path: root/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm
diff options
authorMark Hatle <>2011-01-15 21:36:23 -0600
committerRichard Purdie <>2011-01-28 17:52:55 +0000
commitf6ddba2a9dc15560f639faaba8233c29c0c37e9d (patch)
tree568c80749bdfd9c005c769bbb49b18a6b1390cff /meta/recipes-devtools/rpm
parenta606ad5022e7c0ca34a5bc086254ac8ec16bc8c7 (diff)
rpm: Uprev to RPM 5.4.0
Update RPM to the latest release, RPM 5.4.0. Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/recipes-devtools/rpm')
5 files changed, 555 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-autogen.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-autogen.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..323bb7151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-autogen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Remove the sanity checking from the rpm This is required because
+we may have slightly different, but yet compatible versions. If we do end
+up breaking things, we'll deal with it at that time.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <>
+diff -ur rpm-5.4.0.orig/ rpm-5.4.0/
+--- rpm-5.4.0.orig/ 2010-11-02 11:55:53.000000000 -0500
++++ rpm-5.4.0/ 2011-01-06 00:15:05.158946295 -0600
+@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@
+ eval $_libtoolize $_libtoolize_args
+ }
+-# requirements sanity check
+-[ "`automake --version | head -1`" != "$AMV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`autoconf --version | head -1`" != "$ACV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`libtoolize --version | head -1`" != "$LTV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`gettextize --version | head -1 | sed -e 's;^.*/\\(gettextize\\);\\1;'`" != "$GTT" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+ for dir in bash beecrypt file neon pcre popt rc syck xar xz; do
+ if [ -d $dir ]; then
+diff -ur rpm-5.4.0.orig/neon/ rpm-5.4.0/neon/
+--- rpm-5.4.0.orig/neon/ 2010-10-30 19:11:33.000000000 -0500
++++ rpm-5.4.0/neon/ 2011-01-06 00:15:17.863962139 -0600
+@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@
+ eval $_libtoolize $_libtoolize_args
+ }
+-# requirements sanity check
+-[ "`automake --version | head -1`" != "$AMV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`autoconf --version | head -1`" != "$ACV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`libtoolize --version | head -1`" != "$LTV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`gettextize --version | head -1 | sed -e 's;^.*/\\(gettextize\\);\\1;'`" != "$GTT" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+ echo "---> generate files via GNU libtool (libtoolize)"
+ libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
+ echo "---> generate files via GNU autoconf (aclocal, autoheader)"
+diff -ur rpm-5.4.0.orig/syck/ rpm-5.4.0/syck/
+--- rpm-5.4.0.orig/syck/ 2010-11-02 11:55:56.000000000 -0500
++++ rpm-5.4.0/syck/ 2011-01-06 00:15:27.103949601 -0600
+@@ -34,12 +34,6 @@
+ eval $_libtoolize $_libtoolize_args
+ }
+-# requirements sanity check
+-[ "`automake --version | head -1`" != "$AMV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`autoconf --version | head -1`" != "$ACV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`libtoolize --version | head -1`" != "$LTV" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+-[ "`gettextize --version | head -1 | sed -e 's;^.*/\\(gettextize\\);\\1;'`" != "$GTT" ] && echo "$USAGE" # && exit 1
+ echo "---> generate files via GNU libtool (libtoolize)"
+ libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
+ echo "---> generate files via GNU autoconf (aclocal, autoheader)"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-libsql-fix.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-libsql-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..829399c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-libsql-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+During installation, the libtool relink attempts to link to -lrpm...
+The problem is that it hasn't been installed yet! So small change causes
+the libtool to instead use the build version.
+Signed-off-by: Mark Hatle <>
+--- rpm-5.4.0/lib/
++++ rpm-5.4.0/lib/
+@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@
+ libsql_la_SOURCES = libsql.c
++# pkglib libraries needs to have usrlib libraries already installed!
