path: root/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src
diff options
authorTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2017-01-25 22:23:13 +0100
committerTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2017-01-25 22:23:17 +0100
commit2fff65aed2477a503c72629d27e2a330d30c02d1 (patch)
tree96fd9f2f8151e266c0cf8563a714d7bab8aa7cb0 /thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src
parent41fdd2b1f35bcb4224fdb8fee2b959e09d1f5916 (diff)
o Seemingly working Mutexes.
o Dropping the privileged/unprivileged split for now.
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src')
6 files changed, 5575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_can.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_can.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8e049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_can.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1415 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f10x_can.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V3.5.0
+ * @date 11-March-2011
+ * @brief This file provides all the CAN firmware functions.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f10x_can.h"
+#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN
+ * @brief CAN driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+/* CAN Master Control Register bits */
+#define MCR_DBF ((uint32_t)0x00010000) /* software master reset */
+/* CAN Mailbox Transmit Request */
+#define TMIDxR_TXRQ ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /* Transmit mailbox request */
+/* CAN Filter Master Register bits */
+#define FMR_FINIT ((uint32_t)0x00000001) /* Filter init mode */
+/* Time out for INAK bit */
+#define INAK_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF)
+/* Time out for SLAK bit */
+#define SLAK_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF)
+/* Flags in TSR register */
+#define CAN_FLAGS_TSR ((uint32_t)0x08000000)
+/* Flags in RF1R register */
+#define CAN_FLAGS_RF1R ((uint32_t)0x04000000)
+/* Flags in RF0R register */
+#define CAN_FLAGS_RF0R ((uint32_t)0x02000000)
+/* Flags in MSR register */
+#define CAN_FLAGS_MSR ((uint32_t)0x01000000)
+/* Flags in ESR register */
+#define CAN_FLAGS_ESR ((uint32_t)0x00F00000)
+/* Mailboxes definition */
+#define CAN_TXMAILBOX_0 ((uint8_t)0x00)
+#define CAN_TXMAILBOX_1 ((uint8_t)0x01)
+#define CAN_TXMAILBOX_2 ((uint8_t)0x02)
+#define CAN_MODE_MASK ((uint32_t) 0x00000003)
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+static ITStatus CheckITStatus(uint32_t CAN_Reg, uint32_t It_Bit);
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup CAN_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Deinitializes the CAN peripheral registers to their default reset values.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_DeInit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ if (CANx == CAN1)
+ {
+ /* Enable CAN1 reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, ENABLE);
+ /* Release CAN1 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, DISABLE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Enable CAN2 reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN2, ENABLE);
+ /* Release CAN2 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN2, DISABLE);
+ }
+ * @brief Initializes the CAN peripheral according to the specified
+ * parameters in the CAN_InitStruct.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN
+ * peripheral.
+ * @param CAN_InitStruct: pointer to a CAN_InitTypeDef structure that
+ * contains the configuration information for the
+ * CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval Constant indicates initialization succeed which will be
+ * CAN_InitStatus_Failed or CAN_InitStatus_Success.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_Init(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_InitTypeDef* CAN_InitStruct)
+ uint8_t InitStatus = CAN_InitStatus_Failed;
+ uint32_t wait_ack = 0x00000000;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_TTCM));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_ABOM));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_AWUM));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_NART));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_RFLM));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_TXFP));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_MODE(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_Mode));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_SJW(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_SJW));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_BS1(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_BS1));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_BS2(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_BS2));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_PRESCALER(CAN_InitStruct->CAN_Prescaler));
+ /* Exit from sleep mode */
+ CANx->MCR &= (~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_SLEEP);
+ /* Request initialisation */
+ /* Wait the acknowledge */
+ while (((CANx->MSR & CAN_MSR_INAK) != CAN_MSR_INAK) && (wait_ack != INAK_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ wait_ack++;
+ }
+ /* Check acknowledge */
+ {
+ InitStatus = CAN_InitStatus_Failed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set the time triggered communication mode */
+ if (CAN_InitStruct->CAN_TTCM == ENABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_TTCM;
+ }
+ /* Set the automatic bus-off management */
+ if (CAN_InitStruct->CAN_ABOM == ENABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_ABOM;
+ }
+ /* Set the automatic wake-up mode */
+ if (CAN_InitStruct->CAN_AWUM == ENABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_AWUM;
+ }
+ /* Set the no automatic retransmission */
+ if (CAN_InitStruct->CAN_NART == ENABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_NART;
+ }
+ /* Set the receive FIFO locked mode */
+ if (CAN_InitStruct->CAN_RFLM == ENABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_RFLM;
+ }
+ /* Set the transmit FIFO priority */
+ if (CAN_InitStruct->CAN_TXFP == ENABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_TXFP;
+ }
+ /* Set the bit timing register */
+ CANx->BTR = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)CAN_InitStruct->CAN_Mode << 30) | \
+ ((uint32_t)CAN_InitStruct->CAN_SJW << 24) | \
+ ((uint32_t)CAN_InitStruct->CAN_BS1 << 16) | \
+ ((uint32_t)CAN_InitStruct->CAN_BS2 << 20) | \
+ ((uint32_t)CAN_InitStruct->CAN_Prescaler - 1);
+ /* Request leave initialisation */
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_INRQ;
+ /* Wait the acknowledge */
+ wait_ack = 0;
+ while (((CANx->MSR & CAN_MSR_INAK) == CAN_MSR_INAK) && (wait_ack != INAK_TIMEOUT))
+ {
+ wait_ack++;
+ }
+ /* ...and check acknowledged */
+ {
+ InitStatus = CAN_InitStatus_Failed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ InitStatus = CAN_InitStatus_Success ;
+ }
+ }
+ /* At this step, return the status of initialization */
+ return InitStatus;
+ * @brief Initializes the CAN peripheral according to the specified
+ * parameters in the CAN_FilterInitStruct.
+ * @param CAN_FilterInitStruct: pointer to a CAN_FilterInitTypeDef
+ * structure that contains the configuration
+ * information.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_FilterInit(CAN_FilterInitTypeDef* CAN_FilterInitStruct)
+ uint32_t filter_number_bit_pos = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FILTER_NUMBER(CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterNumber));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FILTER_MODE(CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMode));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FILTER_SCALE(CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterScale));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FILTER_FIFO(CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterFIFOAssignment));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterActivation));
+ filter_number_bit_pos = ((uint32_t)1) << CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterNumber;
+ /* Initialisation mode for the filter */
+ /* Filter Deactivation */
+ CAN1->FA1R &= ~(uint32_t)filter_number_bit_pos;
+ /* Filter Scale */
+ if (CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterScale == CAN_FilterScale_16bit)
+ {
+ /* 16-bit scale for the filter */
+ CAN1->FS1R &= ~(uint32_t)filter_number_bit_pos;
+ /* First 16-bit identifier and First 16-bit mask */
+ /* Or First 16-bit identifier and Second 16-bit identifier */
+ CAN1->sFilterRegister[CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterNumber].FR1 =
+ ((0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskIdLow) << 16) |
+ (0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterIdLow);
+ /* Second 16-bit identifier and Second 16-bit mask */
+ /* Or Third 16-bit identifier and Fourth 16-bit identifier */
+ CAN1->sFilterRegister[CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterNumber].FR2 =
+ ((0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskIdHigh) << 16) |
+ (0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterIdHigh);
+ }
+ if (CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterScale == CAN_FilterScale_32bit)
+ {
+ /* 32-bit scale for the filter */
+ CAN1->FS1R |= filter_number_bit_pos;
+ /* 32-bit identifier or First 32-bit identifier */
+ CAN1->sFilterRegister[CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterNumber].FR1 =
+ ((0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterIdHigh) << 16) |
+ (0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterIdLow);
+ /* 32-bit mask or Second 32-bit identifier */
+ CAN1->sFilterRegister[CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterNumber].FR2 =
+ ((0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskIdHigh) << 16) |
+ (0x0000FFFF & (uint32_t)CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskIdLow);
+ }
+ /* Filter Mode */
+ if (CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMode == CAN_FilterMode_IdMask)
+ {
+ /*Id/Mask mode for the filter*/
+ CAN1->FM1R &= ~(uint32_t)filter_number_bit_pos;
+ }
+ else /* CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMode == CAN_FilterMode_IdList */
+ {
+ /*Identifier list mode for the filter*/
+ CAN1->FM1R |= (uint32_t)filter_number_bit_pos;
+ }
+ /* Filter FIFO assignment */
+ if (CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterFIFOAssignment == CAN_Filter_FIFO0)
+ {
+ /* FIFO 0 assignation for the filter */
+ CAN1->FFA1R &= ~(uint32_t)filter_number_bit_pos;
+ }
+ if (CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterFIFOAssignment == CAN_Filter_FIFO1)
+ {
+ /* FIFO 1 assignation for the filter */
+ CAN1->FFA1R |= (uint32_t)filter_number_bit_pos;
+ }
+ /* Filter activation */
+ if (CAN_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterActivation == ENABLE)
+ {
+ CAN1->FA1R |= filter_number_bit_pos;
+ }
+ /* Leave the initialisation mode for the filter */
+ * @brief Fills each CAN_InitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param CAN_InitStruct: pointer to a CAN_InitTypeDef structure which
+ * will be initialized.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_StructInit(CAN_InitTypeDef* CAN_InitStruct)
+ /* Reset CAN init structure parameters values */
+ /* Initialize the time triggered communication mode */
+ /* Initialize the automatic bus-off management */
+ /* Initialize the automatic wake-up mode */
+ /* Initialize the no automatic retransmission */
+ /* Initialize the receive FIFO locked mode */
+ /* Initialize the transmit FIFO priority */
+ /* Initialize the CAN_Mode member */
+ CAN_InitStruct->CAN_Mode = CAN_Mode_Normal;
+ /* Initialize the CAN_SJW member */
+ CAN_InitStruct->CAN_SJW = CAN_SJW_1tq;
+ /* Initialize the CAN_BS1 member */
+ CAN_InitStruct->CAN_BS1 = CAN_BS1_4tq;
+ /* Initialize the CAN_BS2 member */
+ CAN_InitStruct->CAN_BS2 = CAN_BS2_3tq;
+ /* Initialize the CAN_Prescaler member */
+ CAN_InitStruct->CAN_Prescaler = 1;
+ * @brief Select the start bank filter for slave CAN.
+ * @note This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param CAN_BankNumber: Select the start slave bank filter from 1..27.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_SlaveStartBank(uint8_t CAN_BankNumber)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_BANKNUMBER(CAN_BankNumber));
+ /* Enter Initialisation mode for the filter */
+ /* Select the start slave bank */
+ CAN1->FMR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFFC0F1 ;
+ CAN1->FMR |= (uint32_t)(CAN_BankNumber)<<8;
+ /* Leave Initialisation mode for the filter */
+ * @brief Enables or disables the DBG Freeze for CAN.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the CAN peripheral. This parameter can
+ * be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_DBGFreeze(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable Debug Freeze */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable Debug Freeze */
+ CANx->MCR &= ~MCR_DBF;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disabes the CAN Time TriggerOperation communication mode.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param NewState : Mode new state , can be one of @ref FunctionalState.
+ * @note when enabled, Time stamp (TIME[15:0]) value is sent in the last
+ * two data bytes of the 8-byte message: TIME[7:0] in data byte 6
+ * and TIME[15:8] in data byte 7
+ * @note DLC must be programmed as 8 in order Time Stamp (2 bytes) to be
+ * sent over the CAN bus.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void CAN_TTComModeCmd(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the TTCM mode */
+ /* Set TGT bits */
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[0].TDTR |= ((uint32_t)CAN_TDT0R_TGT);
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[1].TDTR |= ((uint32_t)CAN_TDT1R_TGT);
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[2].TDTR |= ((uint32_t)CAN_TDT2R_TGT);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the TTCM mode */
+ CANx->MCR &= (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_TTCM);
+ /* Reset TGT bits */
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[0].TDTR &= ((uint32_t)~CAN_TDT0R_TGT);
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[1].TDTR &= ((uint32_t)~CAN_TDT1R_TGT);
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[2].TDTR &= ((uint32_t)~CAN_TDT2R_TGT);
+ }
+ * @brief Initiates the transmission of a message.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param TxMessage: pointer to a structure which contains CAN Id, CAN
+ * DLC and CAN data.
+ * @retval The number of the mailbox that is used for transmission
+ * or CAN_TxStatus_NoMailBox if there is no empty mailbox.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_Transmit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CanTxMsg* TxMessage)
+ uint8_t transmit_mailbox = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_IDTYPE(TxMessage->IDE));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_RTR(TxMessage->RTR));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_DLC(TxMessage->DLC));
+ /* Select one empty transmit mailbox */
+ {
+ transmit_mailbox = 0;
+ }
+ else if ((CANx->TSR&CAN_TSR_TME1) == CAN_TSR_TME1)
+ {
+ transmit_mailbox = 1;
+ }
+ else if ((CANx->TSR&CAN_TSR_TME2) == CAN_TSR_TME2)
+ {
+ transmit_mailbox = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ transmit_mailbox = CAN_TxStatus_NoMailBox;
+ }
+ if (transmit_mailbox != CAN_TxStatus_NoMailBox)
+ {
+ /* Set up the Id */
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TIR &= TMIDxR_TXRQ;
+ if (TxMessage->IDE == CAN_Id_Standard)
+ {
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_STDID(TxMessage->StdId));
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TIR |= ((TxMessage->StdId << 21) | \
+ TxMessage->RTR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_EXTID(TxMessage->ExtId));
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TIR |= ((TxMessage->ExtId << 3) | \
+ TxMessage->IDE | \
+ TxMessage->RTR);
+ }
+ /* Set up the DLC */
+ TxMessage->DLC &= (uint8_t)0x0000000F;
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TDTR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFFFFF0;
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TDTR |= TxMessage->DLC;
+ /* Set up the data field */
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TDLR = (((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[3] << 24) |
+ ((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[2] << 16) |
+ ((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[1] << 8) |
+ ((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[0]));
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TDHR = (((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[7] << 24) |
+ ((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[6] << 16) |
+ ((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[5] << 8) |
+ ((uint32_t)TxMessage->Data[4]));
+ /* Request transmission */
+ CANx->sTxMailBox[transmit_mailbox].TIR |= TMIDxR_TXRQ;
+ }
+ return transmit_mailbox;
+ * @brief Checks the transmission of a message.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the
+ * CAN peripheral.
+ * @param TransmitMailbox: the number of the mailbox that is used for
+ * transmission.
+ * @retval CAN_TxStatus_Ok if the CAN driver transmits the message, CAN_TxStatus_Failed
+ * in an other case.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_TransmitStatus(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint8_t TransmitMailbox)
+ uint32_t state = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_TRANSMITMAILBOX(TransmitMailbox));
+ switch (TransmitMailbox)
+ {
+ case (CAN_TXMAILBOX_0):
+ break;
+ case (CAN_TXMAILBOX_1):
+ break;
+ case (CAN_TXMAILBOX_2):
+ break;
+ default:
+ state = CAN_TxStatus_Failed;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* transmit pending */
+ case (0x0): state = CAN_TxStatus_Pending;
+ break;
+ /* transmit failed */
+ case (CAN_TSR_RQCP0 | CAN_TSR_TME0): state = CAN_TxStatus_Failed;
+ break;
+ case (CAN_TSR_RQCP1 | CAN_TSR_TME1): state = CAN_TxStatus_Failed;
+ break;
+ case (CAN_TSR_RQCP2 | CAN_TSR_TME2): state = CAN_TxStatus_Failed;
+ break;
+ /* transmit succeeded */
+ case (CAN_TSR_RQCP0 | CAN_TSR_TXOK0 | CAN_TSR_TME0):state = CAN_TxStatus_Ok;
+ break;
+ case (CAN_TSR_RQCP1 | CAN_TSR_TXOK1 | CAN_TSR_TME1):state = CAN_TxStatus_Ok;
+ break;
+ case (CAN_TSR_RQCP2 | CAN_TSR_TXOK2 | CAN_TSR_TME2):state = CAN_TxStatus_Ok;
+ break;
+ default: state = CAN_TxStatus_Failed;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (uint8_t) state;
+ * @brief Cancels a transmit request.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param Mailbox: Mailbox number.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_CancelTransmit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint8_t Mailbox)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_TRANSMITMAILBOX(Mailbox));
+ /* abort transmission */
+ switch (Mailbox)
+ {
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief Receives a message.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param FIFONumber: Receive FIFO number, CAN_FIFO0 or CAN_FIFO1.
+ * @param RxMessage: pointer to a structure receive message which contains
+ * CAN Id, CAN DLC, CAN datas and FMI number.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_Receive(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint8_t FIFONumber, CanRxMsg* RxMessage)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FIFO(FIFONumber));
+ /* Get the Id */
+ RxMessage->IDE = (uint8_t)0x04 & CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RIR;
+ if (RxMessage->IDE == CAN_Id_Standard)
+ {
+ RxMessage->StdId = (uint32_t)0x000007FF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RIR >> 21);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RxMessage->ExtId = (uint32_t)0x1FFFFFFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RIR >> 3);
+ }
+ RxMessage->RTR = (uint8_t)0x02 & CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RIR;
+ /* Get the DLC */
+ RxMessage->DLC = (uint8_t)0x0F & CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDTR;
+ /* Get the FMI */
+ RxMessage->FMI = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDTR >> 8);
+ /* Get the data field */
+ RxMessage->Data[0] = (uint8_t)0xFF & CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDLR;
+ RxMessage->Data[1] = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDLR >> 8);
+ RxMessage->Data[2] = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDLR >> 16);
+ RxMessage->Data[3] = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDLR >> 24);
+ RxMessage->Data[4] = (uint8_t)0xFF & CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDHR;
+ RxMessage->Data[5] = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDHR >> 8);
+ RxMessage->Data[6] = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDHR >> 16);
+ RxMessage->Data[7] = (uint8_t)0xFF & (CANx->sFIFOMailBox[FIFONumber].RDHR >> 24);
+ /* Release the FIFO */
+ /* Release FIFO0 */
+ if (FIFONumber == CAN_FIFO0)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Release FIFO1 */
+ else /* FIFONumber == CAN_FIFO1 */
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Releases the specified FIFO.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param FIFONumber: FIFO to release, CAN_FIFO0 or CAN_FIFO1.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_FIFORelease(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint8_t FIFONumber)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FIFO(FIFONumber));
+ /* Release FIFO0 */
+ if (FIFONumber == CAN_FIFO0)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Release FIFO1 */
+ else /* FIFONumber == CAN_FIFO1 */
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Returns the number of pending messages.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param FIFONumber: Receive FIFO number, CAN_FIFO0 or CAN_FIFO1.
+ * @retval NbMessage : which is the number of pending message.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_MessagePending(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint8_t FIFONumber)
+ uint8_t message_pending=0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_FIFO(FIFONumber));
+ if (FIFONumber == CAN_FIFO0)
+ {
+ message_pending = (uint8_t)(CANx->RF0R&(uint32_t)0x03);
+ }
+ else if (FIFONumber == CAN_FIFO1)
+ {
+ message_pending = (uint8_t)(CANx->RF1R&(uint32_t)0x03);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ message_pending = 0;
+ }
+ return message_pending;
+ * @brief Select the CAN Operation mode.
+ * @param CAN_OperatingMode : CAN Operating Mode. This parameter can be one
+ * of @ref CAN_OperatingMode_TypeDef enumeration.
+ * @retval status of the requested mode which can be
+ * - CAN_ModeStatus_Failed CAN failed entering the specific mode
+ * - CAN_ModeStatus_Success CAN Succeed entering the specific mode
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_OperatingModeRequest(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint8_t CAN_OperatingMode)
+ uint8_t status = CAN_ModeStatus_Failed;
+ /* Timeout for INAK or also for SLAK bits*/
+ uint32_t timeout = INAK_TIMEOUT;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_OPERATING_MODE(CAN_OperatingMode));
+ if (CAN_OperatingMode == CAN_OperatingMode_Initialization)
+ {
+ /* Request initialisation */
+ CANx->MCR = (uint32_t)((CANx->MCR & (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_SLEEP)) | CAN_MCR_INRQ);
+ /* Wait the acknowledge */
+ while (((CANx->MSR & CAN_MODE_MASK) != CAN_MSR_INAK) && (timeout != 0))
+ {
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Failed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Success;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CAN_OperatingMode == CAN_OperatingMode_Normal)
+ {
+ /* Request leave initialisation and sleep mode and enter Normal mode */
+ CANx->MCR &= (uint32_t)(~(CAN_MCR_SLEEP|CAN_MCR_INRQ));
+ /* Wait the acknowledge */
+ while (((CANx->MSR & CAN_MODE_MASK) != 0) && (timeout!=0))
+ {
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ if ((CANx->MSR & CAN_MODE_MASK) != 0)
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Failed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Success;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CAN_OperatingMode == CAN_OperatingMode_Sleep)
+ {
+ /* Request Sleep mode */
+ CANx->MCR = (uint32_t)((CANx->MCR & (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_INRQ)) | CAN_MCR_SLEEP);
+ /* Wait the acknowledge */
+ while (((CANx->MSR & CAN_MODE_MASK) != CAN_MSR_SLAK) && (timeout!=0))
+ {
+ timeout--;
+ }
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Failed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Success;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = CAN_ModeStatus_Failed;
+ }
+ return (uint8_t) status;
+ * @brief Enters the low power mode.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval status: CAN_Sleep_Ok if sleep entered, CAN_Sleep_Failed in an
+ * other case.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_Sleep(CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+ uint8_t sleepstatus = CAN_Sleep_Failed;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ /* Request Sleep mode */
+ CANx->MCR = (((CANx->MCR) & (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_INRQ)) | CAN_MCR_SLEEP);
+ /* Sleep mode status */
+ {
+ /* Sleep mode not entered */
+ sleepstatus = CAN_Sleep_Ok;
+ }
+ /* return sleep mode status */
+ return (uint8_t)sleepstatus;
+ * @brief Wakes the CAN up.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval status: CAN_WakeUp_Ok if sleep mode left, CAN_WakeUp_Failed in an
+ * other case.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_WakeUp(CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+ uint32_t wait_slak = SLAK_TIMEOUT;
+ uint8_t wakeupstatus = CAN_WakeUp_Failed;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ /* Wake up request */
+ CANx->MCR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_MCR_SLEEP;
+ /* Sleep mode status */
+ while(((CANx->MSR & CAN_MSR_SLAK) == CAN_MSR_SLAK)&&(wait_slak!=0x00))
+ {
+ wait_slak--;
+ }
+ {
+ /* wake up done : Sleep mode exited */
+ wakeupstatus = CAN_WakeUp_Ok;
+ }
+ /* return wakeup status */
+ return (uint8_t)wakeupstatus;
+ * @brief Returns the CANx's last error code (LEC).
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval CAN_ErrorCode: specifies the Error code :
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_NoErr No Error
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_StuffErr Stuff Error
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_FormErr Form Error
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_ACKErr Acknowledgment Error
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_BitRecessiveErr Bit Recessive Error
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_BitDominantErr Bit Dominant Error
+ * - CAN_ERRORCODE_SoftwareSetErr Software Set Error
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_GetLastErrorCode(CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+ uint8_t errorcode=0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ /* Get the error code*/
+ errorcode = (((uint8_t)CANx->ESR) & (uint8_t)CAN_ESR_LEC);
+ /* Return the error code*/
+ return errorcode;
+ * @brief Returns the CANx Receive Error Counter (REC).
+ * @note In case of an error during reception, this counter is incremented
+ * by 1 or by 8 depending on the error condition as defined by the CAN
+ * standard. After every successful reception, the counter is
+ * decremented by 1 or reset to 120 if its value was higher than 128.
+ * When the counter value exceeds 127, the CAN controller enters the
+ * error passive state.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval CAN Receive Error Counter.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_GetReceiveErrorCounter(CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+ uint8_t counter=0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ /* Get the Receive Error Counter*/
+ counter = (uint8_t)((CANx->ESR & CAN_ESR_REC)>> 24);
+ /* Return the Receive Error Counter*/
+ return counter;
+ * @brief Returns the LSB of the 9-bit CANx Transmit Error Counter(TEC).
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @retval LSB of the 9-bit CAN Transmit Error Counter.
+ */
+uint8_t CAN_GetLSBTransmitErrorCounter(CAN_TypeDef* CANx)
+ uint8_t counter=0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ /* Get the LSB of the 9-bit CANx Transmit Error Counter(TEC) */
+ counter = (uint8_t)((CANx->ESR & CAN_ESR_TEC)>> 16);
+ /* Return the LSB of the 9-bit CANx Transmit Error Counter(TEC) */
+ return counter;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified CANx interrupts.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param CAN_IT: specifies the CAN interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be:
+ * - CAN_IT_TME,
+ * - CAN_IT_FMP0,
+ * - CAN_IT_FF0,
+ * - CAN_IT_FOV0,
+ * - CAN_IT_FMP1,
+ * - CAN_IT_FF1,
+ * - CAN_IT_FOV1,
+ * - CAN_IT_EWG,
+ * - CAN_IT_EPV,
+ * - CAN_IT_LEC,
+ * - CAN_IT_ERR,
+ * - CAN_IT_WKU or
+ * - CAN_IT_SLK.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the CAN interrupts.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_ITConfig(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_IT(CAN_IT));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected CANx interrupt */
+ CANx->IER |= CAN_IT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected CANx interrupt */
+ CANx->IER &= ~CAN_IT;
+ }
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified CAN flag is set or not.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param CAN_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following flags:
+ * - CAN_FLAG_FF1
+ * - CAN_FLAG_FF0
+ * @retval The new state of CAN_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus CAN_GetFlagStatus(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_FLAG)
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_GET_FLAG(CAN_FLAG));
+ if((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_ESR) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Check the status of the specified CAN flag */
+ if ((CANx->ESR & (CAN_FLAG & 0x000FFFFF)) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_MSR) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Check the status of the specified CAN flag */
+ if ((CANx->MSR & (CAN_FLAG & 0x000FFFFF)) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_TSR) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Check the status of the specified CAN flag */
+ if ((CANx->TSR & (CAN_FLAG & 0x000FFFFF)) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_RF0R) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Check the status of the specified CAN flag */
+ if ((CANx->RF0R & (CAN_FLAG & 0x000FFFFF)) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* If(CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_RF1R != (uint32_t)RESET) */
+ {
+ /* Check the status of the specified CAN flag */
+ if ((uint32_t)(CANx->RF1R & (CAN_FLAG & 0x000FFFFF)) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* CAN_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return the CAN_FLAG status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the CAN's pending flags.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param CAN_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following flags:
+ * - CAN_FLAG_FF1
+ * - CAN_FLAG_FF0
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_ClearFlag(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_FLAG)
+ uint32_t flagtmp=0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_CLEAR_FLAG(CAN_FLAG));
+ if (CAN_FLAG == CAN_FLAG_LEC) /* ESR register */
+ {
+ /* Clear the selected CAN flags */
+ CANx->ESR = (uint32_t)RESET;
+ }
+ else /* MSR or TSR or RF0R or RF1R */
+ {
+ flagtmp = CAN_FLAG & 0x000FFFFF;
+ if ((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_RF0R)!=(uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Receive Flags */
+ CANx->RF0R = (uint32_t)(flagtmp);
+ }
+ else if ((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_RF1R)!=(uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Receive Flags */
+ CANx->RF1R = (uint32_t)(flagtmp);
+ }
+ else if ((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_TSR)!=(uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Transmit Flags */
+ CANx->TSR = (uint32_t)(flagtmp);
+ }
+ else /* If((CAN_FLAG & CAN_FLAGS_MSR)!=(uint32_t)RESET) */
+ {
+ /* Operating mode Flags */
+ CANx->MSR = (uint32_t)(flagtmp);
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified CANx interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param CAN_IT: specifies the CAN interrupt source to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following flags:
+ * - CAN_IT_TME
+ * - CAN_IT_FMP0
+ * - CAN_IT_FF0
+ * - CAN_IT_FOV0
+ * - CAN_IT_FMP1
+ * - CAN_IT_FF1
+ * - CAN_IT_FOV1
+ * - CAN_IT_WKU
+ * - CAN_IT_SLK
+ * - CAN_IT_EWG
+ * - CAN_IT_EPV
+ * - CAN_IT_BOF
+ * - CAN_IT_LEC
+ * - CAN_IT_ERR
+ * @retval The current state of CAN_IT (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus CAN_GetITStatus(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_IT)
+ ITStatus itstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_IT(CAN_IT));
+ /* check the enable interrupt bit */
+ if((CANx->IER & CAN_IT) != RESET)
+ {
+ /* in case the Interrupt is enabled, .... */
+ switch (CAN_IT)
+ {
+ case CAN_IT_TME:
+ /* Check CAN_TSR_RQCPx bits */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->TSR, CAN_TSR_RQCP0|CAN_TSR_RQCP1|CAN_TSR_RQCP2);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FMP0:
+ /* Check CAN_RF0R_FMP0 bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->RF0R, CAN_RF0R_FMP0);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FF0:
+ /* Check CAN_RF0R_FULL0 bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->RF0R, CAN_RF0R_FULL0);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FOV0:
+ /* Check CAN_RF0R_FOVR0 bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->RF0R, CAN_RF0R_FOVR0);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FMP1:
+ /* Check CAN_RF1R_FMP1 bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->RF1R, CAN_RF1R_FMP1);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FF1:
+ /* Check CAN_RF1R_FULL1 bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->RF1R, CAN_RF1R_FULL1);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FOV1:
+ /* Check CAN_RF1R_FOVR1 bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->RF1R, CAN_RF1R_FOVR1);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_WKU:
+ /* Check CAN_MSR_WKUI bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->MSR, CAN_MSR_WKUI);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_SLK:
+ /* Check CAN_MSR_SLAKI bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->MSR, CAN_MSR_SLAKI);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_EWG:
+ /* Check CAN_ESR_EWGF bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->ESR, CAN_ESR_EWGF);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_EPV:
+ /* Check CAN_ESR_EPVF bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->ESR, CAN_ESR_EPVF);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_BOF:
+ /* Check CAN_ESR_BOFF bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->ESR, CAN_ESR_BOFF);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_LEC:
+ /* Check CAN_ESR_LEC bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->ESR, CAN_ESR_LEC);
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_ERR:
+ /* Check CAN_MSR_ERRI bit */
+ itstatus = CheckITStatus(CANx->MSR, CAN_MSR_ERRI);
+ break;
+ default :
+ /* in case of error, return RESET */
+ itstatus = RESET;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* in case the Interrupt is not enabled, return RESET */
+ itstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the CAN_IT status */
+ return itstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the CANx's interrupt pending bits.
+ * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral.
+ * @param CAN_IT: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
+ * - CAN_IT_TME
+ * - CAN_IT_FF0
+ * - CAN_IT_FOV0
+ * - CAN_IT_FF1
+ * - CAN_IT_FOV1
+ * - CAN_IT_WKU
+ * - CAN_IT_SLK
+ * - CAN_IT_EWG
+ * - CAN_IT_EPV
+ * - CAN_IT_BOF
+ * - CAN_IT_LEC
+ * - CAN_IT_ERR
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void CAN_ClearITPendingBit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_IT)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx));
+ assert_param(IS_CAN_CLEAR_IT(CAN_IT));
+ switch (CAN_IT)
+ {
+ case CAN_IT_TME:
+ /* Clear CAN_TSR_RQCPx (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FF0:
+ /* Clear CAN_RF0R_FULL0 (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FOV0:
+ /* Clear CAN_RF0R_FOVR0 (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FF1:
+ /* Clear CAN_RF1R_FULL1 (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_FOV1:
+ /* Clear CAN_RF1R_FOVR1 (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_WKU:
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_WKUI (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_SLK:
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_SLAKI (rc_w1)*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_EWG:
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_ERRI (rc_w1) */
+ /* Note : the corresponding Flag is cleared by hardware depending
+ of the CAN Bus status*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_EPV:
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_ERRI (rc_w1) */
+ /* Note : the corresponding Flag is cleared by hardware depending
+ of the CAN Bus status*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_BOF:
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_ERRI (rc_w1) */
+ /* Note : the corresponding Flag is cleared by hardware depending
+ of the CAN Bus status*/
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_LEC:
+ /* Clear LEC bits */
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_ERRI (rc_w1) */
+ break;
+ case CAN_IT_ERR:
+ /*Clear LEC bits */
+ /* Clear CAN_MSR_ERRI (rc_w1) */
+ /* Note : BOFF, EPVF and EWGF Flags are cleared by hardware depending
+ of the CAN Bus status*/
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief Checks whether the CAN interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param CAN_Reg: specifies the CAN interrupt register to check.
+ * @param It_Bit: specifies the interrupt source bit to check.
+ * @retval The new state of the CAN Interrupt (SET or RESET).
