path: root/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/recipes-core/sysvinit')
12 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/crypt-lib.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/crypt-lib.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9511f088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/crypt-lib.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# The src Makefile was checking for libcrypt.a on the host, not in the
+# build environment. This patch checks for $LCRYPT in the environment
+# and uses it if it's there.
+# -
+Index: sysvinit-2.88dsf/src/Makefile
+--- sysvinit-2.88dsf.orig/src/Makefile
++++ sysvinit-2.88dsf/src/Makefile
+@@ -85,9 +85,13 @@ else
+ endif
+ # Additional libs for GNU libc.
++ifneq ($(LCRYPT),)
+ ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/lib*/libcrypt.a),)
+ SULOGINLIBS += -lcrypt
+ endif
+ all: $(BIN) $(SBIN) $(USRBIN)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/install.patch b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/install.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5978cea07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit-2.88dsf/install.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
+index e2b8028..3e11e92 100644
+--- a/src/Makefile
++++ b/src/Makefile
+@@ -65,7 +65,14 @@ else
+ INSTALL_DATA = install -m 644
+ endif
+ INSTALL_DIR = install -m 755 -d
+-MANDIR = /usr/share/man
++ROOT ?=
++base_bindir ?= /bin
++base_sbindir ?= /sbin
++bindir ?= /usr/bin
++sysconfdir ?= /etc
++includedir ?= /usr/include
++mandir ?= /usr/share/man
+ ifeq ($(WITH_SELINUX),yes)
+@@ -138,39 +145,39 @@ clobber: cleanobjs
+ distclean: clobber
+ install:
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/bin/ $(ROOT)/sbin/
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/usr/bin/
++ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(base_bindir)/ $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/
++ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(bindir)/
+ for i in $(BIN); do \
+- $(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)/bin/ ; \
++ $(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)$(base_bindir)/ ; \
+ done
+ for i in $(SBIN); do \
+- $(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)/sbin/ ; \
++ $(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/ ; \
+ done
+ for i in $(USRBIN); do \
+- $(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)/usr/bin/ ; \
++ $(INSTALL_EXEC) $$i $(ROOT)$(bindir)/ ; \
+ done
+- # $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/etc/
+- # $(INSTALL_EXEC) initscript.sample $(ROOT)/etc/
+- ln -sf halt $(ROOT)/sbin/reboot
+- ln -sf halt $(ROOT)/sbin/poweroff
+- ln -sf init $(ROOT)/sbin/telinit
+- ln -sf /sbin/killall5 $(ROOT)/bin/pidof
+- if [ ! -f $(ROOT)/usr/bin/lastb ]; then \
+- ln -sf last $(ROOT)/usr/bin/lastb; \
++ # $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(sysconfdir)/
++ # $(INSTALL_EXEC) initscript.sample $(ROOT)$(sysconfdir)/
++ ln -sf halt $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/reboot
++ ln -sf halt $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/poweroff
++ ln -sf init $(ROOT)$(base_sbindir)/telinit
++ ln -sf $(base_sbindir)/killall5 $(ROOT)$(base_bindir)/pidof
++ if [ ! -f $(ROOT)$(bindir)/lastb ]; then \
++ ln -sf last $(ROOT)$(bindir)/lastb; \
+ fi
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)/usr/include/
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) initreq.h $(ROOT)/usr/include/
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man1/
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man5/
+- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man8/
++ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(includedir)/
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) initreq.h $(ROOT)$(includedir)/
++ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1/
++ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man5/
++ $(INSTALL_DIR) $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man8/
+ for i in $(MAN1); do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man1/; \
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man1/; \
+ done
+ for i in $(MAN5); do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man5/; \
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man5/; \
+ done
+ for i in $(MAN8); do \
+- $(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(MANDIR)/man8/; \
++ $(INSTALL_DATA) ../man/$$i $(ROOT)$(mandir)/man8/; \
+ done
+ ifeq ($(ROOT),)
+ #
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/bootlogd.init b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/bootlogd.init
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f8f07a050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/bootlogd.init
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# bootlogd One of the first scripts to be executed. Starts or stops
+# the bootlogd log program. If this script is called as
+# "stop-bootlogd", it will stop the daemon instead of
+# starting it even when called with the "start" argument.
+# Version: @(#)bootlogd 2.85-12 21-Mar-2004
+DESC="Bootlog daemon"
+test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
+[ -r /etc/default/bootlogd ] && . /etc/default/bootlogd
+## set -e # not needed
+ [Nn]*)
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+case "$0" in
+ *stop-bootlog*)
+ if [ "$ACTION" = start ]
+ then
+ ACTION=stop
+ fi
+ ;;
+case "$ACTION" in
+ start)
+ echo -n "Starting $DESC: "
+ if [ -d /proc/1/. ]
+ then
+ umask 027
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
+ --exec $DAEMON -- -r
+ else
+ $DAEMON -r
+ fi
+ echo "$NAME."
