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2 files changed, 144 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
index c7cd0f62d..61973c38a 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def fatal(*args):
from bb.fetch import MalformedUrl, encodeurl, decodeurl
from import VarExpandError
from bb.utils import mkdirhier, movefile, copyfile, which
-from bb.utils import vercmp
+from bb.utils import vercmp_string as vercmp
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
index 2e3937ec1..dce80b634 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
@@ -92,6 +92,149 @@ def vercmp(ta, tb):
r = vercmp_part(ra, rb)
return r
+_package_weights_ = {"pre":-2,"p":0,"alpha":-4,"beta":-3,"rc":-1} # dicts are unordered
+_package_ends_ = ["pre", "p", "alpha", "beta", "rc", "cvs", "bk", "HEAD" ] # so we need ordered list
+def relparse(myver):
+ """Parses the last elements of a version number into a triplet, that can
+ later be compared:
+ >>> relparse('1.2_pre3')
+ [1.2, -2, 3.0]
+ >>> relparse('1.2b')
+ [1.2, 98, 0]
+ >>> relparse('1.2')
+ [1.2, 0, 0]
+ """
+ number = 0
+ p1 = 0
+ p2 = 0
+ mynewver = myver.split('_')
+ if len(mynewver)==2:
+ # an _package_weights_
+ number = float(mynewver[0])
+ match = 0
+ for x in _package_ends_:
+ elen = len(x)
+ if mynewver[1][:elen] == x:
+ match = 1
+ p1 = _package_weights_[x]
+ try:
+ p2 = float(mynewver[1][elen:])
+ except:
+ p2 = 0
+ break
+ if not match:
+ # normal number or number with letter at end
+ divider = len(myver)-1
+ if myver[divider:] not in "1234567890":
+ # letter at end
+ p1 = ord(myver[divider:])
+ number = float(myver[0:divider])
+ else:
+ number = float(myver)
+ else:
+ # normal number or number with letter at end
+ divider = len(myver)-1
+ if myver[divider:] not in "1234567890":
+ #letter at end
+ p1 = ord(myver[divider:])
+ number = float(myver[0:divider])
+ else:
+ number = float(myver)
+ return [number,p1,p2]
+__vercmp_cache__ = {}
+def vercmp_string(val1,val2):
+ """This takes two version strings and returns an integer to tell you whether
+ the versions are the same, val1>val2 or val2>val1.
+ >>> vercmp('1', '2')
+ -1.0
+ >>> vercmp('2', '1')
+ 1.0
+ >>> vercmp('1', '1.0')
+ 0
+ >>> vercmp('1', '1.1')
+ -1.0
+ >>> vercmp('1.1', '1_p2')
+ 1.0
+ """
+ # quick short-circuit
+ if val1 == val2:
+ return 0
+ valkey = val1+" "+val2
+ # cache lookup
+ try:
+ return __vercmp_cache__[valkey]
+ try:
+ return - __vercmp_cache__[val2+" "+val1]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ # consider 1_p2 vc 1.1
+ # after expansion will become (1_p2,0) vc (1,1)
+ # then 1_p2 is compared with 1 before 0 is compared with 1
+ # to solve the bug we need to convert it to (1,0_p2)
+ # by splitting _prepart part and adding it back _after_expansion
+ val1_prepart = val2_prepart = ''
+ if val1.count('_'):
+ val1, val1_prepart = val1.split('_', 1)
+ if val2.count('_'):
+ val2, val2_prepart = val2.split('_', 1)
+ # replace '-' by '.'
+ # FIXME: Is it needed? can val1/2 contain '-'?
+ val1 = string.split(val1,'-')
+ if len(val1) == 2:
+ val1[0] = val1[0] +"."+ val1[1]
+ val2 = string.split(val2,'-')
+ if len(val2) == 2:
+ val2[0] = val2[0] +"."+ val2[1]
+ val1 = string.split(val1[0],'.')
+ val2 = string.split(val2[0],'.')
+ # add back decimal point so that .03 does not become "3" !
+ for x in range(1,len(val1)):
+ if val1[x][0] == '0' :
+ val1[x] = '.' + val1[x]
+ for x in range(1,len(val2)):
+ if val2[x][0] == '0' :
+ val2[x] = '.' + val2[x]
+ # extend varion numbers
+ if len(val2) < len(val1):
+ val2.extend(["0"]*(len(val1)-len(val2)))
+ elif len(val1) < len(val2):
+ val1.extend(["0"]*(len(val2)-len(val1)))
+ # add back _prepart tails
+ if val1_prepart:
+ val1[-1] += '_' + val1_prepart
+ if val2_prepart:
+ val2[-1] += '_' + val2_prepart
+ # The above code will extend version numbers out so they
+ # have the same number of digits.
+ for x in range(0,len(val1)):
+ cmp1 = relparse(val1[x])
+ cmp2 = relparse(val2[x])
+ for y in range(0,3):
+ myret = cmp1[y] - cmp2[y]
+ if myret != 0:
+ __vercmp_cache__[valkey] = myret
+ return myret
+ __vercmp_cache__[valkey] = 0
+ return 0
def explode_deps(s):
Take an RDEPENDS style string of format: