path: root/thirdparty/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Libraries/STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f37x_sdadc.c
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authorTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2017-01-25 22:23:13 +0100
committerTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2017-01-25 22:23:17 +0100
commit2fff65aed2477a503c72629d27e2a330d30c02d1 (patch)
tree96fd9f2f8151e266c0cf8563a714d7bab8aa7cb0 /thirdparty/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Libraries/STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f37x_sdadc.c
parent41fdd2b1f35bcb4224fdb8fee2b959e09d1f5916 (diff)
o Seemingly working Mutexes.
o Dropping the privileged/unprivileged split for now.
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Libraries/STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f37x_sdadc.c')
1 files changed, 1438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Libraries/STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f37x_sdadc.c b/thirdparty/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Libraries/STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f37x_sdadc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bbbb58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V4.0.0/Libraries/STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f37x_sdadc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1438 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm32f37x_sdadc.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V1.0.0
+ * @date 20-September-2012
+ * @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
+ * functionalities of the Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital Convertor
+ * (SDADC) peripherals:
+ * + Initialization and Configuration
+ * + Regular Channels Configuration
+ * + Injected channels Configuration
+ * + Power saving
+ * + Regular/Injected Channels DMA Configuration
+ * + Interrupts and flags management
+ *
+ * @verbatim
+ ##### How to use this driver #####
+ [..]
+ (#) Enable the SDADC analog interface by calling
+ PWR_SDADCAnalogCmd(PWR_SDADCAnalog_x, Enable);
+ (#) Enable the SDADC APB clock to get write access to SDADC registers using
+ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd() function
+ e.g. To enable access to SDADC1 registers use
+ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SDADC1, ENABLE);
+ (#) The SDADCs are clocked by APB1.
+ In order to get the SDADC running at the typical frequency (6 MHz
+ in fast mode), use SDADC prescaler by calling RCC_SDADCCLKConfig() function
+ e.g. if APB1 is clocked at 72MHz, to get the SDADC running at 6MHz
+ configure the SDADC prescaler at 12 by calling
+ (#) If required, perform the following configurations:
+ (++) Select the reference voltage using SDADC_VREFSelect() function
+ (++) Enable the power-down and standby modes using SDADC_PowerDownCmd()
+ and SDADC_StandbyCmd() functions respectively
+ (++) Enable the slow clock mode (SDADC running at 1.5 MHz) using
+ RCC_SDADCCLKConfig() and SDADC_SlowClockCmd() function
+ -@@- These configurations are allowed only when the SDADC is disabled.
+ (#) Enable the SDADC peripheral using SDADC_Cmd() function.
+ (#) Enter initialization mode using SDADC_InitModeCmd() function
+ then wait for INITRDY flag to be set to confirm that the SDADC
+ is in initialization mode.
+ (#) Configure the analog inputs: gain, single ended mode, offset value and
+ commmon mode using SDADC_AINInit().
+ There are three possible configuration: SDADC_Conf_0, SDADC_Conf_1 and SDADC_Conf_2
+ (#) Associate the selected configuration to the channel using SDADC_ChannelConfig()
+ (#) For Regular channels group configuration
+ (++) use SDADC_Init() function to select the SDADC channel to be used
+ for regular conversion, the continuous mode...
+ -@@- Only software trigger or synchro with SDADC1 are possible
+ for regular conversion
+ (#) For Injected channels group configuration
+ (++) Select the SDADC channel to be used for injected conversion
+ using SDADC_InjectedChannelSelect()
+ (++) Select the external trigger SDADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig()
+ and the edge (rising, falling or both) using
+ SDADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvEdgeConfig()
+ -@@- Software trigger and synchro with SDADC1 are possible
+ (#) Exit initialization mode using SDADC_InitModeCmd() function
+ * @endverbatim
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ *
+ * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
+ * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm32f37x_sdadc.h"
+#include "stm32f37x_rcc.h"
+/** @addtogroup STM32F37x_StdPeriph_Driver
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC
+ * @brief SDADC driver modules
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* CR2 register Mask */
+#define CR2_CLEAR_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFE30FFFF)
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Group1 Initialization and Configuration functions
+ * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+ ##### Initialization and Configuration functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
+ (+) Configure the SDADC analog inputs (gain, offset, single ended...)
+ (+) Select the SDADC regular conversion channels
+ (+) Enter/Exit the SDADC initialization mode
+ (+) SDADC fast conversion conversion mode configuration
+ (+) Select the reference voltage
+ (+) Enable/disable the SDADC peripheral
+ (+) Configure and start the SDADC calibration
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Deinitializes SDADCx peripheral registers to their default reset values.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_DeInit(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ if(SDADCx == SDADC1)
+ {
+ /* Enable SDADC1 reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SDADC1, ENABLE);
+ /* Release SDADC1 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SDADC1, DISABLE);
+ }
+ else if(SDADCx == SDADC2)
+ {
+ /* Enable SDADC2 reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SDADC2, ENABLE);
+ /* Release SDADC2 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SDADC2, DISABLE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Enable SDADC3 reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SDADC3, ENABLE);
+ /* Release SDADC3 from reset state */
+ RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SDADC3, DISABLE);
+ }
+ * @brief Initializes the SDADCx peripheral according to the specified parameters
+ * in the SDADC_InitStruct.
