path: root/knot
diff options
authorTrygve Laugstøl <>2017-08-11 13:19:12 +0200
committerTrygve Laugstøl <>2017-08-11 13:22:24 +0200
commit801177d16ccc9eeb14d9ccc3278420b90e207639 (patch)
treebfba0345572ee638004a0f6f7b17cf97456821b1 /knot
o Initial import of configuration for knot.
Diffstat (limited to 'knot')
11 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/knot/ b/knot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75066cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ sudo docker network create --subnet= trygvis-net
+# Add new entry in LDAP
+ dn: uid=trygvis,ou=People,dc=trygvis,dc=io
+ changetype: add
+ objectClass: top
+ objectClass: person
+ objectClass: organizationalPerson
+ objectClass: inetOrgPerson
+ uid: trygvis
+ givenName: Trygve
+ sn: Laugstøl
+ cn: Trygve Laugstøl
+ mail:
+ userPassword: password
diff --git a/knot/add-People.ldif b/knot/add-People.ldif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4bd9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/add-People.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+dn: ou=People,dc=trygvis,dc=io
+changetype: add
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: organizationalUnit
diff --git a/knot/add.ldif b/knot/add.ldif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fdfbc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/add.ldif
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+dn: uid=trygvis,ou=People,dc=trygvis,dc=io
+changetype: add
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: person
+objectClass: organizationalPerson
+objectClass: inetOrgPerson
+uid: trygvis
+givenName: Trygve
+sn: Laugstøl
+cn: Trygve Laugstøl
+userPassword: password
diff --git a/knot/docker-compose.yml b/knot/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a04626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+version: "3"
+ t-ssp:
+ build: ssp
+ container_name: t-ssp
+# ports:
+# - "8010:80"
+ networks:
+ trygvis_net:
+ ipv4_address:
+ env_file:
+ - ./secrets/t-ssp.env
+ t-ldap:
+ image: dinkel/openldap
+ container_name: t-openldap
+ environment:
+ SLAPD_PASSWORD: "secret"
+ networks:
+ trygvis_net:
+ ipv4_address:
+ volumes:
+ - ssp-etc:/etc/ldap
+ - ssp-data:/var/lib/ldap
+ trygvis_net:
+ ipam:
+ config:
+ - subnet:
+ ssp-etc:
+ external:
+ name: t-ssp-etc
+ ssp-data:
+ external:
+ name: t-ssp-data
diff --git a/knot/launch-ldap b/knot/launch-ldap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..123eea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/launch-ldap
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+exec docker run -d \
+ --name trygvis-openldap \
+ --net trygvis-net \
+ --ip \
+ --volume trygvis-openldap_etc_ldap:/etc/ldap \
+ --volume trygvis-openldap_var_lib_ldap:/var/lib/ldap \
+ -e SLAPD_PASSWORD=secret \
+ -e \
+ dinkel/openldap
diff --git a/knot/ssp/Dockerfile b/knot/ssp/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f19b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/ssp/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+FROM debian:stretch-slim
+MAINTAINER Trygve Laugstøl <>
+VOLUME /local
+ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
+ apache2 \
+ aptitude \
+ apt-utils \
+ git \
+ git \
+ libapache2-mod-php \
+ php-ldap \
+ php-mbstring \
+ php-xml
+COPY self-service-password /srv/self-service-password
+COPY conf/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
+COPY conf/ /srv/self-service-password/conf/
+CMD []
diff --git a/knot/ssp/build b/knot/ssp/build
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c2e62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/ssp/build
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+set -x
+set -e
+basedir=$(dirname $0)
+cd $basedir
+exec sudo docker build -t "$name" .
