path: root/meta/packages/db
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <>2006-07-21 10:10:31 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2006-07-21 10:10:31 +0000
commitb2f192faabe412adce79534e22efe9fb69ee40e2 (patch)
tree7076c49d4286f8a1733650bd8fbc7161af200d57 /meta/packages/db
parent2cf0eadf9f730027833af802d7e6c90b44248f80 (diff)
Rename /openembedded/ -> /meta/
git-svn-id: 311d38ba-8fff-0310-9ca6-ca027cbcb966
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/packages/db')
5 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/packages/db/ b/meta/packages/db/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5aaeb4329
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/packages/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This wrapper builds a native version of the SleepyCat
+# Berkeley DB for those packages which need it (e.g.
+# perl).
+SECTION = "libs"
+VIRTUAL_NAME = "virtual/db-native"
+CONFLICTS = "db3-native"
+#PR tracks the non-native package
+inherit native
+include db_${PV}.bb
diff --git a/meta/packages/db/ b/meta/packages/db/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..381c69a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/packages/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Version 4 of the Berkeley DB from Sleepycat
+# At present this package only installs the DB code
+# itself (shared libraries, .a in the dev package),
+# documentation and headers.
+# The headers have the same names as those as v3
+# of the DB, only one version can be used *for dev*
+# at once - DB3 and DB4 can both be installed on the
+# same system at the same time if really necessary.
+SECTION = "libs"
+DESCRIPTION = "Berkeley DB v4."
+LICENSE = "BSD Sleepycat"
+PR = "r2"
+SRC_URI = "${P}.tar.gz"
+inherit autotools
+# At present virtual/db is only in the db4 file, but it
+# should probably be in the other candidates (db3, gdbm)
+# because it doesn't make any sense to have multiple
+# relational databases on an embedded machine...
+PROVIDES += " db4 virtual/db"
+# bitbake isn't quite clever enough to deal with sleepycat,
+# the distribution sits in the expected directory, but all
+# the builds must occur from a sub-directory. The following
+# persuades bitbake to go to the right place
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${P}/build_unix"
+# The executables go in a separate package - typically there
+# is no need to install these unless doing real database
+# management on the system.
+PACKAGES += " ${PN}-bin"
+# Package contents
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/libdb*so*"
+FILES_${PN}-bin = "${bindir}"
+# The dev package has the .so link (as in db3) and the .a's -
+# it is therefore incompatible (cannot be installed at the
+# same time) as the db3 package
+FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}"
+#configuration - set in local.conf to override
+DB4_CONFIG ?= "--enable-o_direct --enable-smallbuild"
+# Override the MUTEX setting here, the POSIX library is
+# the default - "POSIX/pthreads/library".
+# Don't ignore the nice SWP instruction on the ARM:
+# These enable the ARM assembler mutex code, this won't
+# work with thumb compilation...
+ARM_MUTEX = "--with-mutex=ARM/gcc-assembly"
+ARM_MUTEX_thumb = ""
+# NOTE: only tested on nslu2, should probably be _armeb
+# Cancel the site stuff - it's set for db3 and destroys the
+# configure.
+do_configure() {
+ echo '#!/bin/sh' >${S}/configure
+ echo 'rm ${S}/configure' >>${S}/configure
+ echo 'exec ../dist/configure "$@"' >>${S}/configure
+ chmod a+x ${S}/configure
+ oe_runconf
+do_stage() {
+ oe_runmake DESTDIR="${STAGING_DIR}/${BUILD_SYS}" includedir="${STAGING_INCDIR}" install_include
+ oe_libinstall -so -C .libs libdb-4.1 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
+do_install() {
+ oe_runmake includedir="${D}${includedir}" libdir="${D}${libdir}" bindir="${D}${bindir}" docdir="${D}${docdir}" install
+ # The docs end up in /usr/docs - not right.
+ if test -d "${D}/${prefix}/docs"
+ then
+ mkdir -p "${D}/${datadir}"
+ test ! -d "${D}/${docdir}" || rmdir "${D}/${docdir}"
+ mv "${D}/${prefix}/docs" "${D}/${docdir}"
+ fi
diff --git a/meta/packages/db/ b/meta/packages/db/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e5978fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/packages/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Version 4 of the Berkeley DB from Sleepycat
+# At present this package only installs the DB code
+# itself (shared libraries, .a in the dev package),
+# documentation and headers.