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ echo -n "Stopping $DESC: "
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
+ if [ "$STOPPER" ] && [ -f /var/log/boot ] && \
+ [ -f /var/log/boot~ ]
+ then
+ cd /var/log
+ chgrp adm boot
+ savelog -p -c 5 boot > /dev/null 2>&1
+ mv boot.0 boot
+ mv boot~ boot.0
+ fi
+ echo "$NAME."
+ ;;
+ restart|force-reload)
+ echo -n "Restarting $DESC: "
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec $DAEMON
+ sleep 1
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON
+ echo "$NAME."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ N=${0##*/}
+ N=${N#[SK]??}
+ echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/inittab b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/inittab
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6abbdf455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/inittab
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# /etc/inittab: init(8) configuration.
+# $Id: inittab,v 1.91 2002/01/25 13:35:21 miquels Exp $
+# The default runlevel.
+# Boot-time system configuration/initialization script.
+# This is run first except when booting in emergency (-b) mode.
+# What to do in single-user mode.
+# /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change
+# of runlevel.
+# Runlevel 0 is halt.
+# Runlevel 1 is single-user.
+# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.
+# Runlevel 6 is reboot.
+l0:0:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 0
+l1:1:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 1
+l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2
+l3:3:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 3
+l4:4:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 4
+l5:5:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 5
+l6:6:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 6
+# Normally not reached, but fallthrough in case of emergency.
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/need b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/need
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d84bbeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/need
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# need binary that doesnt do anything, supplied for simpleinit
+# vs sysvinit compatibility for the supplied startup scripts
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/postinst b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/postinst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6fe547fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/bin/busybox ash
+umask 022
+if [ "$action" != configure ]
+ exit 0
+update-alternatives --install /sbin/init init /sbin/sysvinit 25
+update-alternatives --install /sbin/need need /sbin/need.sysvinit 25
+update-alternatives --install /sbin/provide provide /sbin/provide.sysvinit 25
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/prerm b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/prerm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..704a29ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/prerm
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if [ "$1" != "upgrade" ]; then
+ update-alternatives --remove need /sbin/need.sysvinit
+ update-alternatives --remove provide /sbin/provide.sysvinit
+ update-alternatives --remove init /sbin/sysvinit
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/provide b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/provide
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c90cf3537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/provide
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# provide binary that doesnt do anything, supplied for simpleinit
+# vs sysvinit compatibility for the supplied startup scripts
+exit 0
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rc b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rc
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..dce31a5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rc
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# rc This file is responsible for starting/stopping
+# services when the runlevel changes.
+# Optimization feature:
+# A startup script is _not_ run when the service was
+# running in the previous runlevel and it wasn't stopped
+# in the runlevel transition (most Debian services don't
+# have K?? links in rc{1,2,3,4,5} )
+# Author: Miquel van Smoorenburg <>
+# Bruce Perens <>
+# Version: @(#)rc 2.78 07-Nov-1999
+. /etc/default/rcS
+export VERBOSE
+startup_progress() {
+ step=$(($step + $step_change))
+ if [ "$num_steps" != "0" ]; then
+ progress=$((($step * $progress_size / $num_steps) + $first_step))
+ else
+ progress=$progress_size
+ fi
+ #echo "PROGRESS is $progress $runlevel $first_step + ($step of $num_steps) $step_change $progress_size"
+ #if type psplash-write >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # TMPDIR=/mnt/.psplash psplash-write "PROGRESS $progress" || true
+ #fi
+ if [ -e /mnt/.psplash/psplash_fifo ]; then
+ echo "PROGRESS $progress" > /mnt/.psplash/psplash_fifo
+ fi
+# Start script or program.
+startup() {
+ # Handle verbosity
+ [ "$VERBOSE" = very ] && echo "INIT: Running $@..."
+ case "$1" in
+ *.sh)
+ # Source shell script for speed.
+ (
+ trap - INT QUIT TSTP
+ scriptname=$1
+ shift
+ . $scriptname
+ )
+ ;;
+ *)
+ "$@"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ startup_progress
+ # Ignore CTRL-C only in this shell, so we can interrupt subprocesses.
+ trap ":" INT QUIT TSTP
+ # Set onlcr to avoid staircase effect.
+ stty onlcr 0>&1
+ # Now find out what the current and what the previous runlevel are.
+ runlevel=$RUNLEVEL
+ # Get first argument. Set new runlevel to this argument.
+ [ "$1" != "" ] && runlevel=$1
+ if [ "$runlevel" = "" ]
+ then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <runlevel>" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ previous=$PREVLEVEL
+ [ "$previous" = "" ] && previous=N
+ export runlevel previous
+ # Is there an rc directory for this new runlevel?
