path: root/vhdl/AS7C256A.vhd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vhdl/AS7C256A.vhd')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vhdl/AS7C256A.vhd b/vhdl/AS7C256A.vhd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60bd64c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vhdl/AS7C256A.vhd
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+-- File Name: AS7C256A.vhd
+-- Version: 1.0
+-- Date: 2 April 2005
+-- Model: BUS Functional
+-- Company: Alliance Semiconductor pvt ltd.
+-- Part Number: AS7C256A (32K x 8)
+-- Description: Alliance 256k Fast Asynchronous SRAM
+-- Note: The model is Done for 10ns cycle time . To work with other cycle time,
+-- we have to change the timing parameters according to Data sheet.
+LIBRARY ieee;
+ USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+ USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
+ Tsim : TIME := 10000 ns;
+ -- write timings 10ns address access time
+ twc : TIME := 10 ns;
+ tcw : TIME := 8 ns;
+ taw : TIME := 8 ns;
+ tas : TIME := 0 ns;
+ twp : TIME := 7 ns;
+ twr : TIME := 0 ns;
+ tah : TIME := 0 ns;
+ tdw : TIME := 5 ns;
+ tdh : TIME := 0 ns;
+ twz : TIME := 5 ns;
+ tow : TIME := 3 ns;
+ -- Read timings 10ns address access time
+ trc : TIME := 10 ns;
+ taa : TIME := 10 ns;
+ tace : TIME := 10 ns;
+ toe : TIME := 5 ns;
+ toh : TIME := 3 ns;
+ tclz : TIME := 3 ns;
+ tchz : TIME := 3 ns;
+ tolz : TIME := 0 ns;
+ tohz : TIME := 3 ns;
+ tpu : TIME := 0 ns;
+ tpd : TIME := 10 ns;
+ t0 : TIME := 0.1 ns;
+ t1 : TIME := 1 ns;
+ -- Bus Width and Data Bus
+ addr_bits : INTEGER := 15;
+ data_bits : INTEGER := 8
+ );
+ PORT (
+ Address : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ DataIO : INOUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
+ OE_bar : IN STD_LOGIC;
+ CE_bar : IN STD_LOGIC;
+ );
+ END AS7C256A;
+ TYPE memory IS ARRAY (2 ** addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) OF STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((data_bits - 1) DOWNTO 0);
+ --For Timig Checks
+ SIGNAL oe_n, ce_n, we_n : STD_LOGIC;
+ SIGNAL add_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SIGNAL data_reg : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SIGNAL t2 : STD_LOGIC := '0' ;
+ SIGNAL oe_n_dly, ce_n_dly, we_n_dly : STD_LOGIC;
+ SIGNAL add_reg_dly : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ SIGNAL data_reg_dly : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ -- For Write access
+ SIGNAL initiate_cebar,initiate_webar,initiate_wecebar : STD_LOGIC;
+ SIGNAL initiate_write1,initiate_write2 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ SIGNAL delayed_WE,delayed_OE : STD_LOGIC;
+ SIGNAL Address_write1,Address_write2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ SIGNAL dataIO1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
+ -- For Read Access
+ SIGNAL data_temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (data_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z');
+ SIGNAL Address_read1,Address_read2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
+ SIGNAL initiate_read1,initiate_read2 : STD_LOGIC := '0';
+ --SIGNAL Tprev_address_event, Tprev_address_event1 : TIME ;
+ oe_n <= OE_bar;
+ ce_n <= CE_bar;
+ we_n <= WE_bar;
+ add_reg <= Address(addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0);
+ data_reg <= DataIO (7 DOWNTO 0);
+ main : PROCESS (oe_n, ce_n, we_n, add_reg, data_reg,t2,initiate_cebar,initiate_webar,initiate_wecebar,initiate_write1,initiate_write2,initiate_read1,initiate_read2)
+ -- Memory Array
+ VARIABLE dummy_array0 : memory;
+ VARIABLE mem_array0 : memory;
+ oe_n_dly <= oe_n after t0;
+ ce_n_dly <= ce_n after t0 ;
+ we_n_dly <= we_n after t0 ;
+ add_reg_dly <= add_reg(addr_bits - 1 DOWNTO 0) after t0;
+ data_reg_dly <= data_reg (7 DOWNTO 0) after t0;
+-- ******* Registering the Access ********
+ if(ce_n'event or we_n'event or oe_n'event or add_reg'event or data_reg'event) then
+ if((ce_n='0') and (we_n = '0')) then
+ Address_write1 <= add_reg;
+ Address_write2 <= Address_write1;
+ dataIO1 <= data_reg;
+ dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write1)) := dataIO1(7 downto 0) ;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+-- **** Write Access *************
+-- ****** CE_bar controlled ***********
+ if(ce_n'event and (ce_n = '0') ) then
+ initiate_cebar <= '0';
+ initiate_wecebar<= '0';
+ end if;
+ if(ce_n'event and (ce_n = '1') ) then
+ if((ce_n_dly = '0') and (ce_n_dly'last_event >= (tcw-t0))) then
+ if ((we_n_dly = '0') and (we_n_dly'last_event >= (twp-t0))) then
+ Address_write2 <= Address_write1;
+ dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write1)) := dataIO1(7 downto 0) ;
+ initiate_cebar <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_cebar <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_cebar <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+-- ***** WE_bar controlled **********
+ if(we_n'event and (we_n = '0') ) then
+ initiate_webar <= '0';