+ */
+static ITStatus CheckITStatus(uint32_t CAN_Reg, uint32_t It_Bit)
+ ITStatus pendingbitstatus = RESET;
+ if ((CAN_Reg & It_Bit) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* CAN_IT is set */
+ pendingbitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* CAN_IT is reset */
+ pendingbitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ return pendingbitstatus;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dma.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dma.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf072df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dma.c
@@ -0,0 +1,714 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f10x_dma.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V3.5.0
+ * @date 11-March-2011
+ * @brief This file provides all the DMA firmware functions.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f10x_dma.h"
+#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA
+ * @brief DMA driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+/* DMA1 Channelx interrupt pending bit masks */
+#define DMA1_Channel1_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF1 | DMA_ISR_TCIF1 | DMA_ISR_HTIF1 | DMA_ISR_TEIF1))
+#define DMA1_Channel2_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF2 | DMA_ISR_TCIF2 | DMA_ISR_HTIF2 | DMA_ISR_TEIF2))
+#define DMA1_Channel3_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF3 | DMA_ISR_TCIF3 | DMA_ISR_HTIF3 | DMA_ISR_TEIF3))
+#define DMA1_Channel4_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF4 | DMA_ISR_TCIF4 | DMA_ISR_HTIF4 | DMA_ISR_TEIF4))
+#define DMA1_Channel5_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF5 | DMA_ISR_TCIF5 | DMA_ISR_HTIF5 | DMA_ISR_TEIF5))
+#define DMA1_Channel6_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF6 | DMA_ISR_TCIF6 | DMA_ISR_HTIF6 | DMA_ISR_TEIF6))
+#define DMA1_Channel7_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF7 | DMA_ISR_TCIF7 | DMA_ISR_HTIF7 | DMA_ISR_TEIF7))
+/* DMA2 Channelx interrupt pending bit masks */
+#define DMA2_Channel1_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF1 | DMA_ISR_TCIF1 | DMA_ISR_HTIF1 | DMA_ISR_TEIF1))
+#define DMA2_Channel2_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF2 | DMA_ISR_TCIF2 | DMA_ISR_HTIF2 | DMA_ISR_TEIF2))
+#define DMA2_Channel3_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF3 | DMA_ISR_TCIF3 | DMA_ISR_HTIF3 | DMA_ISR_TEIF3))
+#define DMA2_Channel4_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF4 | DMA_ISR_TCIF4 | DMA_ISR_HTIF4 | DMA_ISR_TEIF4))
+#define DMA2_Channel5_IT_Mask ((uint32_t)(DMA_ISR_GIF5 | DMA_ISR_TCIF5 | DMA_ISR_HTIF5 | DMA_ISR_TEIF5))
+/* DMA2 FLAG mask */
+#define FLAG_Mask ((uint32_t)0x10000000)
+/* DMA registers Masks */
+#define CCR_CLEAR_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFF800F)
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup DMA_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Deinitializes the DMAy Channelx registers to their default reset
+ * values.
+ * @param DMAy_Channelx: where y can be 1 or 2 to select the DMA and
+ * x can be 1 to 7 for DMA1 and 1 to 5 for DMA2 to select the DMA Channel.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_DeInit(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_ALL_PERIPH(DMAy_Channelx));
+ /* Disable the selected DMAy Channelx */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR &= (uint16_t)(~DMA_CCR1_EN);
+ /* Reset DMAy Channelx control register */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR = 0;
+ /* Reset DMAy Channelx remaining bytes register */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CNDTR = 0;
+ /* Reset DMAy Channelx peripheral address register */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CPAR = 0;
+ /* Reset DMAy Channelx memory address register */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CMAR = 0;
+ if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel1)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel1 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel1_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel2)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel2 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel2_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel3)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel3 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel3_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel4)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel4 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel4_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel5)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel5 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel5_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel6)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel6 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel6_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA1_Channel7)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA1 Channel7 */
+ DMA1->IFCR |= DMA1_Channel7_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA2_Channel1)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA2 Channel1 */
+ DMA2->IFCR |= DMA2_Channel1_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA2_Channel2)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA2 Channel2 */
+ DMA2->IFCR |= DMA2_Channel2_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA2_Channel3)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA2 Channel3 */
+ DMA2->IFCR |= DMA2_Channel3_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA2_Channel4)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA2 Channel4 */
+ DMA2->IFCR |= DMA2_Channel4_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (DMAy_Channelx == DMA2_Channel5)
+ {
+ /* Reset interrupt pending bits for DMA2 Channel5 */
+ DMA2->IFCR |= DMA2_Channel5_IT_Mask;
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Initializes the DMAy Channelx according to the specified
+ * parameters in the DMA_InitStruct.
+ * @param DMAy_Channelx: where y can be 1 or 2 to select the DMA and
+ * x can be 1 to 7 for DMA1 and 1 to 5 for DMA2 to select the DMA Channel.
+ * @param DMA_InitStruct: pointer to a DMA_InitTypeDef structure that
+ * contains the configuration information for the specified DMA Channel.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_Init(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx, DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_ALL_PERIPH(DMAy_Channelx));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_DIR(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DIR));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_BUFFER_SIZE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_BufferSize));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_PERIPHERAL_INC_STATE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralInc));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_MEMORY_INC_STATE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryInc));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_PERIPHERAL_DATA_SIZE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralDataSize));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_MEMORY_DATA_SIZE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryDataSize));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_MODE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Mode));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_PRIORITY(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Priority));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_M2M_STATE(DMA_InitStruct->DMA_M2M));
+/*--------------------------- DMAy Channelx CCR Configuration -----------------*/
+ /* Get the DMAy_Channelx CCR value */
+ tmpreg = DMAy_Channelx->CCR;
+ /* Clear MEM2MEM, PL, MSIZE, PSIZE, MINC, PINC, CIRC and DIR bits */
+ tmpreg &= CCR_CLEAR_Mask;
+ /* Configure DMAy Channelx: data transfer, data size, priority level and mode */
+ /* Set DIR bit according to DMA_DIR value */
+ /* Set CIRC bit according to DMA_Mode value */
+ /* Set PINC bit according to DMA_PeripheralInc value */
+ /* Set MINC bit according to DMA_MemoryInc value */
+ /* Set PSIZE bits according to DMA_PeripheralDataSize value */
+ /* Set MSIZE bits according to DMA_MemoryDataSize value */
+ /* Set PL bits according to DMA_Priority value */
+ /* Set the MEM2MEM bit according to DMA_M2M value */
+ tmpreg |= DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DIR | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Mode |
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralInc | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryInc |
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralDataSize | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryDataSize |
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Priority | DMA_InitStruct->DMA_M2M;
+ /* Write to DMAy Channelx CCR */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR = tmpreg;
+/*--------------------------- DMAy Channelx CNDTR Configuration ---------------*/
+ /* Write to DMAy Channelx CNDTR */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CNDTR = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_BufferSize;
+/*--------------------------- DMAy Channelx CPAR Configuration ----------------*/
+ /* Write to DMAy Channelx CPAR */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CPAR = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr;
+/*--------------------------- DMAy Channelx CMAR Configuration ----------------*/
+ /* Write to DMAy Channelx CMAR */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CMAR = DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryBaseAddr;
+ * @brief Fills each DMA_InitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param DMA_InitStruct : pointer to a DMA_InitTypeDef structure which will
+ * be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_StructInit(DMA_InitTypeDef* DMA_InitStruct)
+/*-------------- Reset DMA init structure parameters values ------------------*/
+ /* Initialize the DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = 0;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_MemoryBaseAddr member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = 0;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_DIR member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralSRC;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_BufferSize member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_BufferSize = 0;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_PeripheralInc member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_MemoryInc member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Disable;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_PeripheralDataSize member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Byte;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_MemoryDataSize member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Byte;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_Mode member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_Priority member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_Low;
+ /* Initialize the DMA_M2M member */
+ DMA_InitStruct->DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified DMAy Channelx.
+ * @param DMAy_Channelx: where y can be 1 or 2 to select the DMA and
+ * x can be 1 to 7 for DMA1 and 1 to 5 for DMA2 to select the DMA Channel.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the DMAy Channelx.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_Cmd(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_ALL_PERIPH(DMAy_Channelx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected DMAy Channelx */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR |= DMA_CCR1_EN;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected DMAy Channelx */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR &= (uint16_t)(~DMA_CCR1_EN);
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified DMAy Channelx interrupts.
+ * @param DMAy_Channelx: where y can be 1 or 2 to select the DMA and
+ * x can be 1 to 7 for DMA1 and 1 to 5 for DMA2 to select the DMA Channel.
+ * @param DMA_IT: specifies the DMA interrupts sources to be enabled
+ * or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg DMA_IT_TC: Transfer complete interrupt mask
+ * @arg DMA_IT_HT: Half transfer interrupt mask
+ * @arg DMA_IT_TE: Transfer error interrupt mask
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified DMA interrupts.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_ITConfig(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx, uint32_t DMA_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_ALL_PERIPH(DMAy_Channelx));
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_CONFIG_IT(DMA_IT));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected DMA interrupts */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR |= DMA_IT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected DMA interrupts */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CCR &= ~DMA_IT;
+ }
+ * @brief Sets the number of data units in the current DMAy Channelx transfer.
+ * @param DMAy_Channelx: where y can be 1 or 2 to select the DMA and
+ * x can be 1 to 7 for DMA1 and 1 to 5 for DMA2 to select the DMA Channel.
+ * @param DataNumber: The number of data units in the current DMAy Channelx
+ * transfer.
+ * @note This function can only be used when the DMAy_Channelx is disabled.
+ * @retval None.
+ */
+void DMA_SetCurrDataCounter(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx, uint16_t DataNumber)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_ALL_PERIPH(DMAy_Channelx));
+/*--------------------------- DMAy Channelx CNDTR Configuration ---------------*/
+ /* Write to DMAy Channelx CNDTR */
+ DMAy_Channelx->CNDTR = DataNumber;
+ * @brief Returns the number of remaining data units in the current
+ * DMAy Channelx transfer.
+ * @param DMAy_Channelx: where y can be 1 or 2 to select the DMA and
+ * x can be 1 to 7 for DMA1 and 1 to 5 for DMA2 to select the DMA Channel.
+ * @retval The number of remaining data units in the current DMAy Channelx
+ * transfer.
+ */
+uint16_t DMA_GetCurrDataCounter(DMA_Channel_TypeDef* DMAy_Channelx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_ALL_PERIPH(DMAy_Channelx));
+ /* Return the number of remaining data units for DMAy Channelx */
+ return ((uint16_t)(DMAy_Channelx->CNDTR));
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified DMAy Channelx flag is set or not.
+ * @param DMAy_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL1: DMA1 Channel1 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT1: DMA1 Channel1 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL2: DMA1 Channel2 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT2: DMA1 Channel2 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL3: DMA1 Channel3 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT3: DMA1 Channel3 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL4: DMA1 Channel4 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT4: DMA1 Channel4 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL5: DMA1 Channel5 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT5: DMA1 Channel5 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL6: DMA1 Channel6 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT6: DMA1 Channel6 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL7: DMA1 Channel7 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT7: DMA1 Channel7 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL1: DMA2 Channel1 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT1: DMA2 Channel1 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL2: DMA2 Channel2 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT2: DMA2 Channel2 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL3: DMA2 Channel3 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT3: DMA2 Channel3 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL4: DMA2 Channel4 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT4: DMA2 Channel4 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL5: DMA2 Channel5 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT5: DMA2 Channel5 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer error flag.
+ * @retval The new state of DMAy_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus DMA_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t DMAy_FLAG)
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_GET_FLAG(DMAy_FLAG));
+ /* Calculate the used DMAy */
+ if ((DMAy_FLAG & FLAG_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Get DMA2 ISR register value */
+ tmpreg = DMA2->ISR ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get DMA1 ISR register value */
+ tmpreg = DMA1->ISR ;
+ }
+ /* Check the status of the specified DMAy flag */
+ if ((tmpreg & DMAy_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* DMAy_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* DMAy_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the DMAy_FLAG status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the DMAy Channelx's pending flags.
+ * @param DMAy_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
+ * This parameter can be any combination (for the same DMA) of the following values:
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL1: DMA1 Channel1 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT1: DMA1 Channel1 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL2: DMA1 Channel2 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT2: DMA1 Channel2 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL3: DMA1 Channel3 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT3: DMA1 Channel3 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL4: DMA1 Channel4 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT4: DMA1 Channel4 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL5: DMA1 Channel5 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT5: DMA1 Channel5 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL6: DMA1 Channel6 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT6: DMA1 Channel6 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_GL7: DMA1 Channel7 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TC7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_HT7: DMA1 Channel7 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA1_FLAG_TE7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL1: DMA2 Channel1 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT1: DMA2 Channel1 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL2: DMA2 Channel2 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT2: DMA2 Channel2 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL3: DMA2 Channel3 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT3: DMA2 Channel3 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL4: DMA2 Channel4 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT4: DMA2 Channel4 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer error flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_GL5: DMA2 Channel5 global flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TC5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer complete flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_HT5: DMA2 Channel5 half transfer flag.
+ * @arg DMA2_FLAG_TE5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer error flag.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_ClearFlag(uint32_t DMAy_FLAG)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_CLEAR_FLAG(DMAy_FLAG));
+ /* Calculate the used DMAy */
+ if ((DMAy_FLAG & FLAG_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Clear the selected DMAy flags */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Clear the selected DMAy flags */
+ }
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified DMAy Channelx interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param DMAy_IT: specifies the DMAy interrupt source to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL1: DMA1 Channel1 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT1: DMA1 Channel1 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL2: DMA1 Channel2 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT2: DMA1 Channel2 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL3: DMA1 Channel3 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT3: DMA1 Channel3 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL4: DMA1 Channel4 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT4: DMA1 Channel4 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL5: DMA1 Channel5 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT5: DMA1 Channel5 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL6: DMA1 Channel6 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT6: DMA1 Channel6 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL7: DMA1 Channel7 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT7: DMA1 Channel7 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL1: DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT1: DMA2 Channel1 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL2: DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT2: DMA2 Channel2 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL3: DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT3: DMA2 Channel3 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL4: DMA2 Channel4 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT4: DMA2 Channel4 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL5: DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT5: DMA2 Channel5 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @retval The new state of DMAy_IT (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus DMA_GetITStatus(uint32_t DMAy_IT)
+ ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_GET_IT(DMAy_IT));
+ /* Calculate the used DMA */
+ if ((DMAy_IT & FLAG_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Get DMA2 ISR register value */
+ tmpreg = DMA2->ISR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get DMA1 ISR register value */
+ tmpreg = DMA1->ISR;
+ }
+ /* Check the status of the specified DMAy interrupt */
+ if ((tmpreg & DMAy_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* DMAy_IT is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* DMAy_IT is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the DMA_IT status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the DMAy Channelx's interrupt pending bits.
+ * @param DMAy_IT: specifies the DMAy interrupt pending bit to clear.
+ * This parameter can be any combination (for the same DMA) of the following values:
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL1: DMA1 Channel1 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT1: DMA1 Channel1 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE1: DMA1 Channel1 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL2: DMA1 Channel2 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT2: DMA1 Channel2 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE2: DMA1 Channel2 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL3: DMA1 Channel3 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT3: DMA1 Channel3 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE3: DMA1 Channel3 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL4: DMA1 Channel4 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT4: DMA1 Channel4 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE4: DMA1 Channel4 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL5: DMA1 Channel5 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT5: DMA1 Channel5 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE5: DMA1 Channel5 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL6: DMA1 Channel6 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT6: DMA1 Channel6 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE6: DMA1 Channel6 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_GL7: DMA1 Channel7 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TC7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_HT7: DMA1 Channel7 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA1_IT_TE7: DMA1 Channel7 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL1: DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT1: DMA2 Channel1 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE1: DMA2 Channel1 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL2: DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT2: DMA2 Channel2 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE2: DMA2 Channel2 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL3: DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT3: DMA2 Channel3 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE3: DMA2 Channel3 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL4: DMA2 Channel4 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT4: DMA2 Channel4 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE4: DMA2 Channel4 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_GL5: DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TC5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer complete interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_HT5: DMA2 Channel5 half transfer interrupt.
+ * @arg DMA2_IT_TE5: DMA2 Channel5 transfer error interrupt.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void DMA_ClearITPendingBit(uint32_t DMAy_IT)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_DMA_CLEAR_IT(DMAy_IT));
+ /* Calculate the used DMAy */
+ if ((DMAy_IT & FLAG_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* Clear the selected DMAy interrupt pending bits */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Clear the selected DMAy interrupt pending bits */
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6290d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f10x_exti.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V3.5.0
+ * @date 11-March-2011
+ * @brief This file provides all the EXTI firmware functions.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f10x_exti.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI
+ * @brief EXTI driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+#define EXTI_LINENONE ((uint32_t)0x00000) /* No interrupt selected */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup EXTI_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Deinitializes the EXTI peripheral registers to their default reset values.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void EXTI_DeInit(void)
+ EXTI->IMR = 0x00000000;
+ EXTI->EMR = 0x00000000;
+ EXTI->RTSR = 0x00000000;
+ EXTI->FTSR = 0x00000000;
+ EXTI->PR = 0x000FFFFF;
+ * @brief Initializes the EXTI peripheral according to the specified
+ * parameters in the EXTI_InitStruct.
