path: root/thirdparty/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a/modules/nrfx/mdk/nrf52840.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a/modules/nrfx/mdk/nrf52840.h')
1 files changed, 2488 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a/modules/nrfx/mdk/nrf52840.h b/thirdparty/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a/modules/nrfx/mdk/nrf52840.h
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+++ b/thirdparty/nRF5_SDK_15.0.0_a53641a/modules/nrfx/mdk/nrf52840.h
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+ * @file nrf52840.h
+ *
+ * @brief CMSIS Cortex-M4 Peripheral Access Layer Header File for
+ * nrf52840 from Nordic Semiconductor.
+ *
+ * @version V1
+ * @date 8. March 2018
+ *
+ * @note Generated with SVDConv V2.81d
+ * from CMSIS SVD File 'nrf52840.svd' Version 1,
+ *
+ * @par Copyright (c) 2010 - 2018, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
+ *
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+ * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic
+ * Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for
+ * such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
+ * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
+ * materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+ * software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a
+ * Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit.
+ *
+ * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse
+ * engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *******************************************************************************************************/
+/** @addtogroup Nordic Semiconductor
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup nrf52840
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef NRF52840_H
+#define NRF52840_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* ------------------------- Interrupt Number Definition ------------------------ */
+typedef enum {
+/* ------------------- Cortex-M4 Processor Exceptions Numbers ------------------- */
+ Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
+ NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
+ HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< 3 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
+ MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation
+ and No Match */
+ BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory
+ related Fault */
+ UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
+ SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
+ DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Debug Monitor */
+ PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Pendable request for system service */
+ SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 System Tick Timer */
+/* --------------------- nrf52840 Specific Interrupt Numbers -------------------- */
+ RADIO_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 RADIO */
+ UARTE0_UART0_IRQn = 2, /*!< 2 UARTE0_UART0 */
+ NFCT_IRQn = 5, /*!< 5 NFCT */
+ GPIOTE_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 GPIOTE */
+ SAADC_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 SAADC */
+ TIMER0_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 TIMER0 */
+ TIMER1_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 TIMER1 */
+ TIMER2_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 TIMER2 */
+ RTC0_IRQn = 11, /*!< 11 RTC0 */
+ TEMP_IRQn = 12, /*!< 12 TEMP */
+ RNG_IRQn = 13, /*!< 13 RNG */
+ ECB_IRQn = 14, /*!< 14 ECB */
+ CCM_AAR_IRQn = 15, /*!< 15 CCM_AAR */
+ WDT_IRQn = 16, /*!< 16 WDT */
+ RTC1_IRQn = 17, /*!< 17 RTC1 */
+ QDEC_IRQn = 18, /*!< 18 QDEC */
+ COMP_LPCOMP_IRQn = 19, /*!< 19 COMP_LPCOMP */
+ SWI0_EGU0_IRQn = 20, /*!< 20 SWI0_EGU0 */
+ SWI1_EGU1_IRQn = 21, /*!< 21 SWI1_EGU1 */
+ SWI2_EGU2_IRQn = 22, /*!< 22 SWI2_EGU2 */
+ SWI3_EGU3_IRQn = 23, /*!< 23 SWI3_EGU3 */
+ SWI4_EGU4_IRQn = 24, /*!< 24 SWI4_EGU4 */
+ SWI5_EGU5_IRQn = 25, /*!< 25 SWI5_EGU5 */
+ TIMER3_IRQn = 26, /*!< 26 TIMER3 */
+ TIMER4_IRQn = 27, /*!< 27 TIMER4 */
+ PWM0_IRQn = 28, /*!< 28 PWM0 */
+ PDM_IRQn = 29, /*!< 29 PDM */
+ MWU_IRQn = 32, /*!< 32 MWU */
+ PWM1_IRQn = 33, /*!< 33 PWM1 */
+ PWM2_IRQn = 34, /*!< 34 PWM2 */
+ SPIM2_SPIS2_SPI2_IRQn = 35, /*!< 35 SPIM2_SPIS2_SPI2 */
+ RTC2_IRQn = 36, /*!< 36 RTC2 */
+ I2S_IRQn = 37, /*!< 37 I2S */
+ FPU_IRQn = 38, /*!< 38 FPU */
+ USBD_IRQn = 39, /*!< 39 USBD */
+ UARTE1_IRQn = 40, /*!< 40 UARTE1 */
+ QSPI_IRQn = 41, /*!< 41 QSPI */
+ PWM3_IRQn = 45, /*!< 45 PWM3 */
+ SPIM3_IRQn = 47 /*!< 47 SPIM3 */
+} IRQn_Type;
+/** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ Processor and Core Peripheral Section ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ----------------Configuration of the Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals---------------- */
+#define __CM4_REV 0x0001 /*!< Cortex-M4 Core Revision */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< MPU present or not */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
+#define __FPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< FPU present or not */
+/** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
+#include "core_cm4.h" /*!< Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
+#include "system_nrf52840.h" /*!< nrf52840 System */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Section ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_Registers
+ * @{
+ */
+/* ------------------- Start of section using anonymous unions ------------------ */
+#if defined(__CC_ARM)
+ #pragma push
+ #pragma anon_unions
+#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
+ #pragma language=extended
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TMS470__)
+/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TASKING__)
+ #pragma warning 586
+ #warning Not supported compiler type
+typedef struct {
+ __I uint32_t PART; /*!< Part code */
+ __I uint32_t VARIANT; /*!< Build code (hardware version and production configuration) */
+ __I uint32_t PACKAGE; /*!< Package option */
+ __I uint32_t RAM; /*!< RAM variant */
+ __I uint32_t FLASH; /*!< Flash variant */
+ __IO uint32_t UNUSED8[3]; /*!< Unspecified */
+} FICR_INFO_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __I uint32_t A0; /*!< Slope definition A0 */
+ __I uint32_t A1; /*!< Slope definition A1 */
+ __I uint32_t A2; /*!< Slope definition A2 */
+ __I uint32_t A3; /*!< Slope definition A3 */
+ __I uint32_t A4; /*!< Slope definition A4 */
+ __I uint32_t A5; /*!< Slope definition A5 */
+ __I uint32_t B0; /*!< Y-intercept B0 */
+ __I uint32_t B1; /*!< Y-intercept B1 */
+ __I uint32_t B2; /*!< Y-intercept B2 */
+ __I uint32_t B3; /*!< Y-intercept B3 */
+ __I uint32_t B4; /*!< Y-intercept B4 */
+ __I uint32_t B5; /*!< Y-intercept B5 */
+ __I uint32_t T0; /*!< Segment end T0 */
+ __I uint32_t T1; /*!< Segment end T1 */
+ __I uint32_t T2; /*!< Segment end T2 */
+ __I uint32_t T3; /*!< Segment end T3 */
+ __I uint32_t T4; /*!< Segment end T4 */
+} FICR_TEMP_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __I uint32_t TAGHEADER0; /*!< Default header for NFC tag. Software can read these values to
+ populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. */
+ __I uint32_t TAGHEADER1; /*!< Default header for NFC tag. Software can read these values to
+ populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. */
+ __I uint32_t TAGHEADER2; /*!< Default header for NFC tag. Software can read these values to
+ populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. */
+ __I uint32_t TAGHEADER3; /*!< Default header for NFC tag. Software can read these values to
+ populate NFCID1_3RD_LAST, NFCID1_2ND_LAST and NFCID1_LAST. */
+} FICR_NFC_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __I uint32_t BYTES; /*!< Amount of bytes for the required entropy bits */
+ __I uint32_t RCCUTOFF; /*!< Repetition counter cutoff */
+ __I uint32_t APCUTOFF; /*!< Adaptive proportion cutoff */
+ __I uint32_t STARTUP; /*!< Amount of bytes for the startup tests */
+ __I uint32_t ROSC1; /*!< Sample count for ring oscillator 1 */
+ __I uint32_t ROSC2; /*!< Sample count for ring oscillator 2 */
+ __I uint32_t ROSC3; /*!< Sample count for ring oscillator 3 */
+ __I uint32_t ROSC4; /*!< Sample count for ring oscillator 4 */
+} FICR_TRNG90B_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t POWER; /*!< Description cluster[n]: RAMn power control register */
+ __O uint32_t POWERSET; /*!< Description cluster[n]: RAMn power control set register */
+ __O uint32_t POWERCLR; /*!< Description cluster[n]: RAMn power control clear register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+} POWER_RAM_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t RTS; /*!< Pin select for RTS */
+ __IO uint32_t TXD; /*!< Pin select for TXD */
+ __IO uint32_t CTS; /*!< Pin select for CTS */
+ __IO uint32_t RXD; /*!< Pin select for RXD */
+} UART_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t RTS; /*!< Pin select for RTS signal */
+ __IO uint32_t TXD; /*!< Pin select for TXD signal */
+ __IO uint32_t CTS; /*!< Pin select for CTS signal */
+ __IO uint32_t RXD; /*!< Pin select for RXD signal */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+} UARTE_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in transmit buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+} UARTE_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCK; /*!< Pin select for SCK */
+ __IO uint32_t MOSI; /*!< Pin select for MOSI signal */
+ __IO uint32_t MISO; /*!< Pin select for MISO signal */
+} SPI_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCK; /*!< Pin select for SCK */
+ __IO uint32_t MOSI; /*!< Pin select for MOSI signal */
+ __IO uint32_t MISO; /*!< Pin select for MISO signal */
+ __IO uint32_t CSN; /*!< Pin select for CSN */
+} SPIM_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+ __IO uint32_t LIST; /*!< EasyDMA list type */
+} SPIM_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Number of bytes in transmit buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+ __IO uint32_t LIST; /*!< EasyDMA list type */
+} SPIM_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t RXDELAY; /*!< Sample delay for input serial data on MISO */
+ __IO uint32_t CSNDUR; /*!< Minimum duration between edge of CSN and edge of SCK and minimum
+ duration CSN must stay high between transactions */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCK; /*!< Pin select for SCK */
+ __IO uint32_t MISO; /*!< Pin select for MISO signal */
+ __IO uint32_t MOSI; /*!< Pin select for MOSI signal */
+ __IO uint32_t CSN; /*!< Pin select for CSN signal */
+} SPIS_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< RXD data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes received in last granted transaction */
+} SPIS_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< TXD data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in transmit buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transmitted in last granted transaction */
+} SPIS_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCL; /*!< Pin select for SCL */
+ __IO uint32_t SDA; /*!< Pin select for SDA */
+} TWI_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCL; /*!< Pin select for SCL signal */
+ __IO uint32_t SDA; /*!< Pin select for SDA signal */
+} TWIM_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in receive buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+ __IO uint32_t LIST; /*!< EasyDMA list type */
+} TWIM_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in transmit buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+ __IO uint32_t LIST; /*!< EasyDMA list type */
+} TWIM_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCL; /*!< Pin select for SCL signal */
+ __IO uint32_t SDA; /*!< Pin select for SDA signal */
+} TWIS_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< RXD Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in RXD buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last RXD transaction */
+} TWIS_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< TXD Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes in TXD buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last TXD transaction */
+} TWIS_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t RX; /*!< Result of last incoming frame */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t FRAMECONFIG; /*!< Configuration of outgoing frames */
+ __IO uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Size of outgoing frame */
+} NFCT_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t FRAMECONFIG; /*!< Configuration of incoming frames */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Size of last incoming frame */
+} NFCT_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t LIMITH; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Last result is equal or above CH[n].LIMIT.HIGH */
+ __IO uint32_t LIMITL; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Last result is equal or below CH[n].LIMIT.LOW */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PSELP; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Input positive pin selection for CH[n] */
+ __IO uint32_t PSELN; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Input negative pin selection for CH[n] */
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Input configuration for CH[n] */
+ __IO uint32_t LIMIT; /*!< Description cluster[n]: High/low limits for event monitoring
+ of a channel */
+} SAADC_CH_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of 16-bit samples to be written to output RAM
+ buffer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of 16-bit samples written to output RAM buffer since
+ the previous START task */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t LED; /*!< Pin select for LED signal */
+ __IO uint32_t A; /*!< Pin select for A signal */
+ __IO uint32_t B; /*!< Pin select for B signal */
+} QDEC_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Beginning address in RAM of this sequence */
+ __IO uint32_t CNT; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Number of values (duty cycles) in this
+ sequence */
+ __IO uint32_t REFRESH; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Number of additional PWM periods between
+ samples loaded into compare register */
+ __IO uint32_t ENDDELAY; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Time added after the sequence */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[4];
+} PWM_SEQ_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t OUT[4]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Output pin select for PWM channel
+ n */
+} PWM_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t CLK; /*!< Pin number configuration for PDM CLK signal */
+ __IO uint32_t DIN; /*!< Pin number configuration for PDM DIN signal */
+} PDM_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< RAM address pointer to write samples to with EasyDMA */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Number of samples to allocate memory for in EasyDMA mode */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t ADDR; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Configure the word-aligned start address
