path: root/meta/classes
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authorElizabeth Flanagan <>2011-12-03 15:16:15 -0800
committerRichard Purdie <>2011-12-08 15:23:40 +0000
commit558b5043e1d5a36caff137093fd04abcf025af1c (patch)
treebcbe76b99d6860a112885eaa2f7a48c0eeaa333f /meta/classes
parent25dc5af38230fdf5891597c07c4f96c633001006 (diff)
[YOCTO #1776] license: manifest and license path
This is a fairly large commit, so I want to step through some of what this accomplishes: 1. Additional licenses I've added/modified/corrected some of the common licenses within OE-core in prep. for a major license audit. Most of these are in SPDX format. A few, there is no OSI equivalent. 2. Additional SPDX mappings I've added some additional SPDX mappings to account for removing some duplicate licenses. (ie GPL-2 and GPL-2.0 were the same) I've also remapped a few things to more accurately reflect what they should be pointing at. Note: Artistic/LGPL/GPL/MPL. Quite a few LICENSE fields list these licenses. They make no sense and need auditing. In a future commit I have some fixes to particularly egregious LICENSE fields, but a full audit should be done. I've listed to obvious candidates at: 3. License manifest We now have a license manifest generation that occurs in rootfs for everything BUT .deb. This requires the changes Paul Eggleton has done to rootfs_* particularly the list_installed_packages function. The manifest is accurate during a parallel bitbake now (Weee!) and is prime for my planned SPDX format manifest during the next period. 4. License manifest on image. We also want the ability to add licenses to the image. This functionality is also in base-files and will be stripped out in my next commit. The manifest is not added by default and is a two var setting in license.conf: If I want *just* the manifest on the image (small) then I set: COPY_LIC_MANIFEST = "1" This copies the manifest to: /usr/share/common-licenses/license.manifest If I want the actual PKG license text on the image (much larger) I need to set both both COPY_LIC_MANIFEST and COPY_LIC_DIRS in license.conf. This will create: /usr/share/common-licenses/(package name)/(licenses in LIC_SRC_URI) Word of warning. This can be larger than wanted depending on image and is probably ripe for linking licenses, but I ran out of time this week to get that done. 5. Custom License search path. We now have the ability to add licenses to the build without touching common-licenses. This is set via license.conf: LICENSE_PATH += "/path/to/custom/licenses" You want to make sure the license is unique. license.bbclass picks the first license it finds. Signed-off-by: Elizabeth Flanagan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/license.bbclass b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
index 8c6e2d2c9..8c64e4cd8 100644
--- a/meta/classes/license.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
# Populates LICENSE_DIRECTORY as set in distro config with the license files as set by
-# - We should also enable the ability to put the generated license directory onto the
-# rootfs
-# - Gather up more generic licenses
-# - There is a real issue revolving around license naming standards. See license names
-# licenses.conf and compare them to the license names in the recipes. You'll see some
-# differences and that should be corrected.
+# - There is a real issue revolving around license naming standards.
LICSSTATEDIR = "${WORKDIR}/license-destdir/"
-addtask populate_lic after do_patch before do_package
+addtask populate_lic after do_patch before do_compile
do_populate_lic[dirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}/${PN}"
do_populate_lic[cleandirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}"
@@ -22,33 +17,122 @@ do_populate_lic[cleandirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}"
# We should really discuss standardizing this field, but that's a longer term goal.
# For now, we can do this and it should grab the most common LICENSE naming variations.
-#GPL variations
+# Changing GPL mapping to GPL-2 as it's not very likely to be GPL-1
+# We should NEVER have a GPL/LGPL without a version!!!!