+ * @note SDADC_FastConversionMode can be modified only if the SDADC is disabled
+ * or the INITRDY flag is set. Otherwise the configuration can't be modified.
+ * @note Channel selection and continuous mode configuration affect only the
+ * regular channel.
+ * @note Fast conversion mode is regardless of regular/injected conversion mode.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_InitStruct: pointer to an SDADC_InitTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the configuration information for the specified SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_Init(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, SDADC_InitTypeDef* SDADC_InitStruct)
+ uint32_t tmpcr2 = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_REGULAR_CHANNEL(SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_Channel));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_ContinuousConvMode));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_FastConversionMode));
+ /*---------------------------- SDADCx CR2 Configuration --------------------*/
+ /* Get the SDADCx_CR2 value */
+ tmpcr2 = SDADCx->CR2;
+ /* Clear FAST, RCONT and RCH bits */
+ tmpcr2 &= CR2_CLEAR_MASK;
+ /* Configure SDADCx: continuous mode for regular conversion,
+ regular channel and fast conversion mode */
+ /* Set RCONT bit according to SDADC_ContinuousConvMode value */
+ /* Set FAST bit according to SDADC_FastConversionMode value */
+ /* Select the regular channel according to SDADC_Channel value */
+ tmpcr2 |= (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_ContinuousConvMode<<22) |
+ (SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_FastConversionMode<<(uint32_t)24) |
+ (SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_Channel & SDADC_CR2_RCH));
+ /* Write to SDADCx_CR2 */
+ SDADCx->CR2 = tmpcr2;
+ * @brief Fills each SDADC_InitStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param SDADC_InitStruct: pointer to an SDADC_InitTypeDef structure which will
+ * be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_StructInit(SDADC_InitTypeDef* SDADC_InitStruct)
+ /* Reset SDADC init structure parameters values */
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_Channel member */
+ SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_Channel = SDADC_Channel_0;
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_ContinuousConvMode member */
+ SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_ContinuousConvMode = DISABLE;
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_FastConversionMode member */
+ SDADC_InitStruct->SDADC_FastConversionMode = DISABLE;
+ * @brief Configures the analog input mode.
+ * @note This function can be used only if the SDADC is disabled
+ * or the INITRDY flag is set. Otherwise the configuration can't be modified.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_AINStruct: pointer to an SDADC_AINStructTypeDef structure that contains
+ * the analog inputs configuration information for the specified SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_AINInit(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_Conf, SDADC_AINStructTypeDef* SDADC_AINStruct)
+ uint32_t tmp = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_CONF(SDADC_Conf));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_INPUT_MODE(SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_InputMode));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_GAIN(SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_Gain));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_COMMON_MODE(SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_CommonMode));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_OFFSET_VALUE(SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_Offset));
+ /* Get the ASDACx address */
+ tmp = (uint32_t)((uint32_t)SDADCx + 0x00000020);
+ /* Get the ASDACx CONFxR value: depending SDADC_Conf, analog input configuration
+ is set to CONF0R, CONF1R or CONF2R register */
+ tmp = (uint32_t)(SDADC_Conf << 2) + tmp;
+ /* Set the analog input configuration to the selected CONFxR register */
+ *(__IO uint32_t *) (tmp) = (uint32_t) (SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_InputMode |
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_Gain |
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_CommonMode |
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_Offset);
+ * @brief Fills each SDADC_AINStruct member with its default value.
+ * @param SDADC_AINStruct: pointer to an SDADC_AINStructTypeDef structure which will
+ * be initialized.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_AINStructInit(SDADC_AINStructTypeDef* SDADC_AINStruct)
+ /* Reset SDADC AIN configuration parameters values */
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_Input member */
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_InputMode = SDADC_InputMode_Diff;
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_Gain member */
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_Gain = SDADC_Gain_1;
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_CommonMode member */
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_CommonMode = SDADC_CommonMode_VSSA;
+ /* Initialize the SDADC_Offset member */
+ SDADC_AINStruct->SDADC_Offset = 0;
+ * @brief Configures the SDADCx channel.
