal
+from ConfHandler import include, localpath, obtain, init
+from bb.parse import ParseError
+__func_start_regexp__ = re.compile( r"(((?P<py>python)|(?P<fr>fakeroot))\s*)*(?P<func>[\w\.\-\+\{\}\$]+)?\s*\(\s*\)\s*{$" )
+__inherit_regexp__ = re.compile( r"inherit\s+(.+)" )
+__export_func_regexp__ = re.compile( r"EXPORT_FUNCTIONS\s+(.+)" )
+__addtask_regexp__ = re.compile("addtask\s+(?P<func>\w+)\s*((before\s*(?P<before>((.*(?=after))|(.*))))|(after\s*(?P<after>((.*(?=before))|(.*)))))*")
+__addhandler_regexp__ = re.compile( r"addhandler\s+(.+)" )
+__def_regexp__ = re.compile( r"def\s+(\w+).*:" )
+__python_func_regexp__ = re.compile( r"(\s+.*)|(^$)" )
+__word__ = re.compile(r"\S+")
+__infunc__ = ""
+__inpython__ = False
+__body__ = []
+__bbpath_found__ = 0
+__classname__ = ""
+classes = [ None, ]
+def supports(fn, d):
+ localfn = localpath(fn, d)
+ return localfn[-3:] == ".bb" or localfn[-8:] == ".bbclass" or localfn[-4:] == ".inc"
+def inherit(files, d):
+ __inherit_cache = data.getVar('__inherit_cache', d) or ""
+ fn = ""
+ lineno = 0
+ for f in files:
+ file = data.expand(f, d)
+ if file[0] != "/" and file[-8:] != ".bbclass":
+ file = os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % file)
+ if not file in __inherit_cache.split():
+ debug(2, "BB %s:%d: inheriting %s" % (fn, lineno, file))
+ __inherit_cache += " %s" % file
+ include(fn, file, d)
+ data.setVar('__inherit_cache', __inherit_cache, d)
+def handle(fn, d, include = 0):
+ global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __infunc__, __body__, __bbpath_found__, __residue__
+ __body__ = []
+ __bbpath_found__ = 0
+ __infunc__ = ""
+ __classname__ = ""
+ __residue__ = []
+ if include == 0:
+ debug(2, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data)")
+ else:
+ debug(2, "BB " + fn + ": handle(data, include)")
+ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))
+ init(d)
+ if ext == ".bbclass":
+ __classname__ = root
+ classes.append(__classname__)
+ if include != 0:
+ oldfile = data.getVar('FILE', d)
+ else:
+ oldfile = None
+ fn = obtain(fn, d)
+ bbpath = (data.getVar('BBPATH', d, 1) or '').split(':')
+ if not os.path.isabs(fn):
+ f = None
+ for p in bbpath:
+ p = data.expand(p, d)
+ j = os.path.join(p, fn)
+ if os.access(j, os.R_OK):
+ abs_fn = j
+ f = open(j, 'r')
+ break
+ if f is None:
+ raise IOError("file not found")
+ else:
+ f = open(fn,'r')
+ abs_fn = fn
+ if ext != ".bbclass":
+ bbpath.insert(0, os.path.dirname(abs_fn))
+ data.setVar('BBPATH', ":".join(bbpath), d)
+ if include:
+ bb.parse.mark_dependency(d, abs_fn)
+ if ext != ".bbclass":
+ data.setVar('FILE', fn, d)
+ i = (data.getVar("INHERIT", d, 1) or "").split()
+ if not "base" in i and __classname__ != "base":
+ i[0:0] = ["base"]
+ inherit(i, d)
+ lineno = 0
+ while 1:
+ lineno = lineno + 1
+ s = f.readline()
+ if not s: break
+ s = s.rstrip()
+ feeder(lineno, s, fn, d)
+ if __inpython__:
+ # add a blank line to close out any python definition
+ feeder(lineno + 1, "", fn, d)
+ if ext == ".bbclass":
+ classes.remove(__classname__)
+ else:
+ if include == 0:
+ data.expandKeys(d)
+ data.update_data(d)