++install-pkglibLTLIBRARIES: install-usrlibLTLIBRARIES
+ install-data-hook:
+ -for l in $(usrlib_LTLIBRARIES); do \
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm2cpio b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm2cpio
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..00c4ec549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm2cpio
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+if [ "$pkg" = "" -o ! -e "$pkg" ]; then
+ echo "no package supplied" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+o=`expr $leadsize + 8`
+set `od -j $o -N 8 -t u1 $pkg`
+il=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $2 + $3 \) + $4 \) + $5`
+dl=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $6 + $7 \) + $8 \) + $9`
+# echo "sig il: $il dl: $dl"
+sigsize=`expr 8 + 16 \* $il + $dl`
+o=`expr $o + $sigsize + \( 8 - \( $sigsize \% 8 \) \) \% 8 + 8`
+set `od -j $o -N 8 -t u1 $pkg`
+il=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $2 + $3 \) + $4 \) + $5`
+dl=`expr 256 \* \( 256 \* \( 256 \* $6 + $7 \) + $8 \) + $9`
+# echo "hdr il: $il dl: $dl"
+hdrsize=`expr 8 + 16 \* $il + $dl`
+o=`expr $o + $hdrsize`
+EXTRACTOR="dd if=$pkg ibs=$o skip=1"
+COMPRESSION=`($EXTRACTOR |file -) 2>/dev/null`
+if echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q gzip; then
+elif echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q bzip2; then
+elif echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q xz; then
+elif echo $COMPRESSION |grep -q cpio; then
+ # Most versions of file don't support LZMA, therefore we assume
+ # anything not detected is LZMA
+ DECOMPRESSOR=`which unlzma 2>/dev/null`
+ case "$DECOMPRESSOR" in
+ /* ) ;;
+ * ) DECOMPRESSOR=`which lzmash 2>/dev/null`
+ case "$DECOMPRESSOR" in
+ /* ) DECOMPRESSOR="lzmash -d -c" ;;
+ * ) DECOMPRESSOR=cat ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9ba8dbb4..000000000
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION = "The RPM Package Manager - relaunched"
-DESCRIPTION_rpm-build = "The RPM Package Manager rpmbuild and related commands."
-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LIB;md5=2d5025d4aa3495befef8f17206a5b0a1"
-DEPENDS = "zlib perl popt beecrypt python libpcre elfutils"
-PR = "r8"
-SRC_URI = "${BPN}-${PV}.tar.gz \
- file://hdraddorappend.patch \
- file://export-rpmbag-h.patch \
- file://rpm-nrescan.patch \
- file://rpm-autoconf.patch \
- file://remove-compiled-tests.patch;apply=no \
- file:// \
- file://rpm-no-loop.patch \
- "
-SRC_URI[md5sum] = "a5deb83b451f11c04461c630937b1189"
-SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "701726a6ae8283fcabc308dae523ad9599388296a562db1b3d7d7c871641af7e"
-inherit autotools gettext
-acpaths = "-I ${S}/db/dist/aclocal -I ${S}/db/dist/aclocal_java"
-# Specify the default rpm macros in terms of adjustable variables
-rpm_macros = "%{_usrlibrpm}/macros:%{_usrlibrpm}/poky/macros:%{_usrlibrpm}/poky/%{_target}/macros:~/.oerpmmacros"
- --with-python-inc-dir=${STAGING_INCDIR}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION} \
- --with-python-lib-dir=${libdir}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION} \
- --with-db=internal \
- --with-db-tools-integrated \
- --with-libelf \
- --with-file=internal \
- --without-apidocs \
- --without-selinux \
- --without-lua \
- --without-dmalloc \
- --without-efence \
- --without-neon \
- --with-pcre=internal \
- --with-path-macros=${rpm_macros} \
- --with-bugreport="
-PACKAGES =+ "rpm-build python-rpm python-rpm-dbg"
-SOLIBS = ""
-FILES_rpm-build = "${bindir}/*-rpmbuild \
- ${bindir}/*-gendiff \
- ${bindir}/*-rpmspecdump \
- ${libdir}/rpm/helpers/* \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*brp* \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*check-files \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*cross-build \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*debugedit \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*dep* \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*prov* \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*req* \
- ${libdir}/rpm/*find* \
- ${libdir}/rpm/qf/* \
- "
-FILES_python-rpm = "${libdir}/python*/rpm/_*"
-FILES_python-rpm-dbg = "${libdir}/python*/rpm/.debug/_*"
-# The mutex needs to be POSIX/pthreads/library or we can't
-# share a database between host and target environments
-# (there is a minor performance penalty, but not one great enough
-# to justify the pain of a more optimized approach!)
-EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-mutex=POSIX/pthreads/library"
-do_configure() {
- # Manually run through the steps of the
- ( cd pcre
- libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
- aclocal
- autoheader
- automake -Wall -Wno-override -a -c
- autoconf
- )
- ( cd xz
- autopoint -f
- rm -f \
- codeset.m4 \
- glibc2.m4 \
- glibc21.m4 \
- intdiv0.m4 \
- intl.m4 \
- intldir.m4 \
- intmax.m4 \
- inttypes-pri.m4 \
- inttypes_h.m4 \
- lcmessage.m4 \
- lock.m4 \
- longdouble.m4 \
- longlong.m4 \
- printf-posix.m4 \
- size_max.m4 \
- stdint_h.m4 \
- uintmax_t.m4 \
- ulonglong.m4 \
- visibility.m4 \
- wchar_t.m4 \
- wint_t.m4 \
- xsize.m4
- libtoolize -c -f || glibtoolize -c -f
- aclocal -I m4
- autoconf
- autoheader
- automake -acf --foreign
- )
- ( cd file
- libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
- aclocal
- autoheader
- automake -Wall -Wno-override -a -c
- autoconf
- )
- (cd syck
- libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
- aclocal
- autoheader
- automake -Wall -Wno-override -a -c
- autoconf
- )
- (cd xar
- libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
- aclocal
- autoheader
- automake -Wall -Wno-override -a -c
- autoconf
- )
- rm -rf autom4te.cache || true
- libtoolize --quiet --copy --force --install
- autopoint --force
- rm -f aclocal.m4
- aclocal -I m4
- autoheader -I m4
- automake -Wall -Wno-override -a -c
- autoconf -I m4
- # end of steps
- export ac_cv_va_copy=C99
- oe_runconf
-do_install_append() {
- sed -i -e 's,%__check_files,#%%__check_files,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
- sed -i -e 's,%__scriptlet_requires,#%%__scriptlet_requires,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
- sed -i -e 's,%__perl_provides,#%%__perl_provides,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
- sed -i -e 's,%__perl_requires,#%%__perl_requires,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
- # Enable Debian style arbitrary tags...
- sed -i -e 's,%_arbitrary_tags[^_].*,%_arbitrary_tags %{_arbitrary_tags_debian},' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
- install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..541fb6078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+SUMMARY = "The RPM package management system"
+DESCRIPTION = "The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven \
+package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, \
+verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software \
+package consists of an archive of files along with information about \
+the package like its version, a description, etc."
+SUMMARY_${PN}-libs = "Libraries for manipulating RPM packages."
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-libs = "This package contains the RPM shared libraries."
+SUMMARY_${PN}-dev = "Development files for manipulating RPM packages."
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-dev = "This package contains the RPM C library and header files. These \
+development files will simplify the process of writing programs that \
+manipulate RPM packages and databases. These files are intended to \
+simplify the process of creating graphical package managers or any \
+other tools that need an intimate knowledge of RPM packages in order \
+to function."
+SUMMARY_${PN}-common = "Common RPM paths, scripts, documentation and configuration."
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-common = "The rpm-common package contains paths, scripts, documentation \
+and configuration common between RPM Package Manager."
+SUMMARY_${PN}-build = "Scripts and executable programs used to build packages."
+DESCRIPTION_${PN}-build = "The rpm-build packagec ontains the scripts and executable programs \
+that are used to build packages using the RPM Package Manager."
+SUMMARY_python-rpm = "Python bindings for apps which will manupulate RPM packages."
+DESCRIPTION_python-rpm = "The rpm-python package contains a module that permits applications \
+written in the Python programming language to use the interface \
+supplied by the RPM Package Manager libraries."
+SUMMARY_perl-module-rpm = "Perl bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages."