diff --git a/knot/ssp/conf/000-default.conf b/knot/ssp/conf/000-default.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bccb8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/ssp/conf/000-default.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerAdmin
+ ServerName
+ DocumentRoot /srv/self-service-password
+ ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
+ CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
+ <Directory /srv/self-service-password>
+ DirectoryIndex index.php
+ AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
+ AllowOverride None
+ Require all granted
+ </Directory>
+# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet
diff --git a/knot/ssp/conf/ b/knot/ssp/conf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90f0779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/ssp/conf/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# LTB Self Service Password
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Clement OUDOT
+# Copyright (C) 2009
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# GPL License:
+# Configuration
+$ldap_url = "ldap://";
+$ldap_starttls = false;
+$ldap_binddn = "cn=admin,dc=trygvis,dc=io";
+$ldap_bindpw = "secret";
+$ldap_base = "dc=trygvis,dc=io";
+$ldap_login_attribute = "uid";
+$ldap_fullname_attribute = "cn";
+$ldap_filter = "(&(objectClass=person)($ldap_login_attribute={login}))";
+# Active Directory mode
+# true: use unicodePwd as password field
+# false: LDAPv3 standard behavior
+$ad_mode = false;
+# Force account unlock when password is changed
+$ad_options['force_unlock'] = false;
+# Force user change password at next login
+$ad_options['force_pwd_change'] = false;
+# Allow user with expired password to change password
+$ad_options['change_expired_password'] = false;
+# Samba mode
+# true: update sambaNTpassword and sambaPwdLastSet attributes too
+# false: just update the password
+$samba_mode = false;
+# Set password min/max age in Samba attributes
+#$samba_options['min_age'] = 5;
+#$samba_options['max_age'] = 45;
+# Shadow options - require shadowAccount objectClass
+# Update shadowLastChange
+$shadow_options['update_shadowLastChange'] = false;
+$shadow_options['update_shadowExpire'] = false;
+# Default to -1, never expire
+$shadow_options['shadow_expire_days'] = -1;
+# Hash mechanism for password:
+# SHA
+# SHA512
+# SMD5
+# MD5
+# clear (the default)
+# auto (will check the hash of current password)
+# This option is not used with ad_mode = true
+#$hash = "clear";
+$hash = "SSHA";
+# Prefix to use for salt with CRYPT
+$hash_options['crypt_salt_prefix'] = "$6$";
+$hash_options['crypt_salt_length'] = "6";
+# Local password policy
+# This is applied before directory password policy
+# Minimal length
+$pwd_min_length = 0;
+# Maximal length
+$pwd_max_length = 0;
+# Minimal lower characters
+$pwd_min_lower = 0;
+# Minimal upper characters
+$pwd_min_upper = 0;
+# Minimal digit characters
+$pwd_min_digit = 0;
+# Minimal special characters
+$pwd_min_special = 0;
+# Definition of special characters
+$pwd_special_chars = "^a-zA-Z0-9";
+# Forbidden characters
+#$pwd_forbidden_chars = "@%";
+# Don't reuse the same password as currently
+$pwd_no_reuse = true;
+# Check that password is different than login
+$pwd_diff_login = true;
+# Complexity: number of different class of character required
+$pwd_complexity = 0;
+# Show policy constraints message:
+# always
+# never
+# onerror
+$pwd_show_policy = "never";
+# Position of password policy constraints message:
+# above - the form
+# below - the form
+$pwd_show_policy_pos = "above";
+# Who changes the password?
+# Also applicable for question/answer save
+# user: the user itself
+# manager: the above binddn
+$who_change_password = "user";
+## Standard change
+# Use standard change form?
+$use_change = true;
+## SSH Key Change
+# Allow changing of sshPublicKey?
+$change_sshkey = false;
+# What attribute should be changed by the changesshkey action?
+$change_sshkey_attribute = "sshPublicKey";
+# Who changes the sshPublicKey attribute?
+# Also applicable for question/answer save
+# user: the user itself
+# manager: the above binddn
+$who_change_sshkey = "user";
+# Notify users anytime their sshPublicKey is changed
+## Requires mail configuration below
+$notify_on_sshkey_change = false;
+## Questions/answers
+# Use questions/answers?
+# true (default)
+# false
+$use_questions = false;
+# Answer attribute should be hidden to users!
+$answer_objectClass = "extensibleObject";
+$answer_attribute = "info";
+# Extra questions (built-in questions are in lang/$
+#$messages['questions']['ice'] = "What is your favorite ice cream flavor?";
+## Token
+# Use tokens?
+# true (default)
+# false
+$use_tokens = true;
+# Crypt tokens?