+ of region n to protect */
+ __IO uint32_t SIZE; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Size of region to protect counting from
+ address ACL[n].ADDR. Write '0' as no effect. */
+ __IO uint32_t PERM; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Access permissions for region n as defined
+ by start address ACL[n].ADDR and size ACL[n].SIZE */
+ __IO uint32_t UNUSED0; /*!< Unspecified */
+} ACL_ACL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __O uint32_t EN; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Enable channel group n */
+ __O uint32_t DIS; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Disable channel group n */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t EEP; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Channel n event end-point */
+ __IO uint32_t TEP; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Channel n task end-point */
+} PPI_CH_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t TEP; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Channel n task end-point */
+} PPI_FORK_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t WA; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Write access to region n detected */
+ __IO uint32_t RA; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Read access to region n detected */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t WA; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Write access to peripheral region n
+ detected */
+ __IO uint32_t RA; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Read access to peripheral region n detected */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SUBSTATWA; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Source of event/interrupt in region
+ n, write access detected while corresponding subregion was enabled
+ for watching */
+ __IO uint32_t SUBSTATRA; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Source of event/interrupt in region
+ n, read access detected while corresponding subregion was enabled
+ for watching */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t START; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Start address for region n */
+ __IO uint32_t END; /*!< Description cluster[n]: End address of region n */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
+typedef struct {
+ __I uint32_t START; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Reserved for future use */
+ __I uint32_t END; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Reserved for future use */
+ __IO uint32_t SUBS; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Subregions of region n */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< I2S mode. */
+ __IO uint32_t RXEN; /*!< Reception (RX) enable. */
+ __IO uint32_t TXEN; /*!< Transmission (TX) enable. */
+ __IO uint32_t MCKEN; /*!< Master clock generator enable. */
+ __IO uint32_t MCKFREQ; /*!< Master clock generator frequency. */
+ __IO uint32_t RATIO; /*!< MCK / LRCK ratio. */
+ __IO uint32_t SWIDTH; /*!< Sample width. */
+ __IO uint32_t ALIGN; /*!< Alignment of sample within a frame. */
+ __IO uint32_t FORMAT; /*!< Frame format. */
+ __IO uint32_t CHANNELS; /*!< Enable channels. */
+} I2S_CONFIG_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Receive buffer RAM start address. */
+} I2S_RXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Transmit buffer RAM start address. */
+} I2S_TXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Size of RXD and TXD buffers. */
+} I2S_RXTXD_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t MCK; /*!< Pin select for MCK signal. */
+ __IO uint32_t SCK; /*!< Pin select for SCK signal. */
+ __IO uint32_t LRCK; /*!< Pin select for LRCK signal. */
+ __IO uint32_t SDIN; /*!< Pin select for SDIN signal. */
+ __IO uint32_t SDOUT; /*!< Pin select for SDOUT signal. */
+} I2S_PSEL_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __I uint32_t EPIN[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: IN endpoint halted status. Can be
+ used as is as response to a GetStatus() request to endpoint. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4;
+ __I uint32_t EPOUT[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: OUT endpoint halted status. Can be
+ used as is as response to a GetStatus() request to endpoint. */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t EPOUT[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Number of bytes received last in
+ the data stage of this OUT endpoint */
+ __I uint32_t ISOOUT; /*!< Number of bytes received last on this ISO OUT data endpoint */
+} USBD_SIZE_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Maximum number of bytes to transfer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Number of bytes transferred in the last
+ transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[2];
+} USBD_EPIN_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes to transfer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Maximum number of bytes to transfer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Description cluster[n]: Number of bytes transferred in the last
+ transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[2];
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Data pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXCNT; /*!< Maximum number of bytes to transfer */
+ __I uint32_t AMOUNT; /*!< Number of bytes transferred in the last transaction */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SRC; /*!< Flash memory source address */
+ __IO uint32_t DST; /*!< RAM destination address */
+ __IO uint32_t CNT; /*!< Read transfer length */
+} QSPI_READ_Type;
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t DST; /*!< Flash destination address */
+ __IO uint32_t SRC; /*!< RAM source address */
+ __IO uint32_t CNT; /*!< Write transfer length */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t PTR; /*!< Start address of flash block to be erased */
+ __IO uint32_t LEN; /*!< Size of block to be erased. */
+typedef struct {
+ __IO uint32_t SCK; /*!< Pin select for serial clock SCK */
+ __IO uint32_t CSN; /*!< Pin select for chip select signal CSN. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7;
+ __IO uint32_t IO0; /*!< Pin select for serial data MOSI/IO0. */
+ __IO uint32_t IO1; /*!< Pin select for serial data MISO/IO1. */
+ __IO uint32_t IO2; /*!< Pin select for serial data IO2. */
+ __IO uint32_t IO3; /*!< Pin select for serial data IO3. */
+} QSPI_PSEL_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ FICR ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Factory information configuration registers (FICR)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< FICR Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[4];
+ __I uint32_t CODEPAGESIZE; /*!< Code memory page size */
+ __I uint32_t CODESIZE; /*!< Code memory size */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[18];
+ __I uint32_t DEVICEID[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Device identifier */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[6];
+ __I uint32_t ER[4]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Encryption root, word n */
+ __I uint32_t IR[4]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Identity Root, word n */
+ __I uint32_t DEVICEADDRTYPE; /*!< Device address type */
+ __I uint32_t DEVICEADDR[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Device address n */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[21];
+ FICR_INFO_Type INFO; /*!< Device info */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[140];
+ __I uint32_t PRODTEST[3]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Production test signature n */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[42];
+ FICR_TEMP_Type TEMP; /*!< Registers storing factory TEMP module linearization coefficients */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[2];
+ FICR_NFC_Type NFC; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[488];
+ FICR_TRNG90B_Type TRNG90B; /*!< NIST800-90B RNG calibration data */
+} NRF_FICR_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ UICR ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief User information configuration registers (UICR)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< UICR Structure */
+ __IO uint32_t UNUSED0; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __IO uint32_t UNUSED1; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __IO uint32_t UNUSED2; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+ __IO uint32_t UNUSED3; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __IO uint32_t NRFFW[15]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Reserved for Nordic firmware design */
+ __IO uint32_t NRFHW[12]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Reserved for Nordic hardware design */
+ __IO uint32_t CUSTOMER[32]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Reserved for customer */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[64];
+ __IO uint32_t PSELRESET[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Mapping of the nRESET function */
+ __IO uint32_t APPROTECT; /*!< Access port protection */
+ __IO uint32_t NFCPINS; /*!< Setting of pins dedicated to NFC functionality: NFC antenna
+ or GPIO */
+ __IO uint32_t DEBUGCTRL; /*!< Processor debug control */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[60];
+ __IO uint32_t REGOUT0; /*!< GPIO reference voltage / external output supply voltage in high
+ voltage mode */
+} NRF_UICR_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ CLOCK ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Clock control (CLOCK)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< CLOCK Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_HFCLKSTART; /*!< Start HFXO crystal oscillator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_HFCLKSTOP; /*!< Stop HFXO crystal oscillator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_LFCLKSTART; /*!< Start LFCLK */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_LFCLKSTOP; /*!< Stop LFCLK */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CAL; /*!< Start calibration of LFRC */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CTSTART; /*!< Start calibration timer */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CTSTOP; /*!< Stop calibration timer */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[57];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_HFCLKSTARTED; /*!< HFXO crystal oscillator started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_LFCLKSTARTED; /*!< LFCLK started */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DONE; /*!< Calibration of LFRC completed */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CTTO; /*!< Calibration timer timeout */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[5];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CTSTARTED; /*!< Calibration timer has been started and is ready to process new
+ tasks */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CTSTOPPED; /*!< Calibration timer has been stopped and is ready to process new
+ tasks */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[117];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
+ __I uint32_t HFCLKRUN; /*!< Status indicating that HFCLKSTART task has been triggered */
+ __I uint32_t HFCLKSTAT; /*!< HFCLK status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __I uint32_t LFCLKRUN; /*!< Status indicating that LFCLKSTART task has been triggered */
+ __I uint32_t LFCLKSTAT; /*!< LFCLK status */
+ __I uint32_t LFCLKSRCCOPY; /*!< Copy of LFCLKSRC register, set when LFCLKSTART task was triggered */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[62];
+ __IO uint32_t LFCLKSRC; /*!< Clock source for the LFCLK */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[3];
+ __IO uint32_t HFXODEBOUNCE; /*!< HFXO debounce time. The HFXO is started by triggering the TASKS_HFCLKSTART
+ task. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[3];
+ __IO uint32_t CTIV; /*!< Calibration timer interval */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[8];
+ __IO uint32_t TRACECONFIG; /*!< Clocking options for the trace port debug interface */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[21];
+ __IO uint32_t LFRCMODE; /*!< LFRC mode configuration */
+} NRF_CLOCK_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ POWER ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Power control (POWER)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< POWER Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[30];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CONSTLAT; /*!< Enable constant latency mode */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_LOWPWR; /*!< Enable low power mode (variable latency) */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[34];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_POFWARN; /*!< Power failure warning */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SLEEPENTER; /*!< CPU entered WFI/WFE sleep */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SLEEPEXIT; /*!< CPU exited WFI/WFE sleep */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_USBDETECTED; /*!< Voltage supply detected on VBUS */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_USBREMOVED; /*!< Voltage supply removed from VBUS */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_USBPWRRDY; /*!< USB 3.3 V supply ready */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[119];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[61];
+ __IO uint32_t RESETREAS; /*!< Reset reason */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[9];
+ __I uint32_t RAMSTATUS; /*!< Deprecated register - RAM status register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[3];
+ __I uint32_t USBREGSTATUS; /*!< USB supply status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[49];
+ __O uint32_t SYSTEMOFF; /*!< System OFF register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[3];
+ __IO uint32_t POFCON; /*!< Power-fail comparator configuration */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[2];
+ __IO uint32_t GPREGRET; /*!< General purpose retention register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPREGRET2; /*!< General purpose retention register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[21];
+ __IO uint32_t DCDCEN; /*!< Enable DC/DC converter for REG1 stage. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11;
+ __IO uint32_t DCDCEN0; /*!< Enable DC/DC converter for REG0 stage. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[47];
+ __I uint32_t MAINREGSTATUS; /*!< Main supply status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13[175];
+ POWER_RAM_Type RAM[9]; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_POWER_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ RADIO ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief 2.4 GHz radio (RADIO)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< RADIO Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_TXEN; /*!< Enable RADIO in TX mode */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RXEN; /*!< Enable RADIO in RX mode */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start RADIO */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop RADIO */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_DISABLE; /*!< Disable RADIO */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RSSISTART; /*!< Start the RSSI and take one single sample of the receive signal