+ * @param EXTI_InitStruct: pointer to a EXTI_InitTypeDef structure
+ * that contains the configuration information for the EXTI peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void EXTI_Init(EXTI_InitTypeDef* EXTI_InitStruct)
+ uint32_t tmp = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_EXTI_MODE(EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Mode));
+ assert_param(IS_EXTI_TRIGGER(EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Trigger));
+ assert_param(IS_EXTI_LINE(EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_LineCmd));
+ tmp = (uint32_t)EXTI_BASE;
+ if (EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_LineCmd != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Clear EXTI line configuration */
+ EXTI->IMR &= ~EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ EXTI->EMR &= ~EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ tmp += EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Mode;
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) tmp |= EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ /* Clear Rising Falling edge configuration */
+ EXTI->RTSR &= ~EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ EXTI->FTSR &= ~EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ /* Select the trigger for the selected external interrupts */
+ if (EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Trigger == EXTI_Trigger_Rising_Falling)
+ {
+ /* Rising Falling edge */
+ EXTI->RTSR |= EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ EXTI->FTSR |= EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp = (uint32_t)EXTI_BASE;
+ tmp += EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Trigger;
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) tmp |= EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp += EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Mode;
+ /* Disable the selected external lines */
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) tmp &= ~EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Line;
+ }
+ * @brief Fills each EXTI_InitStruct member with its reset value.
+ * @param EXTI_InitStruct: pointer to a EXTI_InitTypeDef structure which will
+ * be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void EXTI_StructInit(EXTI_InitTypeDef* EXTI_InitStruct)
+ EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Mode = EXTI_Mode_Interrupt;
+ EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_Trigger = EXTI_Trigger_Falling;
+ EXTI_InitStruct->EXTI_LineCmd = DISABLE;
+ * @brief Generates a Software interrupt.
+ * @param EXTI_Line: specifies the EXTI lines to be enabled or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of EXTI_Linex where x can be (0..19).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void EXTI_GenerateSWInterrupt(uint32_t EXTI_Line)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_EXTI_LINE(EXTI_Line));
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified EXTI line flag is set or not.
+ * @param EXTI_Line: specifies the EXTI line flag to check.
+ * This parameter can be:
+ * @arg EXTI_Linex: External interrupt line x where x(0..19)
+ * @retval The new state of EXTI_Line (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus EXTI_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t EXTI_Line)
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_GET_EXTI_LINE(EXTI_Line));
+ if ((EXTI->PR & EXTI_Line) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the EXTI's line pending flags.
+ * @param EXTI_Line: specifies the EXTI lines flags to clear.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of EXTI_Linex where x can be (0..19).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void EXTI_ClearFlag(uint32_t EXTI_Line)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_EXTI_LINE(EXTI_Line));
+ EXTI->PR = EXTI_Line;
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified EXTI line is asserted or not.
+ * @param EXTI_Line: specifies the EXTI line to check.
+ * This parameter can be:
+ * @arg EXTI_Linex: External interrupt line x where x(0..19)
+ * @retval The new state of EXTI_Line (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus EXTI_GetITStatus(uint32_t EXTI_Line)
+ ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ uint32_t enablestatus = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_GET_EXTI_LINE(EXTI_Line));
+ enablestatus = EXTI->IMR & EXTI_Line;
+ if (((EXTI->PR & EXTI_Line) != (uint32_t)RESET) && (enablestatus != (uint32_t)RESET))
+ {
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the EXTI's line pending bits.
+ * @param EXTI_Line: specifies the EXTI lines to clear.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of EXTI_Linex where x can be (0..19).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(uint32_t EXTI_Line)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_EXTI_LINE(EXTI_Line));
+ EXTI->PR = EXTI_Line;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29034b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1470 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f10x_rcc.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V3.5.0
+ * @date 11-March-2011
+ * @brief This file provides all the RCC firmware functions.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC
+ * @brief RCC driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ------------ RCC registers bit address in the alias region ----------- */
+/* --- CR Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of HSION bit */
+#define CR_OFFSET (RCC_OFFSET + 0x00)
+#define HSION_BitNumber 0x00
+#define CR_HSION_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CR_OFFSET * 32) + (HSION_BitNumber * 4))
+/* Alias word address of PLLON bit */
+#define PLLON_BitNumber 0x18
+#define CR_PLLON_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CR_OFFSET * 32) + (PLLON_BitNumber * 4))
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ /* Alias word address of PLL2ON bit */
+ #define PLL2ON_BitNumber 0x1A
+ #define CR_PLL2ON_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CR_OFFSET * 32) + (PLL2ON_BitNumber * 4))
+ /* Alias word address of PLL3ON bit */
+ #define PLL3ON_BitNumber 0x1C
+ #define CR_PLL3ON_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CR_OFFSET * 32) + (PLL3ON_BitNumber * 4))
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+/* Alias word address of CSSON bit */
+#define CSSON_BitNumber 0x13
+#define CR_CSSON_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CR_OFFSET * 32) + (CSSON_BitNumber * 4))
+/* --- CFGR Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of USBPRE bit */
+#define CFGR_OFFSET (RCC_OFFSET + 0x04)
+#ifndef STM32F10X_CL
+ #define USBPRE_BitNumber 0x16
+ #define CFGR_USBPRE_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CFGR_OFFSET * 32) + (USBPRE_BitNumber * 4))
+ #define OTGFSPRE_BitNumber 0x16
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+/* --- BDCR Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of RTCEN bit */
+#define BDCR_OFFSET (RCC_OFFSET + 0x20)
+#define RTCEN_BitNumber 0x0F
+#define BDCR_RTCEN_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (BDCR_OFFSET * 32) + (RTCEN_BitNumber * 4))
+/* Alias word address of BDRST bit */
+#define BDRST_BitNumber 0x10
+#define BDCR_BDRST_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (BDCR_OFFSET * 32) + (BDRST_BitNumber * 4))
+/* --- CSR Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of LSION bit */
+#define CSR_OFFSET (RCC_OFFSET + 0x24)
+#define LSION_BitNumber 0x00
+#define CSR_LSION_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CSR_OFFSET * 32) + (LSION_BitNumber * 4))
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+/* --- CFGR2 Register ---*/
+ /* Alias word address of I2S2SRC bit */
+ #define CFGR2_OFFSET (RCC_OFFSET + 0x2C)
+ #define I2S2SRC_BitNumber 0x11
+ #define CFGR2_I2S2SRC_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CFGR2_OFFSET * 32) + (I2S2SRC_BitNumber * 4))
+ /* Alias word address of I2S3SRC bit */
+ #define I2S3SRC_BitNumber 0x12
+ #define CFGR2_I2S3SRC_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CFGR2_OFFSET * 32) + (I2S3SRC_BitNumber * 4))
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+/* ---------------------- RCC registers bit mask ------------------------ */
+/* CR register bit mask */
+#define CR_HSEBYP_Reset ((uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFF)
+#define CR_HSEBYP_Set ((uint32_t)0x00040000)
+#define CR_HSEON_Reset ((uint32_t)0xFFFEFFFF)
+#define CR_HSEON_Set ((uint32_t)0x00010000)
+#define CR_HSITRIM_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFF07)
+/* CFGR register bit mask */
+#if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_HD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_CL)
+ #define CFGR_PLL_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFC2FFFF)
+ #define CFGR_PLL_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFC0FFFF)
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+#define CFGR_PLLMull_Mask ((uint32_t)0x003C0000)
+#define CFGR_PLLSRC_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00010000)
+#define CFGR_PLLXTPRE_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00020000)
+#define CFGR_SWS_Mask ((uint32_t)0x0000000C)
+#define CFGR_SW_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFC)
+#define CFGR_HPRE_Reset_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFF0F)
+#define CFGR_HPRE_Set_Mask ((uint32_t)0x000000F0)
+#define CFGR_PPRE1_Reset_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFF8FF)
+#define CFGR_PPRE1_Set_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00000700)
+#define CFGR_PPRE2_Reset_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFFC7FF)
+#define CFGR_PPRE2_Set_Mask ((uint32_t)0x00003800)
+#define CFGR_ADCPRE_Reset_Mask ((uint32_t)0xFFFF3FFF)
+#define CFGR_ADCPRE_Set_Mask ((uint32_t)0x0000C000)
+/* CSR register bit mask */
+#define CSR_RMVF_Set ((uint32_t)0x01000000)
+#if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_HD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_CL)
+/* CFGR2 register bit mask */
+ #define CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC ((uint32_t)0x00010000)
+ #define CFGR2_PREDIV1 ((uint32_t)0x0000000F)
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ #define CFGR2_PREDIV2 ((uint32_t)0x000000F0)
+ #define CFGR2_PLL2MUL ((uint32_t)0x00000F00)
+ #define CFGR2_PLL3MUL ((uint32_t)0x0000F000)
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+/* RCC Flag Mask */
+#define FLAG_Mask ((uint8_t)0x1F)
+/* CIR register byte 2 (Bits[15:8]) base address */
+#define CIR_BYTE2_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)0x40021009)
+/* CIR register byte 3 (Bits[23:16]) base address */
+#define CIR_BYTE3_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)0x4002100A)
+/* CFGR register byte 4 (Bits[31:24]) base address */
+#define CFGR_BYTE4_ADDRESS ((uint32_t)0x40021007)
+/* BDCR register base address */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+static __I uint8_t APBAHBPrescTable[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+static __I uint8_t ADCPrescTable[4] = {2, 4, 6, 8};
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup RCC_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Resets the RCC clock configuration to the default reset state.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_DeInit(void)
+ /* Set HSION bit */
+ RCC->CR |= (uint32_t)0x00000001;
+ /* Reset SW, HPRE, PPRE1, PPRE2, ADCPRE and MCO bits */
+#ifndef STM32F10X_CL
+ RCC->CFGR &= (uint32_t)0xF8FF0000;
+ RCC->CFGR &= (uint32_t)0xF0FF0000;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ /* Reset HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits */
+ RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFEF6FFFF;
+ /* Reset HSEBYP bit */
+ RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xFFFBFFFF;
+ RCC->CFGR &= (uint32_t)0xFF80FFFF;
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ /* Reset PLL2ON and PLL3ON bits */
+ RCC->CR &= (uint32_t)0xEBFFFFFF;
+ /* Disable all interrupts and clear pending bits */
+ RCC->CIR = 0x00FF0000;
+ /* Reset CFGR2 register */
+ RCC->CFGR2 = 0x00000000;
+#elif defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_HD_VL)
+ /* Disable all interrupts and clear pending bits */
+ RCC->CIR = 0x009F0000;
+ /* Reset CFGR2 register */
+ RCC->CFGR2 = 0x00000000;
+ /* Disable all interrupts and clear pending bits */
+ RCC->CIR = 0x009F0000;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ * @brief Configures the External High Speed oscillator (HSE).
+ * @note HSE can not be stopped if it is used directly or through the PLL as system clock.
+ * @param RCC_HSE: specifies the new state of the HSE.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_HSE_OFF: HSE oscillator OFF
+ * @arg RCC_HSE_ON: HSE oscillator ON
+ * @arg RCC_HSE_Bypass: HSE oscillator bypassed with external clock
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_HSEConfig(uint32_t RCC_HSE)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_HSE(RCC_HSE));
+ /* Reset HSEON and HSEBYP bits before configuring the HSE ------------------*/
+ /* Reset HSEON bit */
+ RCC->CR &= CR_HSEON_Reset;
+ /* Reset HSEBYP bit */
+ RCC->CR &= CR_HSEBYP_Reset;
+ /* Configure HSE (RCC_HSE_OFF is already covered by the code section above) */
+ switch(RCC_HSE)
+ {
+ case RCC_HSE_ON:
+ /* Set HSEON bit */
+ RCC->CR |= CR_HSEON_Set;
+ break;
+ case RCC_HSE_Bypass:
+ /* Set HSEBYP and HSEON bits */
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief Waits for HSE start-up.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval An ErrorStatus enumuration value:
+ * - SUCCESS: HSE oscillator is stable and ready to use
+ * - ERROR: HSE oscillator not yet ready
+ */
+ErrorStatus RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp(void)
+ __IO uint32_t StartUpCounter = 0;
+ ErrorStatus status = ERROR;
+ FlagStatus HSEStatus = RESET;
+ /* Wait till HSE is ready and if Time out is reached exit */
+ do
+ {
+ HSEStatus = RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_HSERDY);
+ StartUpCounter++;
+ } while((StartUpCounter != HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) && (HSEStatus == RESET));
+ if (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_HSERDY) != RESET)
+ {
+ status = SUCCESS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = ERROR;
+ }
+ return (status);
+ * @brief Adjusts the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) calibration value.
+ * @param HSICalibrationValue: specifies the calibration trimming value.
+ * This parameter must be a number between 0 and 0x1F.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue(uint8_t HSICalibrationValue)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_CALIBRATION_VALUE(HSICalibrationValue));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CR;
+ /* Clear HSITRIM[4:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CR_HSITRIM_Mask;
+ /* Set the HSITRIM[4:0] bits according to HSICalibrationValue value */
+ tmpreg |= (uint32_t)HSICalibrationValue << 3;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI).
+ * @note HSI can not be stopped if it is used directly or through the PLL as system clock.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the HSI. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_HSICmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_HSION_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Configures the PLL clock source and multiplication factor.
+ * @note This function must be used only when the PLL is disabled.
+ * @param RCC_PLLSource: specifies the PLL entry clock source.
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices or @b STM32_Value_line_devices,
+ * this parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_PLLSource_HSI_Div2: HSI oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry
+ * @arg RCC_PLLSource_PREDIV1: PREDIV1 clock selected as PLL clock entry
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_PLLSource_HSI_Div2: HSI oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry
+ * @arg RCC_PLLSource_HSE_Div1: HSE oscillator clock selected as PLL clock entry
+ * @arg RCC_PLLSource_HSE_Div2: HSE oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry
+ * @param RCC_PLLMul: specifies the PLL multiplication factor.
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be RCC_PLLMul_x where x:{[4,9], 6_5}
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be RCC_PLLMul_x where x:[2,16]
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PLLConfig(uint32_t RCC_PLLSource, uint32_t RCC_PLLMul)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PLL_SOURCE(RCC_PLLSource));
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PLL_MUL(RCC_PLLMul));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR;
+ /* Clear PLLSRC, PLLXTPRE and PLLMUL[3:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CFGR_PLL_Mask;
+ /* Set the PLL configuration bits */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_PLLSource | RCC_PLLMul;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the PLL.
+ * @note The PLL can not be disabled if it is used as system clock.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the PLL. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PLLCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_PLLON_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+#if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_HD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_CL)
+ * @brief Configures the PREDIV1 division factor.
+ * @note
+ * - This function must be used only when the PLL is disabled.
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line and Value line
+ * devices.
+ * @param RCC_PREDIV1_Source: specifies the PREDIV1 clock source.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_PREDIV1_Source_HSE: HSE selected as PREDIV1 clock
+ * @arg RCC_PREDIV1_Source_PLL2: PLL2 selected as PREDIV1 clock
+ * @note
+ * For @b STM32_Value_line_devices this parameter is always RCC_PREDIV1_Source_HSE
+ * @param RCC_PREDIV1_Div: specifies the PREDIV1 clock division factor.
+ * This parameter can be RCC_PREDIV1_Divx where x:[1,16]
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PREDIV1Config(uint32_t RCC_PREDIV1_Source, uint32_t RCC_PREDIV1_Div)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PREDIV1_SOURCE(RCC_PREDIV1_Source));
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PREDIV1(RCC_PREDIV1_Div));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR2;
+ /* Clear PREDIV1[3:0] and PREDIV1SRC bits */
+ tmpreg &= ~(CFGR2_PREDIV1 | CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC);
+ /* Set the PREDIV1 clock source and division factor */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_PREDIV1_Source | RCC_PREDIV1_Div ;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR2 = tmpreg;
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ * @brief Configures the PREDIV2 division factor.
+ * @note
+ * - This function must be used only when both PLL2 and PLL3 are disabled.
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_PREDIV2_Div: specifies the PREDIV2 clock division factor.
+ * This parameter can be RCC_PREDIV2_Divx where x:[1,16]
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PREDIV2Config(uint32_t RCC_PREDIV2_Div)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PREDIV2(RCC_PREDIV2_Div));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR2;
+ /* Clear PREDIV2[3:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= ~CFGR2_PREDIV2;
+ /* Set the PREDIV2 division factor */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_PREDIV2_Div;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR2 = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Configures the PLL2 multiplication factor.
+ * @note
+ * - This function must be used only when the PLL2 is disabled.
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_PLL2Mul: specifies the PLL2 multiplication factor.
+ * This parameter can be RCC_PLL2Mul_x where x:{[8,14], 16, 20}
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PLL2Config(uint32_t RCC_PLL2Mul)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PLL2_MUL(RCC_PLL2Mul));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR2;
+ /* Clear PLL2Mul[3:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= ~CFGR2_PLL2MUL;
+ /* Set the PLL2 configuration bits */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_PLL2Mul;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR2 = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the PLL2.
+ * @note
+ * - The PLL2 can not be disabled if it is used indirectly as system clock
+ * (i.e. it is used as PLL clock entry that is used as System clock).
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the PLL2. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PLL2Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_PLL2ON_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Configures the PLL3 multiplication factor.