+ anonqueue = data.getVar("__anonqueue", d, 1) or []
+ for anon in anonqueue:
+ data.setVar("__anonfunc", anon["content"], d)
+ data.setVarFlags("__anonfunc", anon["flags"], d)
+ from bb import build
+ try:
+ t = data.getVar('T', d)
+ data.setVar('T', '${TMPDIR}/', d)
+ build.exec_func("__anonfunc", d)
+ data.delVar('T', d)
+ if t:
+ data.setVar('T', t, d)
+ except Exception, e:
+ bb.debug(1, "executing anonymous function: %s" % e)
+ raise
+ data.delVar("__anonqueue", d)
+ data.delVar("__anonfunc", d)
+ set_additional_vars(fn, d, include)
+ data.update_data(d)
+ for var in data.keys(d):
+ if data.getVarFlag(var, 'handler', d):
+ bb.event.register(data.getVar(var, d))
+ continue
+ if not data.getVarFlag(var, 'task', d):
+ continue
+ deps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'deps', d) or []
+ postdeps = data.getVarFlag(var, 'postdeps', d) or []
+, deps, d)
+ for p in postdeps:
+ pdeps = data.getVarFlag(p, 'deps', d) or []
+ pdeps.append(var)
+ data.setVarFlag(p, 'deps', pdeps, d)
+, pdeps, d)
+ bbpath.pop(0)
+ if oldfile:
+"FILE", oldfile, d)
+ return d
+def feeder(lineno, s, fn, d):
+ global __func_start_regexp__, __inherit_regexp__, __export_func_regexp__, __addtask_regexp__, __addhandler_regexp__, __def_regexp__, __python_func_regexp__, __inpython__,__infunc__, __body__, __bbpath_found__, classes, bb, __residue__
+ if __infunc__:
+ if s == '}':
+ __body__.append('')
+ data.setVar(__infunc__, '\n'.join(__body__), d)
+ data.setVarFlag(__infunc__, "func", 1, d)
+ if __infunc__ == "__anonymous":
+ anonqueue ="__anonqueue", d) or []
+ anonitem = {}
+ anonitem["content"] ="__anonymous", d)
+ anonitem["flags"] ="__anonymous", d)
+ anonqueue.append(anonitem)
+"__anonqueue", anonqueue, d)
+"__anonymous", d)
+"__anonymous", d)
+ __infunc__ = ""
+ __body__ = []
+ else:
+ __body__.append(s)
+ return
+ if __inpython__:
+ m = __python_func_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ __body__.append(s)
+ return
+ else:
+ text = '\n'.join(__body__)
+ comp = compile(text, "<bb>", "exec")
+ exec comp in __builtins__
+ __body__ = []
+ __inpython__ = False
+ funcs = data.getVar('__functions__', d) or ""
+ data.setVar('__functions__', "%s\n%s" % (funcs, text), d)
+# fall through
+ if s == '' or s[0] == '#': return # skip comments and empty lines
+ if s[-1] == '\\':
+ __residue__.append(s[:-1])
+ return
+ s = "".join(__residue__) + s
+ __residue__ = []
+ m = __func_start_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ __infunc__ ="func") or "__anonymous"
+ key = __infunc__
+ if data.getVar(key, d):
+# clean up old version of this piece of metadata, as its
+# flags could cause problems
+ data.setVarFlag(key, 'python', None, d)
+ data.setVarFlag(key, 'fakeroot', None, d)
+ if"py") is not None:
+ data.setVarFlag(key, "python", "1", d)
+ else:
+ data.delVarFlag(key, "python", d)
+ if"fr") is not None:
+ data.setVarFlag(key, "fakeroot", "1", d)
+ else:
+ data.delVarFlag(key, "fakeroot", d)
+ return
+ m = __def_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ __body__.append(s)
+ __inpython__ = True
+ return
+ m = __export_func_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ fns =