+ strength */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RSSISTOP; /*!< Stop the RSSI measurement */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_BCSTART; /*!< Start the bit counter */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_BCSTOP; /*!< Stop the bit counter */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_EDSTART; /*!< Start the energy detect measurement used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_EDSTOP; /*!< Stop the energy detect measurement */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CCASTART; /*!< Start the clear channel assessment used in IEEE 802.15.4 mode */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CCASTOP; /*!< Stop the clear channel assessment */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[51];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ADDRESS; /*!< Address sent or received */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_PAYLOAD; /*!< Packet payload sent or received */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< Packet sent or received */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DISABLED; /*!< RADIO has been disabled */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DEVMATCH; /*!< A device address match occurred on the last received packet */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DEVMISS; /*!< No device address match occurred on the last received packet */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RSSIEND; /*!< Sampling of receive signal strength complete */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_BCMATCH; /*!< Bit counter reached bit count value */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CRCOK; /*!< Packet received with CRC ok */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CRCERROR; /*!< Packet received with CRC error */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_FRAMESTART; /*!< IEEE 802.15.4 length field received */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_EDEND; /*!< Sampling of energy detection complete. A new ED sample is ready
+ for readout from the RADIO.EDSAMPLE register. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_EDSTOPPED; /*!< The sampling of energy detection has stopped */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CCAIDLE; /*!< Wireless medium in idle - clear to send */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CCABUSY; /*!< Wireless medium busy - do not send */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CCASTOPPED; /*!< The CCA has stopped */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RATEBOOST; /*!< Ble_LR CI field received, receive mode is changed from Ble_LR125Kbit
+ to Ble_LR500Kbit. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXREADY; /*!< RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started TX path */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXREADY; /*!< RADIO has ramped up and is ready to be started RX path */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_MHRMATCH; /*!< MAC header match found */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_PHYEND; /*!< Generated in Ble_LR125Kbit, Ble_LR500Kbit and BleIeee802154_250Kbit
+ modes when last bit is sent on air. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[36];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[61];
+ __I uint32_t CRCSTATUS; /*!< CRC status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7;
+ __I uint32_t RXMATCH; /*!< Received address */
+ __I uint32_t RXCRC; /*!< CRC field of previously received packet */
+ __I uint32_t DAI; /*!< Device address match index */
+ __I uint32_t PDUSTAT; /*!< Payload status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[59];
+ __IO uint32_t PACKETPTR; /*!< Packet pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< Frequency */
+ __IO uint32_t TXPOWER; /*!< Output power */
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< Data rate and modulation */
+ __IO uint32_t PCNF0; /*!< Packet configuration register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t PCNF1; /*!< Packet configuration register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t BASE0; /*!< Base address 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t BASE1; /*!< Base address 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t PREFIX0; /*!< Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 0-3 */
+ __IO uint32_t PREFIX1; /*!< Prefixes bytes for logical addresses 4-7 */
+ __IO uint32_t TXADDRESS; /*!< Transmit address select */
+ __IO uint32_t RXADDRESSES; /*!< Receive address select */
+ __IO uint32_t CRCCNF; /*!< CRC configuration */
+ __IO uint32_t CRCPOLY; /*!< CRC polynomial */
+ __IO uint32_t CRCINIT; /*!< CRC initial value */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9;
+ __IO uint32_t TIFS; /*!< Interframe spacing in us */
+ __I uint32_t RSSISAMPLE; /*!< RSSI sample */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10;
+ __I uint32_t STATE; /*!< Current radio state */
+ __IO uint32_t DATAWHITEIV; /*!< Data whitening initial value */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11[2];
+ __IO uint32_t BCC; /*!< Bit counter compare */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[39];
+ __IO uint32_t DAB[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Device address base segment n */
+ __IO uint32_t DAP[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Device address prefix n */
+ __IO uint32_t DACNF; /*!< Device address match configuration */
+ __IO uint32_t MHRMATCHCONF; /*!< Search pattern configuration */
+ __IO uint32_t MHRMATCHMAS; /*!< Pattern mask */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13;
+ __IO uint32_t MODECNF0; /*!< Radio mode configuration register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14[3];
+ __IO uint32_t SFD; /*!< IEEE 802.15.4 start of frame delimiter */
+ __IO uint32_t EDCNT; /*!< IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect loop count */
+ __IO uint32_t EDSAMPLE; /*!< IEEE 802.15.4 energy detect level */
+ __IO uint32_t CCACTRL; /*!< IEEE 802.15.4 clear channel assessment control */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED15[611];
+ __IO uint32_t POWER; /*!< Peripheral power control */
+} NRF_RADIO_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ UART ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< UART Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTRX; /*!< Start UART receiver */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOPRX; /*!< Stop UART receiver */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< Start UART transmitter */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOPTX; /*!< Stop UART transmitter */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< Suspend UART */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[56];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CTS; /*!< CTS is activated (set low). Clear To Send. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_NCTS; /*!< CTS is deactivated (set high). Not Clear To Send. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXDRDY; /*!< Data received in RXD */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[4];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXDRDY; /*!< Data sent from TXD */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< Error detected */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[7];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXTO; /*!< Receiver timeout */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[46];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[93];
+ __IO uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< Error source */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[31];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable UART */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9;
+ UART_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RXD; /*!< RXD register */
+ __O uint32_t TXD; /*!< TXD register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10;
+ __IO uint32_t BAUDRATE; /*!< Baud rate. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11[17];
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration of parity and hardware flow control */
+} NRF_UART_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ UARTE ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief UART with EasyDMA 0 (UARTE)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< UARTE Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTRX; /*!< Start UART receiver */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOPRX; /*!< Stop UART receiver */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< Start UART transmitter */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOPTX; /*!< Stop UART transmitter */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[7];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_FLUSHRX; /*!< Flush RX FIFO into RX buffer */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[52];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CTS; /*!< CTS is activated (set low). Clear To Send. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_NCTS; /*!< CTS is deactivated (set high). Not Clear To Send. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXDRDY; /*!< Data received in RXD (but potentially not yet transferred to
+ Data RAM) */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDRX; /*!< Receive buffer is filled up */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXDRDY; /*!< Data sent from TXD */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDTX; /*!< Last TX byte transmitted */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< Error detected */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[7];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXTO; /*!< Receiver timeout */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXSTARTED; /*!< UART receiver has started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXSTARTED; /*!< UART transmitter has started */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXSTOPPED; /*!< Transmitter stopped */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[41];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[93];
+ __IO uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< Error source Note : this register is read / write one to clear. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[31];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable UART */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11;
+ UARTE_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[3];
+ __IO uint32_t BAUDRATE; /*!< Baud rate. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13[3];
+ UARTE_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< RXD EasyDMA channel */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14;
+ UARTE_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< TXD EasyDMA channel */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED15[7];
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration of parity and hardware flow control */
+} NRF_UARTE_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ SPI ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface 0 (SPI)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< SPI Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[66];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< TXD byte sent and RXD byte received */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[126];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[125];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable SPI */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3;
+ SPI_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4;
+ __I uint32_t RXD; /*!< RXD register */
+ __IO uint32_t TXD; /*!< TXD register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __IO uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< SPI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[11];
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register */
+} NRF_SPI_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ SPIM ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Serial Peripheral Interface Master with EasyDMA 0 (SPIM)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< SPIM Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[4];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start SPI transaction */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop SPI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< Suspend SPI transaction */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RESUME; /*!< Resume SPI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[56];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< SPI transaction has stopped */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDRX; /*!< End of RXD buffer reached */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< End of RXD buffer and TXD buffer reached */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDTX; /*!< End of TXD buffer reached */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[10];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STARTED; /*!< Transaction started */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[44];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[61];
+ __IO uint32_t STALLSTAT; /*!< Stall status for EasyDMA RAM accesses. The fields in this register
+ is set to STALL by hardware whenever a stall occurres and can
+ be cleared (set to NOSTALL) by the CPU. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[63];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable SPIM */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11;
+ SPIM_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[3];
+ __IO uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< SPI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13[3];
+ SPIM_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< RXD EasyDMA channel */
+ SPIM_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< TXD EasyDMA channel */
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14[2];
+ SPIM_IFTIMING_Type IFTIMING; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __IO uint32_t CSNPOL; /*!< Polarity of CSN output */
+ __IO uint32_t PSELDCX; /*!< Pin select for DCX signal */
+ __IO uint32_t DCXCNT; /*!< DCX configuration */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED15[19];
+ __IO uint32_t ORC; /*!< Byte transmitted after TXD.MAXCNT bytes have been transmitted
+ in the case when RXD.MAXCNT is greater than TXD.MAXCNT */