+ * @note
+ * - This function must be used only when the PLL3 is disabled.
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_PLL3Mul: specifies the PLL3 multiplication factor.
+ * This parameter can be RCC_PLL3Mul_x where x:{[8,14], 16, 20}
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PLL3Config(uint32_t RCC_PLL3Mul)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PLL3_MUL(RCC_PLL3Mul));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR2;
+ /* Clear PLL3Mul[3:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= ~CFGR2_PLL3MUL;
+ /* Set the PLL3 configuration bits */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_PLL3Mul;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR2 = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the PLL3.
+ * @note This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the PLL3. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PLL3Cmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_PLL3ON_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ * @brief Configures the system clock (SYSCLK).
+ * @param RCC_SYSCLKSource: specifies the clock source used as system clock.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLKSource_HSI: HSI selected as system clock
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLKSource_HSE: HSE selected as system clock
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLKSource_PLLCLK: PLL selected as system clock
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_SYSCLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_SYSCLKSource)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_SYSCLK_SOURCE(RCC_SYSCLKSource));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR;
+ /* Clear SW[1:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CFGR_SW_Mask;
+ /* Set SW[1:0] bits according to RCC_SYSCLKSource value */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_SYSCLKSource;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Returns the clock source used as system clock.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval The clock source used as system clock. The returned value can
+ * be one of the following:
+ * - 0x00: HSI used as system clock
+ * - 0x04: HSE used as system clock
+ * - 0x08: PLL used as system clock
+ */
+uint8_t RCC_GetSYSCLKSource(void)
+ return ((uint8_t)(RCC->CFGR & CFGR_SWS_Mask));
+ * @brief Configures the AHB clock (HCLK).
+ * @param RCC_SYSCLK: defines the AHB clock divider. This clock is derived from
+ * the system clock (SYSCLK).
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div1: AHB clock = SYSCLK
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div2: AHB clock = SYSCLK/2
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div4: AHB clock = SYSCLK/4
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div8: AHB clock = SYSCLK/8
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div16: AHB clock = SYSCLK/16
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div64: AHB clock = SYSCLK/64
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div128: AHB clock = SYSCLK/128
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div256: AHB clock = SYSCLK/256
+ * @arg RCC_SYSCLK_Div512: AHB clock = SYSCLK/512
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_HCLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_SYSCLK)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_HCLK(RCC_SYSCLK));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR;
+ /* Clear HPRE[3:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CFGR_HPRE_Reset_Mask;
+ /* Set HPRE[3:0] bits according to RCC_SYSCLK value */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_SYSCLK;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Configures the Low Speed APB clock (PCLK1).
+ * @param RCC_HCLK: defines the APB1 clock divider. This clock is derived from
+ * the AHB clock (HCLK).
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div1: APB1 clock = HCLK
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div2: APB1 clock = HCLK/2
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div4: APB1 clock = HCLK/4
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div8: APB1 clock = HCLK/8
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div16: APB1 clock = HCLK/16
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PCLK1Config(uint32_t RCC_HCLK)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PCLK(RCC_HCLK));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR;
+ /* Clear PPRE1[2:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CFGR_PPRE1_Reset_Mask;
+ /* Set PPRE1[2:0] bits according to RCC_HCLK value */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_HCLK;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Configures the High Speed APB clock (PCLK2).
+ * @param RCC_HCLK: defines the APB2 clock divider. This clock is derived from
+ * the AHB clock (HCLK).
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div1: APB2 clock = HCLK
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div2: APB2 clock = HCLK/2
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div4: APB2 clock = HCLK/4
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div8: APB2 clock = HCLK/8
+ * @arg RCC_HCLK_Div16: APB2 clock = HCLK/16
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_PCLK2Config(uint32_t RCC_HCLK)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_PCLK(RCC_HCLK));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR;
+ /* Clear PPRE2[2:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CFGR_PPRE2_Reset_Mask;
+ /* Set PPRE2[2:0] bits according to RCC_HCLK value */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_HCLK << 3;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified RCC interrupts.
+ * @param RCC_IT: specifies the RCC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
+ *
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be any combination
+ * of the following values
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLL2RDY: PLL2 ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLL3RDY: PLL3 ready interrupt
+ *
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be any combination of the
+ * following values
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt
+ *
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified RCC interrupts.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_ITConfig(uint8_t RCC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_IT(RCC_IT));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Perform Byte access to RCC_CIR bits to enable the selected interrupts */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) CIR_BYTE2_ADDRESS |= RCC_IT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Perform Byte access to RCC_CIR bits to disable the selected interrupts */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) CIR_BYTE2_ADDRESS &= (uint8_t)~RCC_IT;
+ }
+#ifndef STM32F10X_CL
+ * @brief Configures the USB clock (USBCLK).
+ * @param RCC_USBCLKSource: specifies the USB clock source. This clock is
+ * derived from the PLL output.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_USBCLKSource_PLLCLK_1Div5: PLL clock divided by 1,5 selected as USB
+ * clock source
+ * @arg RCC_USBCLKSource_PLLCLK_Div1: PLL clock selected as USB clock source
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_USBCLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_USBCLKSource)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_USBCLK_SOURCE(RCC_USBCLKSource));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CFGR_USBPRE_BB = RCC_USBCLKSource;
+ * @brief Configures the USB OTG FS clock (OTGFSCLK).
+ * This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_OTGFSCLKSource: specifies the USB OTG FS clock source.
+ * This clock is derived from the PLL output.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_OTGFSCLKSource_PLLVCO_Div3: PLL VCO clock divided by 2 selected as USB OTG FS clock source
+ * @arg RCC_OTGFSCLKSource_PLLVCO_Div2: PLL VCO clock divided by 2 selected as USB OTG FS clock source
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_OTGFSCLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_OTGFSCLKSource)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CFGR_OTGFSPRE_BB = RCC_OTGFSCLKSource;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ * @brief Configures the ADC clock (ADCCLK).
+ * @param RCC_PCLK2: defines the ADC clock divider. This clock is derived from
+ * the APB2 clock (PCLK2).
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_PCLK2_Div2: ADC clock = PCLK2/2
+ * @arg RCC_PCLK2_Div4: ADC clock = PCLK2/4
+ * @arg RCC_PCLK2_Div6: ADC clock = PCLK2/6
+ * @arg RCC_PCLK2_Div8: ADC clock = PCLK2/8
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_ADCCLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_PCLK2)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_ADCCLK(RCC_PCLK2));
+ tmpreg = RCC->CFGR;
+ /* Clear ADCPRE[1:0] bits */
+ tmpreg &= CFGR_ADCPRE_Reset_Mask;
+ /* Set ADCPRE[1:0] bits according to RCC_PCLK2 value */
+ tmpreg |= RCC_PCLK2;
+ /* Store the new value */
+ RCC->CFGR = tmpreg;
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ * @brief Configures the I2S2 clock source(I2S2CLK).
+ * @note
+ * - This function must be called before enabling I2S2 APB clock.
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_I2S2CLKSource: specifies the I2S2 clock source.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_I2S2CLKSource_SYSCLK: system clock selected as I2S2 clock entry
+ * @arg RCC_I2S2CLKSource_PLL3_VCO: PLL3 VCO clock selected as I2S2 clock entry
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_I2S2CLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_I2S2CLKSource)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_I2S2CLK_SOURCE(RCC_I2S2CLKSource));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CFGR2_I2S2SRC_BB = RCC_I2S2CLKSource;
+ * @brief Configures the I2S3 clock source(I2S2CLK).
+ * @note
+ * - This function must be called before enabling I2S3 APB clock.
+ * - This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_I2S3CLKSource: specifies the I2S3 clock source.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_I2S3CLKSource_SYSCLK: system clock selected as I2S3 clock entry
+ * @arg RCC_I2S3CLKSource_PLL3_VCO: PLL3 VCO clock selected as I2S3 clock entry
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_I2S3CLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_I2S3CLKSource)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_I2S3CLK_SOURCE(RCC_I2S3CLKSource));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CFGR2_I2S3SRC_BB = RCC_I2S3CLKSource;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ * @brief Configures the External Low Speed oscillator (LSE).
+ * @param RCC_LSE: specifies the new state of the LSE.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_LSE_OFF: LSE oscillator OFF
+ * @arg RCC_LSE_ON: LSE oscillator ON
+ * @arg RCC_LSE_Bypass: LSE oscillator bypassed with external clock
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_LSEConfig(uint8_t RCC_LSE)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_LSE(RCC_LSE));
+ /* Reset LSEON and LSEBYP bits before configuring the LSE ------------------*/
+ /* Reset LSEON bit */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) BDCR_ADDRESS = RCC_LSE_OFF;
+ /* Reset LSEBYP bit */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) BDCR_ADDRESS = RCC_LSE_OFF;
+ /* Configure LSE (RCC_LSE_OFF is already covered by the code section above) */
+ switch(RCC_LSE)
+ {
+ case RCC_LSE_ON:
+ /* Set LSEON bit */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) BDCR_ADDRESS = RCC_LSE_ON;
+ break;
+ case RCC_LSE_Bypass:
+ /* Set LSEBYP and LSEON bits */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) BDCR_ADDRESS = RCC_LSE_Bypass | RCC_LSE_ON;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI).
+ * @note LSI can not be disabled if the IWDG is running.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the LSI. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_LSICmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CSR_LSION_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Configures the RTC clock (RTCCLK).
+ * @note Once the RTC clock is selected it can't be changed unless the Backup domain is reset.
+ * @param RCC_RTCCLKSource: specifies the RTC clock source.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_RTCCLKSource_LSE: LSE selected as RTC clock
+ * @arg RCC_RTCCLKSource_LSI: LSI selected as RTC clock
+ * @arg RCC_RTCCLKSource_HSE_Div128: HSE clock divided by 128 selected as RTC clock
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_RTCCLKConfig(uint32_t RCC_RTCCLKSource)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_RTCCLK_SOURCE(RCC_RTCCLKSource));
+ /* Select the RTC clock source */
+ * @brief Enables or disables the RTC clock.
+ * @note This function must be used only after the RTC clock was selected using the RCC_RTCCLKConfig function.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the RTC clock. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_RTCCLKCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) BDCR_RTCEN_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Returns the frequencies of different on chip clocks.
+ * @param RCC_Clocks: pointer to a RCC_ClocksTypeDef structure which will hold
+ * the clocks frequencies.
+ * @note The result of this function could be not correct when using
+ * fractional value for HSE crystal.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_GetClocksFreq(RCC_ClocksTypeDef* RCC_Clocks)
+ uint32_t tmp = 0, pllmull = 0, pllsource = 0, presc = 0;
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ uint32_t prediv1source = 0, prediv1factor = 0, prediv2factor = 0, pll2mull = 0;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+#if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_HD_VL)
+ uint32_t prediv1factor = 0;
+ /* Get SYSCLK source -------------------------------------------------------*/
+ tmp = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_SWS_Mask;
+ switch (tmp)
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* HSI used as system clock */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = HSI_VALUE;
+ break;
+ case 0x04: /* HSE used as system clock */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = HSE_VALUE;
+ break;
+ case 0x08: /* PLL used as system clock */
+ /* Get PLL clock source and multiplication factor ----------------------*/
+ pllmull = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_PLLMull_Mask;
+ pllsource = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_PLLSRC_Mask;
+#ifndef STM32F10X_CL
+ pllmull = ( pllmull >> 18) + 2;
+ if (pllsource == 0x00)
+ {/* HSI oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = (HSI_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL) || defined (STM32F10X_HD_VL)
+ prediv1factor = (RCC->CFGR2 & CFGR2_PREDIV1) + 1;
+ /* HSE oscillator clock selected as PREDIV1 clock entry */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = (HSE_VALUE / prediv1factor) * pllmull;
+ #else
+ /* HSE selected as PLL clock entry */
+ if ((RCC->CFGR & CFGR_PLLXTPRE_Mask) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {/* HSE oscillator clock divided by 2 */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = (HSE_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = HSE_VALUE * pllmull;
+ }
+ #endif
+ }
+ pllmull = pllmull >> 18;
+ if (pllmull != 0x0D)
+ {
+ pllmull += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* PLL multiplication factor = PLL input clock * 6.5 */
+ pllmull = 13 / 2;
+ }
+ if (pllsource == 0x00)
+ {/* HSI oscillator clock divided by 2 selected as PLL clock entry */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = (HSI_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull;
+ }
+ else
+ {/* PREDIV1 selected as PLL clock entry */
+ /* Get PREDIV1 clock source and division factor */
+ prediv1source = RCC->CFGR2 & CFGR2_PREDIV1SRC;
+ prediv1factor = (RCC->CFGR2 & CFGR2_PREDIV1) + 1;
+ if (prediv1source == 0)
+ { /* HSE oscillator clock selected as PREDIV1 clock entry */
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = (HSE_VALUE / prediv1factor) * pllmull;
+ }
+ else
+ {/* PLL2 clock selected as PREDIV1 clock entry */
+ /* Get PREDIV2 division factor and PLL2 multiplication factor */
+ prediv2factor = ((RCC->CFGR2 & CFGR2_PREDIV2) >> 4) + 1;
+ pll2mull = ((RCC->CFGR2 & CFGR2_PLL2MUL) >> 8 ) + 2;
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = (((HSE_VALUE / prediv2factor) * pll2mull) / prediv1factor) * pllmull;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ break;
+ default:
+ RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency = HSI_VALUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Compute HCLK, PCLK1, PCLK2 and ADCCLK clocks frequencies ----------------*/
+ /* Get HCLK prescaler */
+ tmp = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_HPRE_Set_Mask;
+ tmp = tmp >> 4;
+ presc = APBAHBPrescTable[tmp];
+ /* HCLK clock frequency */
+ RCC_Clocks->HCLK_Frequency = RCC_Clocks->SYSCLK_Frequency >> presc;
+ /* Get PCLK1 prescaler */
+ tmp = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_PPRE1_Set_Mask;
+ tmp = tmp >> 8;
+ presc = APBAHBPrescTable[tmp];
+ /* PCLK1 clock frequency */
+ RCC_Clocks->PCLK1_Frequency = RCC_Clocks->HCLK_Frequency >> presc;
+ /* Get PCLK2 prescaler */
+ tmp = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_PPRE2_Set_Mask;
+ tmp = tmp >> 11;
+ presc = APBAHBPrescTable[tmp];
+ /* PCLK2 clock frequency */
+ RCC_Clocks->PCLK2_Frequency = RCC_Clocks->HCLK_Frequency >> presc;
+ /* Get ADCCLK prescaler */
+ tmp = RCC->CFGR & CFGR_ADCPRE_Set_Mask;
+ tmp = tmp >> 14;
+ presc = ADCPrescTable[tmp];
+ /* ADCCLK clock frequency */
+ RCC_Clocks->ADCCLK_Frequency = RCC_Clocks->PCLK2_Frequency / presc;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the AHB peripheral clock.
+ * @param RCC_AHBPeriph: specifies the AHB peripheral to gates its clock.
+ *
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be any combination
+ * of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA2
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_SRAM
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_FLITF
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_CRC
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_OTG_FS
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC_Tx
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC_Rx
+ *
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be any combination of the
+ * following values:
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA2
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_SRAM
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_FLITF
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_CRC
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_FSMC
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_SDIO
+ *
+ * @note SRAM and FLITF clock can be disabled only during sleep mode.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified peripheral clock.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(uint32_t RCC_AHBPeriph, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_AHB_PERIPH(RCC_AHBPeriph));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RCC->AHBENR &= ~RCC_AHBPeriph;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the High Speed APB (APB2) peripheral clock.
+ * @param RCC_APB2Periph: specifies the APB2 peripheral to gates its clock.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA, RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOF, RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOG, RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_ADC2, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM1, RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_TIM8, RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, RCC_APB2Periph_ADC3,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_TIM15, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM16, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM17,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_TIM9, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM10, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM11
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified peripheral clock.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(uint32_t RCC_APB2Periph, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_APB2_PERIPH(RCC_APB2Periph));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2Periph;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RCC->APB2ENR &= ~RCC_APB2Periph;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the Low Speed APB (APB1) peripheral clock.
+ * @param RCC_APB1Periph: specifies the APB1 peripheral to gates its clock.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_TIM5, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM6, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_WWDG, RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2, RCC_APB1Periph_SPI3,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, RCC_APB1Periph_USART3, RCC_APB1Periph_USART4,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_USART5, RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_USB, RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, RCC_APB1Periph_BKP,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, RCC_APB1Periph_DAC, RCC_APB1Periph_CEC,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_TIM12, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM13, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM14
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified peripheral clock.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(uint32_t RCC_APB1Periph, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_APB1_PERIPH(RCC_APB1Periph));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1Periph;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RCC->APB1ENR &= ~RCC_APB1Periph;
+ }
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ * @brief Forces or releases AHB peripheral reset.
+ * @note This function applies only to STM32 Connectivity line devices.
