path: root/samples/cppunit.ant
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'samples/cppunit.ant')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/samples/cppunit.ant b/samples/cppunit.ant
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6b2172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/cppunit.ant
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Copyright 2004 The Ant-Contrib project
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<project name="cppunit" default="test-all-but-qt">
+<property name="base.dir" value="."/>
+<property name="debug" value="true"/>
+<property name="compiler" value="gcc"/>
+<property name="src.dir" location="${base.dir}/src"/>
+<property name="examples.dir" location="${base.dir}/examples"/>
+<property name="build.dir" location="build"/>
+<property name="include.dir" location="${base.dir}/include"/>
+<property name="config.dir" location="${base.dir}/config"/>
+<property name="qt.dir" location="/usr/lib/qt3"/>
+<property name="major" value="1"/>
+<property name="minor" value="9"/>
+<property name="build" value="14"/>
+<!-- specify api="unix" or api="win32" override platform default -->
+<property name="api" value="default"/>
+<taskdef resource="cpptasks.tasks"/>
+<typedef resource="cpptasks.types"/>
+<target name="usage">
+ <echo message="Builds cppunit ("/>
+ <echo message="Usage:"/>
+ <echo message="ant -f cppunit.ant -Dbase.dir=c:/cppunit-1.9.14"/>
+ <echo message=" -Dcompiler=[gcc | msvc | icc | bcc ...]"/>
+ <echo message="Status:"/>
+ <echo message="test-all will pass for gcc and icc on Linux"/>
+ <echo message="test-all-but-qt will pass for gcc on Mac OS/X"/>
+ <echo message="test-all-but-qt will pass for msvc on Windows"/>
+ <echo message="all-but-qt will pass for bcc but test that divide by zero will fail"/>
+ <echo message="test-all-but-qt will pass for gcc and CC on Solaris,"/>
+ <echo message="but may be necessary to add /usr/ccs/bin so &quot;ar&quot; may be found and"/>
+ <echo message="add the location of libstdc++ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH"/>
+ sample versioninfo, targetplatform and distributer to check
+ if definitions are processed, not functional at this time
+<versioninfo id="cppunit-version"
+ fileversion="1.9.14"
+ productversion="1.9.14"
+ compatibilityversion="1"
+ legalcopyright="Copyright &#xA9; 1996-2000 by Michael Feathers &lt;;"
+ productname="cppunit"
+ companyname="Cppunit project &lt;;"
+ />
+<targetplatform id="winbox" arch="pentium4" osfamily="windows"/>
+<distributer id="mydistcc" hosts="" protocol="distcc" user="carnold">
+ <map local="c:\" remote="smb://xanadu/c-drive/" remoteseparator="/"/>
+<target name="check-config" depends="init">
+ <available property="configure-available"
+ file="${base.dir}/configure"/>
+ <available property="config-auto-available"
+ file="${include.dir}/cppunit/config-auto.h"/>
+ <condition property="do-autogen">
+ <not>
+ <or>
+ <isset property="configure-available"/>
+ <isset property="is-windows"/>
+ </or>
+ </not>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="do-configure">
+ <not>
+ <or>
+ <isset property="config-auto-available"/>
+ <isset property="is-windows"/>
+ </or>
+ </not>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="use-brc">
+ <equals arg1="${compiler}" arg2="bcc"/>
+ </condition>
+<target name="run-autogen"
+ depends="check-config"
+ if="do-autogen">
+ <exec dir="${base.dir}" executable="bash">
+ <arg value=""/>
+ </exec>
+<target name="run-configure"
+ depends="run-autogen"
+ if="do-configure">
+ <exec dir="${base.dir}" executable="bash">
+ <arg value="configure"/>
+ </exec>
+<target name="init">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ <property name="obj.dir" value="${build.dir}/obj"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}"/>
+ <condition property="is-gcc">
+ <or>
+ <equals arg1="${compiler}" arg2="gcc"/>
+ <equals arg1="${compiler}" arg2="g++"/>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="is-msvc">
+ <or>
+ <equals arg1="${compiler}" arg2="msvc"/>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="is-windows"><os family="windows"/></condition>
+ <condition property="is-win32">
+ <or>
+ <equals arg1="${api}" arg2="win32"/>
+ <and>
+ <equals arg1="${api}" arg2="default"/>
+ <isset property="is-windows"/>
+ </and>
+ </or>
+ </condition>
+ <property environment="env"/>
+ <!-- in case not set in environment, use an insignificant value -->
+ <property name="env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="."/>
+<target name="clean">
+ <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
+<target name="shared-lib" depends="run-configure">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/cppunit_shared"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/lib"/>
+ <cc subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/cppunit_shared"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ outtype="shared"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ outfile="${build.dir}/lib/cppunit">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/cppunit"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="DllMain.cpp"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/cppunit"
+ includes="DllMain.cpp"
+ if="is-windows"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-win32"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="CPPUNIT_BUILD_DLL"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Cppunit shared library"/>
+ <!-- writes shared-lib.cbx -->
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/shared-lib" type="cbuilderx" name="shared-lib"/>
+ <!-- writes cppunit.dsp -->