+} NRF_SPIM_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ SPIS ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief SPI Slave 0 (SPIS)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< SPIS Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[9];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_ACQUIRE; /*!< Acquire SPI semaphore */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RELEASE; /*!< Release SPI semaphore, enabling the SPI slave to acquire it */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[54];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< Granted transaction completed */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDRX; /*!< End of RXD buffer reached */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[5];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ACQUIRED; /*!< Semaphore acquired */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[53];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[61];
+ __I uint32_t SEMSTAT; /*!< Semaphore status register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[15];
+ __IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< Status from last transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[47];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable SPI slave */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9;
+ SPIS_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[7];
+ SPIS_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11;
+ SPIS_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12;
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13;
+ __IO uint32_t DEF; /*!< Default character. Character clocked out in case of an ignored
+ transaction. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14[24];
+ __IO uint32_t ORC; /*!< Over-read character */
+} NRF_SPIS_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ TWI ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief I2C compatible Two-Wire Interface 0 (TWI)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< TWI Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTRX; /*!< Start TWI receive sequence */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< Start TWI transmit sequence */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop TWI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< Suspend TWI transaction */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RESUME; /*!< Resume TWI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[56];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< TWI stopped */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXDREADY; /*!< TWI RXD byte received */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[4];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXDSENT; /*!< TWI TXD byte sent */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< TWI error */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[4];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_BB; /*!< TWI byte boundary, generated before each byte that is sent or
+ received */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[3];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SUSPENDED; /*!< TWI entered the suspended state */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[45];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[110];
+ __IO uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< Error source */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11[14];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable TWI */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12;
+ TWI_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13[2];
+ __I uint32_t RXD; /*!< RXD register */
+ __IO uint32_t TXD; /*!< TXD register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14;
+ __IO uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< TWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED15[24];
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRESS; /*!< Address used in the TWI transfer */
+} NRF_TWI_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ TWIM ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief I2C compatible Two-Wire Master Interface with EasyDMA 0 (TWIM)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< TWIM Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTRX; /*!< Start TWI receive sequence */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< Start TWI transmit sequence */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop TWI transaction. Must be issued while the TWI master is
+ not suspended. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< Suspend TWI transaction */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RESUME; /*!< Resume TWI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[56];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< TWI stopped */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[7];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< TWI error */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[8];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SUSPENDED; /*!< Last byte has been sent out after the SUSPEND task has been
+ issued, TWI traffic is now suspended. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXSTARTED; /*!< Receive sequence started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXSTARTED; /*!< Transmit sequence started */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_LASTRX; /*!< Byte boundary, starting to receive the last byte */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_LASTTX; /*!< Byte boundary, starting to transmit the last byte */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[39];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[110];
+ __IO uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< Error source */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[14];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable TWIM */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11;
+ TWIM_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[5];
+ __IO uint32_t FREQUENCY; /*!< TWI frequency. Accuracy depends on the HFCLK source selected. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13[3];
+ TWIM_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< RXD EasyDMA channel */
+ TWIM_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< TXD EasyDMA channel */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14[13];
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRESS; /*!< Address used in the TWI transfer */
+} NRF_TWIM_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ TWIS ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief I2C compatible Two-Wire Slave Interface with EasyDMA 0 (TWIS)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< TWIS Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[5];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop TWI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SUSPEND; /*!< Suspend TWI transaction */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RESUME; /*!< Resume TWI transaction */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[3];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_PREPARERX; /*!< Prepare the TWI slave to respond to a write command */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_PREPARETX; /*!< Prepare the TWI slave to respond to a read command */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[51];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< TWI stopped */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[7];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< TWI error */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[9];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXSTARTED; /*!< Receive sequence started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXSTARTED; /*!< Transmit sequence started */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[4];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_WRITE; /*!< Write command received */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READ; /*!< Read command received */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[37];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[113];
+ __IO uint32_t ERRORSRC; /*!< Error source */
+ __I uint32_t MATCH; /*!< Status register indicating which address had a match */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[10];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable TWIS */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11;
+ TWIS_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[9];
+ TWIS_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< RXD EasyDMA channel */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13;
+ TWIS_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< TXD EasyDMA channel */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED14[14];
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRESS[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: TWI slave address n */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED15;
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register for the address match mechanism */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED16[10];
+ __IO uint32_t ORC; /*!< Over-read character. Character sent out in case of an over-read
+ of the transmit buffer. */
+} NRF_TWIS_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ NFCT ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief NFC-A compatible radio (NFCT)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< NFCT Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_ACTIVATE; /*!< Activate NFCT peripheral for incoming and outgoing frames, change
+ state to activated */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_DISABLE; /*!< Disable NFCT peripheral */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SENSE; /*!< Enable NFC sense field mode, change state to sense mode */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTTX; /*!< Start transmission of an outgoing frame, change state to transmit */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[3];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_ENABLERXDATA; /*!< Initializes the EasyDMA for receive. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_GOIDLE; /*!< Force state machine to IDLE state */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_GOSLEEP; /*!< Force state machine to SLEEP_A state */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[53];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< The NFCT peripheral is ready to receive and send frames */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_FIELDDETECTED; /*!< Remote NFC field detected */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_FIELDLOST; /*!< Remote NFC field lost */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXFRAMESTART; /*!< Marks the start of the first symbol of a transmitted frame */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXFRAMEEND; /*!< Marks the end of the last transmitted on-air symbol of a frame */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXFRAMESTART; /*!< Marks the end of the first symbol of a received frame */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXFRAMEEND; /*!< Received data has been checked (CRC, parity) and transferred
+ to RAM, and EasyDMA has ended accessing the RX buffer */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< NFC error reported. The ERRORSTATUS register contains details
+ on the source of the error. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXERROR; /*!< NFC RX frame error reported. The FRAMESTATUS.RX register contains
+ details on the source of the error. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDRX; /*!< RX buffer (as defined by PACKETPTR and MAXLEN) in Data RAM full. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDTX; /*!< Transmission of data in RAM has ended, and EasyDMA has ended
+ accessing the TX buffer */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4;
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_AUTOCOLRESSTARTED; /*!< Auto collision resolution process has started */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[3];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_COLLISION; /*!< NFC auto collision resolution error reported. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SELECTED; /*!< NFC auto collision resolution successfully completed */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STARTED; /*!< EasyDMA is ready to receive or send frames. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[43];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[62];
+ __IO uint32_t ERRORSTATUS; /*!< NFC Error Status register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9;
+ NFCT_FRAMESTATUS_Type FRAMESTATUS; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t NFCTAGSTATE; /*!< NfcTag state register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[3];
+ __I uint32_t SLEEPSTATE; /*!< Sleep state during automatic collision resolution */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11[6];
+ __I uint32_t FIELDPRESENT; /*!< Indicates the presence or not of a valid field */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED12[49];
+ __IO uint32_t FRAMEDELAYMIN; /*!< Minimum frame delay */
+ __IO uint32_t FRAMEDELAYMAX; /*!< Maximum frame delay */
+ __IO uint32_t FRAMEDELAYMODE; /*!< Configuration register for the Frame Delay Timer */
+ __IO uint32_t PACKETPTR; /*!< Packet pointer for TXD and RXD data storage in Data RAM */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXLEN; /*!< Size of the RAM buffer allocated to TXD and RXD data storage
+ each */
+ NFCT_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ NFCT_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED13[26];
+ __IO uint32_t NFCID1_LAST; /*!< Last NFCID1 part (4, 7 or 10 bytes ID) */
+ __IO uint32_t NFCID1_2ND_LAST; /*!< Second last NFCID1 part (7 or 10 bytes ID) */
+ __IO uint32_t NFCID1_3RD_LAST; /*!< Third last NFCID1 part (10 bytes ID) */
+ __IO uint32_t AUTOCOLRESCONFIG; /*!< Controls the auto collision resolution function. This setting
+ must be done before the NFCT peripheral is enabled. */
+ __IO uint32_t SENSRES; /*!< NFC-A SENS_RES auto-response settings */
+ __IO uint32_t SELRES; /*!< NFC-A SEL_RES auto-response settings */
+} NRF_NFCT_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ GPIOTE ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief GPIO Tasks and Events (GPIOTE)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< GPIOTE Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_OUT[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Task for writing to pin specified
+ in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is configured in CONFIG[n].POLARITY. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[4];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SET[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Task for writing to pin specified
+ in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is to set it high. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[4];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CLR[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Task for writing to pin specified