+# The headers have the same names as those as v3
+# of the DB, only one version can be used *for dev*
+# at once - DB3 and DB4 can both be installed on the
+# same system at the same time if really necessary.
+SECTION = "libs"
+DESCRIPTION = "Berkeley DB v4."
+LICENSE = "BSD Sleepycat"
+VIRTUAL_NAME ?= "virtual/db"
+CONFLICTS = "db3"
+PR = "r3"
+SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz"
+#SRC_URI_MD5 = "${PV}.tar.gz.md5"
+#TODO SRC_URI += "file://arm-thumb-mutex.patch;patch=1"
+inherit autotools
+# Put virtual/db in any appropriate provider of a
+# relational database, use it as a dependency in
+# place of a specific db and use:
+# to select the correct db in the build (distro) .conf
+# bitbake isn't quite clever enough to deal with sleepycat,
+# the distribution sits in the expected directory, but all
+# the builds must occur from a sub-directory. The following
+# persuades bitbake to go to the right place
+S = "${WORKDIR}/db-${PV}/dist"
+B = "${WORKDIR}/db-${PV}/build_unix"
+# The executables go in a separate package - typically there
+# is no need to install these unless doing real database
+# management on the system.
+PACKAGES += " ${PN}-bin"
+# Package contents
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/libdb-4*so*"
+FILES_${PN}-bin = "${bindir}"
+# The dev package has the .so link (as in db3) and the .a's -
+# it is therefore incompatible (cannot be installed at the
+# same time) as the db3 package
+FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}"
+#configuration - set in local.conf to override
+DB4_CONFIG ?= " --disable-cryptography --disable-queue --disable-replication --disable-verify --enable-hash"
+# Override the MUTEX setting here, the POSIX library is
+# the default - "POSIX/pthreads/library".
+# Don't ignore the nice SWP instruction on the ARM:
+# These enable the ARM assembler mutex code, this won't
+# work with thumb compilation...
+ARM_MUTEX = "--with-mutex=ARM/gcc-assembly"
+MUTEX = ""
+MUTEX_arm = "${ARM_MUTEX}"
+MUTEX_armeb = "${ARM_MUTEX}"
+# Cancel the site stuff - it's set for db3 and destroys the
+# configure.
+do_configure() {
+ oe_runconf
+do_stage() {
+ # The .h files get installed read-only, the autostage
+ # function just uses cp -pPR, so do this by hand
+ rm -rf ${STAGE_TEMP}
+ mkdir -p ${STAGE_TEMP}
+ oe_runmake DESTDIR="${STAGE_TEMP}" install_include
+ cp -pPRf ${STAGE_TEMP}/${includedir}/* ${STAGING_INCDIR}/.
+ rm -rf ${STAGE_TEMP}
+ oe_libinstall -so -C .libs libdb-4.2 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
+ ln -sf ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/
+ ln -sf libdb-4.2.a ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libdb.a
+do_install_append() {
+ # The docs end up in /usr/docs - not right.
+ if test -d "${D}/${prefix}/docs"
+ then
+ mkdir -p "${D}/${datadir}"
+ test ! -d "${D}/${docdir}" || rmdir "${D}/${docdir}"
+ mv "${D}/${prefix}/docs" "${D}/${docdir}"
+ fi
diff --git a/meta/packages/db/ b/meta/packages/db/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4059aac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/packages/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Has issues with eds
+# Version 4 of the Berkeley DB from Sleepycat
+# At present this package only installs the DB code
+# itself (shared libraries, .a in the dev package),
+# documentation and headers.
+# The headers have the same names as those as v3
+# of the DB, only one version can be used *for dev*
+# at once - DB3 and DB4 can both be installed on the
+# same system at the same time if really necessary.
+SECTION = "libs"
+DESCRIPTION = "Berkeley DB v4."
