path: root/learn-you-some-erlang/keyval_benchmark.erl
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authorTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2024-02-23 07:08:18 +0100
committerTrygve Laugstøl <trygvis@inamo.no>2024-02-23 07:08:18 +0100
commit5a9cdd3cc89507d4d74f8bded56ce5e037b3b56e (patch)
tree982ca2e7f9ac4e8c350dfb5c4f60bcfdfff5afaf /learn-you-some-erlang/keyval_benchmark.erl
parent05ae56e5e89abf2993f84e6d52b250131f247c35 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'learn-you-some-erlang/keyval_benchmark.erl')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/learn-you-some-erlang/keyval_benchmark.erl b/learn-you-some-erlang/keyval_benchmark.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c83be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/learn-you-some-erlang/keyval_benchmark.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+%% Runs all benchmarks with Reps number of elements.
+bench(Reps) ->
+ io:format("Base Case:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(base_case(Reps)),
+ io:format("~nNaive Orddict:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(naive_orddict(Reps)),
+ io:format("~nSmart Orddict:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(smart_orddict(Reps)),
+ io:format("~nNaive Dict:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(naive_dict(Reps)),
+ io:format("~nSmart Dict:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(smart_dict(Reps)),
+ io:format("~nNaive gb_trees:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(naive_gb_trees(Reps)),
+ io:format("~nSmart gb_trees:~n"),
+ io:format("Operation\tTotal (µs)\tAverage (µs)~n"),
+ print(smart_gb_trees(Reps)).
+%% formats the benchmark results cleanly.
+print([]) -> ok;
+print([{Op, Total, Avg} | Rest]) ->
+ io:format("~8s\t~10B\t~.6f~n", [Op, Total, Avg]),
+ print(Rest).
+%% Example of a base benchmark function. This one actually does
+%% nothing and can be used as a control for all the benchmark - it
+%% will measure how much time it takes just to loop over data and
+%% apply functions.
+base_case(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps, % N repetitions
+ [], % Empty data structure
+ fun ?MODULE:null/3, % Create
+ fun ?MODULE:null/2, % Read
+ fun ?MODULE:null/3, % Update
+ fun ?MODULE:null/2). % Delete
+%% Ordered dictionaries. Assumes that the value is present on reads.
+smart_orddict(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps,
+ orddict:new(),
+ fun orddict:store/3,
+ fun orddict:fetch/2,
+ fun orddict:store/3,
+ fun orddict:erase/2).
+%% Ordered dictionaries. Doesn't know whether a key is there or not on
+%% reads.
+naive_orddict(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps,
+ orddict:new(),
+ fun orddict:store/3,
+ fun orddict:find/2,
+ fun orddict:store/3,
+ fun orddict:erase/2).
+%% Dictionary benchmark. Assumes that the value is present on reads.
+smart_dict(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps,
+ dict:new(),
+ fun dict:store/3,
+ fun dict:fetch/2,
+ fun dict:store/3,
+ fun dict:erase/2).
+%% Dictionary benchmark. Doesn't know if the value exisst at read time.
+naive_dict(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps,
+ dict:new(),
+ fun dict:store/3,
+ fun dict:find/2,
+ fun dict:store/3,
+ fun dict:erase/2).
+%% gb_trees benchmark. Uses the most general functions -- i.e.: it never
+%% assumes that the value is not in a tree when inserting and never assumes
+%% it is there when updating or deleting.
+naive_gb_trees(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps,
+ gb_trees:empty(),
+ fun gb_trees:enter/3,
+ fun gb_trees:lookup/2,
+ fun gb_trees:enter/3,
+ fun gb_trees:delete_any/2).
+%% gb_trees benchmark. Uses specific function: it assumes that the values
+%% are not there when inserting and assumes it exists when updating or
+%% deleting.
+smart_gb_trees(Reps) ->
+ benchmark(Reps,
+ gb_trees:empty(),
+ fun gb_trees:insert/3,
+ fun gb_trees:get/2,
+ fun gb_trees:update/3,
+ fun gb_trees:delete/2).
+%% Empty functions used for the 'base_case/1' benchmark. They must do
+%% nothing interesting.