+ in CONFIG[n].PSEL. Action on pin is to set it low. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[32];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_IN[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Event generated from pin specified
+ in CONFIG[n].PSEL */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[23];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_PORT; /*!< Event generated from multiple input GPIO pins with SENSE mechanism
+ enabled */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[97];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[129];
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Configuration for OUT[n], SET[n]
+ and CLR[n] tasks and IN[n] event */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ SAADC ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (SAADC)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< SAADC Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Starts the SAADC and prepares the result buffer in RAM */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SAMPLE; /*!< Takes one SAADC sample */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stops the SAADC and terminates all on-going conversions */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CALIBRATEOFFSET; /*!< Starts offset auto-calibration */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[60];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STARTED; /*!< The SAADC has started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< The SAADC has filled up the result buffer */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DONE; /*!< A conversion task has been completed. Depending on the configuration,
+ multiple conversions might be needed for a result to be transferred
+ to RAM. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RESULTDONE; /*!< Result ready for transfer to RAM */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CALIBRATEDONE; /*!< Calibration is complete */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< The SAADC has stopped */
+ SAADC_EVENTS_CH_Type EVENTS_CH[8]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[106];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[61];
+ __I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< Status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable or disable SAADC */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[3];
+ SAADC_CH_Type CH[8]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[24];
+ __IO uint32_t RESOLUTION; /*!< Resolution configuration */
+ __IO uint32_t OVERSAMPLE; /*!< Oversampling configuration. The RESOLUTION is applied before
+ averaging, thus for high OVERSAMPLE a higher RESOLUTION should
+ be used. */
+ __IO uint32_t SAMPLERATE; /*!< Controls normal or continuous sample rate */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[12];
+ SAADC_RESULT_Type RESULT; /*!< RESULT EasyDMA channel */
+} NRF_SAADC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ TIMER ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Timer/Counter 0 (TIMER)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< TIMER Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start Timer */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop Timer */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_COUNT; /*!< Increment Timer (Counter mode only) */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CLEAR; /*!< Clear time */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SHUTDOWN; /*!< Deprecated register - Shut down timer */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[11];
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CAPTURE[6]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Capture Timer value to CC[n] register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[58];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_COMPARE[6]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Compare event on CC[n] match */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[42];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[126];
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< Timer mode selection */
+ __IO uint32_t BITMODE; /*!< Configure the number of bits used by the TIMER */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __IO uint32_t PRESCALER; /*!< Timer prescaler register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[11];
+ __IO uint32_t CC[6]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Capture/Compare register n */
+} NRF_TIMER_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ RTC ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Real time counter 0 (RTC)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< RTC Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start RTC COUNTER */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop RTC COUNTER */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CLEAR; /*!< Clear RTC COUNTER */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_TRIGOVRFLW; /*!< Set COUNTER to 0xFFFFF0 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[60];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TICK; /*!< Event on COUNTER increment */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_OVRFLW; /*!< Event on COUNTER overflow */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[14];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_COMPARE[4]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Compare event on CC[n] match */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[109];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[13];
+ __IO uint32_t EVTEN; /*!< Enable or disable event routing */
+ __IO uint32_t EVTENSET; /*!< Enable event routing */
+ __IO uint32_t EVTENCLR; /*!< Disable event routing */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[110];
+ __I uint32_t COUNTER; /*!< Current COUNTER value */
+ __IO uint32_t PRESCALER; /*!< 12 bit prescaler for COUNTER frequency (32768/(PRESCALER+1)).Must
+ be written when RTC is stopped */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[13];
+ __IO uint32_t CC[4]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Compare register n */
+} NRF_RTC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ TEMP ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Temperature Sensor (TEMP)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< TEMP Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start temperature measurement */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop temperature measurement */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[62];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DATARDY; /*!< Temperature measurement complete, data ready */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[128];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[127];
+ __I int32_t TEMP; /*!< Temperature in degC (0.25deg steps) */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[5];
+ __IO uint32_t A0; /*!< Slope of 1st piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t A1; /*!< Slope of 2nd piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t A2; /*!< Slope of 3rd piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t A3; /*!< Slope of 4th piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t A4; /*!< Slope of 5th piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t A5; /*!< Slope of 6th piece wise linear function */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[2];
+ __IO uint32_t B0; /*!< y-intercept of 1st piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t B1; /*!< y-intercept of 2nd piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t B2; /*!< y-intercept of 3rd piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t B3; /*!< y-intercept of 4th piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t B4; /*!< y-intercept of 5th piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t B5; /*!< y-intercept of 6th piece wise linear function */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[2];
+ __IO uint32_t T0; /*!< End point of 1st piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t T1; /*!< End point of 2nd piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t T2; /*!< End point of 3rd piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t T3; /*!< End point of 4th piece wise linear function */
+ __IO uint32_t T4; /*!< End point of 5th piece wise linear function */
+} NRF_TEMP_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ RNG ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Random Number Generator (RNG)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< RNG Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Task starting the random number generator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Task stopping the random number generator */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[62];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_VALRDY; /*!< Event being generated for every new random number written to
+ the VALUE register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[63];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[126];
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register */
+ __I uint32_t VALUE; /*!< Output random number */
+} NRF_RNG_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ ECB ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief AES ECB Mode Encryption (ECB)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< ECB Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTECB; /*!< Start ECB block encrypt */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOPECB; /*!< Abort a possible executing ECB operation */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[62];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDECB; /*!< ECB block encrypt complete */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERRORECB; /*!< ECB block encrypt aborted because of a STOPECB task or due to
+ an error */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[127];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[126];
+ __IO uint32_t ECBDATAPTR; /*!< ECB block encrypt memory pointers */
+} NRF_ECB_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ AAR ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Accelerated Address Resolver (AAR)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< AAR Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start resolving addresses based on IRKs specified in the IRK
+ data structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop resolving addresses */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[61];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< Address resolution procedure complete */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RESOLVED; /*!< Address resolved */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_NOTRESOLVED; /*!< Address not resolved */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[126];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
+ __I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< Resolution status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable AAR */
+ __IO uint32_t NIRK; /*!< Number of IRKs */
+ __IO uint32_t IRKPTR; /*!< Pointer to IRK data structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRPTR; /*!< Pointer to the resolvable address */
+ __IO uint32_t SCRATCHPTR; /*!< Pointer to data area used for temporary storage */
+} NRF_AAR_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ CCM ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief AES CCM Mode Encryption (CCM)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< CCM Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_KSGEN; /*!< Start generation of key-stream. This operation will stop by
+ itself when completed. */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_CRYPT; /*!< Start encryption/decryption. This operation will stop by itself
+ when completed. */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop encryption/decryption */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RATEOVERRIDE; /*!< Override DATARATE setting in MODE register with the contents
+ of the RATEOVERRIDE register for any ongoing encryption/decryption */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[60];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDKSGEN; /*!< Key-stream generation complete */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDCRYPT; /*!< Encrypt/decrypt complete */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ERROR; /*!< Deprecated register - CCM error event */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[61];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
+ __I uint32_t MICSTATUS; /*!< MIC check result */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable */
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< Operation mode */
+ __IO uint32_t CNFPTR; /*!< Pointer to data structure holding AES key and NONCE vector */
+ __IO uint32_t INPTR; /*!< Input pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t OUTPTR; /*!< Output pointer */
+ __IO uint32_t SCRATCHPTR; /*!< Pointer to data area used for temporary storage */
+ __IO uint32_t MAXPACKETSIZE; /*!< Length of key-stream generated when MODE.LENGTH = Extended. */
+ __IO uint32_t RATEOVERRIDE; /*!< Data rate override setting. */
+} NRF_CCM_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ WDT ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Watchdog Timer (WDT)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< WDT Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start the watchdog */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[63];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TIMEOUT; /*!< Watchdog timeout */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[128];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[61];
+ __I uint32_t RUNSTATUS; /*!< Run status */
+ __I uint32_t REQSTATUS; /*!< Request status */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
+ __IO uint32_t CRV; /*!< Counter reload value */
+ __IO uint32_t RREN; /*!< Enable register for reload request registers */
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[60];
+ __O uint32_t RR[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Reload request n */
+} NRF_WDT_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ QDEC ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Quadrature Decoder (QDEC)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< QDEC Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Task starting the quadrature decoder */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Task stopping the quadrature decoder */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_READCLRACC; /*!< Read and clear ACC and ACCDBL */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RDCLRACC; /*!< Read and clear ACC */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_RDCLRDBL; /*!< Read and clear ACCDBL */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[59];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SAMPLERDY; /*!< Event being generated for every new sample value written to
