path: root/src/site/apt/configuration.apt
diff options
authorMark Donszelmann <>2009-10-01 14:33:24 +0200
committerMark Donszelmann <>2009-10-01 14:33:24 +0200
commit846700d44b67b22835b57a1c04f17043db8323a3 (patch)
treea253ecd4ada6f80dbcd08177035cfa71ade9b670 /src/site/apt/configuration.apt
parent0a8746644d70eb8b1cfb615c27155c19e09f46d3 (diff)
Moved files in from freehep-nar-plugin version 2.0-alpha-11-SNAPSHOT
Diffstat (limited to 'src/site/apt/configuration.apt')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/site/apt/configuration.apt b/src/site/apt/configuration.apt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b01b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/site/apt/configuration.apt
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ ---
+FreeHEP NAR Plugin
+ ---
+ ---
+Mark Donszelmann
+ ---
+NAR Configuration
+ The following shows the possible tags in the NAR configuration section:
+ <arch/>
+ <os/>
+ <javaHome/>
+ <aol/>
+ <resourceDirectory/>
+ <resourceBinDir/>
+ <resourceIncludeDir/>
+ <resourceLibDir/>
+ <maxCores/>
+ <targetDirectory/>
+ <output/>
+ <failOnError/>
+ <runtime/>
+ <libtool/>
+ <libraries>
+ <library>
+ <type/>
+ <linkCPP/>
+ <linkFortran/>
+ <run/>
+ <args>
+ <arg/>
+ </args>
+ </library>
+ </libraries>
+ <tests>
+ <test>
+ <name/>
+ <link/>
+ <run/>
+ <args>
+ <arg/>
+ </args>
+ </test>
+ </tests>
+ <linker>
+ <name/>
+ <incremental/>
+ <map/>
+ <options>
+ <option/>
+ </options>
+ <clearDefaultOptions/>
+ <libs>
+ <lib>
+ <name/>
+ <type/>
+ <directory/>
+ </lib>
+ </libs>
+ <sysLibs>
+ <sysLib>
+ <name/>
+ <type/>
+ </sysLib>
+ </sysLibs>
+ </linker>
+ <cpp>
+ <name/>
+ <sourceDirectory/>
+ <includes>
+ <include>
+ </includes>
+ <excludes>
+ <exclude>
+ </excludes>
+ <debug/>
+ <exceptions/>
+ <rtti/>
+ <optimize/>
+ <multiThreaded/>
+ <defines>
+ <define/>
+ </defines>
+ <clearDefaultDefines/>
+ <undefines>
+ <undefine/>
+ </undefines>
+ <clearDefaultUndefines/>
+ <includePaths>
+ <includePath/>
+ </includePaths>
+ <systemIncludePaths>
+ <systemIncludePath/>
+ </systemIncludePaths>
+ <options>
+ <option/>
+ </options>
+ <clearDefaultOptions/>
+ </cpp>
+ <c>
+ ... same as for <cpp>
+ </c>
+ <fortran>
+ ... same as for <cpp>
+ </fortran>
+ <java>
+ <include/>
+ <includePaths>
+ <includePath/>
+ </includePaths>
+ <link/>
+ <runtimeDirectory/>
+ <runtime/>
+ </java>
+ <javah>
+ <name/>
+ <bootClassPaths>
+ <bootClassPath/>
+ </bootClassPaths>
+ <classPaths>
+ <classPath/>
+ </classPaths>
+ <jniDirectory/>
+ <classDirectory/>
+ <includes>
+ <include>
+ </includes>
+ <excludes>
+ <exclude>
+ </excludes>
+ </javah>
+ <link/>
+* {arch}
+ The Architecture for which we produce the native library. Examples are
+i386, x86, ppc, ppc64, etc... Default is the system property os.arch.
+* {os}
+ The Operating System for which we produce the native library. Examples
+are Windows, Linux, MacOSX, SunOS, ... Default is derived from, without spaces and
+in the case of Windows generalized.
+* {javaHome}
+ The location of the Java installation. Default is derived from the system
+property java.home, corrected for MacOSX.
+* {aol}
+ The Architecture-OS-Linker qualifier. Default is composed from the arch,
+os and value.
+* {resourceDirectory}
+ Directory with NAR related resources. Used by the nar-resources goal, which
+copies resources over to the target area. Defaults to ${basedir}/src/nar/resources.
+* {resourceBinDir}
+ Directory with binaries, relative to ${resourceDirectory}. Defaults to bin.
+* {resourceIncludeDir}
+ Directory with includes, relative to ${resourceDirectory}. Defaults to include.
+* {resourceLibDir}
+ Directory with libraries, relative to ${resourceDirectory}. Defaults to lib.
+* {maxCores}
+ Specifies the maximum number or Cores/CPUs to use for compilation.
+If set to 0 it will use all the Cores/CPUs available.
+* {targetDirectory}
+ Directory for all NAR related output.
+Defaults to "${}/nar" for "compile" goal
+Defaults to "${}/test-nar" for "compile-test" goal
+* {output}
+ Name of the output. Default is ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.
+* {failOnError}
+ Fail on compilation/linking error. Default is true.
+* {runtime}
+ Sets the type of runtime library, possible values "dynamic", "static".
+Default is dynamic.
+* {libtool}
+ Set use of libtool. If set to true, the "libtool " will be prepended to
+the command line for compatible compilers/linkers. Default is false.
+* {libraries}
+ Section to specify what type or libraries to create. For each library you may specify:
+ [type] The type of the library: shared, static, jni, plugin, executable. Default is shared.
+ [linkCPP] Specifies if the stdc++ library should be linked with. Default is true.
+ [linkFortran] Specifies if the fortran library should be linked with. Default is false.
+ [narSystemPackage] If specified a NarSystem class will be generated in this package and
+ added to the main jar artifact. The NarSystem class contains the following methods:
+ * loadLibrary() - which will load the <artifact>-<version> JNI library.
+ [narSystemName] Specifies the NarSystem class. Defaults to NarSystem.
+ [narSystemDirectory] Specifies the NarSystem source directory. Defaults to target/nar/nar-generated.
+ []
+ [run] If true will run this executable (only if type is executable).
+ [args] List of arguments to be provided to executable.
+ []
+* {tests}
+ Section to specify which test executables should be created. For each test you may specify:
+ [name] Name of the executable.
+ [link] Type of linking to be used: shared or static. Default is shared.
+ [run] If true will run this test
+ [args] List of arguments to be provided to test.
+ []
+* {linker}
+ Section to specify parameters for the linker.
+** {linker name}
+ The Linker. Some choices are: "msvc", "g++", "CC", "icpc", ...
+ Default is Architecture OS specific.
+** {linker incremental}
+ Enables incremental linking. Default is false.
+** {linker map}
+ Enables the production of a map file. Default is false.
+** {linker options}
+ Additional options for the linker.
+ Defaults to AOL specific values.
+** {linker clearDefaultOptions}
+ Clear options specified in AOL properties.
+** {linker libs}
+ Adds libraries to the linker. For each lib you have to specify:
+ [name] Name of the library, or a dependency groupId:artifactId if this library contains sublibraries
+ [type] Type of linking for this library. Default is shared.
+ [directory] Location for this library.
+ []
+** {linker sysLibs}
+ Adds system libraries to the linker. For each syslib you have to specify:
+ [name] Name of the system library
+ [type] Type of linking for this system library. Default is shared.
+ []
+* {cpp}
+ Section to specify parameters for the c++ compiler.
+** {cpp name}
+ The name of the compiler. Some choices are: "msvc", "g++", "gcc", "CC", "cc", "icc", "icpc", ...
+ Default is AOL specific.
+** {cpp sourceDirectory}
+ Source directory for native files
+** {cpp includes}
+ Include patterns for sources, relative to sourceDirectory in "ant" style.
+** {cpp excludes}
+ Exclude patterns for sources, relative to sourceDirectory in "ant" style.
+** {cpp debug}
+ Compile with debug information. Default is false.
+** {cpp exceptions}
+ Enables generation of exception handling code. Default is true.
+** {cpp rtti}
+ Enables run-time type information. Default is true.
+** {cpp optimize}
+ Sets optimization.
+ Possible choices are: "none", "size", "minimal", "speed", "full", "aggressive", "extreme", "unsafe".
+ Default is none.
+** {cpp multiThreaded}
+ Enables or disables generation of multithreaded code.
+ Default value: false, except on Windows.
+** {cpp defines}
+ Additional list of defines.
+** {cpp clearDefaultDefines}
+ Clear the defines specified in AOL properties.
+** {cpp undefines}
+ Additional list of undefines.
+** {cpp clearDefaultUndefines}
+ Clear undefines specified in AOL properties.
+** {cpp includePaths}
+ Include Paths, relative to ${baseDir}.
+ Defaults to "${sourceDirectory}/include"
+** {cpp systemIncludePaths}
+ System Include Paths, which are added at the end of all include paths
+** {cpp options}
+ Additional options for the C++ compiler. Some of these options can be set by specific tags (debug, rtti, ...).
+ Defaults to AOL specific values.
+** {cpp clearDefaultOptions}
+ Clear options specified in AOL properties.
+* {c}
+ Same definitions as for \<cpp\>
+* {fortran}
+ Same definitions as for \<cpp\>
+* {java}
+ Section to specify parameters for java
+** {java include}
+ Add Java includes to includepath. Default is false.
+** {java includePaths}
+ List of Java Include Paths, relative to javaHome.
+ Defaults to: "javaHome/include" and "javaHome/include/os-specific".
+** {java link}
+ Add Java Runtime to linker. Default is false.
+** {java runtimeDirectory}
+ Relative path from javaHome to the java runtime to link with.
+ Defaults to AOL specific value.
+** {java runtime}
+ Name of the runtime. Default is jvm.
+* {javah}
+ Section to specify parameters for javah
+** {javah name}
+ Javah command to run.
+** {javah bootClassPaths}
+ List of boot class paths. By default none.
+** {javah classPaths}
+ List of classpaths. By default the classDirectory directory is included and all dependent classes.
+** {javah jniDirectory}
+ The target directory into which to generate the output.
+** {javah classDirectory}
+ The class directory to scan for class files with native interfaces.
+** {javah includes}
+ The set of files/patterns to include, relative to classDirectory/sourceDirectory. Defaults to "**/*.class"
+** {javah excludes}
+ A list of exclusion filters, relative to classDirectory/sourceDirectory. Defaults to none.