+ * @note SDADC channel configuration can be modified only if the SDADC is disabled
+ * or the INITRDY flag is set. Otherwise the configuration can't be modified.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_Channel: The SDADC injected channel.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_0: SDADC Channel 0 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_1: SDADC Channel 1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_2: SDADC Channel 2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_3: SDADC Channel 3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_4: SDADC Channel 4 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_5: SDADC Channel 5 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_6: SDADC Channel 6 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_7: SDADC Channel 7 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_8: SDADC Channel 8 selected
+ * @param SDADC_Conf: The SDADC input configuration.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_Conf_0: SDADC Conf 0 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Conf_1: SDADC Conf 1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Conf_2: SDADC Conf 2 selected
+ * @note The SDADC configuration (Conf 0, Conf 1, Conf 2) should be performed
+ * using SDADC_AINInit()
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ChannelConfig(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_Channel, uint32_t SDADC_Conf)
+ uint32_t channelnum = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_INJECTED_CHANNEL(SDADC_Channel));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_CONF(SDADC_Conf));
+ /*----------------------- SDADCx CONFCHRx Configuration --------------------*/
+ if(SDADC_Channel != SDADC_Channel_8)
+ {
+ /* Get channel number */
+ channelnum = (uint32_t)(SDADC_Channel>>16);
+ /* Set the channel configuration */
+ SDADCx->CONFCHR1 |= (uint32_t) (SDADC_Conf << (channelnum << 2));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SDADCx->CONFCHR2 = (uint32_t) (SDADC_Conf);
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified SDADC peripheral.
+ * @note When disabled, power down mode is entered, the flags and the data
+ * are cleared.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SDADCx peripheral.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_Cmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Set the ADON bit to enable the SDADC */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR2_ADON;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Reset the ADON bit to disable the SDADC */
+ SDADCx->CR2 &= (uint32_t)(~SDADC_CR2_ADON);
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the initialization mode for specified SDADC peripheral.
+ * @note Initialization mode should be enabled before setting the analog input
+ * configuration, the fast conversion mode, the external trigger...
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the SDADCx peripheral.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * When enabled, the SDADCx is in initialization mode and the SDADCx can
+ * be configured (except: power down mode, standby mode, slow clock and VREF selection).
+ * When disabled, the SDADCx isn't in initialization mode and limited
+ * configurations are allowed (regular channel selection, software trigger)
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_InitModeCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Set the INIT bit to enter initialization mode */
+ SDADCx->CR1 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR1_INIT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Reset the INIT bit to exit initialization mode */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)(~SDADC_CR1_INIT);
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the fast conversion mode for the SDADC.
+ * @note When converting a single channel in continuous mode, having enabled
+ * fast mode causes each conversion (except for the first) to execute
+ * 3 times faster (taking 120 SDADC cycles rather than 360).
+ * Fast conversion mode has no meaning for conversions which are not continuous.
+ * @note fast conversion mode can be modified only if the SDADC is disabled
+ * or the INITRDY flag is set. Otherwise the configuration can't be modified.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC fast conversion mode
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_FastConversionCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the fast conversion mode */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the fast conversion mode */
+ SDADCx->CR2 &= (uint32_t)(~SDADC_CR2_FAST);
+ }
+ * @brief Selects the reference voltage.
+ * @note The reference voltage is common to the all SDADCs (SDADC1, SDADC2 and SDADC3).
+ * The reference voltage selection is available only in SDADC1 and therefore
+ * to select the VREF for SDADC2/SDADC3, SDADC1 clock must be already enabled.
+ * @note The reference voltage selection can be performed only when the SDADC
+ * is disabled.
+ * @param SDADC_VREF: Reference voltage selection.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_VREF_Ext: The reference voltage is forced externally using VREF pin
+ * @arg SDADC_VREF_VREFINT1: The reference voltage is forced internally to 1.22V VREFINT
+ * @arg SDADC_VREF_VREFINT2: The reference voltage is forced internally to 1.8V VREFINT
+ * @arg SDADC_VREF_VDDA: The reference voltage is forced internally to VDDA
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_VREFSelect(uint32_t SDADC_VREF)
+uint32_t tmpcr1;
+ /* Check the parameter */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_VREF(SDADC_VREF));
+ /* Get SDADC1_CR1 register value */
+ tmpcr1 = SDADC1->CR1;
+ /* Clear the SDADC1_CR1_REFV bits */
+ tmpcr1 &= (uint32_t) (~SDADC_CR1_REFV);
+ /* Select the reference voltage */
+ tmpcr1 |= SDADC_VREF;
+ /* Write in SDADC_CR1 */
+ SDADC1->CR1 = tmpcr1;
+ * @brief Configures the calibration sequence.
+ * @note After calling SDADC_CalibrationSequenceConfig(), use SDADC_StartCalibration()
+ * to start the calibration process.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_CalibrationSequence: Number of calibration sequence to be performed.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_CalibrationSequence_1: One calibration sequence will be performed
+ * to calculate OFFSET0[11:0] (offset that corresponds to conf0)
+ * @arg SDADC_CalibrationSequence_2: Two calibration sequences will be performed
+ * to calculate OFFSET0[11:0] and OFFSET1[11:0]
+ * (offsets that correspond to conf0 and conf1)
+ * @arg SDADC_CalibrationSequence_3: Three calibration sequences will be performed
+ * to calculate OFFSET0[11:0], OFFSET1[11:0],
+ * and OFFSET2[11:0] (offsets that correspond to conf0, conf1 and conf2)
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_CalibrationSequenceConfig(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_CalibrationSequence)
+ uint32_t tmpcr2;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_CALIB_SEQUENCE(SDADC_CalibrationSequence));
+ /* Get SDADC_CR2 register value */
+ tmpcr2 = SDADCx->CR2;
+ /* Clear the SDADC_CR2_CALIBCNT bits */
+ tmpcr2 &= (uint32_t) (~SDADC_CR2_CALIBCNT);
+ /* Set the calibration sequence */
+ tmpcr2 |= SDADC_CalibrationSequence;
+ /* Write in SDADC_CR2 */
+ SDADCx->CR2 = tmpcr2;
+ * @brief Launches a request to start the calibration sequence.