+ the SAMPLE register */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_REPORTRDY; /*!< Non-null report ready */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ACCOF; /*!< ACC or ACCDBL register overflow */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DBLRDY; /*!< Double displacement(s) detected */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< QDEC has been stopped */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[59];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[125];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable the quadrature decoder */
+ __IO uint32_t LEDPOL; /*!< LED output pin polarity */
+ __IO uint32_t SAMPLEPER; /*!< Sample period */
+ __I int32_t SAMPLE; /*!< Motion sample value */
+ __IO uint32_t REPORTPER; /*!< Number of samples to be taken before REPORTRDY and DBLRDY events
+ can be generated */
+ __I int32_t ACC; /*!< Register accumulating the valid transitions */
+ __I int32_t ACCREAD; /*!< Snapshot of the ACC register, updated by the READCLRACC or RDCLRACC
+ task */
+ QDEC_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __IO uint32_t DBFEN; /*!< Enable input debounce filters */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[5];
+ __IO uint32_t LEDPRE; /*!< Time period the LED is switched ON prior to sampling */
+ __I uint32_t ACCDBL; /*!< Register accumulating the number of detected double transitions */
+ __I uint32_t ACCDBLREAD; /*!< Snapshot of the ACCDBL, updated by the READCLRACC or RDCLRDBL
+ task */
+} NRF_QDEC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ COMP ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Comparator (COMP)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< COMP Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start comparator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop comparator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SAMPLE; /*!< Sample comparator value */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[61];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< COMP is ready and output is valid */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DOWN; /*!< Downward crossing */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_UP; /*!< Upward crossing */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CROSS; /*!< Downward or upward crossing */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[60];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
+ __I uint32_t RESULT; /*!< Compare result */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< COMP enable */
+ __IO uint32_t PSEL; /*!< Pin select */
+ __IO uint32_t REFSEL; /*!< Reference source select for single-ended mode */
+ __IO uint32_t EXTREFSEL; /*!< External reference select */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[8];
+ __IO uint32_t TH; /*!< Threshold configuration for hysteresis unit */
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< Mode configuration */
+ __IO uint32_t HYST; /*!< Comparator hysteresis enable */
+} NRF_COMP_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ LPCOMP ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Low Power Comparator (LPCOMP)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< LPCOMP Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Start comparator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stop comparator */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SAMPLE; /*!< Sample comparator value */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[61];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< LPCOMP is ready and output is valid */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_DOWN; /*!< Downward crossing */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_UP; /*!< Upward crossing */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_CROSS; /*!< Downward or upward crossing */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[60];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[64];
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[61];
+ __I uint32_t RESULT; /*!< Compare result */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[63];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable LPCOMP */
+ __IO uint32_t PSEL; /*!< Input pin select */
+ __IO uint32_t REFSEL; /*!< Reference select */
+ __IO uint32_t EXTREFSEL; /*!< External reference select */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[4];
+ __IO uint32_t ANADETECT; /*!< Analog detect configuration */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[5];
+ __IO uint32_t HYST; /*!< Comparator hysteresis enable */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ EGU ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Event Generator Unit 0 (EGU)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< EGU Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_TRIGGER[16]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Trigger n for triggering the corresponding
+ TRIGGERED[n] event */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[48];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TRIGGERED[16]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Event number n generated by triggering
+ the corresponding TRIGGER[n] task */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[112];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+} NRF_EGU_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ SWI ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Software interrupt 0 (SWI)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< SWI Structure */
+ __I uint32_t UNUSED; /*!< Unused. */
+} NRF_SWI_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ PWM ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Pulse width modulation unit 0 (PWM)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< PWM Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stops PWM pulse generation on all channels at the end of current
+ PWM period, and stops sequence playback */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_SEQSTART[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Loads the first PWM value on all
+ enabled channels from sequence n, and starts playing that sequence
+ at the rate defined in SEQ[n]REFRESH and/or DECODER.MODE. Causes
+ PWM generation to start if not running. */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_NEXTSTEP; /*!< Steps by one value in the current sequence on all enabled channels
+ if DECODER.MODE=NextStep. Does not cause PWM generation to start
+ if not running. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[60];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< Response to STOP task, emitted when PWM pulses are no longer
+ generated */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SEQSTARTED[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: First PWM period started on sequence
+ n */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SEQEND[2]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Emitted at end of every sequence
+ n, when last value from RAM has been applied to wave counter */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_PWMPERIODEND; /*!< Emitted at the end of each PWM period */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_LOOPSDONE; /*!< Concatenated sequences have been played the amount of times
+ defined in LOOP.CNT */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[56];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[125];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< PWM module enable register */
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< Selects operating mode of the wave counter */
+ __IO uint32_t COUNTERTOP; /*!< Value up to which the pulse generator counter counts */
+ __IO uint32_t PRESCALER; /*!< Configuration for PWM_CLK */
+ __IO uint32_t DECODER; /*!< Configuration of the decoder */
+ __IO uint32_t LOOP; /*!< Number of playbacks of a loop */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[2];
+ PWM_SEQ_Type SEQ[2]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ PWM_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_PWM_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ PDM ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Pulse Density Modulation (Digital Microphone) Interface (PDM)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< PDM Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Starts continuous PDM transfer */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stops PDM transfer */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[62];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STARTED; /*!< PDM transfer has started */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< PDM transfer has finished */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_END; /*!< The PDM has written the last sample specified by SAMPLE.MAXCNT
+ (or the last sample after a STOP task has been received) to
+ Data RAM */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[125];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[125];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< PDM module enable register */
+ __IO uint32_t PDMCLKCTRL; /*!< PDM clock generator control */
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< Defines the routing of the connected PDM microphones' signals */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[3];
+ __IO uint32_t GAINL; /*!< Left output gain adjustment */
+ __IO uint32_t GAINR; /*!< Right output gain adjustment */
+ __IO uint32_t RATIO; /*!< Selects the ratio between PDM_CLK and output sample rate. Change
+ PDMCLKCTRL accordingly. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[7];
+ PDM_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[6];
+ PDM_SAMPLE_Type SAMPLE; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_PDM_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ ACL ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Access control lists (ACL)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< ACL Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[512];
+ ACL_ACL_Type ACL[8]; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_ACL_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ NVMC ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Non Volatile Memory Controller (NVMC)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< NVMC Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[256];
+ __I uint32_t READY; /*!< Ready flag */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
+ __I uint32_t READYNEXT; /*!< Ready flag */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[62];
+ __IO uint32_t CONFIG; /*!< Configuration register */
+ union {
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEPCR1; /*!< Deprecated register - Register for erasing a page in code area.
+ Equivalent to ERASEPAGE. */
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEPAGE; /*!< Register for erasing a page in code area */
+ };
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEALL; /*!< Register for erasing all non-volatile user memory */
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEPCR0; /*!< Deprecated register - Register for erasing a page in code area.
+ Equivalent to ERASEPAGE. */
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEUICR; /*!< Register for erasing user information configuration registers */
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEPAGEPARTIAL; /*!< Register for partial erase of a page in code area */
+ __IO uint32_t ERASEPAGEPARTIALCFG; /*!< Register for partial erase configuration */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[8];
+ __IO uint32_t ICACHECNF; /*!< I-code cache configuration register. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4;
+ __IO uint32_t IHIT; /*!< I-code cache hit counter. */
+ __IO uint32_t IMISS; /*!< I-code cache miss counter. */
+} NRF_NVMC_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ PPI ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Programmable Peripheral Interconnect (PPI)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< PPI Structure */
+ PPI_TASKS_CHG_Type TASKS_CHG[6]; /*!< Channel group tasks */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[308];
+ __IO uint32_t CHEN; /*!< Channel enable register */
+ __IO uint32_t CHENSET; /*!< Channel enable set register */
+ __IO uint32_t CHENCLR; /*!< Channel enable clear register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1;
+ PPI_CH_Type CH[20]; /*!< PPI Channel */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[148];
+ __IO uint32_t CHG[6]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Channel group n */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[62];
+ PPI_FORK_Type FORK[32]; /*!< Fork */
+} NRF_PPI_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ MWU ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Memory Watch Unit (MWU)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< MWU Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[64];
+ MWU_EVENTS_REGION_Type EVENTS_REGION[4]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[16];
+ MWU_EVENTS_PREGION_Type EVENTS_PREGION[2]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[100];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[5];
+ __IO uint32_t NMIEN; /*!< Enable or disable non-maskable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t NMIENSET; /*!< Enable non-maskable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t NMIENCLR; /*!< Disable non-maskable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[53];
+ MWU_PERREGION_Type PERREGION[2]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[64];
+ __IO uint32_t REGIONEN; /*!< Enable/disable regions watch */
+ __IO uint32_t REGIONENSET; /*!< Enable regions watch */
+ __IO uint32_t REGIONENCLR; /*!< Disable regions watch */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[57];
+ MWU_REGION_Type REGION[4]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[32];
+ MWU_PREGION_Type PREGION[2]; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_MWU_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ I2S ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Inter-IC Sound (I2S)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< I2S Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_START; /*!< Starts continuous I2S transfer. Also starts MCK generator when
+ this is enabled. */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STOP; /*!< Stops I2S transfer. Also stops MCK generator. Triggering this
+ task will cause the {event:STOPPED} event to be generated. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[63];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_RXPTRUPD; /*!< The RXD.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers.
+ When the I2S module is started and RX is enabled, this event
+ will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words that are received
+ on the SDIN pin. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STOPPED; /*!< I2S transfer stopped. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[2];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_TXPTRUPD; /*!< The TDX.PTR register has been copied to internal double-buffers.