+ if [ -d /etc/rc$runlevel.d ]
+ then
+ # Find out where in the progress bar the initramfs got to.
+ #if [ -f /dev/.initramfs/progress_state ]; then
+ # . /dev/.initramfs/progress_state
+ #fi
+ # Split the remaining portion of the progress bar into thirds
+ progress_size=$(((100 - $PROGRESS_STATE) / 3))
+ case "$runlevel" in
+ 0|6)
+ # Count down from -100 to 0 and use the entire bar
+ first_step=-100
+ progress_size=100
+ step_change=1
+ ;;
+ S)
+ # Begin where the initramfs left off and use 2/3
+ # of the remaining space
+ first_step=$PROGRESS_STATE
+ progress_size=$(($progress_size * 2))
+ step_change=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Begin where rcS left off and use the final 1/3 of
+ # the space (by leaving progress_size unchanged)
+ first_step=$(($progress_size * 2 + $PROGRESS_STATE))
+ step_change=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ num_steps=0
+ for s in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/[SK]*; do
+ case "${s##/etc/rc$runlevel.d/S??}" in
+ gdm|xdm|kdm|reboot|halt)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ num_steps=$(($num_steps + 1))
+ done
+ step=0
+ # First, run the KILL scripts.
+ if [ $previous != N ]
+ then
+ for i in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/K[0-9][0-9]*
+ do
+ # Check if the script is there.
+ [ ! -f $i ] && continue
+ # Stop the service.
+ startup $i stop
+ done
+ fi
+ # Now run the START scripts for this runlevel.
+ for i in /etc/rc$runlevel.d/S*
+ do
+ [ ! -f $i ] && continue
+ if [ $previous != N ] && [ $previous != S ]
+ then
+ #
+ # Find start script in previous runlevel and
+ # stop script in this runlevel.
+ #
+ suffix=${i#/etc/rc$runlevel.d/S[0-9][0-9]}
+ stop=/etc/rc$runlevel.d/K[0-9][0-9]$suffix
+ previous_start=/etc/rc$previous.d/S[0-9][0-9]$suffix
+ #
+ # If there is a start script in the previous level
+ # and _no_ stop script in this level, we don't
+ # have to re-start the service.
+ #
+ [ -f $previous_start ] && [ ! -f $stop ] && continue
+ fi
+ case "$runlevel" in
+ 0|6)
+ startup $i stop
+ ;;
+ *)
+ startup $i start
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+#Uncomment to cause psplash to exit manually, otherwise it exits when it sees a VC switch
+#if [ "x$runlevel" != "xS" ]; then
+# if type psplash-write >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+# TMPDIR=/mnt/.psplash psplash-write "QUIT" || true
+# umount /mnt/.psplash
+# fi
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..080b04f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# rcS Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d in
+# numerical/alphabetical order.
+# Version: @(#)/etc/init.d/rcS 2.76 19-Apr-1999
+umask 022
+export PATH runlevel prevlevel
+# Make sure proc is mounted
+[ -d "/proc/1" ] || mount /proc
+# Source defaults.
+. /etc/default/rcS
+# Trap CTRL-C &c only in this shell so we can interrupt subprocesses.
+trap ":" INT QUIT TSTP
+# Call all parts in order.
+exec /etc/init.d/rc S
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS-default b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS-default
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ad3c7bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/sysvinit/rcS-default
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Defaults for the boot scripts in /etc/rcS.d
+# Time files in /tmp are kept in days.
+# Set to yes if you want sulogin to be spawned on bootup
+# Set to no if you want to be able to login over telnet/rlogin
+# before system startup is complete (as soon as inetd is started)
+# Set UTC=yes if your system clock is set to UTC (GMT), and UTC=no if not.
+# UTC=yes
+# Set VERBOSE to "no" if you would like a more quiet bootup.
+# Set EDITMOTD to "no" if you don't want /etc/motd to be editted automatically
+# Whether to fsck root on boot
+# Set FSCKFIX to "yes" if you want to add "-y" to the fsck at startup.
+# Set TICKADJ to the correct tick value for this specific machine
+# Enable caching in
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db3806454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/sysvinit/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "System-V like init."
+SECTION = "base"
+LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=751419260aa954499f7abaabaa882bbe \
+ file://COPYRIGHT;endline=15;md5=349c872e0066155e1818b786938876a4"
+PR = "r1"
+# USE_VT and SERIAL_CONSOLE are generally defined by the MACHINE .conf.
+# Set PACKAGE_ARCH appropriately.