+ * @note use SDADC_CalibrationSequenceConfig() function to configure the
+ * calibration sequence then call SDADC_StartCalibration() to start the
+ * calibration process.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_StartCalibration(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Request a start of the calibration sequence */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR2_STARTCALIB;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Group2 Regular Channels Configuration functions
+ * @brief Regular Channels Configuration functions
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+ ##### Regular Channels Configuration functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to manage the SDADC regular channels,
+ it is composed of 3 sub sections:
+ (+) Configuration and management functions for regular channels:
+ (++) Select the channel to be used for regular conversion using
+ SDADC_ChannelSelect() (*)
+ (++) Activate the continuous Mode using SDADC_ContinuousModeCmd() (*)
+ (++) Perform a software start trigger using SDADC_SoftwareStartConv()
+ (++) For SDADC2 and SDADC3, Enable synchronization with SDADC1 using
+ SDADC_RegularSynchroSDADC1()
+ -@@- Please Note that the following features for regular channels
+ can be configurated using the SDADC_Init() function:
+ (++) Channel selection
+ (++) Continuous mode activation
+ (+) Get the regular conversion data: Use SDADC_GetConversionValue() to
+ read the conversion value for regular conversion
+ (+) Get the SDADC2/SDADC3 regular conversion data synchronized with SDADC1
+ Use SDADC_GetConversionSDADC12Value()/SDADC_GetConversionSDADC13Value to
+ read the conversion value of SDADC1 regular conversion concatenated to
+ SDADC2/SDADC3 regular conversion
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Selects the SDADC channel to be used for regular conversion.
+ * @note Just one channel of the 9 available channels can be selected.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_Channel: The SDADC regular channel.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_0: SDADC Channel 0 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_1: SDADC Channel 1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_2: SDADC Channel 2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_3: SDADC Channel 3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_4: SDADC Channel 4 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_5: SDADC Channel 5 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_6: SDADC Channel 6 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_7: SDADC Channel 7 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_8: SDADC Channel 8 selected
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ChannelSelect(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_Channel)
+uint32_t tmpcr2;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_REGULAR_CHANNEL(SDADC_Channel));
+ /* Get SDADC_CR2 register value */
+ tmpcr2 = SDADCx->CR2;
+ /* Clear the RCH[3:0] bits */
+ tmpcr2 &= (uint32_t) (~SDADC_CR2_RCH);
+ /* Select the regular channel */
+ tmpcr2 |= (uint32_t) (SDADC_Channel & 0xFFFF0000);
+ /* Write in SDADC_CR2 register */
+ SDADCx->CR2 = tmpcr2;
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDADC continuous conversion mode.
+ * When enabled, the regular channel is converted repeatedly after each
+ * conversion request.
+ * When disabled, the regular channel is converted once for each
+ * conversion request.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC continuous conversion mode
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ContinuousModeCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SDADC continuous conversion mode */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR2_RCONT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SDADC continuous conversion mode */
+ SDADCx->CR2 &= (uint32_t)(~SDADC_CR2_RCONT);
+ }
+ * @brief Enables the selected SDADC software start conversion of the regular channels.
+ * @note If the flag SDADC_FLAG_RCIP is set or INIT bit is set, calling this
+ * function SDADC_SoftwareStartConv() has no effect.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_SoftwareStartConv(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Enable the selected SDADC conversion for regular group */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR2_RSWSTART;
+ * @brief Returns the last SDADC conversion result data for regular channel.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval The Data conversion value.
+ */
+int16_t SDADC_GetConversionValue(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Return the selected SDADC conversion value for regular channel */
+ return (int16_t) SDADCx->RDATAR;
+ * @brief Launches SDADC2/SDADC3 regular conversion synchronously with SDADC1.
+ * @note This feature is available only on SDADC2 and SDADC3.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * When enabled, a regular conversion is launched at the same moment
+ * that a regular conversion is launched in SDADC1.
+ * When disabled, do not launch a regular conversion synchronously with SDADC1.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_RegularSynchroSDADC1(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_SLAVE_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable synchronization with SDADC1 on regular conversions */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable synchronization with SDADC1 on regular conversions */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)~SDADC_CR1_RSYNC;
+ }
+ * @brief Returns the last conversion result data for regular channel of SDADC1 and SDADC2.
