path: root/src/ee
diff options
authorTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2017-09-07 21:41:39 +0200
committerTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2017-09-07 21:41:39 +0200
commita3da99e22540c026e4acf7bdc735aa221a4dd752 (patch)
tree7e297bab70963392033f0b348a7096efa1986938 /src/ee
parent9eff7a9b1e32649c2addba488cef2323dcc92b9a (diff)
o Adding two kicad tools from my kicad-utils repo.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ee')
2 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ee/tools/kicad_gerber.py b/src/ee/tools/kicad_gerber.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e8604b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ee/tools/kicad_gerber.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+from pcbnew import *
+def layer_name_parser(s):
+ parts = s.split('=')
+ if len(parts) != 2:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Invalid layer renaming: " + s)
+ else:
+ return parts
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='KiCAD PCB to GERBER converter')
+ required=True,
+ dest='pcb',
+ action='store',
+ help='A foo.kicad_pcb file')
+ required=True,
+ dest='output_directory',
+ action='store',
+ help='Directory to store output files')
+ dest='detect_files_only',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Don\'t create the GERBER files, just list the files to be created')
+ dest='create_drill_map_file',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Create drill map file')
+ dest='protel_extensions',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Use Protel filename extensions instead of .gbr')
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Uppercase all extensions')
+ dest='layer_extensions',
+ action='append',
+ type=layer_name_parser,
+ help='Set the file extension of a KiCAD layer. Format: <KiCAD Layer>=<extension>, example: F.SilkS=GSILK')
+args = parser.parse_args()
+# print "args: " + str(args)
+# print "args.name_layer: " + str(args.name_layers)
+renames = {}
+if args.layer_extensions is not None:
+ for s in args.layer_extensions:
+ renames[s[0]] = s[1]
+# print("renames: " + str(renames))
+board = LoadBoard(args.pcb)
+class Plan:
+ def __init__(self, layerNum, layerName, description):
+ self.layerNum = layerNum
+ self.layerName = layerName
+ self.description = description
+ self.postfix = ""
+ self.ext = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def standard(layerNum, description):
+ layerName = board.GetLayerName(layerNum)
+ return Plan(layerNum, layerName, description)
+ @staticmethod
+ def copper(layerNum):
+ layerName = board.GetLayerName(layerNum)
+ description = "Copper Layer " + layerName
+ return Plan(layerNum, layerName, description)
+plot_plan = [Plan.standard(layerNum, description) for (layerNum, description) in [
+ (F_SilkS, "Silk front"),
+ (F_Mask, "Mask front"),
+ (F_Paste, "Paste front"),
+ (B_SilkS, "Silk bottom"),
+ (B_Mask, "Mask bottom"),
+ (B_Paste, "Paste bottom"),
+ (Edge_Cuts, "Edges")]]
+layers = board.GetEnabledLayers()
+for layerNum in layers.CuStack():
+ plot_plan.append(Plan.copper(layerNum))
+pctl = PLOT_CONTROLLER(board)
+popt = pctl.GetPlotOptions()
+# A nasty hack to get the base filename
+pctl.OpenPlotfile("", PLOT_FORMAT_GERBER, "")
+filename = pctl.GetPlotFileName()
+ os.remove(filename)
+ pass
+if args.protel_extensions:
+ popt.SetUseGerberProtelExtensions(True)
+basename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+drlFileOut = drlFile = basename + ".drl"
+drlNpthFileOut = drlNpthFile = basename + "-NPTH.drl"
+if args.protel_extensions:
+ n, e = os.path.splitext(drlFileOut)
+ drlFileOut = n + ".txt"
+if args.uppercase_extensions:
+ n, e = os.path.splitext(drlFileOut)
+ drlFileOut = n + e.upper()
+ n, e = os.path.splitext(drlNpthFileOut)
+ drlNpthFileOut = n + e.upper()
+values = vars(args)
+for plan in plot_plan:
+ pctl.SetLayer(plan.layerNum)
+ pctl.OpenPlotfile("", PLOT_FORMAT_GERBER, plan.description)
+ filename = pctl.GetPlotFileName()
+ pctl.ClosePlot()
+ # By opening and closing the plot we create an empty plot file.
+ try:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ except:
+ pass
+ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ if args.uppercase_extensions:
+ ext = ext.upper()
+ if plan.layerName in renames:
+ ext = "." + renames[plan.layerName]
+ # if plan.arg is not None:
+ # newExt = values[plan.arg]
+ # if newExt is not None:
+ # ext = "." + newExt
+ # if not args.protel_extensions:
+ plan.postfix = plan.layerName
+ plan.filename = basename + "-" + plan.postfix + ext
+ # print "filename = " + plan.filename + ", postfix=" + plan.postfix
+ # print "filename: " + plan.filename
+if args.detect_files_only:
+ for plan in plot_plan:
+ print plan.filename
+ if args.protel_extensions:
+ print drlFileOut
+ print drlNpthFileOut
+ sys.exit(0)
+# Set some important plot options:
+# This by gerbers only (also the name is truly horrid!)
+for plan in plot_plan:
+ pctl.SetLayer(plan.layerNum)
+ # print "filename = " + plan.filename + ", postfix=" + plan.postfix
+ pctl.OpenPlotfile(plan.postfix, PLOT_FORMAT_GERBER, plan.description)
+ actualFilename = pctl.GetPlotFileName()
+ expectedFilename = plan.filename
+ if expectedFilename != actualFilename:
+ os.rename(actualFilename, expectedFilename)
+ pctl.PlotLayer()
+ pctl.ClosePlot()
+drlwriter = EXCELLON_WRITER(board)
+mirror = False
+minimalHeader = False
+offset = wxPoint(0, 0)
+# False to generate 2 separate drill files (one for plated holes, one for non plated holes)
+# True to generate only one drill file
+mergeNPTH = False
+drlwriter.SetOptions(mirror, minimalHeader, offset, mergeNPTH)
+metricFmt = True
+genDrl = True
+genMap = args.create_drill_map_file
+drlwriter.CreateDrillandMapFilesSet(pctl.GetPlotDirName(), genDrl, genMap)
+if drlFile != drlFileOut:
+ os.rename(drlFile, drlFileOut)
+ pass
+if drlFile != drlNpthFileOut:
+ os.rename(drlNpthFile, drlNpthFileOut)
+ pass
diff --git a/src/ee/tools/kicad_pcb_plot.py b/src/ee/tools/kicad_pcb_plot.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d6f123d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ee/tools/kicad_pcb_plot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Heavily borrowed from this location: https://github.com/blairbonnett-mirrors/kicad/blob/master/demos/python_scripts_examples/plot_board.py
+Takes 2 parameters
+1. Path to kicad file
+2. Location of where to save pdfs
+ A python script example to create various plot files from a board:
+ Fab files
+ Doc files
+ Gerber files
+ Important note:
+ this python script does not plot frame references.
+ the reason is it is not yet possible from a python script because plotting
+ plot frame references needs loading the corresponding page layout file
+ (.wks file) or the default template.
+ This info (the page layout template) is not stored in the board, and therefore
+ not available.
+ Do not try to change SetPlotFrameRef(False) to SetPlotFrameRef(true)
+ the result is the pcbnew lib will crash if you try to plot
+ the unknown frame references template.
+ There are 4 main lines that generate a file. e.g..
+ pctl.SetLayer(F_SilkS)
+ pctl.OpenPlotfile("Silk", PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, "Assembly guide")
+ pctl.PlotLayer()
+ pctl.ClosePlot()
+The first line takes the F.Silks layer
+The second line takes 3 parameters (file-name-append, file type, unknown)
+The third line actually plots the layer
+The forth line reads the temp file and writes it out to a pdf
+You can write to the following formats
+import sys
+from pcbnew import *
+filename = sys.argv[1] # e.g left-main/left-main.kicad_pcb
+board = LoadBoard(filename)
+pctl = PLOT_CONTROLLER(board)
+popt = pctl.GetPlotOptions()
+# popt.SetOutputDirectory("plot/")
+# Set some important plot options:
+# This by gerbers only (also the name is truly horrid!)
+pctl.OpenPlotfile("Silk", PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, "Assembly guide")
+#### CuBottom.gbr ####
+#### CuTop.gbr ####
+#### EdgeCuts.gbr ####
+#### MaskBottom.gbr ####
+#### MaskTop.gbr ####
+#### PasteBottom.gbr ####
+#### PasteTop.gbr ####
+#### SilkBottom.gbr ####
+#### SilkTop.gbr ####
+# Once the defaults are set it become pretty easy...
+# I have a Turing-complete programming language here: I'll use it...
+# param 0 is a string added to the file base name to identify the drawing
+# param 1 is the layer ID
+plot_plan = [
+ ("F.Cu", F_Cu, "Front layer"),
+ ("B.Cu", B_Cu, "Bottom layer"),
+ ("F.Paste", F_Paste, "Paste front"),
+ ("B.Paste", B_Paste, "Paste bottom"),
+ ("F.Silk", F_SilkS, "Silk front"),
+ ("B.Silk", B_SilkS, "Silk bottom"),
+ ("F.Mask", F_Mask, "Mask front"),
+ ("B.Mask", B_Mask, "Mask bottom"),
+ ("Edge.Cuts", Edge_Cuts, "Edges"),
+ ("Cmts.User", Cmts_User, "User comments"),
+for layer_info in plot_plan:
+ pctl.SetLayer(layer_info[1])
+ pctl.OpenPlotfile(layer_info[0], PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, layer_info[2])
+ pctl.PlotLayer()
+#### AssyTop.pdf #####
+# Our fabricators want two additional gerbers:
+# An assembly with no silk trim and all and only the references
+# (you'll see that even holes have designators, obviously)
+pctl.OpenPlotfile("AssyTop", PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, "Assembly top")
+#### AssyOutlinesTop.pdf #####
+# And a gerber with only the component outlines (really!)
+pctl.OpenPlotfile("AssyOutlinesTop", PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, "Assembly outline top")
+#### Layout.pdf #####
+# The same could be done for the bottom side, if there were components
+## For documentation we also want a general layout PDF
+## I usually use a shell script to merge the ps files and then distill the result
+## Now I can do it with a control file. As a bonus I can have references in a
+## different colour, too.
+# Remember that the frame is always in color 0 (BLACK) and should be requested
+# before opening the plot
+pctl.OpenPlotfile("Layout", PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, "General layout")
+# Do the PCB edges in yellow
+## Comments in, uhmm... green
+# Bottom mask as lines only, in red
+# popt.SetMode(LINE)
+# Top mask as lines only, in blue
+# Top paste in light blue, filled
+# popt.SetMode(FILLED)
+# Top Silk in cyan, filled, references in dark cyan
+#### Assembly.svg #####
+pctl.OpenPlotfile("Assembly", PLOT_FORMAT_PDF, "Master Assembly")
+# We want *everything*
+# Remember than the DXF driver assigns colours to layers. This means that
+# we will be able to turn references on and off simply using their layers
+# Also most of the layer are now plotted in 'line' mode, because DXF handles
+# fill mode almost like sketch mode (this is to keep compatibility with
+# most CAD programs; most of the advanced primitive attributes required are
+# handled only by recent autocads...); also the entry level cads (qcad
+# and derivatives) simply don't handle polyline widths...
+# Here I'm using numbers for colors and layers, I'm too lazy too look them up:P
+# popt.SetMode(LINE)
+# Export the copper layers too... exporting one of them in filled mode with
+# drill marks will put the marks in the WHITE later (since it tries to blank
+# the pads...); these will be obviously great reference points for snap
+# and stuff in the cad. A pctl function to only plot them would be
+# better anyway...
+# popt.SetMode(FILLED)
+# At the end you have to close the last plot, otherwise you don't know when
+# the object will be recycled!
+# We have just generated 21 plotfiles with a single script