+# true (default)
+# false
+$crypt_tokens = true;
+# Token lifetime in seconds
+$token_lifetime = "3600";
+## Mail
+# LDAP mail attribute
+$mail_attribute = "mail";
+# Get mail address directly from LDAP (only first mail entry)
+# and hide mail input field
+# default = false
+$mail_address_use_ldap = false;
+# Who the email should come from
+$mail_from = "";
+$mail_from_name = "Self Service Password";
+$mail_signature = "";
+# Notify users anytime their password is changed
+$notify_on_change = false;
+# PHPMailer configuration (see
+$mail_sendmailpath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
+$mail_protocol = 'smtp';
+$mail_smtp_debug = 0;
+$mail_debug_format = 'html';
+$mail_smtp_host = '';
+$mail_smtp_auth = true;
+$mail_smtp_user = '';
+#$mail_smtp_pass = '1cEtGgBoRJqUg';
+$mail_smtp_pass = getenv('SMTP_PASSWORD');
+$mail_smtp_port = 25;
+$mail_smtp_timeout = 30;
+$mail_smtp_keepalive = false;
+$mail_smtp_secure = 'tls';
+$mail_contenttype = 'text/plain';
+$mail_wordwrap = 0;
+$mail_charset = 'utf-8';
+$mail_priority = 3;
+$mail_newline = PHP_EOL;
+## SMS
+# Use sms
+$use_sms = false;
+# GSM number attribute
+$sms_attribute = "mobile";
+# Partially hide number
+$sms_partially_hide_number = true;
+# Send SMS mail to address
+$smsmailto = "{sms_attribute}";
+# Subject when sending email to SMTP to SMS provider
+$smsmail_subject = "Provider code";
+# Message
+$sms_message = "{smsresetmessage} {smstoken}";
+# Remove non digit characters from GSM number
+$sms_sanitize_number = false;
+# Truncate GSM number
+$sms_truncate_number = false;
+$sms_truncate_number_length = 10;
+# SMS token length
+$sms_token_length = 6;
+# Max attempts allowed for SMS token
+$max_attempts = 3;
+# Reset URL (if behind a reverse proxy)
+# Display help messages
+$show_help = true;
+# Default language
+$lang = "en";
+# List of authorized languages. If empty, all language are allowed.
+# If not empty and the user's browser language setting is not in that list, language from $lang will be used.
+$allowed_lang = array();
+# Display menu on top
+$show_menu = true;
+# Logo
+$logo = "images/ltb-logo.png";
+# Background image
+$background_image = "images/unsplash-space.jpeg";
+# Debug mode
+$debug = false;
+# Encryption, decryption keyphrase
+$keyphrase = "secret";
+# Where to log password resets - Make sure apache has write permission
+# By default, they are logged in Apache log
+#$reset_request_log = "/var/log/self-service-password";
+# Invalid characters in login
+# Set at least "*()&|" to prevent LDAP injection
+# If empty, only alphanumeric characters are accepted
+$login_forbidden_chars = "*()&|";
+# Use Google reCAPTCHA (
+$use_recaptcha = false;
+# Go on the site to get public and private key
+$recaptcha_publickey = "";
+$recaptcha_privatekey = "";
+# Customization (see
+$recaptcha_theme = "light";
+$recaptcha_type = "image";
+$recaptcha_size = "normal";
+## Default action
+# change
+# sendtoken
+# sendsms
+$default_action = "change";
+## Extra messages
+# They can also be defined in lang/ files
+#$messages['passwordchangedextramessage'] = NULL;
+#$messages['changehelpextramessage'] = NULL;
+# Launch a posthook script after successful password change
+#$posthook = "/usr/share/self-service-password/";
diff --git a/knot/ssp/launch b/knot/ssp/launch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b2066b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knot/ssp/launch
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+set -x
+sudo docker run -d \
+ --net trygvis-net \
+ --ip \
+ --hostname t-ssp \
+ --name t-ssp \
+ --link trygvis-openldap \
+ trygvis-ssp
diff --git a/knot/ssp/self-service-password b/knot/ssp/self-service-password
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 6ddbc1bd54e8511b2be95c9c66a1c304764300d