+DESCRIPTION_perl-modules-rpm = "The perl-modules-rpm package contains a module that permits applications \
+written in the Perl programming language to use the interface \
+supplied by the RPM Package Manager libraries."
+SUMMARY_perl-module-rpm-dev = "Development components for perl bindings"
+DESCRIPTION_perl-modules-rpm-dev = "Development items such as man pages for use with the Perl \
+language bindings."
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LIB;md5=2d5025d4aa3495befef8f17206a5b0a1"
+DEPENDS = "bzip2 zlib python perl db openssl elfutils expat libpcre attr acl popt"
+PR = "r9"
+# rpm2cpio is a shell script, which is part of the rpm src.rpm. It is needed
+# in order to extract the distribution SRPM into a format we can extract...
+SRC_URI = " \
+ file://rpm2cpio;md5=1850f9872a4803f5165bfd5816274275 \
+ file:// \
+ file://rpm-autogen.patch \
+ file://rpm-libsql-fix.patch \
+ "
+# file://hdraddorappend.patch \
+# file://export-rpmbag-h.patch \
+# file://rpm-nrescan.patch \
+# file://rpm-autoconf.patch \
+# file://remove-compiled-tests.patch;apply=no \
+# file://rpm-no-loop.patch \
+# "
+SRC_URI[md5sum] = "19c1a7f68d7765eeb7615c9c4e54e380"
+SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "887e76218308b570c33c8c2fb10b5298b3afd5d602860d281befc85357b3b923"
+SRPM_UNPACK = "rpm-5.4.0.tar.gz"
+inherit autotools gettext
+acpaths = "-I ${S}/db/dist/aclocal -I ${S}/db/dist/aclocal_java"
+# Specify the default rpm macros in terms of adjustable variables
+rpm_macros = "%{_usrlibrpm}/macros:%{_usrlibrpm}/poky/macros:%{_usrlibrpm}/poky/%{_target}/macros:~/.oerpmmacros"
+# Configure values taken from rpm.spec
+WITH_BZIP2 = "--with-bzip2"
+WITH_XZ = "--without-xz"
+WITH_Z = "--with-zlib $WITH_BZIP2 $WITH_XZ"
+WITH_PYTHON = " --with-python=${PYTHON_BASEVERSION} \
+ --with-python-inc-dir=${STAGING_INCDIR}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION} \
+ --with-python-lib-dir=${libdir}/python${PYTHON_BASEVERSION} \
+ --without-pythonembed \
+ "
+WITH_PYTHON_native = " --without-python"
+# Perl modules are not built, but they could be enabled fairly easily
+# the perl module creation and installation would need to be patched.
+# (currently has host perl contamination issues)
+#WITH_PERL = " --with-perl --without-perlembed"
+WITH_PERL = " --without-perl"
+WITH_PERL_native = " --without-perl"
+WITH_DB = "--with-db --with-dbsql --without-db-tools-integrated --without-sqlite"
+WITH_CRYPTO = "--with-beecrypt=internal --with-openssl --without-nss --without-gcrypt"
+WITH_KEYUTILS = "--without-keyutils"
+WITH_LIBELF = "--with-libelf"
+WITH_SELINUX = "--without-selinux --without-sepol --without-semanage"
+#WITH_NEON = "--with-neon=internal --without-libproxy --with-expat --without-gssapi"
+WITH_NEON = "--without-neon --without-libproxy --without-expat --without-gssapi"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "--verbose \
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ ${WITH_DB} \
+ ${WITH_Z} \
+ --with-file \
+ --with-path-magic=/usr/share/misc/magic \
+ --without-lua \
+ --without-tcl \
+ --with-syck=internal \
+ --without-readline \
+ --without-augeas \
+ --without-libtasn1 \
+ --without-pakchois \
+ --without-gnutls \
+ ${WITH_NEON} \
+ --with-pcre \
+ --enable-utf8 \
+ --without-uuid \
+ --with-attr \
+ --with-acl \
+ --without-xar \
+ --with-popt=external \
+ --with-pthreads \
+ --without-cudf \
+ --without-ficl \
+ --without-aterm \
+ --without-nix \
+ --without-bash \
+ --without-rc \
+ --without-js \
+ --without-gpsee \
+ ${WITH_PERL} \
+ --without-ruby \
+ --without-squirrel \
+ --with-build-extlibdep \
+ --with-build-maxextlibdep \
+ --without-valgrind \
+ --disable-openmp \
+ --enable-build-pic \
+ --enable-build-versionscript \
+ --enable-build-warnings \
+ --enable-build-debug \
+ --enable-maintainer-mode \
+ --with-path-macros=${rpm_macros} \
+ --with-bugreport="
+PACKAGES = "${PN}-dbg ${PN} ${PN}-doc ${PN}-libs ${PN}-dev ${PN}-common ${PN}-build python-rpm-dbg python-rpm perl-module-rpm perl-module-rpm-dev ${PN}-locale"
+SOLIBS = ""
+# Based on %files section in the rpm.spec
+FILES_${PN} = "${bindir}/rpm \
+ ${bindir}/rpmconstant \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/rpm.* \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/tgpg \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/rpmpopt \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/rpmdb_loadcvt \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/rpm2cpio \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/vcheck \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/helpers \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/qf \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/cpuinfo.yaml \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/mtree \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmkey \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmrepo \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmspecdump \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/wget \
+ "
+# ${libdir}/rpm/magic \
+# ${libdir}/rpm/magic.mgc \
+# ${libdir}/rpm/magic.mime \
+# ${libdir}/rpm/magic.mime.mgc \
+# ${libdir}/rpm/bin/db_* \
+# ${libdir}/rpm/bin/grep \
+FILES_${PN}-dbg = "${bindir}/.debug \
+ ${libdir}/.debug \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/.debug \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/.debug \
+ "
+FILES_${PN}-common = "${bindir}/rpm2cpio \
+ ${bindir}/gendiff \
+ /etc/rpm \
+ /var/lib/rpm \
+ /var/spool/repackage \
+ "
+FILES_${PN}-libs = "${libdir}/librpm-*.so \
+ ${libdir}/librpmconstant-*.so \
+ ${libdir}/librpmdb-*.so \
+ ${libdir}/librpmio-*.so \
+ ${libdir}/librpmmisc-*.so \
+ ${libdir}/librpmbuild-*.so \
+ "
+FILES_${PN}-build = "${prefix}/src/rpm \
+ ${bindir}/rpmbuild \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/brp-* \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/check-files \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/cross-build \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/find-provides.perl \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/find-requires.perl \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/http.req \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/mono-find-provides \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/mono-find-requires \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/perl.prov \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/perl.req \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/php.prov \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/php.req \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/debugedit \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmcache \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmcmp \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmdeps \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmdigest \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/chroot \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/cp \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/dbsql \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/find \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/install-sh \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/lua \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/luac \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/mkinstalldirs \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmlua \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/rpmluac \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/bin/sqlite3 \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/lib/liblua.a \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/lib/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/cmake \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/java \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/libtool \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/mandriva \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/mono \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/perl \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/php \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/pkgconfig \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/python \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/ruby \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/selinux \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.d/tcl \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/macros.rpmbuild \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ ${libdir}/rpm/ \
+ "
+#%rpmattr %{_rpmhome}/gem_helper.rb
+#%rpmattr %{_rpmhome}/symclash.*
+FILES_python-rpm-dbg = "${libdir}/python*/rpm/.debug/_*"
+FILES_python-rpm = "${libdir}/python*/rpm"
+FILES_perl-module-rpm = "${libdir}/perl/*/* \
+ "
+FILES_perl-module-rpm-dev = "${prefix}/share/man/man3/RPM* \
+ "
+FILE_${PN}-dev = "${includedir}/rpm \
