path: root/demo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demo')
4 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demo/DMP2305U.mod b/demo/DMP2305U.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3935b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/DMP2305U.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+*---------- DMP2305U Spice Model ----------
+.SUBCKT DMP2305U 10 20 30
+M1 1 2 3 3 PMOS L = 1E-006 W = 1E-006
+RD 10 1 0.03653
+RS 30 3 0.001
+RG 20 2 23
+CGS 2 3 6.954E-010
+EGD 12 30 2 1 1
+VFB 14 30 0
+FFB 2 1 VFB 1
+CGD 13 14 8.85E-010
+R1 13 30 1
+D1 13 12 DLIM
+DDG 14 15 DCGD
+R2 12 15 1
+D2 30 15 DLIM
+DSD 10 3 DSUB
+.MODEL PMOS PMOS LEVEL = 3 U0 = 400 VMAX = 1.385E+005 ETA = 0.001
++ TOX = 6E-008 NSUB = 1E+016 KP = 24.44 KAPPA = 0.8442 VTO = -0.8978
+.MODEL DCGD D CJO = 3.468E-010 VJ = 0.2064 M = 0.3945
+.MODEL DSUB D IS = 4.536E-009 N = 1.339 RS = 0.05752 BV = 30 CJO = 2.406E-011 VJ = 1.677E-012 M = 0.8
+.MODEL DLIM D IS = 0.0001
+*Diodes DMP2305U Spice Model v1.0 Last Revised 2011/6/20 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_normal.asc b/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_normal.asc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a15aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_normal.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Version 4
+SHEET 1 2056 680
+WIRE 320 -208 144 -208
+WIRE 544 -208 416 -208
+WIRE 656 -208 544 -208
+WIRE 144 -160 144 -208
+WIRE 544 -96 544 -208
+WIRE 656 -96 656 -208
+WIRE 144 -48 144 -80
+WIRE 144 -32 144 -48
+WIRE 144 80 144 48
+WIRE 400 80 400 -160
+WIRE 400 80 144 80
+WIRE 544 80 544 -32
+WIRE 544 80 400 80
+WIRE 656 80 656 -16
+WIRE 656 80 544 80
+WIRE 144 112 144 80
+FLAG 144 112 0
+FLAG 144 -208 Bat
+FLAG 656 -208 Load
+FLAG 144 -48 BatI
+SYMBOL pmos 320 -160 R270
+SYMATTR InstName M1
+SYMBOL res 160 -64 R180
+WINDOW 0 36 76 Left 2
+WINDOW 3 36 40 Left 2
+SYMATTR InstName Rint
+SYMATTR Value {Rint}
+SYMBOL voltage 144 -48 R0
+WINDOW 3 24 44 Left 2
+WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
+WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
+SYMATTR Value 3.3
+SYMATTR InstName V1
+SYMBOL res 640 -112 R0
+SYMATTR InstName Rload
+SYMATTR Value 1000
+SYMBOL cap 528 -96 R0
+SYMATTR InstName Cdec
+SYMATTR Value 10µ
+TEXT 120 192 Left 2 !.include ../DMP2305U.mod
+TEXT 120 224 Left 2 !.op 1us
+TEXT 120 248 Left 2 !.step param Rint list 25 125 200\n* http://data.energizer.com/pdfs/cr2032.pdf
diff --git a/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_normal.plt b/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_normal.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ae4c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_normal.plt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[Operating Point]
+ Npanes: 2
+ Active Pane: 1
+ {
+ traces: 1 {524291,0,"V(load)"}
+ X: (' ',0,25,20,200)
+ Y[0]: (' ',2,2.7,0.05,3.25)
+ Y[1]: ('p',0,1e+308,5e-012,-1e+308)
+ Volts: (' ',0,0,2,2.7,0.05,3.25)
+ Log: 0 0 0
+ PltMag: 1
+ PltPhi: 1 0
+ },
+ {
+ traces: 2 {336592898,0,"Ix(M1:G)"} {524292,1,"(V(bat)-V(load))*I(Rload)"}
+ X: (' ',0,25,20,200)
+ Y[0]: ('p',0,-3e-010,5e-012,-2.45e-010)
+ Y[1]: ('n',0,4.5e-007,1e-008,5.8e-007)
+ Amps: ('p',0,0,0,-3e-010,5e-012,-2.45e-010)
+ Units: "W" ('n',0,0,2,4.5e-007,1e-008,5.8e-007)
+ Log: 0 0 0
+ PltMag: 1
+ PltPhi: 1 0
+ }
diff --git a/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_reversed.asc b/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_reversed.asc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e4d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/reverse-polarity/reverse-polarity_reversed.asc
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Version 4
+SHEET 1 2056 680
+WIRE 320 -208 144 -208
+WIRE 544 -208 416 -208
+WIRE 656 -208 544 -208
+WIRE 144 -160 144 -208
+WIRE 544 -96 544 -208
+WIRE 656 -96 656 -208
+WIRE 144 -48 144 -80
+WIRE 144 -32 144 -48
+WIRE 144 80 144 48
+WIRE 400 80 400 -160
+WIRE 400 80 144 80
+WIRE 544 80 544 -32
+WIRE 544 80 400 80
+WIRE 656 80 656 -16
+WIRE 656 80 544 80
+WIRE 144 112 144 80
+FLAG 144 112 0
+FLAG 144 -208 Bat
+FLAG 656 -208 Load
+FLAG 144 -48 BatI
+SYMBOL pmos 320 -160 R270
+SYMATTR InstName M1
+SYMBOL res 160 -64 R180
+WINDOW 0 36 76 Left 2
+WINDOW 3 36 40 Left 2
+SYMATTR InstName Rint
+SYMATTR Value {Rint}
+SYMBOL voltage 144 64 R180
+WINDOW 3 24 44 Left 2
+WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
+WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
+SYMATTR Value 3.3
+SYMATTR InstName V1
+SYMBOL res 640 -112 R0
+SYMATTR InstName Rload
+SYMATTR Value 1000
+SYMBOL cap 528 -96 R0
+SYMATTR InstName Cdec
+SYMATTR Value 10µ
+TEXT 120 192 Left 2 !.include ../DMP2305U.mod
+TEXT 120 224 Left 2 !.op 1us
+TEXT 120 248 Left 2 !.step param Rint list 25 125 200\n* http://data.energizer.com/pdfs/cr2032.pdf