+ * @param RCC_AHBPeriph: specifies the AHB peripheral to reset.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_OTG_FS
+ * @arg RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified peripheral reset.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_AHBPeriphResetCmd(uint32_t RCC_AHBPeriph, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_AHB_PERIPH_RESET(RCC_AHBPeriph));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ * @brief Forces or releases High Speed APB (APB2) peripheral reset.
+ * @param RCC_APB2Periph: specifies the APB2 peripheral to reset.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA, RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOF, RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOG, RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_ADC2, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM1, RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_TIM8, RCC_APB2Periph_USART1, RCC_APB2Periph_ADC3,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_TIM15, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM16, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM17,
+ * RCC_APB2Periph_TIM9, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM10, RCC_APB2Periph_TIM11
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified peripheral reset.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(uint32_t RCC_APB2Periph, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_APB2_PERIPH(RCC_APB2Periph));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ RCC->APB2RSTR |= RCC_APB2Periph;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RCC->APB2RSTR &= ~RCC_APB2Periph;
+ }
+ * @brief Forces or releases Low Speed APB (APB1) peripheral reset.
+ * @param RCC_APB1Periph: specifies the APB1 peripheral to reset.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_APB1Periph_TIM2, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM4,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_TIM5, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM6, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM7,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_WWDG, RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2, RCC_APB1Periph_SPI3,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_USART2, RCC_APB1Periph_USART3, RCC_APB1Periph_USART4,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_USART5, RCC_APB1Periph_I2C1, RCC_APB1Periph_I2C2,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_USB, RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, RCC_APB1Periph_BKP,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, RCC_APB1Periph_DAC, RCC_APB1Periph_CEC,
+ * RCC_APB1Periph_TIM12, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM13, RCC_APB1Periph_TIM14
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified peripheral clock.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(uint32_t RCC_APB1Periph, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_APB1_PERIPH(RCC_APB1Periph));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ RCC->APB1RSTR |= RCC_APB1Periph;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RCC->APB1RSTR &= ~RCC_APB1Periph;
+ }
+ * @brief Forces or releases the Backup domain reset.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the Backup domain reset.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_BackupResetCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) BDCR_BDRST_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the Clock Security System.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the Clock Security System..
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_ClockSecuritySystemCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CR_CSSON_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Selects the clock source to output on MCO pin.
+ * @param RCC_MCO: specifies the clock source to output.
+ *
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be one of the
+ * following values:
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_NoClock: No clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_SYSCLK: System clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_HSI: HSI oscillator clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_HSE: HSE oscillator clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_PLLCLK_Div2: PLL clock divided by 2 selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_PLL2CLK: PLL2 clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_PLL3CLK_Div2: PLL3 clock divided by 2 selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_XT1: External 3-25 MHz oscillator clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_PLL3CLK: PLL3 clock selected
+ *
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_NoClock: No clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_SYSCLK: System clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_HSI: HSI oscillator clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_HSE: HSE oscillator clock selected
+ * @arg RCC_MCO_PLLCLK_Div2: PLL clock divided by 2 selected
+ *
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_MCOConfig(uint8_t RCC_MCO)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_MCO(RCC_MCO));
+ /* Perform Byte access to MCO bits to select the MCO source */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) CFGR_BYTE4_ADDRESS = RCC_MCO;
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified RCC flag is set or not.
+ * @param RCC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
+ *
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be one of the
+ * following values:
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY: HSI oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_HSERDY: HSE oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY: PLL clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PLL2RDY: PLL2 clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PLL3RDY: PLL3 clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_LSERDY: LSE oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_LSIRDY: LSI oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PINRST: Pin reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PORRST: POR/PDR reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_SFTRST: Software reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST: Independent Watchdog reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST: Window Watchdog reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_LPWRRST: Low Power reset
+ *
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY: HSI oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_HSERDY: HSE oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PLLRDY: PLL clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_LSERDY: LSE oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_LSIRDY: LSI oscillator clock ready
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PINRST: Pin reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_PORRST: POR/PDR reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_SFTRST: Software reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST: Independent Watchdog reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_WWDGRST: Window Watchdog reset
+ * @arg RCC_FLAG_LPWRRST: Low Power reset
+ *
+ * @retval The new state of RCC_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus RCC_GetFlagStatus(uint8_t RCC_FLAG)
+ uint32_t tmp = 0;
+ uint32_t statusreg = 0;
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_FLAG(RCC_FLAG));
+ /* Get the RCC register index */
+ tmp = RCC_FLAG >> 5;
+ if (tmp == 1) /* The flag to check is in CR register */
+ {
+ statusreg = RCC->CR;
+ }
+ else if (tmp == 2) /* The flag to check is in BDCR register */
+ {
+ statusreg = RCC->BDCR;
+ }
+ else /* The flag to check is in CSR register */
+ {
+ statusreg = RCC->CSR;
+ }
+ /* Get the flag position */
+ tmp = RCC_FLAG & FLAG_Mask;
+ if ((statusreg & ((uint32_t)1 << tmp)) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the flag status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the RCC reset flags.
+ * @note The reset flags are: RCC_FLAG_PINRST, RCC_FLAG_PORRST, RCC_FLAG_SFTRST,
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_ClearFlag(void)
+ /* Set RMVF bit to clear the reset flags */
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified RCC interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param RCC_IT: specifies the RCC interrupt source to check.
+ *
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be one of the
+ * following values:
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLL2RDY: PLL2 ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLL3RDY: PLL3 ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt
+ *
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt
+ *
+ * @retval The new state of RCC_IT (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus RCC_GetITStatus(uint8_t RCC_IT)
+ ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_GET_IT(RCC_IT));
+ /* Check the status of the specified RCC interrupt */
+ if ((RCC->CIR & RCC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the RCC_IT status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the RCC's interrupt pending bits.
+ * @param RCC_IT: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
+ *
+ * For @b STM32_Connectivity_line_devices, this parameter can be any combination
+ * of the following values:
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLL2RDY: PLL2 ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLL3RDY: PLL3 ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt
+ *
+ * For @b other_STM32_devices, this parameter can be any combination of the
+ * following values:
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSIRDY: LSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_LSERDY: LSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSIRDY: HSI ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_HSERDY: HSE ready interrupt
+ * @arg RCC_IT_PLLRDY: PLL ready interrupt
+ *
+ * @arg RCC_IT_CSS: Clock Security System interrupt
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void RCC_ClearITPendingBit(uint8_t RCC_IT)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_RCC_CLEAR_IT(RCC_IT));
+ /* Perform Byte access to RCC_CIR[23:16] bits to clear the selected interrupt
+ pending bits */
+ *(__IO uint8_t *) CIR_BYTE3_ADDRESS = RCC_IT;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_sdio.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_sdio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1719d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_sdio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f10x_sdio.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V3.5.0
+ * @date 11-March-2011
+ * @brief This file provides all the SDIO firmware functions.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f10x_sdio.h"
+#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO
+ * @brief SDIO driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ------------ SDIO registers bit address in the alias region ----------- */
+/* --- CLKCR Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of CLKEN bit */
+#define CLKCR_OFFSET (SDIO_OFFSET + 0x04)
+#define CLKEN_BitNumber 0x08
+#define CLKCR_CLKEN_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CLKCR_OFFSET * 32) + (CLKEN_BitNumber * 4))
+/* --- CMD Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of SDIOSUSPEND bit */
+#define CMD_OFFSET (SDIO_OFFSET + 0x0C)
+#define SDIOSUSPEND_BitNumber 0x0B
+/* Alias word address of ENCMDCOMPL bit */
+#define ENCMDCOMPL_BitNumber 0x0C
+/* Alias word address of NIEN bit */
+#define NIEN_BitNumber 0x0D
+#define CMD_NIEN_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CMD_OFFSET * 32) + (NIEN_BitNumber * 4))
+/* Alias word address of ATACMD bit */
+#define ATACMD_BitNumber 0x0E
+#define CMD_ATACMD_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (CMD_OFFSET * 32) + (ATACMD_BitNumber * 4))
+/* --- DCTRL Register ---*/
+/* Alias word address of DMAEN bit */
+#define DMAEN_BitNumber 0x03
+#define DCTRL_DMAEN_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (DCTRL_OFFSET * 32) + (DMAEN_BitNumber * 4))
+/* Alias word address of RWSTART bit */
+#define RWSTART_BitNumber 0x08
+/* Alias word address of RWSTOP bit */
+#define RWSTOP_BitNumber 0x09
+#define DCTRL_RWSTOP_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (DCTRL_OFFSET * 32) + (RWSTOP_BitNumber * 4))
+/* Alias word address of RWMOD bit */
+#define RWMOD_BitNumber 0x0A
+#define DCTRL_RWMOD_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (DCTRL_OFFSET * 32) + (RWMOD_BitNumber * 4))
+/* Alias word address of SDIOEN bit */
+#define SDIOEN_BitNumber 0x0B
+#define DCTRL_SDIOEN_BB (PERIPH_BB_BASE + (DCTRL_OFFSET * 32) + (SDIOEN_BitNumber * 4))
+/* ---------------------- SDIO registers bit mask ------------------------ */
+/* --- CLKCR Register ---*/
+/* CLKCR register clear mask */
+#define CLKCR_CLEAR_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFF8100)
+/* --- PWRCTRL Register ---*/
+/* SDIO PWRCTRL Mask */
+#define PWR_PWRCTRL_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFFC)
+/* --- DCTRL Register ---*/
+/* SDIO DCTRL Clear Mask */
+#define DCTRL_CLEAR_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFF08)
+/* --- CMD Register ---*/
+/* CMD Register clear mask */
+#define CMD_CLEAR_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFF800)
+/* SDIO RESP Registers Address */
+#define SDIO_RESP_ADDR ((uint32_t)(SDIO_BASE + 0x14))
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDIO_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Deinitializes the SDIO peripheral registers to their default reset values.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_DeInit(void)
+ SDIO->POWER = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->CLKCR = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->ARG = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->CMD = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->DTIMER = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->DLEN = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->DCTRL = 0x00000000;
+ SDIO->ICR = 0x00C007FF;
+ SDIO->MASK = 0x00000000;
+ * @brief Initializes the SDIO peripheral according to the specified
+ * parameters in the SDIO_InitStruct.
+ * @param SDIO_InitStruct : pointer to a SDIO_InitTypeDef structure
+ * that contains the configuration information for the SDIO peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_Init(SDIO_InitTypeDef* SDIO_InitStruct)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CLOCK_EDGE(SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockEdge));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CLOCK_BYPASS(SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockBypass));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CLOCK_POWER_SAVE(SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockPowerSave));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_BUS_WIDE(SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_BusWide));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_HARDWARE_FLOW_CONTROL(SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_HardwareFlowControl));
+/*---------------------------- SDIO CLKCR Configuration ------------------------*/
+ /* Get the SDIO CLKCR value */
+ tmpreg = SDIO->CLKCR;
+ tmpreg &= CLKCR_CLEAR_MASK;
+ /* Set CLKDIV bits according to SDIO_ClockDiv value */
+ /* Set PWRSAV bit according to SDIO_ClockPowerSave value */
+ /* Set BYPASS bit according to SDIO_ClockBypass value */
+ /* Set WIDBUS bits according to SDIO_BusWide value */
+ /* Set NEGEDGE bits according to SDIO_ClockEdge value */
+ /* Set HWFC_EN bits according to SDIO_HardwareFlowControl value */
+ tmpreg |= (SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockDiv | SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockPowerSave |
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockBypass | SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_BusWide |
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockEdge | SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_HardwareFlowControl);
+ /* Write to SDIO CLKCR */
+ SDIO->CLKCR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Fills each SDIO_InitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param SDIO_InitStruct: pointer to an SDIO_InitTypeDef structure which
+ * will be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_StructInit(SDIO_InitTypeDef* SDIO_InitStruct)
+ /* SDIO_InitStruct members default value */
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockDiv = 0x00;
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockEdge = SDIO_ClockEdge_Rising;
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockBypass = SDIO_ClockBypass_Disable;
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_ClockPowerSave = SDIO_ClockPowerSave_Disable;
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_BusWide = SDIO_BusWide_1b;
+ SDIO_InitStruct->SDIO_HardwareFlowControl = SDIO_HardwareFlowControl_Disable;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDIO Clock.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SDIO Clock. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_ClockCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CLKCR_CLKEN_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Sets the power status of the controller.
+ * @param SDIO_PowerState: new state of the Power state.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_PowerState_OFF
+ * @arg SDIO_PowerState_ON
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_SetPowerState(uint32_t SDIO_PowerState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_POWER_STATE(SDIO_PowerState));
+ SDIO->POWER |= SDIO_PowerState;
+ * @brief Gets the power status of the controller.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Power status of the controller. The returned value can
+ * be one of the following:
+ * - 0x00: Power OFF
+ * - 0x02: Power UP
+ * - 0x03: Power ON
+ */
+uint32_t SDIO_GetPowerState(void)
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDIO interrupts.
+ * @param SDIO_IT: specifies the SDIO interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CCRCFAIL: Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DCRCFAIL: Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CTIMEOUT: Command response timeout interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DTIMEOUT: Data timeout interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXUNDERR: Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXOVERR: Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDREND: Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDSENT: Command sent (no response required) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DATAEND: Data end (data counter, SDIDCOUNT, is zero) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_STBITERR: Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide
+ * bus mode interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DBCKEND: Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDACT: Command transfer in progress interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXACT: Data transmit in progress interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXACT: Data receive in progress interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXFIFOHE: Transmit FIFO Half Empty interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXFIFOHF: Receive FIFO Half Full interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXFIFOF: Transmit FIFO full interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXFIFOF: Receive FIFO full interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXFIFOE: Transmit FIFO empty interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXFIFOE: Receive FIFO empty interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXDAVL: Data available in transmit FIFO interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXDAVL: Data available in receive FIFO interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_SDIOIT: SD I/O interrupt received interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CEATAEND: CE-ATA command completion signal received for CMD61 interrupt
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified SDIO interrupts.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_ITConfig(uint32_t SDIO_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_IT(SDIO_IT));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the SDIO interrupts */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the SDIO interrupts */
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDIO DMA request.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDIO DMA request.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_DMACmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) DCTRL_DMAEN_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Initializes the SDIO Command according to the specified
+ * parameters in the SDIO_CmdInitStruct and send the command.
+ * @param SDIO_CmdInitStruct : pointer to a SDIO_CmdInitTypeDef
+ * structure that contains the configuration information for the SDIO command.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_SendCommand(SDIO_CmdInitTypeDef *SDIO_CmdInitStruct)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CMD_INDEX(SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_CmdIndex));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_RESPONSE(SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Response));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_WAIT(SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Wait));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CPSM(SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_CPSM));
+/*---------------------------- SDIO ARG Configuration ------------------------*/
+ /* Set the SDIO Argument value */
+ SDIO->ARG = SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Argument;
+/*---------------------------- SDIO CMD Configuration ------------------------*/
+ /* Get the SDIO CMD value */
+ tmpreg = SDIO->CMD;
+ tmpreg &= CMD_CLEAR_MASK;
+ /* Set CMDINDEX bits according to SDIO_CmdIndex value */
+ /* Set WAITRESP bits according to SDIO_Response value */
+ /* Set WAITINT and WAITPEND bits according to SDIO_Wait value */
+ /* Set CPSMEN bits according to SDIO_CPSM value */
+ tmpreg |= (uint32_t)SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_CmdIndex | SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Response
+ | SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Wait | SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_CPSM;
+ /* Write to SDIO CMD */
+ SDIO->CMD = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Fills each SDIO_CmdInitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param SDIO_CmdInitStruct: pointer to an SDIO_CmdInitTypeDef
+ * structure which will be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_CmdStructInit(SDIO_CmdInitTypeDef* SDIO_CmdInitStruct)
+ /* SDIO_CmdInitStruct members default value */
+ SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Argument = 0x00;
+ SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_CmdIndex = 0x00;
+ SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Response = SDIO_Response_No;
+ SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_Wait = SDIO_Wait_No;
+ SDIO_CmdInitStruct->SDIO_CPSM = SDIO_CPSM_Disable;
+ * @brief Returns command index of last command for which response received.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Returns the command index of the last command response received.
+ */
+uint8_t SDIO_GetCommandResponse(void)
+ return (uint8_t)(SDIO->RESPCMD);
+ * @brief Returns response received from the card for the last command.
+ * @param SDIO_RESP: Specifies the SDIO response register.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_RESP1: Response Register 1
+ * @arg SDIO_RESP2: Response Register 2
+ * @arg SDIO_RESP3: Response Register 3
+ * @arg SDIO_RESP4: Response Register 4
+ * @retval The Corresponding response register value.
+ */
+uint32_t SDIO_GetResponse(uint32_t SDIO_RESP)
+ __IO uint32_t tmp = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_RESP(SDIO_RESP));
+ return (*(__IO uint32_t *) tmp);
+ * @brief Initializes the SDIO data path according to the specified
+ * parameters in the SDIO_DataInitStruct.
