path: root/meta/classes
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1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/boot-directdisk.bbclass b/meta/classes/boot-directdisk.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4abae991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/boot-directdisk.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# boot-directdisk.bbclass
+# (loosly based off bootimg.bbclass Copyright (C) 2004, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.)
+# Create an image which can be placed directly onto a harddisk using dd and then
+# booted.
+# This uses syslinux. extlinux would have been nice but required the ext2/3
+# partition to be mounted. grub requires to run itself as part of the install
+# process.
+# The end result is a 512 boot sector populated with an MBR and partition table
+# followed by an msdos fat16 partition containing syslinux and a linux kernel
+# completed by the ext2/3 rootfs.
+# We have to push the msdos parition table size > 16MB so fat 16 is used as parted
+# won't touch fat12 partitions.
+# External variables needed
+# ${ROOTFS} - the rootfs image to incorporate
+do_bootdirectdisk[depends] += "dosfstools-native:do_populate_sysroot \
+ syslinux:do_populate_sysroot \
+ syslinux-installer-native:do_populate_sysroot"
+HDDDIR = "${S}/hdd/boot"
+HDDIMG = "${S}/hdd.image"
+# Get the build_syslinux_cfg() function from the syslinux class
+LABELS = "boot"
+APPEND = "root=/dev/sda2"
+TIMEOUT = "10"
+SYSLINUXCFG = "${HDDDIR}/syslinux.cfg"
+inherit syslinux
+build_boot_dd() {
+ install -d ${HDDDIR}
+ install -m 0644 ${STAGING_DIR}/${MACHINE}${HOST_VENDOR}-${HOST_OS}/kernel/bzImage ${HDDDIR}/vmlinuz
+ install -m 444 ${STAGING_DATADIR}/syslinux/ldlinux.sys ${HDDDIR}/ldlinux.sys
+ BLOCKS=`du -bks ${HDDDIR} | cut -f 1`
+ mkdosfs -n ${BOOTDD_VOLUME_ID} -d ${HDDDIR} -C ${HDDIMG} $SIZE
+ syslinux ${HDDIMG}
+ chmod 644 ${HDDIMG}
+ ROOTFSBLOCKS=`du -Lbks ${ROOTFS} | cut -f 1`
+ END1=`expr $SIZE \* 1024`
+ END2=`expr $END1 + 512`
+ END3=`expr \( $ROOTFSBLOCKS \* 1024 \) + $END1`
+ rm -rf $IMAGE
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMAGE bs=1024 seek=$TOTALSIZE count=1
+ parted $IMAGE mklabel msdos
+ parted $IMAGE mkpart primary fat16 0 ${END1}B
+ parted $IMAGE unit B mkpart primary ext2 ${END2}B ${END3}B
+ parted $IMAGE set 1 boot on
+ parted $IMAGE print
+ OFFSET=`expr $END2 / 512`
+ dd if=/tmp/mbr.bin of=$IMAGE conv=notrunc
+ dd if=${HDDIMG} of=$IMAGE conv=notrunc seek=1 bs=512
+ dd if=${ROOTFS} of=$IMAGE conv=notrunc seek=$OFFSET bs=512
+ rm -f ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.hdddirect
+ ln -s ${IMAGE_NAME}.hdddirect ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${IMAGE_LINK_NAME}.hdddirect
+python do_bootdirectdisk() {
+'build_syslinux_cfg', d)
+'build_boot_dd', d)
+addtask bootdirectdisk before do_build
+do_bootdirectdisk[nostamp] = "1"