+ initiate_wecebar <= '0';
+ delayed_WE <= we_n AFTER twz;
+ end if;
+ if(we_n'event and (we_n = '1') ) then
+ delayed_WE <= we_n;
+ if ((we_n_dly = '0') and (we_n_dly'last_event >= (twp-t0))) then
+ if((ce_n_dly = '0') and (ce_n_dly'last_event >= (tcw-t0))) then
+ Address_write2 <= Address_write1;
+ dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write1)) := dataIO1(7 downto 0) ;
+ initiate_webar <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_webar <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_webar <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+-- ******* WE_bar & CE_bar controlled ( If both comes to high at the same time)**********
+ if(we_n'event and ce_n'event ) then
+ if ((ce_n = '1') and (we_n = '1')) then
+ if (((we_n_dly = '0') and (we_n_dly'last_event >= (twp-t0))) and ((ce_n_dly = '0') and (ce_n_dly'last_event >= (tcw-t0))) ) then
+ Address_write2 <= Address_write1;
+ dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write1)) := dataIO1(7 downto 0) ;
+ initiate_wecebar <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_wecebar <= '0' ;
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_wecebar <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+-- ******* initiate_cebar or initiate_webar or ini_wecebar goes high - initiate write access **************
+ if ( initiate_cebar'event or initiate_webar'event or initiate_wecebar'event) then
+ if( (initiate_cebar = '1') or (initiate_webar = '1') or (initiate_wecebar = '1') ) then
+ if (( add_reg_dly'last_event >= (twc-t0)) and ( data_reg_dly'last_event >= (tdw-t0))) then
+ initiate_write1 <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_write1 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_write1 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+-- ******* Address/data changes before write completion, then New write(2) initation*************************
+ if (t2'event) then
+ if (( add_reg_dly'last_event >= (twc-t0)) and ( data_reg_dly'last_event >= (tdw-t0))) then
+ if ( (we_n_dly = '0') and (ce_n_dly = '0')) then
+ if ( ( ce_n_dly'last_event >=(tcw-t0)) and ( we_n_dly'last_event >=(twp-t0)) ) then
+ Address_write2 <= Address_write1;
+ dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write1)) := dataIO1(7 downto 0) ;
+ initiate_write2 <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_write2 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_write2 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_write2 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- ***** Write completion (Writing into mem_arrayx[][]) ***********
+ if(initiate_write1'event and (initiate_write1= '1')) then
+ mem_array0(conv_integer(Address_write2)) := dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write2));
+ initiate_write1 <= '0';
+end if;
+ if(initiate_write2'event and (initiate_write2= '1')) then
+ mem_array0(conv_integer(Address_write2)) := dummy_array0(conv_integer(Address_write2));
+ initiate_write2 <= '0';
+end if;
+-- ****** Read Access ********************
+-- ******** Address transition initiates the Read access ********
+if(add_reg'event) then
+ Address_read1 <=Address;
+ Address_read2 <=Address_read1;
+ if ( add_reg_dly'last_event >= (trc-t0)) then
+ if ( (ce_n_dly = '0') and (we_n_dly = '1') ) then
+ initiate_read1 <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_read1 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_read1 <= '0';
+ end if;
+end if;
+if (t2'event) then
+ if (( add_reg_dly'last_event >= (trc-t0))) then
+ if ( (ce_n_dly = '0') and (we_n_dly = '1') ) then
+ Address_read2 <=Address_read1;
+ initiate_read2 <= '1';
+ else
+ initiate_read2 <= '0';
+ end if;
+ else
+ initiate_read2 <= '0';
+ end if;
+end if;
+-- ***** Data drive to data_temp when $time >= taa & tace & trc (all are having same times) ******
+if(initiate_read1'event or initiate_read2'event) then
+ if ((initiate_read1 = '1') or (initiate_read2 = '1')) then
+ if ((ce_n_dly = '0') and (we_n_dly = '1')) then
+ if ( ((we_n_dly = '1') and ( we_n_dly'last_event >=(trc-t0))) and ((ce_n_dly = '0') and ( ce_n_dly'last_event >=(tace-t0))) and ((oe_n_dly = '0') and ( oe_n_dly'last_event >=(toe-t0)))) then
+ data_temp(7 downto 0) <= mem_array0(conv_integer(Address_read2));
+ else
+ data_temp <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') after toh;
+ end if;
+ else
+ data_temp <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') after toh;
+ end if;
+ initiate_read1 <= '0';
+ initiate_read2 <= '0';
+ else
+ data_temp <= TRANSPORT (OTHERS => 'Z') after toh;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+if(oe_n'event and (oe_n = '0') ) then
+ delayed_OE <= NOT(oe_n);
+ end if;
+ if(oe_n'event and (oe_n = '1') ) then
+ delayed_OE <= NOT(oe_n) AFTER tohz;
+ end if;
+ --WAIT FOR Tsim;
+ --Done <= TRUE;
+-- Output buffer
+ WITH (delayed_OE AND delayed_WE) SELECT
+ DataIO <= TRANSPORT data_temp WHEN '1',
+ (OTHERS => 'Z') WHEN '0',
+ WAIT FOR t1;
+ t2 <= '1';
+ WAIT FOR t1;
+ t2 <= '0';
+END behave;