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/cppunit" type="msvc5" name="cppunit"/>
+ <!-- writes cppunit.vcproj -->
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/cppunit" type="msvc71" name="testdllproj"/>
+ <!-- writes cppunit.xcode -->
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/cppunit" type="xcode" name="cppunit"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="static-lib" depends="run-configure">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/cppunit_static"/>
+ <cc subsystem="console"
+ outfile="${build.dir}/cppunit"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/cppunit_static"
+ outtype="static"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ name="${compiler}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/cppunit"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="DllMain.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Cppunit static library"/>
+ <!-- writes static-lib.cbx -->
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/static-lib" type="cbuilderx" name="static-lib"/>
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/cppunit_static" type="msvc5" name="cppunit"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="compile-static-test" depends="static-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/cppunittestmain_static"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/cppunittestmain_static"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/cppunittestmain_static"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ outputfileproperty="test-static.exe">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${examples.dir}/cppunittest"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="CppUnitTestPlugIn.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Self tests using static library"/>
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/static-test" type="cbuilderx" name="static-test"/>
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/static_test" type="msvc5" name="cppunittestmain"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="compile-shared-test" depends="shared-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/cppunittestmain_shared_shared"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/lib/cppunittestmain_shared"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/cppunittestmain_shared"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ outputfileproperty="test.exe">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${examples.dir}/cppunittest"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="CppUnitTestPlugIn.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}/lib" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <defineset define="CPPUNIT_DLL"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Self tests using shared library"/>
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/shared-test" type="cbuilderx" name="shared-test"/>
+ </cc>
+compile CPPUnit implementation and unit tests into a single executable
+<target name="compile-mono-test" depends="run-configure">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/cppunittestmain_mono"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/lib/cppunittestmain"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/cppunittestmain_mono"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ outputfileproperty="test.exe">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/cppunit"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="DllMain.cpp"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-win32"/>
+ <fileset dir="${examples.dir}/cppunittest"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="CppUnitTestPlugIn.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Combined unit tests and implementation"/>
+ <project outfile="${base.dir}/mono-test" type="cbuilderx" name="cppunittestmain_mono"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="test-static" depends="compile-static-test">
+ <!-- return value (or Ant's treatment of it) is
+ inconsistent on Linux -->
+ <exec dir="${build.dir}"
+ executable="${test-static.exe}"
+ failonerror="true"/>
+<target name="test-shared" depends="compile-shared-test">
+ <!-- return value (or Ant's treatment of it) is
+ inconsistent on Linux -->
+ <exec dir="${build.dir}"
+ executable="${build.dir}/lib/cppunittestmain_shared"
+ failonerror="true">
+ <env key="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="${build.dir}/lib:${env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"/>
+ </exec>
+<target name="test-mono" depends="compile-mono-test">
+ <exec dir="${build.dir}"
+ executable="${build.dir}/cppunittestmain"
+ failonerror="true"/>
+<target name="qttestrunner" depends="shared-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/qttestrunner"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/qttestrunner"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/qttestrunner"
+ outtype="shared"
+ subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/qttestrunner"
+ exceptions="true"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/qttestrunner" includes="*.cpp"/>
+ <compiler name="uic">
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/qttestrunner" includes="*.ui"/>
+ </compiler>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <includepath path="${obj.dir}/qttestrunner"/>
+ <includepath path="${qt.dir}/include"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}/lib" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset dir="${qt.dir}/lib" libs="qt-mt"/>