+ * RSYNC bit of the SDADC2 should be already set.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval The Data conversion value for SDADC1 and SDADC2.
+ * In 16-bit MSB: the regular conversion data for SDADC2.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_REOC of SDADC2 is set.
+ * In 16-bit LSB: the regular conversion data for SDADC1.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_REOC of SDADC1 is set.
+ */
+uint32_t SDADC_GetConversionSDADC12Value(void)
+ /* Return the selected conversion value for regular channel of SDADC1 and SDADC2*/
+ return (uint32_t) SDADC1->RDATA12R;
+ * @brief Returns the last conversion result data for regular channel of SDADC1 and SDADC3.
+ * RSYNC bit of the SDADC3 should be already set.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval The Data conversion value for SDADC1 and SDADC3.
+ * In 16-bit MSB: the regular conversion data for SDADC3.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_REOC of SDADC3 is set.
+ * In 16-bit LSB: the regular conversion data for SDADC1.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_REOC of SDADC1 is set.
+ */
+uint32_t SDADC_GetConversionSDADC13Value(void)
+ /* Return the selected conversion value for regular channel of SDADC1 and SDADC3*/
+ return (uint32_t) SDADC1->RDATA13R;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Group3 Injected channels Configuration functions
+ * @brief Injected channels Configuration functions
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+ ##### Injected channels Configuration functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+ [..] This section provide functions allowing to configure the SDADC Injected
+ channels, it is composed of 2 sub sections:
+ (#) Configuration functions for Injected channels: This subsection provides
+ functions allowing to configure the SDADC injected channels:
+ (++) Select the configuration for the SDADC injected channel
+ (++) Activate the continuous Mode
+ (++) External/software trigger source
+ (++) External trigger edge (rising, falling, rising & falling)
+ (#) Get injected channel conversion data: This subsection provides an
+ important function in the SDADC peripheral since it returns the
+ converted data of a specific injected channel.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Enables the selected SDADC software start conversion of the injected
+ * channels.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_SoftwareStartInjectedConv(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Start a conversion of the injected group of channels */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR2_JSWSTART;
+ * @brief Selects the SDADC injected channel(s).
+ * @note When selected, the SDADC channel is part of the injected group
+ * By default, channel 0 is selected
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_Channel: The SDADC injected channel.
+ * This parameter can be one or any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_0: SDADC Channel 0 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_1: SDADC Channel 1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_2: SDADC Channel 2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_3: SDADC Channel 3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_4: SDADC Channel 4 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_5: SDADC Channel 5 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_6: SDADC Channel 6 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_7: SDADC Channel 7 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_Channel_8: SDADC Channel 8 selected
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_InjectedChannelSelect(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_Channel)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_INJECTED_CHANNEL(SDADC_Channel));
+ /* Select the SDADC injected channel */
+ SDADCx->JCHGR = (uint32_t) (SDADC_Channel & 0x0000FFFF);
+ * @brief Enables or disables delayed start of injected conversions
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC delay start of injected
+ * conversions. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * When disabled, injected conversions begin as soon as possible after
+ * the request.
+ * When enabled, after a request for injected conversion the SDADC waits
+ * a fixed interval before launching the conversion.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_DelayStartInjectedConvCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable delay start of injected conversions */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t) (SDADC_CR2_JDS);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable delay start of injected conversions */
+ SDADCx->CR2 &= (uint32_t) ~(SDADC_CR2_JDS);
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the continuous mode for injected channels for
+ * the specified SDADC
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC continuous mode
+ * on injected channels. This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_InjectedContinuousModeCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the SDADC continuous mode for injected channels */
+ SDADCx->CR2 |= (uint32_t)SDADC_CR2_JCONT;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the SDADC continuous mode for injected channels */
+ SDADCx->CR2 &= (uint32_t)(~SDADC_CR2_JCONT);
+ }
+ * @brief Configures the SDADCx external trigger for injected channels conversion.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv: specifies the SDADC trigger to start injected
+ * conversion. This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T13_CC1: Timer13 capture compare1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T14_CC1: Timer14 TRGO event selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T16_CC1: Timer16 TRGO event selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T17_CC1: Timer17 capture compare1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T12_CC1: Timer12 capture compare1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T12_CC2: Timer12 capture compare2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T15_CC2: Timer15 capture compare2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_CC3: Timer2 capture compare3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T2_CC4: Timer2 capture compare4 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC1: Timer3 capture compare1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC2: Timer3 capture compare2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T3_CC3: Timer3 capture compare3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC1: Timer4 capture compare1 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC2: Timer4 capture compare2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC3: Timer4 capture compare3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T19_CC2: Timer19 capture compare2 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T19_CC3: Timer19 capture compare3 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T19_CC4: Timer19 capture compare4 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_T4_CC4: Timer4 capture compare4 selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_Ext_IT11: External interrupt line 11 event selected
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv_Ext_IT15: External interrupt line 15 event selected
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvConfig(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_EXT_INJEC_TRIG(SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv));
+ /* Get the old register value */
+ tmpreg = SDADCx->CR2;
+ /* Clear the old external trigger selection for injected group */
+ tmpreg &= (uint32_t) (~SDADC_CR2_JEXTSEL);
+ /* Set the external event selection for injected group */
+ tmpreg |= SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConv;
+ /* Store the new register value */
+ SDADCx->CR2 = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Configures the SDADCx external trigger edge for injected channels conversion.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge: specifies the SDADC external trigger
+ * edge to start injected conversion.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_None: external trigger disabled for
+ * injected conversion
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_Rising: Each rising edge on the selected
+ * trigger makes a request to launch a injected conversion
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_Falling: Each falling edge on the selected
+ * trigger makes a request to launch a injected conversion
+ * @arg SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge_RisingFalling: Both rising edges and
+ * falling edges on the selected trigger make requests to launch injected conversions.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ExternalTrigInjectedConvEdgeConfig(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge)
+ uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_EXT_INJEC_TRIG_EDGE(SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge));
+ /* Get the old register value */
+ tmpreg = SDADCx->CR2;
+ /* Clear the old external trigger edge for injected group */
+ tmpreg &= (uint32_t) (~SDADC_CR2_JEXTEN);
+ /* Set the new external trigger edge for injected group */
+ tmpreg |= SDADC_ExternalTrigInjecConvEdge;
+ /* Store the new register value */
+ SDADCx->CR2 = tmpreg;
+ * @brief Returns the injected channel most recently converted for
+ * the specified SDADC
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @retval The most recently converted SDADC injected channel.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg 0x00000001: SDADC_Channel_0 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00010002: SDADC_Channel_1 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00020004: SDADC_Channel_2 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00030008: SDADC_Channel_3 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00040010: SDADC_Channel_4 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00050020: SDADC_Channel_5 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00060040: SDADC_Channel_6 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00070080: SDADC_Channel_7 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00080100: SDADC_Channel_8 is recently converted
+ */
+uint32_t SDADC_GetInjectedChannel(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx)
+ uint32_t temp = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Get the injected channel most recently converted */
+ temp = (uint32_t)(SDADCx->JDATAR>>16);
+ temp = (uint32_t) (((uint32_t)1<<temp) | (temp<<(uint32_t)16));
+ /* Returns the injected channel most recently converted */
+ return (uint32_t) (temp);
+ * @brief Returns the SDADC injected channel conversion result
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_Channel: the most recently converted SDADC injected channel.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg 0x00000001: SDADC_Channel_0 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00010002: SDADC_Channel_1 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00020004: SDADC_Channel_2 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00030008: SDADC_Channel_3 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00040010: SDADC_Channel_4 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00050020: SDADC_Channel_5 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00060040: SDADC_Channel_6 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00070080: SDADC_Channel_7 is recently converted
+ * @arg 0x00080100: SDADC_Channel_8 is recently converted
+ * @retval The injected data conversion value.
+ */
+int16_t SDADC_GetInjectedConversionValue(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t* SDADC_Channel)
+ uint32_t tmp = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Get SDADC_JDATAR register */
+ tmp = (uint32_t)SDADCx->JDATAR;
+ /* Get the injected channel most recently converted */
+ *(uint32_t*)SDADC_Channel = (uint32_t) ((uint32_t)((tmp>>8) &0xffff0000) | (((uint32_t)1<<(tmp>>24))));
+ /* Returns the injected channel conversion data */
+ return (int16_t) ((uint32_t)(tmp & 0x0000FFFF));
+ * @brief Launches injected conversion synchronously with SDADC1.
+ * @note This feature is available only on SDADC2 and SDADC3.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC synchronization with SDADC1
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * When enabled, An injected conversion is launched at the same moment
+ * that an injected conversion is launched in SDADC1.
+ * When disabled, do not launch an injected conversion synchronously with SDADC1.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_InjectedSynchroSDADC1(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_SLAVE_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable synchronization with SDADC1 on injected conversions */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable synchronization with SDADC1 on injected conversions */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)~SDADC_CR1_JSYNC;
+ }
+ * @brief Returns the last conversion result data for injected channel of SDADC1 and SDADC2.
+ * JSYNC bit of the SDADC2 should be already set.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval The Data conversion value for SDADC1 and SDADC2.
+ * In 16-bit MSB: the regular conversion data for SDADC2.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_JEOC of SDADC2 is set.
+ * In 16-bit LSB: the regular conversion data for SDADC1.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_JEOC of SDADC1 is set.
+ */
+uint32_t SDADC_GetInjectedConversionSDADC12Value(void)
+ /* Return the selected conversion value for injected channel of SDADC1 and SDADC2*/
+ return (uint32_t) SDADC1->JDATA12R;
+ * @brief Returns the last conversion result data for injected channel of SDADC1 and SDADC3.
+ * JSYNC bit of the SDADC3 should be already set.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval The Data conversion value for SDADC1 and SDADC3.
