path: root/6
diff options
authorTrygve Laugstøl <>2023-11-08 09:14:49 +0100
committerTrygve Laugstøl <>2023-11-08 09:14:49 +0100
commit47c6e8907818d2238c4e9d29511d923710438e44 (patch)
treea0a83fa59502fc992b2a1bb01f54a861a002cd52 /6
parente7a55058fc77f04d1e1bb63cd09894278c312376 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '6')
3 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/6/ b/6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5dd70a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% vim set ft=prolog
+:- module(bgp, [
+ warning/1,
+ neighbor/2,
+ bgp_config/2,
+ bird_config/1,
+ remote_network/2,
+ remote_networks/2]).
+:- use_module(hosts, [
+ host/1,
+ host_config/2,
+ router_link/3,
+ attached_network/2]).
+:- discontiguous bgp:to_dict/2.
+%host(H) :- router_link(H, _, _).
+%host(H) :- router_link(_, H, _).
+% host(H).
+router(R) :- host(R), hosts:host_config(R, _).
+routers(Routers) :- setof(router(R), router(R), Routers).
+to_dict(router(R), Dict) :-
+ bgp:neighbors(R, Neighbors),
+ maplist(bgp:to_dict(), Neighbors, NeighborDicts),
+ Dict = _{
+ host: R,
+ neighbors: NeighborDicts}.
+neighbor(H, R) :-
+ router(H), router(R),
+ router_link(H, _, R),
+ router_link(R, _, H).
+warning(Msg) :-
+ host(H), host(R),
+ router_link(H, _, R),
+ \+ router_link(R, _, H),
+ format(string(Msg), "Missing router_link from ~w to ~w", [R, H]).
+neighbors(H, Cs) :- findall(neighbor(H, Name), neighbor(H, Name), Cs).
+bgp_config(H, Connections) :- neighbor(H, Connections).
+% bgp_config(H)?
+bird_protocol_bgp(Router, Neighbor, Address, AllowedNetworks) :-
+ router_link(Router, _, Neighbor),
+ router_link(Neighbor, Address, Router),
+ AllowedNetworks = [].
+% edge(a, b). edge(b, c). edge(c, d). edge(d, a).
+% path(X, Y) :- edge(X, Y).
+% path(X, Y) :- edge(X, Z), path(Z, Y).
+attached_networks(Router, Ns) :-
+ findall(N, attached_network(Router, N), Ns).
+remote_network(Router, N) :-
+ router_link(Router, _, Remote),
+ attached_network(Remote, N).
+remote_networks(Router, Ns) :-
+ router_link(Router, _, Remote),
+ attached_networks(Remote, Ns).
+% doesn't recurse
+% available_networks(R, Ns) :-
+% attached_networks(R, Attached),
+% setof(N, remote_network(R, N), Remote),
+% union(Attached, Remote, Xs),
+router_path(X, Y) :- router_path(X, Y, []).
+router_path(X, Y, _) :- router_link(X, _, Y).
+router_path(X, Y, V) :- \+ member(X, V), router_link(X, _, Z), router_path(Z, Y, [X|V]).
+to_yaml(neighbor(H, Remote), Dict) :- Dict = yaml(router(H), remote(Remote)).
+to_json(neighbor(H, Remote), Dict) :- Dict = json(router(H), remote(Remote)).
+to_dict(neighbor(_, Remote), Dict) :- host_config(Remote, RC),
+ Dict = neighbor{
+ neighbor:_{
+ name: Remote,
+ hostname: RC.ip
+ }
+routers_entry(router(R), Dict) :-
+ D = to_dict(router(R)),
+ pairs_keys_values(Data, [R], [D]),
+ dict_create(Dict, _, Data).
+bird_config(Dict) :-
+ bgp:routers(Routers),
+ maplist(to_dict(), Routers, RouterDicts),
+% maplist(routers_entry(), Routers, RouterDicts),
+ Dict = _{routers:RouterDicts}.
+% findall(neighbor(H, R), (host(H), host(R), neighbor(H, R)), Routers),
+% yaml_write(current_output, _{neighbors:BgpConnectionDicts}).
diff --git a/6/ b/6/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..090a172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+% vim set ft=prolog
+:- module(hosts, [
+ host/1,
+ host_config/2,
+ attached_network/2,
+ router_link/3]).
+host_config(knot, Config) :- Config = _{
+ ip: "fdf3:aad9:a885:0b3a::1"
+ }.
+host_config(hash, Config) :- Config = _{
+ ip: "fdf3:aad9:a885:0b3a::13"
+ }.
+host_config(lhn2ix, Config) :- Config = _{
+ ip: "fdf3:aad9:a885:0b3a::15"
+ }.
+host_config(kv24ix, Config) :- Config = _{
+ ip: "fdf3:aad9:a885:0b3a::16"
+ }.
+% (router, router_ip, remote)
+router_link(knot, "1::1", hash).
+router_link(knot, "1::8", lhn2ix).
+router_link(knot, "1::7", kv24ix).
+router_link(hash, "1::2", knot).
+router_link(hash, "1::10", kv24ix).
+router_link(hash, "1::3", lhn2ix).
+router_link(kv24ix, "1::6", knot).
+router_link(kv24ix, "1::5", hash).
+router_link(lhn2ix, "1::9", hash).
+router_link(lhn2ix, "1::4", knot).
+router_link(conflatorio, "1::11", lhn2ix).
+router_link(lhn2ix, "1::12", conflatorio).
+% network(R, address, range)
+attached_network(conflatorio, ipv6_net("1:78e1::", 64)).
+attached_network(hash, ipv6_net("1:e5b0::", 64)).
+attached_network(knot, ipv6_net("1:f11b::", 64)).
+attached_network(lhn2ix, ipv6_net("1:dbe1::", 64)).
+attached_network(lhn2ix, ipv6_net("1:ab69::", 64)).
+attached_network(kv42ix, ipv6_net("1:cd02::", 64)).
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd9f807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/6/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+:- use_module(bgp).
+% :- use_module(tnet).
+% H=knot,
+% bgp:bgp_connections(H, BgpConnections),
+% maplist(bgp:to_dict(), BgpConnections, BgpConnectionDicts),
+% yaml_write(current_output, _{bgp_connections:BgpConnectionDicts}).
+warnings :-
+ bgp:warning(Ws),
+ writeln("Warnings: ~w", [length(Ws)]).
+main :-
+ bgp:bird_config(BirdDict),
+ yaml_write(current_output, BirdDict),
+ true.