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This is a fairly large commit, so I want to step through some of
what this accomplishes:
1. Additional licenses
I've added/modified/corrected some of the common licenses
within OE-core in prep. for a major license audit. Most of these
are in SPDX format. A few, there is no OSI equivalent.
2. Additional SPDX mappings
I've added some additional SPDX mappings to account for removing
some duplicate licenses. (ie GPL-2 and GPL-2.0 were the same)
I've also remapped a few things to more accurately reflect what
they should be pointing at.
Note: Artistic/LGPL/GPL/MPL. Quite a few LICENSE fields list these
licenses. They make no sense and need auditing. In a future commit
I have some fixes to particularly egregious LICENSE fields, but
a full audit should be done. I've listed to obvious candidates at:
3. License manifest
We now have a license manifest generation that occurs in rootfs for
everything BUT .deb. This requires the changes Paul Eggleton has
done to rootfs_* particularly the list_installed_packages function.
The manifest is accurate during a parallel bitbake now (Weee!) and
is prime for my planned SPDX format manifest during the next period.
4. License manifest on image.
We also want the ability to add licenses to the image. This
functionality is also in base-files and will be stripped out in my
next commit. The manifest is not added by default and is a two var
setting in license.conf:
If I want *just* the manifest on the image (small) then I set:
This copies the manifest to:
If I want the actual PKG license text on the image (much larger)
I need to set both both COPY_LIC_MANIFEST and COPY_LIC_DIRS in
license.conf. This will create:
/usr/share/common-licenses/(package name)/(licenses in LIC_SRC_URI)
Word of warning. This can be larger than wanted depending on image
and is probably ripe for linking licenses, but I ran out of time this
week to get that done.
5. Custom License search path.
We now have the ability to add licenses to the build without touching
common-licenses. This is set via license.conf:
LICENSE_PATH += "/path/to/custom/licenses"
You want to make sure the license is unique. license.bbclass picks the
first license it finds.
Signed-off-by: Elizabeth Flanagan <elizabeth.flanagan@intel.com>
This is an intial commit for the license reporting system. A few notes:
The LICENSE fields needs to be standardized throughout poky. As it
stands, we throw a warning if the license file is not found (either
because it does not exist or because LICENSE_FILE_CHKSUM is munged)
in the generic license directory. This should eventually become an
I've seen a few places where Apache-v2.0 is written differently and
I'm sure this will throw the above warning. This does not put the
license data on the rootfs. Also, I provide both the actual license
text and a link to the best guess of the generic_license. That guessing
is not very robust and I'm loath to get into a bunch of pattern matching
rather than standardize LICENSE.
This adds one new param to poky.conf and one new to license.bbclass:
LICENSE_DIR: the base directory we copy all the license results to (set
in license.bbclass)
COMMON_LICENSE_DIR: this is the directory that holds all the common
generic license files. currently meta/files/common-licenses (set in
- We should verify the common-licenses. I stripped these from my Ubuntu
10.10 system.
- We should allow the capability of licenses on the rootfs, although the
resulting image created would be a lot larger.
- More common-licenses. I don't include bzip, zlib, ICS.... I should,
but that means tracking down a lot of licenses.
- General cleanup of licensing and standardization of names. We should
standardize on a naming convention. What's in licenses.conf should
match up with what is in the recipes which should match with what is
in common-licenses. Outside the scope of this though. See: