
Getting started

virtualenv -p python3 env
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
PYTHONPATH=. env/bin/python -m ee.tools.read_ltspice_raw demo/reverse-polarity-bak/reverse-polarity_normal.raw

LTSpice binary format

'real' data

The data are a sequence of chunks, one chunk for each point. Each chunk contain values for all variables. The first variable is a float64, all the others are float32.


Most schematic symbols have a corresponding footprint and physical part. Some cases where this is not true:

  • Antennas and test points that just have a footprint.
  • Optional components, either to select/deselect a feature or tune something.

Some of these should be a part of an order (tuning components) but shouldn't be installed in the assembly process. Another example: headers that the customer can choose to install.

  • Test points shouldn't have a part number

  • Check that a LEDs color matches the "color" custom field.


  • Consistenly use read and parse in function names.
  • Consider flattening the module tree.