+ * In 16-bit MSB: the injected conversion data for SDADC3.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_JEOC of SDADC3 is set.
+ * In 16-bit LSB: the injected conversion data for SDADC1.
+ * This data is valid only when the flag SDADC_FLAG_JEOC of SDADC1 is set.
+ */
+uint32_t SDADC_GetInjectedConversionSDADC13Value(void)
+ /* Return the selected conversion value for injected channel of SDADC1 and SDADC3*/
+ return (uint32_t) SDADC1->JDATA13R;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Group4 Power saving functions
+ * @brief Power saving functions
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+ ##### Power saving functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to reduce power consumption:
+ (+) Enable the power down mode when idle using SDADC_PowerDownCmd();
+ (+) Enable the standby mode when idle using SDADC_StandbyCmd();
+ (+) Enable the slow clock mode using SDADC_SlowClockCmd()
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDADC power down mode when idle.
+ * @note SDADC power down mode when idle is used to cut the consumption when
+ * the SDADC is not converting (when idle).
+ * @note When the SDADC is in power down mode and a conversion is requested,
+ * the SDADC takes 100us to stabilize before launching the conversion.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC power down mode when idle
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_PowerDownCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the SDADC power-down when idle */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the SDADCx power-down when idle */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)~SDADC_CR1_PDI;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDADC standby mode when idle.
+ * @note SDADC standby mode when idle is used to cut the consumption when
+ * the SDADC is not converting (when idle).
+ * @note When the SDADC is in standby mode and a conversion is requested,
+ * the SDADC takes 50us to stabilize before launching the conversion.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC standby mode when idle
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_StandbyCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the standby mode when idle */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the standby mode when idle */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)~SDADC_CR1_SBI;
+ }
+ * @brief Enables or disables the SDADC in slow clock mode.
+ * @note Slow clock mode (where the SDADC clock frequency should be 1.5MHz)
+ * allowing a lower level of current consumption as well as operation
+ * at a lower minimum voltage.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param NewState: new state of the selected SDADC slow clock mode
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_SlowClockCmd(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the slow clock mode */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the slow clock mode */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)~SDADC_CR1_SLOWCK;
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Group5 Regular/Injected Channels DMA Configuration function
+ * @brief Regular/Injected Channels DMA Configuration functions
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+ ##### Regular Channels DMA Configuration functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the DMA for SDADC regular
+ or injected channels.
+ [..] Since converted value is stored into a unique data register, it is useful
+ to use DMA for conversion of more than one channel.
+ This avoids the loss of the data already stored in the SDADC Data register.
+ When the DMA is enabled for regular/injected channel (using the SDADC_DMAConfig()
+ function), after each conversion of a regular/injected channel,
+ a DMA request is generated.
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Configures the DMA transfer for regular/injected conversions.
+ * @note DMA requests can't be enabled for both regular and injected conversions.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_DMATransfer: Specifies the SDADC DMA transfer.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_DMATransfer_Regular: When enabled, DMA manages reading the
+ * data for the regular channel.
+ * @arg SDADC_DMATransfer_Injected: When enabled, DMA manages reading the
+ * data for the injected channel.
+ * @param NewState Indicates the new state of the SDADC DMA interface.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_DMAConfig(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_DMATransfer, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_DMA_TRANSFER(SDADC_DMATransfer));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the DMA transfer */
+ SDADCx->CR1 |= SDADC_DMATransfer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the DMA transfer */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= (uint32_t)(~SDADC_DMATransfer);
+ }
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup SDADC_Group6 Interrupts and flags management functions
+ * @brief Interrupts and flags management functions
+ *
+ ===============================================================================
+ ##### Interrupts and flags management functions #####
+ ===============================================================================
+ [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the SDADC Interrupts and
+ get the status and clear flags and Interrupts pending bits.
+ [..] The SDADC provide 5 Interrupts sources and 10 Flags which can be divided into 3 groups:
+ *** Flags and Interrupts for SDADC regular channels ***
+ ======================================================
+ [..]
+ (+)Flags :
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_ROVR : Overrun detection when regular converted data are lost.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_REOC : Regular channel end of conversion.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_RCIP: Regular conversion in progress.
+ (+)Interrupts :
+ (##) SDADC_IT_REOC : specifies the interrupt source for end of regular conversion event.
+ (##) SDADC_IT_ROVRF : specifies the interrupt source for regular conversion overrun event.
+ *** Flags and Interrupts for SDADC Injected channels ***
+ ======================================================
+ [..]
+ (+)Flags :
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_JEOC : Injected channel end of conversion event.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_JOVR: Injected channel Overrun detection event.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_JCIP: Injected channel conversion in progress.
+ (+)Interrupts :
+ (##) SDADC_IT_JEOC: specifies the interrupt source for end of injected
+ conversion event.
+ (##) SDADC_IT_JOVR: specifies the interrupt source for injected conersion
+ overrun event.
+ *** General Flags and Interrupts for the SDADC ***
+ ================================================
+ [..]