+ <libset libs="pthread"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Qt test runner"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="plugintester" depends="static-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/DllPlugInTester"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/DllPlugInTester"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/DllPlugInTester"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/DllPlugInTester"
+ includes="*.cpp"
+ excludes="DllPlugInTesterTest.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-windows"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-windows"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" fileversion="Dll Plug-in tester"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="plugintestertest" depends="plugintester">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/DllPlugInTester"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/DllPlugInTesterTest"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/DllPlugInTester"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ rtti="true"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/DllPlugInTester"
+ includes="*.cpp"
+ excludes="DllPlugInTester.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-windows"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-windows"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Tests for Plugin tester"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="test-plugintestertest" depends="plugintestertest">
+ <exec executable="${build.dir}/DllPlugInTesterTest"/>
+<target name="money" depends="static-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/money"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/MoneyApp"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/money"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${examples.dir}/money"
+ includes="*.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-windows"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Money example"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="test-money" depends="money">
+ <exec executable="${build.dir}/MoneyApp"
+ failonerror="true"/>
+<target name="hierarchy" depends="static-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/hierarchy"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/hierarchy"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/hierarchy"
+ exceptions="true"
+ rtti="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${examples.dir}/hierarchy"
+ includes="*.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-windows"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Hierarchy example"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="test-hierarchy" depends="hierarchy">
+ <!-- some tests intentionally fail -->
+ <exec executable="${build.dir}/hierarchy"
+ resultproperty="hierarchy-result"/>
+ <condition property="hierarchy-pass">
+ <equals arg1="${hierarchy-result}" arg2="0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <fail unless="hierarchy-pass"
+ message="hierarchy erroneously passed all tests"/>
+<target name="simple" depends="static-lib">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/simple"/>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/simple"
+ outtype="executable"
+ subsystem="console"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ exceptions="true"
+ optimize="speed"
+ rtti="true"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/simple"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${examples.dir}/simple"
+ includes="*.cpp" excludes="SimplePlugIn.cpp"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <!-- original was shared, but changing gives
+ an error loading library -->
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset libs="dl" unless="is-windows"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <versioninfo extends="cppunit-version" filedescription="Sample plug-in"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="test-simple" depends="simple">
+ <!-- some tests intentionally fail -->
+ <exec executable="${build.dir}/simple"
+ resultproperty="simple-result"/>
+ <condition property="simple-pass">
+ <equals arg1="${simple-result}" arg2="0"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!-- fail unless="simple-pass"
+ message="simple erroneously passed all tests"/ -->
+<target name="dsplugin" depends="static-lib" if="is-windows">
+ <mkdir dir="${obj.dir}/DSPlugIn"/>
+ <!-- DSPlugIn.rc required compiled tlb to be in same directory -->
+ <cc objdir="${src.dir}/msvc6/DSPlugIn"
+ name="midl">
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/msvc6/DSPlugIn" includes="*.idl"/>
+ </cc>
+ <cc outfile="${build.dir}/TestRunnerDSPlugIn"
+ outtype="shared"
+ subsystem="gui"
+ objdir="${obj.dir}/DSPlugIn"
+ exceptions="true"
+ name="${compiler}"
+ optimize="speed"
+ rtti="true"
+ debug="${debug}">
+ <compiler name="brc" if="use-brc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <fileset dir="${src.dir}/msvc6/DSPlugIn"
+ includes="*.cpp *.rc"/>
+ <compiler name="msrc"/>
+ <includepath path="${include.dir}"/>
+ <libset dir="${build.dir}" libs="cppunit"/>
+ <libset libs="stdc++" if="is-gcc"/>
+ <defineset define="WIN32" if="is-win32"/>
+ <versioninfo refid="cppunit-version"/>
+ </cc>
+<target name="all-static" depends="static-lib,
+ plugintestertest,
+ money,
+ hierarchy,
+ simple"/>
+<target name="test-all-static" depends="test-static,
+ test-plugintestertest,
+ test-money,
+ test-hierarchy,
+ test-simple"/>
+<target name="all-but-qt" depends="shared-lib,all-static"/>
+<target name="test-all-but-qt" depends="test-shared,test-all-static"/>
+<target name="all-qt" depends="qttestrunner"/>
+<target name="test-all-qt" depends="qttestrunner"/>
+<target name="all" depends="all-but-qt, all-qt"/>
+<target name="test-all" depends="test-all-but-qt, test-all-qt"/>