+ When the I2S module is started and TX is enabled, this event
+ will be generated for every RXTXD.MAXCNT words that are sent
+ on the SDOUT pin. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[122];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[125];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable I2S module. */
+ I2S_CONFIG_Type CONFIG; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[3];
+ I2S_RXD_Type RXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5;
+ I2S_TXD_Type TXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[3];
+ I2S_RXTXD_Type RXTXD; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[3];
+ I2S_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_I2S_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ FPU ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief FPU (FPU)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< FPU Structure */
+ __I uint32_t UNUSED; /*!< Unused. */
+} NRF_FPU_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ USBD ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief Universal serial bus device (USBD)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< USBD Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0;
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTEPIN[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Captures the EPIN[n].PTR and EPIN[n].MAXCNT
+ registers values, and enables endpoint IN n to respond to traffic
+ from host */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTISOIN; /*!< Captures the ISOIN.PTR and ISOIN.MAXCNT registers values, and
+ enables sending data on ISO endpoint */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTEPOUT[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Captures the EPOUT[n].PTR and EPOUT[n].MAXCNT
+ registers values, and enables endpoint n to respond to traffic
+ from host */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_STARTISOOUT; /*!< Captures the ISOOUT.PTR and ISOOUT.MAXCNT registers values,
+ and enables receiving of data on ISO endpoint */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_EP0RCVOUT; /*!< Allows OUT data stage on control endpoint 0 */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_EP0STATUS; /*!< Allows status stage on control endpoint 0 */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_EP0STALL; /*!< Stalls data and status stage on control endpoint 0 */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_DPDMDRIVE; /*!< Forces D+ and D- lines into the state defined in the DPDMVALUE
+ register */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_DPDMNODRIVE; /*!< Stops forcing D+ and D- lines into any state (USB engine takes
+ control) */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[40];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_USBRESET; /*!< Signals that a USB reset condition has been detected on USB
+ lines */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_STARTED; /*!< Confirms that the EPIN[n].PTR and EPIN[n].MAXCNT, or EPOUT[n].PTR
+ and EPOUT[n].MAXCNT registers have been captured on all endpoints
+ reported in the EPSTATUS register */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDEPIN[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: The whole EPIN[n] buffer has been
+ consumed. The RAM buffer can be accessed safely by software. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_EP0DATADONE; /*!< An acknowledged data transfer has taken place on the control
+ endpoint */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDISOIN; /*!< The whole ISOIN buffer has been consumed. The RAM buffer can
+ be accessed safely by software. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDEPOUT[8]; /*!< Description collection[n]: The whole EPOUT[n] buffer has been
+ consumed. The RAM buffer can be accessed safely by software. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_ENDISOOUT; /*!< The whole ISOOUT buffer has been consumed. The RAM buffer can
+ be accessed safely by software. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_SOF; /*!< Signals that a SOF (start of frame) condition has been detected
+ on USB lines */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_USBEVENT; /*!< An event or an error not covered by specific events has occurred.
+ Check EVENTCAUSE register to find the cause. */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_EP0SETUP; /*!< A valid SETUP token has been received (and acknowledged) on
+ the control endpoint */
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_EPDATA; /*!< A data transfer has occurred on a data endpoint, indicated by
+ the EPDATASTATUS register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[39];
+ __IO uint32_t SHORTS; /*!< Shortcut register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[63];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[61];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTCAUSE; /*!< Details on what caused the USBEVENT event */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[7];
+ USBD_HALTED_Type HALTED; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6;
+ __IO uint32_t EPSTATUS; /*!< Provides information on which endpoint's EasyDMA registers have
+ been captured */
+ __IO uint32_t EPDATASTATUS; /*!< Provides information on which endpoint(s) an acknowledged data
+ transfer has occurred (EPDATA event) */
+ __I uint32_t USBADDR; /*!< Device USB address */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED7[3];
+ __I uint32_t BMREQUESTTYPE; /*!< SETUP data, byte 0, bmRequestType */
+ __I uint32_t BREQUEST; /*!< SETUP data, byte 1, bRequest */
+ __I uint32_t WVALUEL; /*!< SETUP data, byte 2, LSB of wValue */
+ __I uint32_t WVALUEH; /*!< SETUP data, byte 3, MSB of wValue */
+ __I uint32_t WINDEXL; /*!< SETUP data, byte 4, LSB of wIndex */
+ __I uint32_t WINDEXH; /*!< SETUP data, byte 5, MSB of wIndex */
+ __I uint32_t WLENGTHL; /*!< SETUP data, byte 6, LSB of wLength */
+ __I uint32_t WLENGTHH; /*!< SETUP data, byte 7, MSB of wLength */
+ USBD_SIZE_Type SIZE; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED8[15];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable USB */
+ __IO uint32_t USBPULLUP; /*!< Control of the USB pull-up */
+ __IO uint32_t DPDMVALUE; /*!< State D+ and D- lines will be forced into by the DPDMDRIVE task.
+ The DPDMNODRIVE task reverts the control of the lines to MAC
+ IP (no forcing). */
+ __IO uint32_t DTOGGLE; /*!< Data toggle control and status */
+ __IO uint32_t EPINEN; /*!< Endpoint IN enable */
+ __IO uint32_t EPOUTEN; /*!< Endpoint OUT enable */
+ __O uint32_t EPSTALL; /*!< STALL endpoints */
+ __IO uint32_t ISOSPLIT; /*!< Controls the split of ISO buffers */
+ __I uint32_t FRAMECNTR; /*!< Returns the current value of the start of frame counter */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED9[2];
+ __IO uint32_t LOWPOWER; /*!< Controls USBD peripheral low power mode during USB suspend */
+ __IO uint32_t ISOINCONFIG; /*!< Controls the response of the ISO IN endpoint to an IN token
+ when no data is ready to be sent */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED10[51];
+ USBD_EPIN_Type EPIN[8]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ USBD_ISOIN_Type ISOIN; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED11[21];
+ USBD_EPOUT_Type EPOUT[8]; /*!< Unspecified */
+ USBD_ISOOUT_Type ISOOUT; /*!< Unspecified */
+} NRF_USBD_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ QSPI ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief External flash interface (QSPI)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< QSPI Structure */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_ACTIVATE; /*!< Activate QSPI interface */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_READSTART; /*!< Start transfer from external flash memory to internal RAM */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_WRITESTART; /*!< Start transfer from internal RAM to external flash memory */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_ERASESTART; /*!< Start external flash memory erase operation */
+ __O uint32_t TASKS_DEACTIVATE; /*!< Deactivate QSPI interface */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[59];
+ __IO uint32_t EVENTS_READY; /*!< QSPI peripheral is ready. This event will be generated as a
+ response to any QSPI task. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[127];
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< Enable or disable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENSET; /*!< Enable interrupt */
+ __IO uint32_t INTENCLR; /*!< Disable interrupt */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED2[125];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable QSPI peripheral and acquire the pins selected in PSELn
+ registers */
+ QSPI_READ_Type READ; /*!< Unspecified */
+ QSPI_WRITE_Type WRITE; /*!< Unspecified */
+ QSPI_ERASE_Type ERASE; /*!< Unspecified */
+ QSPI_PSEL_Type PSEL; /*!< Unspecified */
+ __IO uint32_t XIPOFFSET; /*!< Address offset into the external memory for Execute in Place
+ operation. */
+ __IO uint32_t IFCONFIG0; /*!< Interface configuration. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED3[46];
+ __IO uint32_t IFCONFIG1; /*!< Interface configuration. */
+ __I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< Status register. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED4[3];
+ __IO uint32_t DPMDUR; /*!< Set the duration required to enter/exit deep power-down mode
+ (DPM). */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED5[3];
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRCONF; /*!< Extended address configuration. */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED6[3];