+ * @param SDIO_DataInitStruct : pointer to a SDIO_DataInitTypeDef structure that
+ * contains the configuration information for the SDIO command.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_DataConfig(SDIO_DataInitTypeDef* SDIO_DataInitStruct)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_DATA_LENGTH(SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataLength));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_BLOCK_SIZE(SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataBlockSize));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_TRANSFER_DIR(SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_TransferDir));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_TRANSFER_MODE(SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_TransferMode));
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_DPSM(SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DPSM));
+/*---------------------------- SDIO DTIMER Configuration ---------------------*/
+ /* Set the SDIO Data TimeOut value */
+ SDIO->DTIMER = SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataTimeOut;
+/*---------------------------- SDIO DLEN Configuration -----------------------*/
+ /* Set the SDIO DataLength value */
+ SDIO->DLEN = SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataLength;
+/*---------------------------- SDIO DCTRL Configuration ----------------------*/
+ /* Get the SDIO DCTRL value */
+ tmpreg = SDIO->DCTRL;
+ /* Clear DEN, DTMODE, DTDIR and DBCKSIZE bits */
+ tmpreg &= DCTRL_CLEAR_MASK;
+ /* Set DEN bit according to SDIO_DPSM value */
+ /* Set DTMODE bit according to SDIO_TransferMode value */
+ /* Set DTDIR bit according to SDIO_TransferDir value */
+ /* Set DBCKSIZE bits according to SDIO_DataBlockSize value */
+ tmpreg |= (uint32_t)SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataBlockSize | SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_TransferDir
+ | SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_TransferMode | SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DPSM;
+ /* Write to SDIO DCTRL */
+ SDIO->DCTRL = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Fills each SDIO_DataInitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param SDIO_DataInitStruct: pointer to an SDIO_DataInitTypeDef structure which
+ * will be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_DataStructInit(SDIO_DataInitTypeDef* SDIO_DataInitStruct)
+ /* SDIO_DataInitStruct members default value */
+ SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataTimeOut = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataLength = 0x00;
+ SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DataBlockSize = SDIO_DataBlockSize_1b;
+ SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_TransferDir = SDIO_TransferDir_ToCard;
+ SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_TransferMode = SDIO_TransferMode_Block;
+ SDIO_DataInitStruct->SDIO_DPSM = SDIO_DPSM_Disable;
+ * @brief Returns number of remaining data bytes to be transferred.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Number of remaining data bytes to be transferred
+ */
+uint32_t SDIO_GetDataCounter(void)
+ return SDIO->DCOUNT;
+ * @brief Read one data word from Rx FIFO.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Data received
+ */
+uint32_t SDIO_ReadData(void)
+ return SDIO->FIFO;
+ * @brief Write one data word to Tx FIFO.
+ * @param Data: 32-bit data word to write.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_WriteData(uint32_t Data)
+ SDIO->FIFO = Data;
+ * @brief Returns the number of words left to be written to or read from FIFO.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval Remaining number of words.
+ */
+uint32_t SDIO_GetFIFOCount(void)
+ return SDIO->FIFOCNT;
+ * @brief Starts the SD I/O Read Wait operation.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the Start SDIO Read Wait operation.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_StartSDIOReadWait(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) DCTRL_RWSTART_BB = (uint32_t) NewState;
+ * @brief Stops the SD I/O Read Wait operation.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the Stop SDIO Read Wait operation.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_StopSDIOReadWait(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) DCTRL_RWSTOP_BB = (uint32_t) NewState;
+ * @brief Sets one of the two options of inserting read wait interval.
+ * @param SDIO_ReadWaitMode: SD I/O Read Wait operation mode.
+ * This parameter can be:
+ * @arg SDIO_ReadWaitMode_CLK: Read Wait control by stopping SDIOCLK
+ * @arg SDIO_ReadWaitMode_DATA2: Read Wait control using SDIO_DATA2
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_SetSDIOReadWaitMode(uint32_t SDIO_ReadWaitMode)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_READWAIT_MODE(SDIO_ReadWaitMode));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) DCTRL_RWMOD_BB = SDIO_ReadWaitMode;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SD I/O Mode Operation.
+ * @param NewState: new state of SDIO specific operation.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_SetSDIOOperation(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) DCTRL_SDIOEN_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SD I/O Mode suspend command sending.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SD I/O Mode suspend command.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_SendSDIOSuspendCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CMD_SDIOSUSPEND_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the command completion signal.
+ * @param NewState: new state of command completion signal.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_CommandCompletionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CMD_ENCMDCOMPL_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the CE-ATA interrupt.
+ * @param NewState: new state of CE-ATA interrupt. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_CEATAITCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CMD_NIEN_BB = (uint32_t)((~((uint32_t)NewState)) & ((uint32_t)0x1));
+ * @brief Sends CE-ATA command (CMD61).
+ * @param NewState: new state of CE-ATA command. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_SendCEATACmd(FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) CMD_ATACMD_BB = (uint32_t)NewState;
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified SDIO flag is set or not.
+ * @param SDIO_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CCRCFAIL: Command response received (CRC check failed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DCRCFAIL: Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CTIMEOUT: Command response timeout
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DTIMEOUT: Data timeout
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXUNDERR: Transmit FIFO underrun error
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXOVERR: Received FIFO overrun error
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CMDREND: Command response received (CRC check passed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CMDSENT: Command sent (no response required)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DATAEND: Data end (data counter, SDIDCOUNT, is zero)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_STBITERR: Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide
+ * bus mode.
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DBCKEND: Data block sent/received (CRC check passed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CMDACT: Command transfer in progress
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXACT: Data transmit in progress
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXACT: Data receive in progress
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXFIFOHE: Transmit FIFO Half Empty
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXFIFOHF: Receive FIFO Half Full
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXFIFOF: Transmit FIFO full
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXFIFOF: Receive FIFO full
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXFIFOE: Transmit FIFO empty
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXFIFOE: Receive FIFO empty
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXDAVL: Data available in transmit FIFO
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXDAVL: Data available in receive FIFO
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_SDIOIT: SD I/O interrupt received
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CEATAEND: CE-ATA command completion signal received for CMD61
+ * @retval The new state of SDIO_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus SDIO_GetFlagStatus(uint32_t SDIO_FLAG)
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_FLAG(SDIO_FLAG));
+ if ((SDIO->STA & SDIO_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the SDIO's pending flags.
+ * @param SDIO_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
+ * This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CCRCFAIL: Command response received (CRC check failed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DCRCFAIL: Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CTIMEOUT: Command response timeout
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DTIMEOUT: Data timeout
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_TXUNDERR: Transmit FIFO underrun error
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_RXOVERR: Received FIFO overrun error
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CMDREND: Command response received (CRC check passed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CMDSENT: Command sent (no response required)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DATAEND: Data end (data counter, SDIDCOUNT, is zero)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_STBITERR: Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide
+ * bus mode
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_DBCKEND: Data block sent/received (CRC check passed)
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_SDIOIT: SD I/O interrupt received
+ * @arg SDIO_FLAG_CEATAEND: CE-ATA command completion signal received for CMD61
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_ClearFlag(uint32_t SDIO_FLAG)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CLEAR_FLAG(SDIO_FLAG));
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified SDIO interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param SDIO_IT: specifies the SDIO interrupt source to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CCRCFAIL: Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DCRCFAIL: Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CTIMEOUT: Command response timeout interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DTIMEOUT: Data timeout interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXUNDERR: Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXOVERR: Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDREND: Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDSENT: Command sent (no response required) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DATAEND: Data end (data counter, SDIDCOUNT, is zero) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_STBITERR: Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide
+ * bus mode interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DBCKEND: Data block sent/received (CRC check passed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDACT: Command transfer in progress interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXACT: Data transmit in progress interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXACT: Data receive in progress interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXFIFOHE: Transmit FIFO Half Empty interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXFIFOHF: Receive FIFO Half Full interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXFIFOF: Transmit FIFO full interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXFIFOF: Receive FIFO full interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXFIFOE: Transmit FIFO empty interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXFIFOE: Receive FIFO empty interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXDAVL: Data available in transmit FIFO interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXDAVL: Data available in receive FIFO interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_SDIOIT: SD I/O interrupt received interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CEATAEND: CE-ATA command completion signal received for CMD61 interrupt
+ * @retval The new state of SDIO_IT (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus SDIO_GetITStatus(uint32_t SDIO_IT)
+ ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_GET_IT(SDIO_IT));
+ if ((SDIO->STA & SDIO_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the SDIO's interrupt pending bits.
+ * @param SDIO_IT: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
+ * This parameter can be one or a combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CCRCFAIL: Command response received (CRC check failed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DCRCFAIL: Data block sent/received (CRC check failed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CTIMEOUT: Command response timeout interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DTIMEOUT: Data timeout interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_TXUNDERR: Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_RXOVERR: Received FIFO overrun error interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDREND: Command response received (CRC check passed) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CMDSENT: Command sent (no response required) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_DATAEND: Data end (data counter, SDIDCOUNT, is zero) interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_STBITERR: Start bit not detected on all data signals in wide
+ * bus mode interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_SDIOIT: SD I/O interrupt received interrupt
+ * @arg SDIO_IT_CEATAEND: CE-ATA command completion signal received for CMD61
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDIO_ClearITPendingBit(uint32_t SDIO_IT)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDIO_CLEAR_IT(SDIO_IT));
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_spi.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_spi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ec65b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_spi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f10x_spi.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V3.5.0
+ * @date 11-March-2011
+ * @brief This file provides all the SPI firmware functions.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f10x_spi.h"
+#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI
+ * @brief SPI driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI_Private_TypesDefinitions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+/* SPI SPE mask */
+#define CR1_SPE_Set ((uint16_t)0x0040)
+#define CR1_SPE_Reset ((uint16_t)0xFFBF)
+/* I2S I2SE mask */
+#define I2SCFGR_I2SE_Set ((uint16_t)0x0400)
+#define I2SCFGR_I2SE_Reset ((uint16_t)0xFBFF)
+/* SPI CRCNext mask */
+#define CR1_CRCNext_Set ((uint16_t)0x1000)
+/* SPI CRCEN mask */
+#define CR1_CRCEN_Set ((uint16_t)0x2000)
+#define CR1_CRCEN_Reset ((uint16_t)0xDFFF)
+/* SPI SSOE mask */
+#define CR2_SSOE_Set ((uint16_t)0x0004)
+#define CR2_SSOE_Reset ((uint16_t)0xFFFB)
+/* SPI registers Masks */
+#define CR1_CLEAR_Mask ((uint16_t)0x3040)
+#define I2SCFGR_CLEAR_Mask ((uint16_t)0xF040)
+/* SPI or I2S mode selection masks */
+#define SPI_Mode_Select ((uint16_t)0xF7FF)
+#define I2S_Mode_Select ((uint16_t)0x0800)
+/* I2S clock source selection masks */
+#define I2S2_CLOCK_SRC ((uint32_t)(0x00020000))
+#define I2S3_CLOCK_SRC ((uint32_t)(0x00040000))
+#define I2S_MUL_MASK ((uint32_t)(0x0000F000))
+#define I2S_DIV_MASK ((uint32_t)(0x000000F0))
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI_Private_FunctionPrototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SPI_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Deinitializes the SPIx peripheral registers to their default
+ * reset values (Affects also the I2Ss).
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_I2S_DeInit(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ if (SPIx == SPI1)
+ {
+ /* Enable SPI1 reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1, ENABLE);
+ /* Release SPI1 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SPI1, DISABLE);
+ }
+ else if (SPIx == SPI2)
+ {
+ /* Enable SPI2 reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2, ENABLE);
+ /* Release SPI2 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2, DISABLE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (SPIx == SPI3)
+ {
+ /* Enable SPI3 reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI3, ENABLE);
+ /* Release SPI3 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI3, DISABLE);
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Initializes the SPIx peripheral according to the specified
+ * parameters in the SPI_InitStruct.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param SPI_InitStruct: pointer to a SPI_InitTypeDef structure that
+ * contains the configuration information for the specified SPI peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_Init(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, SPI_InitTypeDef* SPI_InitStruct)
+ uint16_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ /* Check the SPI parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_DIRECTION_MODE(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_Direction));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_MODE(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_Mode));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_DATASIZE(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_DataSize));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_CPOL(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CPOL));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_CPHA(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CPHA));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_NSS(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_NSS));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_BAUDRATE_PRESCALER(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_BaudRatePrescaler));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_FIRST_BIT(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_FirstBit));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_CRC_POLYNOMIAL(SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CRCPolynomial));
+/*---------------------------- SPIx CR1 Configuration ------------------------*/
+ /* Get the SPIx CR1 value */
+ tmpreg = SPIx->CR1;
+ /* Clear BIDIMode, BIDIOE, RxONLY, SSM, SSI, LSBFirst, BR, MSTR, CPOL and CPHA bits */
+ tmpreg &= CR1_CLEAR_Mask;
+ /* Configure SPIx: direction, NSS management, first transmitted bit, BaudRate prescaler
+ master/salve mode, CPOL and CPHA */
+ /* Set BIDImode, BIDIOE and RxONLY bits according to SPI_Direction value */
+ /* Set SSM, SSI and MSTR bits according to SPI_Mode and SPI_NSS values */
+ /* Set LSBFirst bit according to SPI_FirstBit value */
+ /* Set BR bits according to SPI_BaudRatePrescaler value */
+ /* Set CPOL bit according to SPI_CPOL value */
+ /* Set CPHA bit according to SPI_CPHA value */
+ tmpreg |= (uint16_t)((uint32_t)SPI_InitStruct->SPI_Direction | SPI_InitStruct->SPI_Mode |
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_DataSize | SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CPOL |
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CPHA | SPI_InitStruct->SPI_NSS |
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_BaudRatePrescaler | SPI_InitStruct->SPI_FirstBit);
+ /* Write to SPIx CR1 */
+ SPIx->CR1 = tmpreg;
+ /* Activate the SPI mode (Reset I2SMOD bit in I2SCFGR register) */
+ SPIx->I2SCFGR &= SPI_Mode_Select;
+/*---------------------------- SPIx CRCPOLY Configuration --------------------*/
+ /* Write to SPIx CRCPOLY */
+ SPIx->CRCPR = SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CRCPolynomial;
+ * @brief Initializes the SPIx peripheral according to the specified
+ * parameters in the I2S_InitStruct.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral
+ * (configured in I2S mode).
+ * @param I2S_InitStruct: pointer to an I2S_InitTypeDef structure that
+ * contains the configuration information for the specified SPI peripheral
+ * configured in I2S mode.
