path: root/apps/ble-read-characteristic.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/ble-read-characteristic.cpp')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/ble-read-characteristic.cpp b/apps/ble-read-characteristic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa5fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/ble-read-characteristic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
+#include "ble/Bluetooth.h"
+#include "apps.h"
+namespace trygvis {
+namespace apps {
+using namespace std;
+using namespace trygvis::bluetooth;
+using namespace trygvis::apps;
+class ble_inspect_device : public app {
+ ble_inspect_device() : app("ble-inspect-device") {}
+ ~ble_inspect_device() override = default;
+ string adapter_name;
+ void add_options(po::options_description_easy_init &options) override {
+ auto adapter_value = po::value<>(&adapter_name)->default_value("0");
+ options("adapter", adapter_value, "Which adapter to use.");
+ options("device", po::value<string>()->required(), "The MAC of the device to inspect");
+ options("service", po::value<string>()->required(), "The UUID of the service to read");
+ options("characteristic", po::value<string>()->required(), "The UUID of the characteristic to read");
+ }
+ int with_device(const shared_ptr<BluetoothDevice> &device, const Uuid &service_uuid, const Uuid &characteristic_uuid) {
+ cout << "Inspecting device: " << device->getMac().str() << endl;
+ auto gatt = device->connectGatt();
+ cout << "Connected, discovering services" << endl;
+ gatt->discoverServices();
+ auto serviceO = gatt->findService(service_uuid);
+ if (!serviceO) {
+ cout << "Device does not requested service (" << service_uuid.str() << ")" << endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ auto service = serviceO->get();
+ auto characteristicO = service->findCharacteristic(characteristic_uuid);
+ if (!characteristicO) {
+ cout << "The device does not have requested characteristic (" << characteristic_uuid << ")" << endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ auto characteristic = characteristicO.value();
+ gatt->readValue(characteristic);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ int main(app_execution &execution) override {
+ string mac_str = execution.vm["device"].as<string>();
+ string service_str = execution.vm["service"].as<string>();
+ string characteristic_str = execution.vm["characteristic"].as<string>();
+ auto service_uuid = Uuid::fromString(service_str);
+ auto characteristic_uuid = Uuid::fromString(characteristic_str);
+ BluetoothSystem bluetoothSystem;
+ try {
+ Mac mac = Mac::parseMac(mac_str);
+ auto adapter = bluetoothSystem.getAdapter(adapter_name);
+ auto device = adapter->getDevice(mac);
+ return with_device(device, service_uuid.value(), characteristic_uuid.value());
+ } catch (std::runtime_error &ex) {
+ cout << "std::runtime_error: " << ex.what() << endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ } catch (std::exception &ex) {
+ cout << "std::exception: " << ex.what() << endl;
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
+ using namespace trygvis::apps;
+ return real_main(new ble_inspect_device(), argc, argv);