diff options
authorTrygve Laugstøl <>2012-06-30 18:57:30 +0200
committerTrygve Laugstøl <>2012-06-30 18:57:30 +0200
commit7f3be1a0048f2ddd2cdda9ab17e2316a6bdeee0d (patch)
parentaab2a2e598a435092c95f1ba26ff35866ebdcdfc (diff)
o Twitter Bootstrap <3.
4 files changed, 138 insertions, 85 deletions
diff --git a/routes/index.js b/routes/index.js
index bceafc3..a5b1bdc 100644
--- a/routes/index.js
+++ b/routes/index.js
@@ -13,15 +13,7 @@ function urlgenerator(req) {
exports.index = function(req, res){
res.render('index', {
title: 'Collection+JSON Explorer',
- host:,
- examples: [
- "minimal",
- "collection",
- "item",
- "queries",
- "template",
- "error"
- ]
+ host:
@@ -41,7 +33,7 @@ exports.render = function(req, res) {
try {
parsedBody = JSON.parse(body);
} catch(e) { sendErr('Unable to parse JSON: ' + e); }
- var doc = collection_json.fromObject(parsedBody).collection;
+ var collection = collection_json.fromObject(parsedBody).collection;
var isUrl = function(u) {
try {
var x = url.parse(u);
@@ -55,10 +47,10 @@ exports.render = function(req, res) {
isUrl: isUrl,
urlgenerator: urlgenerator(req),
url: req.query.url,
- doc: doc,
+ collection: collection,
headers: headers,
- raw: body,
- formattedRaw: JSON.stringify(parsedBody, null, ' ') });
+ rawBody: body,
+ formattedBody: JSON.stringify(parsedBody, null, ' ') });
diff --git a/views/data.jade b/views/data.jade
index 0bd5afd..0655045 100644
--- a/views/data.jade
+++ b/views/data.jade
@@ -36,65 +36,41 @@ block link
td: img(src=link.href,, title=name)
-block err
- p Error rendering #{url}
- p= err
-block data
- p Viewing #{url}
- form(action="/render")
- p
- label URL:
- input(name="url", size=100, value=url)
- input(type="submit", value="Render")
- form(action="")
- p
- input(name="uri", value=url, type="hidden")
- input(type="submit", value="Check with")
- ul
- li
- a(href="#meta") Meta
- li
- a(href="#items") Items
- li
- a(href="#headers") Headers
- li
- a(href="#formatted-body") Formatted body
- li
- a(href="#body") Raw body
- a(id="meta"): h1: a(href="#meta") Meta
- - var href=doc.href
+block meta
+ - var href=collection.href
td version
- td #{doc.version}
+ td #{collection.version}
td href
td: block href
+ form(action='')
+ p
+ input(name='uri', value=url, type='hidden')
+ input(type='submit', value='Check with')
h2 Collection Links
- if doc.links.length == 0
+ if collection.links.length == 0
p Collection has no links.
- each link, i in doc.links
+ each link, i in collection.links
- var title = link.prompt ||
- - title = title ? ": " + title : ""
+ - title = title ? ': ' + title : ''
h3 Collection Link ##{i}#{title}
block link
- a(id="items"): h1: a(href="#items") Items
- if doc.items.length == 0
+block items
+ // a(id='items'): h1: a(href='#items') Items
+ if collection.items.length == 0
p Collection has to items.
- p The feed has #{doc.items.length} items.
- each item, i in doc.items
- a(id="item-#{i+1}"): h2: a(href="#item-#{i+1}") Item ##{i+1}
+ // p The feed has #{collection.items.length} items.