+# Any mapping to MPL/LGPL/GPL should be fixed
+# see:
+# GPL variations
#LGPL variations
#MPL variations
#MIT variations
#Openssl variations
+#Python variations
+SPDXLICENSEMAP[PSFv2] = "Python-2.0"
+SPDXLICENSEMAP[Python-2] = "Python-2.0"
+#Apache variations
+SPDXLICENSEMAP[Apachev2] = "Apache-2.0"
+SPDXLICENSEMAP[Apache-2] = "Apache-2.0"
+#Artistic variations
+SPDXLICENSEMAP[Artisticv1] = "Artistic-1.0"
+SPDXLICENSEMAP[Artistic-1] = "Artistic-1.0"
+#Academic variations
#Other variations
+license_create_manifest() {
+ # Get list of installed packages
+ list_installed_packages | grep -v "locale" |sort > ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/package.manifest
+ # list of installed packages is broken for deb
+ if [ ${IMAGE_PKGTYPE} != "deb" ]; then
+ for pkg in ${INSTALLED_PKGS}; do
+ # not the best way to do this but licenses are not arch dependant iirc
+ files=`find ${TMPDIR}/pkgdata/*/runtime -name ${pkg}| head -1`
+ for filename in $files; do
+ pkged_pn="$(sed -n 's/^PN: //p' ${filename})"
+ pkged_lic="$(sed -n '/^LICENSE: /{ s/^LICENSE: //; s/[+|&()*]/ /g; s/ */ /g; p }' ${filename})"
+ # check to see if the package name exists in the manifest. if so, bail.
+ if ! grep -q "PACKAGE NAME: ${pkg}" ${filename}; then
+ # exclude local recipes
+ if [ ! ${pkged_pn} == "*locale*" ]; then
+ echo "PACKAGE NAME:" ${pkg} >> ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest
+ echo "RECIPE NAME:" ${pkged_pn} >> ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest
+ echo "LICENSE: " >> ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest
+ for lic in ${pkged_lic}; do
+ if [ -e "${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}/generic_${lic}" ]; then
+ echo ${lic}|sed s'/generic_//'g >> ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest
+ else
+ echo "WARNING: The license listed, " ${lic} " was not in the licenses collected for " ${pkged_pn}>> ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "" >> ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ # Two options here:
+ # - Just copy the manifest
+ # - Copy the manifest and the license directories
+ # This will make your image a bit larger, however
+ # if you are concerned about license compliance
+ # and delivery this should cover all your bases
+ if [ -n ${COPY_LIC_MANIFEST} ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/
+ cp ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}/license.manifest ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/license.manifest
+ if [ -n ${COPY_LIC_DIRS} ]; then
+ for pkg in ${INSTALLED_PKGS}; do
+ mkdir -p ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/${pkg}
+ for lic in `ls ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}`; do
+ # Really don't need to copy the generics as they're
+ # represented in the manifest and in the actual pkg licenses
+ # Doing so would make your image quite a bit larger
+ if [ ! ${lic} == "generic_*" ]; then
+ cp ${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${pkged_pn}/${lic} ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/usr/share/common-licenses/${pkg}/${lic}
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
python do_populate_lic() {
@@ -59,6 +143,26 @@ python do_populate_lic() {
import shutil
import oe.license
+ # All the license types for the package
+ license_types = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
+ # All the license files for the package
+ lic_files = d.getVar('LIC_FILES_CHKSUM', True)
+ pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ # The base directory we wrangle licenses to
+ destdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICSSTATEDIR', True), pn)
+ # The license files are located in S/LIC_FILE_CHECKSUM.
+ srcdir = d.getVar('S', True)
+ # Directory we store the generic licenses as set in the distro configuration
+ generic_directory = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR', True)
+ license_source_dirs = []
+ license_source_dirs.append(generic_directory)
+ try:
+ additional_lic_dirs = d.getVar('LICENSE_DIR', True).split()
+ for lic_dir in additional_lic_dirs:
+ license_source_dirs.append(lic_dir)
+ except:
+ pass
class FindVisitor(oe.license.LicenseVisitor):
def visit_Str(self, node):
@@ -70,54 +174,38 @@ python do_populate_lic() {
find_license(node.s.replace("+", "").replace("*", ""))
- def copy_license(source, destination, file_name):
- try:
- bb.copyfile(os.path.join(source, file_name), os.path.join(destination, file_name))
- except:
- bb.warn("%s: No generic license file exists for: %s at %s" % (pn, file_name, source))
- pass
- def link_license(source, destination, file_name):
- try:
- os.symlink(os.path.join(source, file_name), os.path.join(destination, "generic_" + file_name))
- except:
- bb.warn("%s: Could not symlink: %s at %s to %s at %s" % (pn, file_name, source, file_name, destination))
- pass
def find_license(license_type):
+ spdx_generic = None
+ license_source = None
# If the generic does not exist we need to check to see if there is an SPDX mapping to it
- if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(generic_directory, license_type)):
- if d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type) != None:
- # Great, there is an SPDXLICENSEMAP. We can copy!
- bb.note("We need to use a SPDXLICENSEMAP for %s" % (license_type))
- spdx_generic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type)
- copy_license(generic_directory, gen_lic_dest, spdx_generic)
- link_license(gen_lic_dest, destdir, spdx_generic)
- else:
- # And here is where we warn people that their licenses are lousy
- bb.warn("%s: No generic license file exists for: %s at %s" % (pn, license_type, generic_directory))
- bb.warn("%s: There is also no SPDXLICENSEMAP for this license type: %s at %s" % (pn, license_type, generic_directory))
- pass
- elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(generic_directory, license_type)):
- copy_license(generic_directory, gen_lic_dest, license_type)
- link_license(gen_lic_dest, destdir, license_type)
- # All the license types for the package
- license_types = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
- # All the license files for the package
- lic_files = d.getVar('LIC_FILES_CHKSUM', True)
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
- # The base directory we wrangle licenses to
- destdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICSSTATEDIR', True), pn)
- # The license files are located in S/LIC_FILE_CHECKSUM.
- srcdir = d.getVar('S', True)
- # Directory we store the generic licenses as set in the distro configuration
- generic_directory = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR', True)
+ for lic_dir in license_source_dirs:
+ if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lic_dir, license_type)):
+ if d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type) != None:
+ # Great, there is an SPDXLICENSEMAP. We can copy!
+ bb.debug(1, "We need to use a SPDXLICENSEMAP for %s" % (license_type))
+ spdx_generic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type)
+ license_source = lic_dir
+ break
+ elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lic_dir, license_type)):
+ spdx_generic = license_type
+ license_source = lic_dir
+ break
+ if spdx_generic and license_source:
+ # we really should copy to generic_ + spdx_generic, however, that ends up messing the manifest
+ # audit up. This should be fixed in emit_pkgdata (or, we actually got and fix all the recipes)
+ ret = bb.copyfile(os.path.join(license_source, spdx_generic), os.path.join(os.path.join(d.getVar('LICSSTATEDIR', True), pn), "generic_" + license_type))
+ # If the copy didn't occur, something horrible went wrong and we fail out
+ if not ret:
+ bb.warn("%s for %s could not be copied for some reason. It may not exist. WARN for now." % (spdx_generic, pn))
+ else:
+ # And here is where we warn people that their licenses are lousy
+ bb.warn("%s: No generic license file exists for: %s in any provider" % (pn, license_type))
+ pass
@@ -139,11 +227,9 @@ python do_populate_lic() {
srclicfile = os.path.join(srcdir, path)
ret = bb.copyfile(srclicfile, os.path.join(destdir, os.path.basename(path)))
# If the copy didn't occur, something horrible went wrong and we fail out
- if ret is False or ret == 0:
+ if not ret:
bb.warn("%s could not be copied for some reason. It may not exist. WARN for now." % srclicfile)
- gen_lic_dest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True), "common-licenses")
v = FindVisitor()
@@ -156,8 +242,9 @@ do_populate_lic[sstate-name] = "populate-lic"
do_populate_lic[sstate-inputdirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}"
do_populate_lic[sstate-outputdirs] = "${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/"
+ROOTFS_POSTINSTALL_COMMAND += "license_create_manifest; "
python do_populate_lic_setscene () {
addtask do_populate_lic_setscene