+LICENSE = "BSD Sleepycat"
+VIRTUAL_NAME ?= "virtual/db"
+CONFLICTS = "db3"
+PR = "r3"
+SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz"
+#SRC_URI_MD5 = "${PV}.tar.gz.md5"
+SRC_URI += "file://arm-thumb-mutex.patch;patch=1"
+inherit autotools
+# Put virtual/db in any appropriate provider of a
+# relational database, use it as a dependency in
+# place of a specific db and use:
+# to select the correct db in the build (distro) .conf
+# bitbake isn't quite clever enough to deal with sleepycat,
+# the distribution sits in the expected directory, but all
+# the builds must occur from a sub-directory. The following
+# persuades bitbake to go to the right place
+S = "${WORKDIR}/db-${PV}/dist"
+B = "${WORKDIR}/db-${PV}/build_unix"
+# The executables go in a separate package - typically there
+# is no need to install these unless doing real database
+# management on the system.
+PACKAGES += " ${PN}-bin"
+# Package contents
+FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/libdb-4*so*"
+FILES_${PN}-bin = "${bindir}"
+# The dev package has the .so link (as in db3) and the .a's -
+# it is therefore incompatible (cannot be installed at the
+# same time) as the db3 package
+FILES_${PN}-dev = "${includedir} ${libdir}"
+#configuration - set in local.conf to override
+DB4_CONFIG ?= "--enable-o_direct --enable-smallbuild --enable-compat185"
+# Override the MUTEX setting here, the POSIX library is
+# the default - "POSIX/pthreads/library".
+# Don't ignore the nice SWP instruction on the ARM:
+# These enable the ARM assembler mutex code, this won't
+# work with thumb compilation...
+ARM_MUTEX = "--with-mutex=ARM/gcc-assembly"
+MUTEX = ""
+MUTEX_arm = "${ARM_MUTEX}"
+MUTEX_armeb = "${ARM_MUTEX}"
+# Cancel the site stuff - it's set for db3 and destroys the
+# configure.
+do_configure() {
+ oe_runconf
+do_stage() {
+ # The .h files get installed read-only, the autostage
+ # function just uses cp -pPR, so do this by hand
+ rm -rf ${STAGE_TEMP}
+ mkdir -p ${STAGE_TEMP}
+ oe_runmake DESTDIR="${STAGE_TEMP}" install_include
+ cp -pPRf ${STAGE_TEMP}/${includedir}/* ${STAGING_INCDIR}/.
+ rm -rf ${STAGE_TEMP}
+ oe_libinstall -so -C .libs libdb-4.3 ${STAGING_LIBDIR}
+ ln -sf ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/
+ ln -sf libdb-4.3.a ${STAGING_LIBDIR}/libdb.a
+do_install_append() {
+ # The docs end up in /usr/docs - not right.
+ if test -d "${D}/${prefix}/docs"
+ then
+ mkdir -p "${D}/${datadir}"
+ test ! -d "${D}/${docdir}" || rmdir "${D}/${docdir}"
+ mv "${D}/${prefix}/docs" "${D}/${docdir}"
+ fi
diff --git a/meta/packages/db/files/arm-thumb-mutex.patch b/meta/packages/db/files/arm-thumb-mutex.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acd446fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/packages/db/files/arm-thumb-mutex.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+--- db-4.3.29-dist/../dbinc/mutex.h 2005-11-15 07:33:27.761042518 -0800
++++ db-4.3.29-dist/../dbinc/mutex.h 2005-11-15 07:55:24.823920060 -0800
+@@ -470,6 +470,25 @@
+ #define MUTEX_SET_TEST 1 /* gcc/arm: 0 is clear, 1 is set. */
++#if defined __thumb__
++#define MUTEX_SET(tsl) ({ \
++ int __r, __p; \
++ asm volatile( \
++ ".align 2\n\t" \
++ "bx pc\n\t" \
++ "nop\n\t" \
++ ".arm\n\t" \
++ "swpb %0, %2, [%3]\n\t" \
++ "eor %0, %0, #1\n\t" \
++ "orr %1, pc, #1\n\t" \
++ "bx %1\n\t" \
++ ".force_thumb" \
++ : "=&r" (__r), "=r" (__p) \
++ : "r" (1), "r" (tsl) \
++ ); \
++ __r & 1; \
+ #define MUTEX_SET(tsl) ({ \
+ int __r; \
+ asm volatile( \
+@@ -480,6 +499,7 @@
+ ); \
+ __r & 1; \
+ })
+ #define MUTEX_UNSET(tsl) (*(volatile tsl_t *)(tsl) = 0)
+ #define MUTEX_INIT(tsl) MUTEX_UNSET(tsl)