+ * @note
+ * The function calculates the optimal prescaler needed to obtain the most
+ * accurate audio frequency (depending on the I2S clock source, the PLL values
+ * and the product configuration). But in case the prescaler value is greater
+ * than 511, the default value (0x02) will be configured instead. *
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void I2S_Init(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, I2S_InitTypeDef* I2S_InitStruct)
+ uint16_t tmpreg = 0, i2sdiv = 2, i2sodd = 0, packetlength = 1;
+ uint32_t tmp = 0;
+ RCC_ClocksTypeDef RCC_Clocks;
+ uint32_t sourceclock = 0;
+ /* Check the I2S parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_23_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_I2S_MODE(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_Mode));
+ assert_param(IS_I2S_STANDARD(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_Standard));
+ assert_param(IS_I2S_DATA_FORMAT(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_DataFormat));
+ assert_param(IS_I2S_MCLK_OUTPUT(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_MCLKOutput));
+ assert_param(IS_I2S_AUDIO_FREQ(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_AudioFreq));
+ assert_param(IS_I2S_CPOL(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_CPOL));
+/*----------------------- SPIx I2SCFGR & I2SPR Configuration -----------------*/
+ SPIx->I2SPR = 0x0002;
+ /* Get the I2SCFGR register value */
+ tmpreg = SPIx->I2SCFGR;
+ /* If the default value has to be written, reinitialize i2sdiv and i2sodd*/
+ if(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_AudioFreq == I2S_AudioFreq_Default)
+ {
+ i2sodd = (uint16_t)0;
+ i2sdiv = (uint16_t)2;
+ }
+ /* If the requested audio frequency is not the default, compute the prescaler */
+ else
+ {
+ /* Check the frame length (For the Prescaler computing) */
+ if(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_DataFormat == I2S_DataFormat_16b)
+ {
+ /* Packet length is 16 bits */
+ packetlength = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Packet length is 32 bits */
+ packetlength = 2;
+ }
+ /* Get the I2S clock source mask depending on the peripheral number */
+ if(((uint32_t)SPIx) == SPI2_BASE)
+ {
+ /* The mask is relative to I2S2 */
+ tmp = I2S2_CLOCK_SRC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The mask is relative to I2S3 */
+ tmp = I2S3_CLOCK_SRC;
+ }
+ /* Check the I2S clock source configuration depending on the Device:
+ Only Connectivity line devices have the PLL3 VCO clock */
+#ifdef STM32F10X_CL
+ if((RCC->CFGR2 & tmp) != 0)
+ {
+ /* Get the configuration bits of RCC PLL3 multiplier */
+ tmp = (uint32_t)((RCC->CFGR2 & I2S_MUL_MASK) >> 12);
+ /* Get the value of the PLL3 multiplier */
+ if((tmp > 5) && (tmp < 15))
+ {
+ /* Multiplier is between 8 and 14 (value 15 is forbidden) */
+ tmp += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (tmp == 15)
+ {
+ /* Multiplier is 20 */
+ tmp = 20;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get the PREDIV2 value */
+ sourceclock = (uint32_t)(((RCC->CFGR2 & I2S_DIV_MASK) >> 4) + 1);
+ /* Calculate the Source Clock frequency based on PLL3 and PREDIV2 values */
+ sourceclock = (uint32_t) ((HSE_Value / sourceclock) * tmp * 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* I2S Clock source is System clock: Get System Clock frequency */
+ RCC_GetClocksFreq(&RCC_Clocks);
+ /* Get the source clock value: based on System Clock value */
+ sourceclock = RCC_Clocks.SYSCLK_Frequency;
+ }
+#else /* STM32F10X_HD */
+ /* I2S Clock source is System clock: Get System Clock frequency */
+ RCC_GetClocksFreq(&RCC_Clocks);
+ /* Get the source clock value: based on System Clock value */
+ sourceclock = RCC_Clocks.SYSCLK_Frequency;
+#endif /* STM32F10X_CL */
+ /* Compute the Real divider depending on the MCLK output state with a floating point */
+ if(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_MCLKOutput == I2S_MCLKOutput_Enable)
+ {
+ /* MCLK output is enabled */
+ tmp = (uint16_t)(((((sourceclock / 256) * 10) / I2S_InitStruct->I2S_AudioFreq)) + 5);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* MCLK output is disabled */
+ tmp = (uint16_t)(((((sourceclock / (32 * packetlength)) *10 ) / I2S_InitStruct->I2S_AudioFreq)) + 5);
+ }
+ /* Remove the floating point */
+ tmp = tmp / 10;
+ /* Check the parity of the divider */
+ i2sodd = (uint16_t)(tmp & (uint16_t)0x0001);
+ /* Compute the i2sdiv prescaler */
+ i2sdiv = (uint16_t)((tmp - i2sodd) / 2);
+ /* Get the Mask for the Odd bit (SPI_I2SPR[8]) register */
+ i2sodd = (uint16_t) (i2sodd << 8);
+ }
+ /* Test if the divider is 1 or 0 or greater than 0xFF */
+ if ((i2sdiv < 2) || (i2sdiv > 0xFF))
+ {
+ /* Set the default values */
+ i2sdiv = 2;
+ i2sodd = 0;
+ }
+ /* Write to SPIx I2SPR register the computed value */
+ SPIx->I2SPR = (uint16_t)(i2sdiv | (uint16_t)(i2sodd | (uint16_t)I2S_InitStruct->I2S_MCLKOutput));
+ /* Configure the I2S with the SPI_InitStruct values */
+ tmpreg |= (uint16_t)(I2S_Mode_Select | (uint16_t)(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_Mode | \
+ (uint16_t)(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_Standard | (uint16_t)(I2S_InitStruct->I2S_DataFormat | \
+ (uint16_t)I2S_InitStruct->I2S_CPOL))));
+ /* Write to SPIx I2SCFGR */
+ SPIx->I2SCFGR = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Fills each SPI_InitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param SPI_InitStruct : pointer to a SPI_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_StructInit(SPI_InitTypeDef* SPI_InitStruct)
+/*--------------- Reset SPI init structure parameters values -----------------*/
+ /* Initialize the SPI_Direction member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_Direction = SPI_Direction_2Lines_FullDuplex;
+ /* initialize the SPI_Mode member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_Mode = SPI_Mode_Slave;
+ /* initialize the SPI_DataSize member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_8b;
+ /* Initialize the SPI_CPOL member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_Low;
+ /* Initialize the SPI_CPHA member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_1Edge;
+ /* Initialize the SPI_NSS member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_NSS = SPI_NSS_Hard;
+ /* Initialize the SPI_BaudRatePrescaler member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_2;
+ /* Initialize the SPI_FirstBit member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_FirstBit = SPI_FirstBit_MSB;
+ /* Initialize the SPI_CRCPolynomial member */
+ SPI_InitStruct->SPI_CRCPolynomial = 7;
+ * @brief Fills each I2S_InitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param I2S_InitStruct : pointer to a I2S_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void I2S_StructInit(I2S_InitTypeDef* I2S_InitStruct)
+/*--------------- Reset I2S init structure parameters values -----------------*/
+ /* Initialize the I2S_Mode member */
+ I2S_InitStruct->I2S_Mode = I2S_Mode_SlaveTx;
+ /* Initialize the I2S_Standard member */
+ I2S_InitStruct->I2S_Standard = I2S_Standard_Phillips;
+ /* Initialize the I2S_DataFormat member */
+ I2S_InitStruct->I2S_DataFormat = I2S_DataFormat_16b;
+ /* Initialize the I2S_MCLKOutput member */
+ I2S_InitStruct->I2S_MCLKOutput = I2S_MCLKOutput_Disable;
+ /* Initialize the I2S_AudioFreq member */
+ I2S_InitStruct->I2S_AudioFreq = I2S_AudioFreq_Default;
+ /* Initialize the I2S_CPOL member */
+ I2S_InitStruct->I2S_CPOL = I2S_CPOL_Low;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified SPI peripheral.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SPIx peripheral.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_Cmd(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SPI peripheral */
+ SPIx->CR1 |= CR1_SPE_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SPI peripheral */
+ SPIx->CR1 &= CR1_SPE_Reset;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified SPI peripheral (in I2S mode).
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SPIx peripheral.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void I2S_Cmd(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_23_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SPI peripheral (in I2S mode) */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SPI peripheral (in I2S mode) */
+ SPIx->I2SCFGR &= I2SCFGR_I2SE_Reset;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified SPI/I2S interrupts.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * - 2 or 3 in I2S mode
+ * @param SPI_I2S_IT: specifies the SPI/I2S interrupt source to be enabled or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_IT_TXE: Tx buffer empty interrupt mask
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_IT_RXNE: Rx buffer not empty interrupt mask
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_IT_ERR: Error interrupt mask
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified SPI/I2S interrupt.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_I2S_ITConfig(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint8_t SPI_I2S_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ uint16_t itpos = 0, itmask = 0 ;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_I2S_CONFIG_IT(SPI_I2S_IT));
+ /* Get the SPI/I2S IT index */
+ itpos = SPI_I2S_IT >> 4;
+ /* Set the IT mask */
+ itmask = (uint16_t)1 << (uint16_t)itpos;
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SPI/I2S interrupt */
+ SPIx->CR2 |= itmask;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SPI/I2S interrupt */
+ SPIx->CR2 &= (uint16_t)~itmask;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SPIx/I2Sx DMA interface.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * - 2 or 3 in I2S mode
+ * @param SPI_I2S_DMAReq: specifies the SPI/I2S DMA transfer request to be enabled or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Tx: Tx buffer DMA transfer request
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_DMAReq_Rx: Rx buffer DMA transfer request
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SPI/I2S DMA transfer request.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_I2S_DMACmd(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t SPI_I2S_DMAReq, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_I2S_DMAREQ(SPI_I2S_DMAReq));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SPI/I2S DMA requests */
+ SPIx->CR2 |= SPI_I2S_DMAReq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SPI/I2S DMA requests */
+ SPIx->CR2 &= (uint16_t)~SPI_I2S_DMAReq;
+ }
+ * @brief Transmits a Data through the SPIx/I2Sx peripheral.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * - 2 or 3 in I2S mode
+ * @param Data : Data to be transmitted.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_I2S_SendData(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t Data)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ /* Write in the DR register the data to be sent */
+ SPIx->DR = Data;
+ * @brief Returns the most recent received data by the SPIx/I2Sx peripheral.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * - 2 or 3 in I2S mode
+ * @retval The value of the received data.
+ */
+uint16_t SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ /* Return the data in the DR register */
+ return SPIx->DR;
+ * @brief Configures internally by software the NSS pin for the selected SPI.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param SPI_NSSInternalSoft: specifies the SPI NSS internal state.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_NSSInternalSoft_Set: Set NSS pin internally
+ * @arg SPI_NSSInternalSoft_Reset: Reset NSS pin internally
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_NSSInternalSoftwareConfig(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t SPI_NSSInternalSoft)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_NSS_INTERNAL(SPI_NSSInternalSoft));
+ if (SPI_NSSInternalSoft != SPI_NSSInternalSoft_Reset)
+ {
+ /* Set NSS pin internally by software */
+ SPIx->CR1 |= SPI_NSSInternalSoft_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Reset NSS pin internally by software */
+ SPIx->CR1 &= SPI_NSSInternalSoft_Reset;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SS output for the selected SPI.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SPIx SS output.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_SSOutputCmd(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SPI SS output */
+ SPIx->CR2 |= CR2_SSOE_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SPI SS output */
+ SPIx->CR2 &= CR2_SSOE_Reset;
+ }
+ * @brief Configures the data size for the selected SPI.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param SPI_DataSize: specifies the SPI data size.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_DataSize_16b: Set data frame format to 16bit
+ * @arg SPI_DataSize_8b: Set data frame format to 8bit
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_DataSizeConfig(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t SPI_DataSize)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_DATASIZE(SPI_DataSize));
+ /* Clear DFF bit */
+ SPIx->CR1 &= (uint16_t)~SPI_DataSize_16b;
+ /* Set new DFF bit value */
+ SPIx->CR1 |= SPI_DataSize;
+ * @brief Transmit the SPIx CRC value.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_TransmitCRC(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ /* Enable the selected SPI CRC transmission */
+ SPIx->CR1 |= CR1_CRCNext_Set;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the CRC value calculation of the transferred bytes.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SPIx CRC value calculation.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_CalculateCRC(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SPI CRC calculation */
+ SPIx->CR1 |= CR1_CRCEN_Set;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SPI CRC calculation */
+ SPIx->CR1 &= CR1_CRCEN_Reset;
+ }
+ * @brief Returns the transmit or the receive CRC register value for the specified SPI.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param SPI_CRC: specifies the CRC register to be read.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_CRC_Tx: Selects Tx CRC register
+ * @arg SPI_CRC_Rx: Selects Rx CRC register
+ * @retval The selected CRC register value..
+ */
+uint16_t SPI_GetCRC(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint8_t SPI_CRC)
+ uint16_t crcreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_CRC(SPI_CRC));
+ if (SPI_CRC != SPI_CRC_Rx)
+ {
+ /* Get the Tx CRC register */
+ crcreg = SPIx->TXCRCR;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Get the Rx CRC register */
+ crcreg = SPIx->RXCRCR;
+ }
+ /* Return the selected CRC register */
+ return crcreg;
+ * @brief Returns the CRC Polynomial register value for the specified SPI.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @retval The CRC Polynomial register value.
+ */
+uint16_t SPI_GetCRCPolynomial(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ /* Return the CRC polynomial register */
+ return SPIx->CRCPR;
+ * @brief Selects the data transfer direction in bi-directional mode for the specified SPI.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SPI peripheral.
+ * @param SPI_Direction: specifies the data transfer direction in bi-directional mode.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_Direction_Tx: Selects Tx transmission direction
+ * @arg SPI_Direction_Rx: Selects Rx receive direction
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_BiDirectionalLineConfig(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t SPI_Direction)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_DIRECTION(SPI_Direction));
+ if (SPI_Direction == SPI_Direction_Tx)
+ {
+ /* Set the Tx only mode */
+ SPIx->CR1 |= SPI_Direction_Tx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Set the Rx only mode */
+ SPIx->CR1 &= SPI_Direction_Rx;
+ }
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified SPI/I2S flag is set or not.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * - 2 or 3 in I2S mode
+ * @param SPI_I2S_FLAG: specifies the SPI/I2S flag to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_FLAG_TXE: Transmit buffer empty flag.
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE: Receive buffer not empty flag.
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY: Busy flag.
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag.
+ * @arg SPI_FLAG_MODF: Mode Fault flag.
+ * @arg SPI_FLAG_CRCERR: CRC Error flag.
+ * @arg I2S_FLAG_UDR: Underrun Error flag.
+ * @arg I2S_FLAG_CHSIDE: Channel Side flag.
+ * @retval The new state of SPI_I2S_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t SPI_I2S_FLAG)
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_I2S_GET_FLAG(SPI_I2S_FLAG));
+ /* Check the status of the specified SPI/I2S flag */
+ if ((SPIx->SR & SPI_I2S_FLAG) != (uint16_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* SPI_I2S_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* SPI_I2S_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the SPI_I2S_FLAG status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the SPIx CRC Error (CRCERR) flag.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * @param SPI_I2S_FLAG: specifies the SPI flag to clear.
+ * This function clears only CRCERR flag.
+ * @note
+ * - OVR (OverRun error) flag is cleared by software sequence: a read
+ * operation to SPI_DR register (SPI_I2S_ReceiveData()) followed by a read
+ * operation to SPI_SR register (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus()).
+ * - UDR (UnderRun error) flag is cleared by a read operation to
+ * SPI_SR register (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus()).
+ * - MODF (Mode Fault) flag is cleared by software sequence: a read/write
+ * operation to SPI_SR register (SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus()) followed by a
+ * write operation to SPI_CR1 register (SPI_Cmd() to enable the SPI).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_I2S_ClearFlag(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint16_t SPI_I2S_FLAG)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_I2S_CLEAR_FLAG(SPI_I2S_FLAG));
+ /* Clear the selected SPI CRC Error (CRCERR) flag */
+ SPIx->SR = (uint16_t)~SPI_I2S_FLAG;
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified SPI/I2S interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * - 2 or 3 in I2S mode
+ * @param SPI_I2S_IT: specifies the SPI/I2S interrupt source to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_IT_TXE: Transmit buffer empty interrupt.
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_IT_RXNE: Receive buffer not empty interrupt.
+ * @arg SPI_I2S_IT_OVR: Overrun interrupt.
+ * @arg SPI_IT_MODF: Mode Fault interrupt.
+ * @arg SPI_IT_CRCERR: CRC Error interrupt.
+ * @arg I2S_IT_UDR: Underrun Error interrupt.
+ * @retval The new state of SPI_I2S_IT (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus SPI_I2S_GetITStatus(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint8_t SPI_I2S_IT)
+ ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ uint16_t itpos = 0, itmask = 0, enablestatus = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_I2S_GET_IT(SPI_I2S_IT));
+ /* Get the SPI/I2S IT index */
+ itpos = 0x01 << (SPI_I2S_IT & 0x0F);
+ /* Get the SPI/I2S IT mask */
+ itmask = SPI_I2S_IT >> 4;
+ /* Set the IT mask */
+ itmask = 0x01 << itmask;
+ /* Get the SPI_I2S_IT enable bit status */
+ enablestatus = (SPIx->CR2 & itmask) ;
+ /* Check the status of the specified SPI/I2S interrupt */
+ if (((SPIx->SR & itpos) != (uint16_t)RESET) && enablestatus)
+ {
+ /* SPI_I2S_IT is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* SPI_I2S_IT is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the SPI_I2S_IT status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the SPIx CRC Error (CRCERR) interrupt pending bit.
+ * @param SPIx: where x can be
+ * - 1, 2 or 3 in SPI mode
+ * @param SPI_I2S_IT: specifies the SPI interrupt pending bit to clear.
+ * This function clears only CRCERR interrupt pending bit.
+ * @note
+ * - OVR (OverRun Error) interrupt pending bit is cleared by software
+ * sequence: a read operation to SPI_DR register (SPI_I2S_ReceiveData())
+ * followed by a read operation to SPI_SR register (SPI_I2S_GetITStatus()).
+ * - UDR (UnderRun Error) interrupt pending bit is cleared by a read
+ * operation to SPI_SR register (SPI_I2S_GetITStatus()).
+ * - MODF (Mode Fault) interrupt pending bit is cleared by software sequence:
+ * a read/write operation to SPI_SR register (SPI_I2S_GetITStatus())
+ * followed by a write operation to SPI_CR1 register (SPI_Cmd() to enable
+ * the SPI).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SPI_I2S_ClearITPendingBit(SPI_TypeDef* SPIx, uint8_t SPI_I2S_IT)
+ uint16_t itpos = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));
+ assert_param(IS_SPI_I2S_CLEAR_IT(SPI_I2S_IT));
+ /* Get the SPI IT index */
+ itpos = 0x01 << (SPI_I2S_IT & 0x0F);
+ /* Clear the selected SPI CRC Error (CRCERR) interrupt pending bit */
+ SPIx->SR = (uint16_t)~itpos;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/