+ __IO uint32_t CINSTRCONF; /*!< Custom instruction configuration register. */
+ __IO uint32_t CINSTRDAT0; /*!< Custom instruction data register 0. */
+ __IO uint32_t CINSTRDAT1; /*!< Custom instruction data register 1. */
+ __IO uint32_t IFTIMING; /*!< SPI interface timing. */
+} NRF_QSPI_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ GPIO ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief GPIO Port 1 (GPIO)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< GPIO Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[321];
+ __IO uint32_t OUT; /*!< Write GPIO port */
+ __IO uint32_t OUTSET; /*!< Set individual bits in GPIO port */
+ __IO uint32_t OUTCLR; /*!< Clear individual bits in GPIO port */
+ __I uint32_t IN; /*!< Read GPIO port */
+ __IO uint32_t DIR; /*!< Direction of GPIO pins */
+ __IO uint32_t DIRSET; /*!< DIR set register */
+ __IO uint32_t DIRCLR; /*!< DIR clear register */
+ __IO uint32_t LATCH; /*!< Latch register indicating what GPIO pins that have met the criteria
+ set in the PIN_CNF[n].SENSE registers */
+ __IO uint32_t DETECTMODE; /*!< Select between default DETECT signal behaviour and LDETECT mode */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[118];
+ __IO uint32_t PIN_CNF[32]; /*!< Description collection[n]: Configuration of GPIO pins */
+} NRF_GPIO_Type;
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ CC_HOST_RGF ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief CRYPTOCELL HOST_RGF interface (CC_HOST_RGF)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< CC_HOST_RGF Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[1678];
+ __IO uint32_t HOST_CRYPTOKEY_SEL; /*!< AES hardware key select */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED1[4];
+ __IO uint32_t HOST_IOT_KPRTL_LOCK; /*!< This write-once register is the K_PRTL lock register. When this
+ register is set, K_PRTL can not be used and a zeroed key will
+ be used instead. The value of this register is saved in the
+ CRYPTOCELL AO power domain. */
+ __IO uint32_t HOST_IOT_KDR0; /*!< This register holds bits 31:0 of K_DR. The value of this register
+ is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain. Reading from this
+ address returns the K_DR valid status indicating if K_DR is
+ successfully retained. */
+ __O uint32_t HOST_IOT_KDR1; /*!< This register holds bits 63:32 of K_DR. The value of this register
+ is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain. */
+ __O uint32_t HOST_IOT_KDR2; /*!< This register holds bits 95:64 of K_DR. The value of this register
+ is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain. */
+ __O uint32_t HOST_IOT_KDR3; /*!< This register holds bits 127:96 of K_DR. The value of this register
+ is saved in the CRYPTOCELL AO power domain. */
+ __IO uint32_t HOST_IOT_LCS; /*!< Controls lifecycle state (LCS) for CRYPTOCELL subsystem */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ CRYPTOCELL ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+ * @brief ARM TrustZone CryptoCell register interface (CRYPTOCELL)
+ */
+typedef struct { /*!< CRYPTOCELL Structure */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVED0[320];
+ __IO uint32_t ENABLE; /*!< Enable CRYPTOCELL subsystem */
+/* -------------------- End of section using anonymous unions ------------------- */
+#if defined(__CC_ARM)
+ #pragma pop
+#elif defined(__ICCARM__)
+ /* leave anonymous unions enabled */
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+ /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TMS470__)
+ /* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
+#elif defined(__TASKING__)
+ #pragma warning restore
+ #warning Not supported compiler type
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ Peripheral memory map ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+#define NRF_FICR_BASE 0x10000000UL
+#define NRF_UICR_BASE 0x10001000UL
+#define NRF_CLOCK_BASE 0x40000000UL
+#define NRF_POWER_BASE 0x40000000UL
+#define NRF_RADIO_BASE 0x40001000UL
+#define NRF_UART0_BASE 0x40002000UL
+#define NRF_UARTE0_BASE 0x40002000UL
+#define NRF_SPI0_BASE 0x40003000UL
+#define NRF_SPIM0_BASE 0x40003000UL
+#define NRF_SPIS0_BASE 0x40003000UL
+#define NRF_TWI0_BASE 0x40003000UL
+#define NRF_TWIM0_BASE 0x40003000UL
+#define NRF_TWIS0_BASE 0x40003000UL
+#define NRF_SPI1_BASE 0x40004000UL
+#define NRF_SPIM1_BASE 0x40004000UL
+#define NRF_SPIS1_BASE 0x40004000UL
+#define NRF_TWI1_BASE 0x40004000UL
+#define NRF_TWIM1_BASE 0x40004000UL
+#define NRF_TWIS1_BASE 0x40004000UL
+#define NRF_NFCT_BASE 0x40005000UL
+#define NRF_GPIOTE_BASE 0x40006000UL
+#define NRF_SAADC_BASE 0x40007000UL
+#define NRF_TIMER0_BASE 0x40008000UL
+#define NRF_TIMER1_BASE 0x40009000UL
+#define NRF_TIMER2_BASE 0x4000A000UL
+#define NRF_RTC0_BASE 0x4000B000UL
+#define NRF_TEMP_BASE 0x4000C000UL
+#define NRF_RNG_BASE 0x4000D000UL
+#define NRF_ECB_BASE 0x4000E000UL
+#define NRF_AAR_BASE 0x4000F000UL
+#define NRF_CCM_BASE 0x4000F000UL
+#define NRF_WDT_BASE 0x40010000UL
+#define NRF_RTC1_BASE 0x40011000UL
+#define NRF_QDEC_BASE 0x40012000UL
+#define NRF_COMP_BASE 0x40013000UL
+#define NRF_LPCOMP_BASE 0x40013000UL
+#define NRF_EGU0_BASE 0x40014000UL
+#define NRF_SWI0_BASE 0x40014000UL
+#define NRF_EGU1_BASE 0x40015000UL
+#define NRF_SWI1_BASE 0x40015000UL
+#define NRF_EGU2_BASE 0x40016000UL
+#define NRF_SWI2_BASE 0x40016000UL
+#define NRF_EGU3_BASE 0x40017000UL
+#define NRF_SWI3_BASE 0x40017000UL
+#define NRF_EGU4_BASE 0x40018000UL
+#define NRF_SWI4_BASE 0x40018000UL
+#define NRF_EGU5_BASE 0x40019000UL
+#define NRF_SWI5_BASE 0x40019000UL
+#define NRF_TIMER3_BASE 0x4001A000UL
+#define NRF_TIMER4_BASE 0x4001B000UL
+#define NRF_PWM0_BASE 0x4001C000UL
+#define NRF_PDM_BASE 0x4001D000UL
+#define NRF_ACL_BASE 0x4001E000UL
+#define NRF_NVMC_BASE 0x4001E000UL
+#define NRF_PPI_BASE 0x4001F000UL
+#define NRF_MWU_BASE 0x40020000UL
+#define NRF_PWM1_BASE 0x40021000UL
+#define NRF_PWM2_BASE 0x40022000UL
+#define NRF_SPI2_BASE 0x40023000UL
+#define NRF_SPIM2_BASE 0x40023000UL
+#define NRF_SPIS2_BASE 0x40023000UL
+#define NRF_RTC2_BASE 0x40024000UL
+#define NRF_I2S_BASE 0x40025000UL
+#define NRF_FPU_BASE 0x40026000UL
+#define NRF_USBD_BASE 0x40027000UL
+#define NRF_UARTE1_BASE 0x40028000UL
+#define NRF_QSPI_BASE 0x40029000UL
+#define NRF_PWM3_BASE 0x4002D000UL
+#define NRF_SPIM3_BASE 0x4002F000UL
+#define NRF_P0_BASE 0x50000000UL
+#define NRF_P1_BASE 0x50000300UL
+#define NRF_CC_HOST_RGF_BASE 0x5002A000UL
+#define NRF_CRYPTOCELL_BASE 0x5002A000UL
+/* ================================================================================ */
+/* ================ Peripheral declaration ================ */
+/* ================================================================================ */
+#define NRF_UART0 ((NRF_UART_Type *) NRF_UART0_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPI0 ((NRF_SPI_Type *) NRF_SPI0_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIM0 ((NRF_SPIM_Type *) NRF_SPIM0_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIS0 ((NRF_SPIS_Type *) NRF_SPIS0_BASE)
+#define NRF_TWI0 ((NRF_TWI_Type *) NRF_TWI0_BASE)
+#define NRF_TWIM0 ((NRF_TWIM_Type *) NRF_TWIM0_BASE)
+#define NRF_TWIS0 ((NRF_TWIS_Type *) NRF_TWIS0_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPI1 ((NRF_SPI_Type *) NRF_SPI1_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIM1 ((NRF_SPIM_Type *) NRF_SPIM1_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIS1 ((NRF_SPIS_Type *) NRF_SPIS1_BASE)
+#define NRF_TWI1 ((NRF_TWI_Type *) NRF_TWI1_BASE)
+#define NRF_TWIM1 ((NRF_TWIM_Type *) NRF_TWIM1_BASE)
+#define NRF_TWIS1 ((NRF_TWIS_Type *) NRF_TWIS1_BASE)
+#define NRF_RTC0 ((NRF_RTC_Type *) NRF_RTC0_BASE)
+#define NRF_RNG ((NRF_RNG_Type *) NRF_RNG_BASE)
+#define NRF_ECB ((NRF_ECB_Type *) NRF_ECB_BASE)
+#define NRF_AAR ((NRF_AAR_Type *) NRF_AAR_BASE)
+#define NRF_CCM ((NRF_CCM_Type *) NRF_CCM_BASE)
+#define NRF_WDT ((NRF_WDT_Type *) NRF_WDT_BASE)
+#define NRF_RTC1 ((NRF_RTC_Type *) NRF_RTC1_BASE)
+#define NRF_EGU0 ((NRF_EGU_Type *) NRF_EGU0_BASE)
+#define NRF_SWI0 ((NRF_SWI_Type *) NRF_SWI0_BASE)
+#define NRF_EGU1 ((NRF_EGU_Type *) NRF_EGU1_BASE)
+#define NRF_SWI1 ((NRF_SWI_Type *) NRF_SWI1_BASE)
+#define NRF_EGU2 ((NRF_EGU_Type *) NRF_EGU2_BASE)
+#define NRF_SWI2 ((NRF_SWI_Type *) NRF_SWI2_BASE)
+#define NRF_EGU3 ((NRF_EGU_Type *) NRF_EGU3_BASE)
+#define NRF_SWI3 ((NRF_SWI_Type *) NRF_SWI3_BASE)
+#define NRF_EGU4 ((NRF_EGU_Type *) NRF_EGU4_BASE)
+#define NRF_SWI4 ((NRF_SWI_Type *) NRF_SWI4_BASE)
+#define NRF_EGU5 ((NRF_EGU_Type *) NRF_EGU5_BASE)
+#define NRF_SWI5 ((NRF_SWI_Type *) NRF_SWI5_BASE)
+#define NRF_PWM0 ((NRF_PWM_Type *) NRF_PWM0_BASE)
+#define NRF_PDM ((NRF_PDM_Type *) NRF_PDM_BASE)
+#define NRF_ACL ((NRF_ACL_Type *) NRF_ACL_BASE)
+#define NRF_PPI ((NRF_PPI_Type *) NRF_PPI_BASE)
+#define NRF_MWU ((NRF_MWU_Type *) NRF_MWU_BASE)
+#define NRF_PWM1 ((NRF_PWM_Type *) NRF_PWM1_BASE)
+#define NRF_PWM2 ((NRF_PWM_Type *) NRF_PWM2_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPI2 ((NRF_SPI_Type *) NRF_SPI2_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIM2 ((NRF_SPIM_Type *) NRF_SPIM2_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIS2 ((NRF_SPIS_Type *) NRF_SPIS2_BASE)
+#define NRF_RTC2 ((NRF_RTC_Type *) NRF_RTC2_BASE)
+#define NRF_I2S ((NRF_I2S_Type *) NRF_I2S_BASE)
+#define NRF_FPU ((NRF_FPU_Type *) NRF_FPU_BASE)
+#define NRF_PWM3 ((NRF_PWM_Type *) NRF_PWM3_BASE)
+#define NRF_SPIM3 ((NRF_SPIM_Type *) NRF_SPIM3_BASE)
+#define NRF_P0 ((NRF_GPIO_Type *) NRF_P0_BASE)
+#define NRF_P1 ((NRF_GPIO_Type *) NRF_P1_BASE)
+/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_Registers */
+/** @} */ /* End of group nrf52840 */
+/** @} */ /* End of group Nordic Semiconductor */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* nrf52840_H */