+null(_, _) -> ok.
+null(_, _, _) -> ok.
+%% Runs all the functions of 4 formats: Create, Read, Update, Delete.
+%% Create: it's a regular insertion, but it goes from an empty structure
+%% to a filled one. Requires an empty data structure,
+%% Read: reads every key from a complete data structure.
+%% Update: usually, this is the same as the insertion from 'create',
+%% except that it's run on full data structures. In some cases,
+%% like gb_trees, there also exist operations for updates when
+%% the keys are known that act differently from regular inserts.
+%% Delete: removes a key from a tree. Because we want to test the
+%% efficiency of it all, we will always delete from a complete
+%% structure.
+%% The function returns a list of all times averaged over the number
+%% of repetitions (Reps) needed.
+benchmark(Reps, Empty, CreateFun, ReadFun, UpdateFun, DeleteFun) ->
+ Keys = make_keys(Reps),
+ {TimeC, Struct} = timer:tc(?MODULE, create, [Keys, CreateFun, Empty]),
+ {TimeR, _} = timer:tc(?MODULE, read, [Keys, Struct, ReadFun]),
+ {TimeU, _} = timer:tc(?MODULE, update, [Keys, Struct, UpdateFun]),
+ {TimeD, _} = timer:tc(?MODULE, delete, [Keys, Struct, DeleteFun]),
+ [{create, TimeC, TimeC/Reps},
+ {read, TimeR, TimeR/Reps},
+ {update, TimeU, TimeU/Reps},
+ {delete, TimeD, TimeD/Reps}].
+%% Generate unique random numbers. No repetition allowed
+make_keys(N) ->
+ %% The trick is to generate all numbers as usual, but match them
+ %% with a random value in a tuple of the form {Random, Number}.
+ %% The idea is to then sort the list generated that way; done in
+ %% this manner, we know all values will be unique and the randomness
+ %% will be done by the sorting.
+ Random = lists:sort([{random:uniform(N), X} || X <- lists:seq(1, N)]),
+ %% it's a good idea to then filter out the index (the random index)
+ %% to only return the real numbers we want. This is simple to do
+ %% with a list comprehension where '_' removes the extraneous data.
+ %% The keys are then fit into a tuple to make the test a bit more
+ %% realistic for comparison.
+ [{some, key, X} || {_, X} <- Random].
+%% Loop function to apply the construction of a data structure.
+%% The parameters passed are a list of all keys to use and then the
+%% higher order function responsible of the creation of a data
+%% structure. This is usually a function of the form
+%% F(Key, Value, Structure).
+%% In the first call, the structure has to be the empty data structure
+%% that will progressively be filled.
+%% The only value inserted for each key is 'some_data'; we only care
+%% about the keys when dealing with key/value stuff.
+create([], _, Acc) -> Acc;
+create([Key|Rest], Fun, Acc) ->
+ create(Rest, Fun, Fun(Key, some_data, Acc)).
+%% Loop function to apply successive readings to a data structure.
+%% The parameters passed are a list of all keys, the complete data
+%% structure and then a higher order function responsible for
+%% fetching the data. Such functions are usually of the form
+%% F(Key, Structure).
+read([], _, _) -> ok;
+read([Key|Rest], Struct, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Key, Struct),
+ read(Rest, Struct, Fun).
+%% Loop function to apply updates to a data structure.
+%% Takes a list of keys, a full data structure and a higher order
+%% function responsible for the updating, usually of the form
+%% F(Key, NewValue, Structure).
+%% All values for a given key are replaced by 'newval', again because
+%% we don't care about the values, but merely the operations with
+%% the keys.
+update([], _, _) -> ok;
+update([Key|Rest], Struct, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Key, newval, Struct),
+ update(Rest, Struct, Fun).
+%% Loop function to apply deletions to a data structure.
+%% Each deletion is made on a full data structure.
+%% Takes a list of keys, a data structure and a higher order function
+%% to do the deletion. Usually of the form
+%% F(Key, Structure).
+delete([], _, _) -> ok;
+delete([Key|Rest], Struct, Fun) ->
+ Fun(Key, Struct),
+ delete(Rest, Struct, Fun).