+ (+)Flags :
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_EOCAL: specifies the end of calibration event.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_CALIBIP: specifies that calibration is in progress.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_STABIP: specifies that stabilization is in progress.
+ (##) SDADC_FLAG_INITRDY: specifies that initialization mode is ready .
+ (+)Interrupts :
+ (##) SDADC_IT_EOCAL : specifies the interrupt source for end of calibration event.
+ [..] User should identify which mode will be used in his application to manage
+ the SDADC controller events: Polling mode or Interrupt mode.
+ [..] In the Polling Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
+ (+) SDADC_GetFlagStatus(): to check if flags events occur.
+ (+) SDADC_ClearFlag() : to clear the flags events.
+ [..] In the Interrupt Mode it is advised to use the following functions:
+ (+) SDADC_ITConfig() : to enable or disable the interrupt source.
+ (+) SDADC_GetITStatus() : to check if Interrupt occurs.
+ (+) SDADC_ClearITPendingBit(): to clear the Interrupt pending Bit
+ (corresponding Flag).
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Enables or disables the specified SDADC interrupts.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_IT: specifies the SDADC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_EOCAL: End of calibration interrupt
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion interrupt
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_JOVR: Injected conversion overrun interrupt
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_REOC: End of regular conversion interrupt
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_ROVR: Regular conversion overrun interrupt
+ * @param NewState: new state of the specified SDADC interrupts.
+ * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ITConfig(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_IT(SDADC_IT));
+ if (NewState != DISABLE)
+ {
+ /* Enable the selected SDADC interrupts */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Disable the selected SDADC interrupts */
+ SDADCx->CR1 &= ((uint32_t)~SDADC_IT);
+ }
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified SDADC flag is set or not.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_EOCAL: End of calibration flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_JEOC: End of injected conversion flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_JOVR: Injected conversion overrun flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_REOC: End of regular conversion flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_ROVR: Regular conversion overrun flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_CALIBIP:Calibration in progress status flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_JCIP: Injected conversion in progress status flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_RCIP: Regular conversion in progress status flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_STABIP: Stabilization in progress status flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_INITRDY: Initialization mode is ready
+ * @retval The new state of SDADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).
+ */
+FlagStatus SDADC_GetFlagStatus(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_FLAG)
+ FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_GET_FLAG(SDADC_FLAG));
+ /* Check the status of the specified SDADC flag */
+ if ((SDADCx->ISR & SDADC_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
+ {
+ /* SDADC_FLAG is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* SDADC_FLAG is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the SDADC_FLAG status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the SDADCx pending flags.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_EOCAL: End of calibration flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_JOVR: Injected conversion overrun flag
+ * @arg SDADC_FLAG_ROVR: Regular conversion overrun flag
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ClearFlag(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_FLAG)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ /* Clear the selected SDADC flags */
+ SDADCx->CLRISR |= (uint32_t)SDADC_FLAG;
+ * @brief Checks whether the specified SDADC interrupt has occurred or not.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_IT: specifies the SDADC interrupt source to check.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_EOCAL: End of calibration flag
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_JEOC: End of injected conversion flag
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_JOVR: Injected conversion overrun flag
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_REOC: End of regular conversion flag
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_ROVR: Regular conversion overrun flag
+ * @retval The new state of SDADC_IT (SET or RESET).
+ */
+ITStatus SDADC_GetITStatus(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_IT)
+ ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
+ uint32_t itstatus = 0, enablestatus = 0;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_GET_IT(SDADC_IT));
+ /* Get the SDADC interrupt pending status */
+ itstatus = (uint32_t) (SDADC_IT & SDADCx->ISR);
+ /* Get the SDADC IT enable bit status */
+ enablestatus = (SDADCx->CR1 & (uint32_t)SDADC_IT);
+ /* Check the status of the specified SDADC interrupt */
+ if ((itstatus != (uint32_t)RESET) && (enablestatus != (uint32_t)RESET))
+ {
+ /* SDADC_IT is set */
+ bitstatus = SET;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* SDADC_IT is reset */
+ bitstatus = RESET;
+ }
+ /* Return the SDADC_IT status */
+ return bitstatus;
+ * @brief Clears the SDADCx interrupt pending bits.
+ * @param SDADCx: where x can be 1, 2 or 3 to select the SDADC peripheral.
+ * @param SDADC_IT: specifies the SDADC interrupt pending bit to clear.
+ * This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_EOCAL: End of calibration flag
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_JOVR: Injected conversion overrun flag
+ * @arg SDADC_IT_ROVR: Regular conversion overrun flag
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void SDADC_ClearITPendingBit(SDADC_TypeDef* SDADCx, uint32_t SDADC_IT)
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_ALL_PERIPH(SDADCx));
+ assert_param(IS_SDADC_CLEAR_IT(SDADC_IT));
+ /* Clear the selected SDADC interrupt pending bits */
+ SDADCx->CLRISR |= (uint32_t)SDADC_IT;
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/