+ each item, i in collection.items
+ // a(id='item-#{i+1}'): h2: a(href='#item-#{i+1}') Item ##{i+1}
+ h2 Item ##{i+1}
- var href=item.href
p href:
@@ -109,13 +85,26 @@ block data
block link
h3 Data
- table
+ dl(class='dl-horizontal')
+ each data in
+ dt #{}
+ dd #{data.value}
+ //
+ table(class='table table-striped table-bordered')
each data in
- td #{}
+ th #{}
td #{data.value}
+ //
+ div(class='form-horizontal')
+ each data in
+ div(class='control-group')
+ label(class='control-label') #{}
+ div(class='controls')
+ div #{data.value}
- a(id="headers"): h1: a(href="#headers") Headers
+block headers
+ // a(id='headers'): h1: a(href='#headers') Headers
each value, key in headers
@@ -123,16 +112,74 @@ block data
td #{key}:
td #{value}
- a(id="formatted-body"): h1: a(href="#formatted-body") Formatted body
- pre= formattedRaw
+block formatted_body
+ // a(id='formatted-body'): h1: a(href='#formatted-body') Formatted body
+ pre= formattedBody
+block raw_body
+ // a(id='body'): h1: a(href='#body') Raw body
+ pre= rawBody
+block tabs
+ div(class='tabbable')
+ ul(class='nav nav-tabs')
+ li(class='active'): a(href='#tab-meta', data-toggle='tab') Meta
+ li: a(href='#tab-items', data-toggle='tab') Items
+ li: a(href='#tab-headers', data-toggle='tab') Headers
+ li: a(href='#tab-formatted-body', data-toggle='tab') Formatted Body
+ li: a(href='#tab-raw-body', data-toggle='tab') Raw Body
+ div(class='tab-content')
+ div(class='tab-pane active', id='tab-meta'): block meta
+ div(class='tab-pane', id='tab-items'): block items
+ div(class='tab-pane', id='tab-headers'): block headers
+ div(class='tab-pane', id='tab-formatted-body'): block formatted_body
+ div(class='tab-pane', id='tab-raw-body'): block raw_body
+block navbar
+ div(class='navbar navbar-fixed-top')
+ div(class='navbar-inner')
+ div(class='container')
+ a(class='btn btn-navbar', data-toggle='collapse', data-target='.nav-collapse')
+ span(class='icon-bar')
+ span(class='icon-bar')
+ span(class='icon-bar')
+ span(class='icon-bar')
+ span(class='icon-bar')
+ a(class='brand', href='#') Collection+JSON Explorer
+ div(class='nav-collapse')
+ ul(class='nav')
+ li(class='active'): a(href='#meta') Meta
+ li: a(href='#items') Items
+ li: a(href='#headers') Headers
+ li: a(href='#formatted-body') Formatted Body
+ li: a(href='#raw-body') Raw Body
- a(id="body"): h1: a(href="#body") Raw body
- pre= raw
block content
- h1 Collection+JSON Explorer
+ if typeof err != 'undefined'
+ p Error rendering #{url}
- if typeof err == 'undefined'
- block data
+ p= err
- block err
+ section(id='meta')
+ div(class='page-header')
+ h1 Meta
+ block meta
+ section(id='items')
+ div(class='page-header')
+ h1 Items
+ if collection.items.length > 1
+ small #{collection.items.length} items
+ block items
+ section(id='headers')
+ div(class='page-header')
+ h1 Headers
+ block headers
+ section(id='formatted-body')
+ div(class='page-header')
+ h1 Formatted Body
+ block formatted_body
+ section(id='raw-body')
+ div(class='page-header')
+ h1 Raw Body
+ block raw_body
diff --git a/views/index.jade b/views/index.jade
index 0c1c5bb..5800f5f 100644
--- a/views/index.jade
+++ b/views/index.jade
@@ -3,24 +3,32 @@ extends layout
block content
h1= title
- div This is a simple/dumb explorer for the
+ form(action='/render', class='well')
+ div(class='row')
+ div(class='span10')
+ input(name='url', size='100', placeholder='Enter URL to explore...', class='span10')
+ // TODO: Fix
+ div(class='row')
+ div(class='span12')
+ &nbsp;
+ div(class='row')
+ div(class='offset4 span2')
+ button(type='submit', class='btn') Explore
+ p This is a simple/dumb explorer for the
a(href='') Collection+JSON Hypermedia
| .
- h2 Explore your own collection
- form(action='/render')
- p
- label URL:
- input(name='url', size='100', value='')
- input(type='submit', value='Render')
h2 Examples
- p Taken from:
- a(href='') Mike Amundsen's examples
- - var examples = examples || []
- ul
- each example in examples
- - var u='http://' + host + '/render?url=' + encodeURIComponent('http://' + host + '/examples/from-spec/' + example + '.collection+json')
- li
- a(href='#{u}') #{example}
+ p From the
+ a(href='http://' + host + '/render?') Example Collection+JSON
+ | application. Drill down in an employee data set.
+ p From the specification:
+ - var examples = [ "minimal", "collection", "item", "queries", "template", "error" ]
+ each example, i in examples
+ - var u='http://' + host + '/render?url=' + encodeURIComponent('http://' + host + '/examples/from-spec/' + example + '.collection+json')
+ if i > 0
+ | ,
+ a(href='#{u}') #{example}
diff --git a/views/layout.jade b/views/layout.jade
index 4a9309d..05f6e5d 100644
--- a/views/layout.jade
+++ b/views/layout.jade
@@ -5,8 +5,13 @@ html
meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0')
link(href='/bootstrap-2.0.4/css/bootstrap.css', rel='stylesheet')
- body {
- padding-top: 60px; /* 60px to make the container go all the way to the bottom of the topbar */
+ /*
+ body {
+ padding-top: 40px;
+ }
+ */
+ section {
+ padding-top: 40px;
link(href='/bootstrap-2.0.4/css/bootstrap-responsive.css', rel='stylesheet')
// Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements
@@ -21,6 +26,7 @@ html
link(rel='apple-touch-icon-precomposed', href='/bootstrap-2.0.4/ico/apple-touch-icon-57-precomposed.png')
+ block navbar
block content