path: root/meta
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass b/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass
index 1bf59a5e3..8b820182e 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image_types.bbclass
@@ -60,9 +60,19 @@ def get_imagecmds(d):
cmds += "\n" + localdata.getVar("runimagecmd", True)
return cmds
+# The default aligment of the size of the rootfs is set to 1KiB. In case
+# you're using the SD card emulation of a QEMU system simulator you may
+# set this value to 2048 (2MiB alignment).
runimagecmd () {
# Image generation code for image type ${type}
- ROOTFS_SIZE=`du -ks ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}|awk '{base_size = ($1 * ${IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR}); OFMT = "%.0f" ; print ((base_size > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE} ? base_size : ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE}) + ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE}) }'`
+ # The base_size gets calculated:
+ # - initial size determined by `du -ks` of the IMAGE_ROOTFS
+ # - then multiplied by the IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR
+ # - then rounded up to IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT
+ # - finally tested against IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE
+ ROOTFS_SIZE=`du -ks ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}|awk '{base_size = $1 * ${IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR} + ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT} - 1; base_size -= base_size % ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_ALIGNMENT}; print ((base_size > ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE} ? base_size : ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE}) + ${IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE}) }'`
# Now create the needed compressed versions