+ ${libdir}/librpm.a \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/librpmconstant.a \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/librpmdb.a \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/librpmio.a \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/librpmmisc.a \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/librpmbuild.a \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/ \
+ ${libdir}/pkgconfig/rpm.pc \
+ "
+# If base_do_unpack is refactored this may have to be adjusted
+python base_do_unpack_append() {
+ import subprocess
+ for url in src_uri.split():
+ try:
+ local =, localdata), localdata)
+ except bb.MalformedUrl, e:
+ raise FuncFailed('Unable to generate local path for malformed uri: %s' % e)
+ if local is None:
+ continue
+ local = os.path.realpath(local)
+ if local.endswith('.src.rpm') or local.endswith('.srpm'):
+ cmdname = os.path.join('WORKDIR', localdata, 1),'rpm2cpio')
+ efile = os.path.join('WORKDIR', localdata, 1),os.path.basename(local))
+ cmd = "%s %s | cpio -i" % (cmdname, efile)
+ cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" %s" % ('PATH', localdata, 1), cmd)
+ old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ newdir = ("%s/%s" % (old_cwd, 'srpm-unpack'))
+ bb.mkdirhier(newdir)
+ os.chdir(newdir)
+ ret =, preexec_fn=subprocess_setup, shell=True)
+ os.chdir(old_cwd)
+ if ret != 0:
+ raise'Unpack command failed: %s (%s)' % (cmd, ret))
+ srpm_uri ='SRPM_UNPACK', localdata, True)
+ if not srpm_uri:
+ return
+ # Note, not really URI's! Just a list of files
+ for url in srpm_uri.split():
+ local = os.path.join('WORKDIR', localdata, 1), "srpm-unpack/" + url)
+ ret = oe_unpack_file(local, localdata, 'file://' + url)
+ if not ret:
+ raise"oe_unpack_file failed with return value %s" % ret)
+do_configure() {
+ # Disable tests!
+ echo "all:" > tests/
+ ./
+ oe_runconf
+do_install_append() {
+ sed -i -e 's,%__check_files,#%%__check_files,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
+ sed -i -e 's,%__scriptlet_requires,#%%__scriptlet_requires,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
+ sed -i -e 's,%__perl_provides,#%%__perl_provides,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
+ sed -i -e 's,%__perl_requires,#%%__perl_requires,' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
+ # Enable Debian style arbitrary tags...
+ sed -i -e 's,%_arbitrary_tags[^_].*,%_arbitrary_tags %{_arbitrary_tags_debian},' ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/macros
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/
+ # Remove unpackaged files (based on list in rpm.spec)
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/{,cpanflute,cpanflute2,rpmdiff,rpmdiff.cgi,sql.prov,sql.req,tcl.req,trpm}
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/man8/rpmcache.8*
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/man8/rpmgraph.8*
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/*/man8/rpmcache.8*
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/*/man8/rpmgraph.8*
+ rm -rf ${D}/${mandir}/{fr,ko}
+ rm -f ${D}/${includedir}/popt.h
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/libpopt.*
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/pkgconfig/popt.pc
+ rm -f ${D}/${datadir}/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/man3/popt.3
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/man1/xar.1*
+ rm -f ${D}/${bindir}/xar
+ rm -rf ${D}/${includedir}/xar
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/libxar*
+ rm -f ${D}/${bindir}/lz*
+ rm -f ${D}/${bindir}/unlzma
+ rm -f ${D}/${bindir}/unxz
+ rm -f ${D}/${bindir}/xz*
+ rm -rf ${D}/${includedir}/lzma*
+ rm -f ${D}/${mandir}/man1/lz*.1
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/pkgconfig/liblzma*
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/python%{with_python_version}/site-packages/*.{a,la}
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/python%{with_python_version}/site-packages/rpm/*.{a,la}
+ #find ${D}/${libdir}/perl5 -type f -a \( -name perllocal.pod -o -name .packlist \
+ # -o \( -name '*.bs' -a -empty \) \) -exec rm -f {} ';'
+ #find ${D}/${libdir}/perl5 -type d -depth -exec rmdir {} 2>/dev/null ';'
+ # We don't want the default macro set
+ rm -rf ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/{i[3456]86*,athlon*,pentium*,x86_64*,alpha*,sparc*,ia64*,ppc*,s390*,armv[34][lb]*,armv[345]*,mips*,noarch*}
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/
+ rm -f ${D}/${libdir}/rpm/libsqldb.*