+ n = __word__.findall(fns)
+ for f in n:
+ allvars = []
+ allvars.append(f)
+ allvars.append(classes[-1] + "_" + f)
+ vars = [[ allvars[0], allvars[1] ]]
+ if len(classes) > 1 and classes[-2] is not None:
+ allvars.append(classes[-2] + "_" + f)
+ vars = []
+ vars.append([allvars[2], allvars[1]])
+ vars.append([allvars[0], allvars[2]])
+ for (var, calledvar) in vars:
+ if data.getVar(var, d) and not data.getVarFlag(var, 'export_func', d):
+ continue
+ if data.getVar(var, d):
+ data.setVarFlag(var, 'python', None, d)
+ data.setVarFlag(var, 'func', None, d)
+ for flag in [ "func", "python" ]:
+ if data.getVarFlag(calledvar, flag, d):
+ data.setVarFlag(var, flag, data.getVarFlag(calledvar, flag, d), d)
+ for flag in [ "dirs" ]:
+ if data.getVarFlag(var, flag, d):
+ data.setVarFlag(calledvar, flag, data.getVarFlag(var, flag, d), d)
+ if data.getVarFlag(calledvar, "python", d):
+ data.setVar(var, "\'" + calledvar + "', d)\n", d)
+ else:
+ data.setVar(var, "\t" + calledvar + "\n", d)
+ data.setVarFlag(var, 'export_func', '1', d)
+ return
+ m = __addtask_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ func ="func")
+ before ="before")
+ after ="after")
+ if func is None:
+ return
+ var = "do_" + func
+ data.setVarFlag(var, "task", 1, d)
+ if after is not None:
+# set up deps for function
+ data.setVarFlag(var, "deps", after.split(), d)
+ if before is not None:
+# set up things that depend on this func
+ data.setVarFlag(var, "postdeps", before.split(), d)
+ return
+ m = __addhandler_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ fns =
+ hs = __word__.findall(fns)
+ for h in hs:
+ data.setVarFlag(h, "handler", 1, d)
+ return
+ m = __inherit_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ files =
+ n = __word__.findall(files)
+ inherit(n, d)
+ return
+ from bb.parse import ConfHandler
+ return ConfHandler.feeder(lineno, s, fn, d)
+def vars_from_file(mypkg, d):
+ if not mypkg:
+ return (None, None, None)
+ if mypkg in __pkgsplit_cache__:
+ return __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg]
+ myfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(mypkg))
+ parts = myfile[0].split('_')
+ __pkgsplit_cache__[mypkg] = parts
+ exp = 3 - len(parts)
+ tmplist = []
+ while exp != 0:
+ exp -= 1
+ tmplist.append(None)
+ parts.extend(tmplist)
+ return parts
+def set_additional_vars(file, d, include):
+ """Deduce rest of variables, e.g. ${A} out of ${SRC_URI}"""
+ debug(2,"BB %s: set_additional_vars" % file)
+ src_uri = data.getVar('SRC_URI', d)
+ if not src_uri:
+ return
+ src_uri = data.expand(src_uri, d)
+ a = data.getVar('A', d)
+ if a:
+ a = data.expand(a, d).split()
+ else:
+ a = []
+ from bb import fetch
+ try:
+ fetch.init(src_uri.split(), d)
+ except fetch.NoMethodError:
+ pass
+ except bb.MalformedUrl,e:
+ raise ParseError("Unable to generate local paths for SRC_URI due to malformed uri: %s" % e)
+ a += fetch.localpaths(d)
+ del fetch
+ data.setVar('A', " ".join(a), d)
+# Add us to the handlers list
+from bb.parse import handlers
+handlers.append({'supports': supports, 'handle': handle, 'init': init})
+del handlers