+RDEPENDS_${PN} = "${PN}-inittab"
+PACKAGES =+ "bootlogd ${PN}-inittab"
+FILES_bootlogd = "/etc/init.d/bootlogd /etc/init.d/stop-bootlogd /etc/rc?.d/S*bootlogd /sbin/bootlogd"
+FILES_${PN}-inittab = "${sysconfdir}/inittab"
+CONFFILES_${PN}-inittab = "${sysconfdir}/inittab"
+USE_VT ?= "1"
+SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+ file://install.patch \
+ file://crypt-lib.patch \
+ file://need \
+ file://provide \
+ file://inittab \
+ file://rcS-default \
+ file://rc \
+ file://rcS \
+ file://bootlogd.init"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/sysvinit-${PV}"
+B = "${S}/src"
+inherit update-alternatives
+ALTERNATIVE_LINK = "${base_sbindir}/init"
+ALTERNATIVE_PATH = "${base_sbindir}/init.sysvinit"
+PACKAGES =+ "sysvinit-pidof sysvinit-sulogin"
+FILES_${PN} += "${base_sbindir}/* ${base_bindir}/*"
+FILES_sysvinit-pidof = "${base_bindir}/pidof.sysvinit"
+FILES_sysvinit-sulogin = "${base_sbindir}/sulogin"
+CFLAGS_prepend = "-D_GNU_SOURCE "
+export LCRYPT = "-lcrypt"
+EXTRA_OEMAKE += "'base_bindir=${base_bindir}' \
+ 'base_sbindir=${base_sbindir}' \
+ 'bindir=${bindir}' \
+ 'sbindir=${sbindir}' \
+ 'sysconfdir=${sysconfdir}' \
+ 'includedir=${includedir}' \
+ 'mandir=${mandir}'"
+do_install () {
+ oe_runmake 'ROOT=${D}' install
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir} \
+ ${D}${sysconfdir}/default \
+ ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/inittab ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+ if [ ! -z "${SERIAL_CONSOLE}" ]; then
+ echo "S:2345:respawn:${base_sbindir}/getty ${SERIAL_CONSOLE}" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+ fi
+ if [ "${USE_VT}" = "1" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF >>${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+# ${base_sbindir}/getty invocations for the runlevels.
+# The "id" field MUST be the same as the last
+# characters of the device (after "tty").
+# Format:
+# <id>:<runlevels>:<action>:<process>
+ do
+ echo "$n:2345:respawn:${base_sbindir}/getty 38400 tty$n" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+ done
+ echo "" >> ${D}${sysconfdir}/inittab
+ fi
+ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/rcS-default ${D}${sysconfdir}/default/rcS
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/rc ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/rcS ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d
+ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/bootlogd.init ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/bootlogd
+ ln -sf bootlogd ${D}${sysconfdir}/init.d/stop-bootlogd
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rcS.d
+ ln -sf ../init.d/bootlogd ${D}${sysconfdir}/rcS.d/S07bootlogd
+ for level in 2 3 4 5; do
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc$level.d
+ ln -s ../init.d/stop-bootlogd ${D}${sysconfdir}/rc$level.d/S99stop-bootlogd
+ done
+ mv ${D}${base_sbindir}/init ${D}${base_sbindir}/init.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${base_bindir}/pidof ${D}${base_bindir}/pidof.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${base_sbindir}/halt ${D}${base_sbindir}/halt.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${base_sbindir}/reboot ${D}${base_sbindir}/reboot.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${base_sbindir}/shutdown ${D}${base_sbindir}/shutdown.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${base_sbindir}/poweroff ${D}${base_sbindir}/poweroff.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${bindir}/last ${D}${bindir}/last.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${bindir}/mesg ${D}${bindir}/mesg.${PN}
+ mv ${D}${bindir}/wall ${D}${bindir}/wall.${PN}
+pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
+ update-alternatives --install ${base_sbindir}/halt halt halt.${PN} 200
+ update-alternatives --install ${base_sbindir}/reboot reboot reboot.${PN} 200
+ update-alternatives --install ${base_sbindir}/shutdown shutdown shutdown.${PN} 200
+ update-alternatives --install ${base_sbindir}/poweroff poweroff poweroff.${PN} 200
+ update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/last last last.${PN} 200
+ update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/mesg mesg mesg.${PN} 200
+ update-alternatives --install ${bindir}/wall wall wall.${PN} 200
+pkg_prerm_${PN} () {
+ update-alternatives --remove halt halt.${PN}
+ update-alternatives --remove reboot reboot.${PN}
+ update-alternatives --remove shutdown shutdown.${PN}
+ update-alternatives --remove poweroff poweroff.${PN}
+ update-alternatives --remove last last.${PN}
+ update-alternatives --remove mesg mesg.${PN}
+ update-alternatives --remove wall wall.${PN}
+pkg_postinst_sysvinit-pidof () {
+ update-alternatives --install ${base_bindir}/pidof pidof pidof.${PN} 200
+pkg_prerm_sysvinit-pidof () {
+ update-alternatives --remove pidof pidof.${PN}