path: root/meta
diff options
authorPaul Eggleton <>2012-01-19 10:32:12 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2012-01-19 14:59:16 +0000
commit2c5b90c6d1b1091779602ebe03e84674eb63ea83 (patch)
tree74933f6c493a93d446bc348cc86957f565fee0dc /meta
parentce6c80a1e68c2af0b4b5fa27582ad9c9f119e5c1 (diff)
buildhistory_analysis: include related fields in output
Sometimes, when a value changes in the buildhistory it is useful to know when a related (but not necessarily itself monitored) value changes as it can help explain the change. For example, when the list of installed packages for an image changes it could be caused by a change to one of the image-related variables. Related field changes are recorded as sub-items of each change. Currently the only way to visualise these is via the buildhistory-diff tool, so an example would be: Changes to images/qemux86/eglibc/core-image-minimal (installed-package-names.txt): locale-base-de-de was added procps was added * IMAGE_LINGUAS: added "de-de" * IMAGE_INSTALL: added "procps" Here we see that two additional packages have been added to the image, and looking at the related changes to the two variables IMAGE_INSTALL and IMAGE_LINGUAS we have the explanation as to why. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/ b/meta/lib/oe/
index 627467c26..103cfb41b 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -23,22 +23,41 @@ monitor_fields = ['RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'PACKAGES', 'FILELIST', 'PKGSIZE',
monitor_numeric_threshold = 20
# Image files to monitor (note that image-info.txt is handled separately)
img_monitor_files = ['installed-package-names.txt', 'files-in-image.txt']
+# Related context fields for reporting (note: PE, PV & PR are always reported for monitored package fields)
+related_fields = {}
+related_fields['RDEPENDS'] = ['DEPENDS']
+related_fields['RRECOMMENDS'] = ['DEPENDS']
+related_fields['FILELIST'] = ['FILES']
+related_fields['PKGSIZE'] = ['FILELIST']
+related_fields['files-in-image.txt'] = ['installed-package-names.txt', 'USER_CLASSES', 'IMAGE_CLASSES', 'ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND', 'IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND']
+related_fields['installed-package-names.txt'] = ['IMAGE_FEATURES', 'IMAGE_LINGUAS', 'IMAGE_INSTALL', 'BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS']
class ChangeRecord:
- def __init__(self, path, fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue):
+ def __init__(self, path, fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue, monitored):
self.path = path
self.fieldname = fieldname
self.oldvalue = oldvalue
self.newvalue = newvalue
+ self.monitored = monitored
+ self.related = []
self.filechanges = None
def __str__(self):
+ return self._str_internal(True)
+ def _str_internal(self, pathprefix):
+ if pathprefix:
+ prefix = '%s: ' % self.path
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
if self.fieldname in list_fields:
aitems = self.oldvalue.split()
bitems = self.newvalue.split()
removed = list(set(aitems) - set(bitems))
added = list(set(bitems) - set(aitems))
- return '%s: %s:%s%s' % (self.path, self.fieldname, ' removed "%s"' % ' '.join(removed) if removed else '', ' added "%s"' % ' '.join(added) if added else '')
+ out = '%s:%s%s' % (self.fieldname, ' removed "%s"' % ' '.join(removed) if removed else '', ' added "%s"' % ' '.join(added) if added else '')
elif self.fieldname in numeric_fields:
aval = int(self.oldvalue or 0)
bval = int(self.newvalue or 0)
@@ -46,9 +65,11 @@ class ChangeRecord:
percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100
percentchg = 100
- return '%s: %s changed from %s to %s (%s%d%%)' % (self.path, self.fieldname, self.oldvalue or "''", self.newvalue or "''", '+' if percentchg > 0 else '', percentchg)
+ out = '%s changed from %s to %s (%s%d%%)' % (self.fieldname, self.oldvalue or "''", self.newvalue or "''", '+' if percentchg > 0 else '', percentchg)
elif self.fieldname in img_monitor_files:
- out = 'Changes to %s (%s):\n ' % (self.path, self.fieldname)
+ if pathprefix:
+ prefix = 'Changes to %s ' % self.path
+ out = '(%s):\n ' % self.fieldname
if self.filechanges:
out += '\n '.join(['%s' % i for i in self.filechanges])
@@ -57,10 +78,15 @@ class ChangeRecord:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(alines, blines, self.fieldname, self.fieldname, lineterm='')
out += '\n '.join(list(diff))
out += '\n --'
- return out
- return '%s: %s changed from "%s" to "%s"' % (self.path, self.self.fieldname, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue)
+ out = '%s changed from "%s" to "%s"' % (self.fieldname, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue)
+ if self.related:
+ for chg in self.related:
+ for line in chg._str_internal(False).splitlines():
+ out += '\n * %s' % line
+ return '%s%s' % (prefix, out)
class FileChange:
changetype_add = 'A'
@@ -199,21 +225,20 @@ def compare_dict_blobs(path, ablob, bblob, report_all):
changes = []
keys = list(set(adict.keys()) | set(bdict.keys()))
for key in keys:
- if report_all or key in monitor_fields:
- astr = adict.get(key, '')
- bstr = bdict.get(key, '')
- if astr != bstr:
- if (not report_all) and key in numeric_fields:
- aval = int(astr or 0)
- bval = int(bstr or 0)
- if aval != 0:
- percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100
- else:
- percentchg = 100
- if percentchg < monitor_numeric_threshold:
- continue
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, key, astr, bstr)
- changes.append(chg)
+ astr = adict.get(key, '')
+ bstr = bdict.get(key, '')
+ if astr != bstr:
+ if (not report_all) and key in numeric_fields:
+ aval = int(astr or 0)
+ bval = int(bstr or 0)
+ if aval != 0:
+ percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100
+ else:
+ percentchg = 100
+ if percentchg < monitor_numeric_threshold:
+ continue
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, key, astr, bstr, key in monitor_fields)
+ changes.append(chg)
return changes
@@ -236,7 +261,7 @@ def process_changes(repopath, revision1, revision2 = 'HEAD', report_all = False)
blines =
filechanges = compare_file_lists(alines,blines)
if filechanges:
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None)
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True)
chg.filechanges = filechanges
elif filename == 'installed-package-names.txt':
@@ -244,13 +269,27 @@ def process_changes(repopath, revision1, revision2 = 'HEAD', report_all = False)
blines =
filechanges = compare_lists(alines,blines)
if filechanges:
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None)
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True)
chg.filechanges = filechanges
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename,,
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename,,, True)
elif filename == 'image-info.txt':
changes.extend(compare_dict_blobs(path, d.a_blob, d.b_blob, report_all))
- return changes
+ # Link related changes
+ for chg in changes:
+ if chg.monitored:
+ for chg2 in changes:
+ # (Check dirname in the case of fields from recipe info files)
+ if chg.path == chg2.path or os.path.dirname(chg.path) == chg2.path:
+ if chg2.fieldname in related_fields.get(chg.fieldname, []):
+ chg.related.append(chg2)
+ elif chg.path.startswith('packages/') and chg2.fieldname in ['PE', 'PV', 'PR']:
+ chg.related.append(chg2)
+ if report_all:
+ return changes
+ else:
+ return [chg for chg in changes if chg.monitored]