path: root/ansible/roles/apt-repos/tasks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible/roles/apt-repos/tasks')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/ansible/roles/apt-repos/tasks/repo.yml b/ansible/roles/apt-repos/tasks/repo.yml
index ff9d6e5..a338ce1 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/apt-repos/tasks/repo.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/apt-repos/tasks/repo.yml
@@ -1,47 +1,41 @@
-# - become: yes
-# name: Check if elasticsearch PGP key is installed
-# command: apt-key export 46095ACC8548582C1A2699A9D27D666CD88E42B4
-# register: elasticsearch_pgp_key
-# failed_when: no
-# changed_when: no
-# - set_fact:
-# pgp_missing: "{{ 'nothing exported' in elasticsearch_pgp_key.stderr }}"
-# - name: Download ES PGP key
-# become: yes
-# get_url:
-# url: https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch
-# dest: /tmp/es.pgp
-# when: pgp_missing
-# - name: Install ES key
-# become: yes
-# command: apt-key add /tmp/es.pgp
-# when: pgp_missing
-# notify: apt update
-# - name: rm /tmp/es.pgp
-# become: yes
-# file:
-# path: /tmp/es.pgp
-# state: absent
-# when: pgp_missing
+- name: Check if PGP key is installed ({{ item.key }})
+ command: "apt-key export {{ item.value.key_id }}"
+ register: pgp_key
+ failed_when: no
+ changed_when: no
-- name: "apt-key add {{ item.key }} (key url)"
- apt_key:
- id: "{{ item.value.key_id }}"
- url: "{{ item.value.key_url }}"
- state: "{{ state }}"
- when: item.value.key_url is defined and item.value.key_id is defined
- notify: apt update
+- set_fact:
+ key_missing: "{{ 'nothing exported' in pgp_key.stderr }}"
+- become: yes
+ when: key_missing and item.key_url is defined
+ block:
+ - name: Download ES PGP key
+ become: yes
+ get_url:
+ url: "{{ item.key_url }}"
+ dest: /tmp/apt-repo.pgp
+ when: key_missing
+ - name: Install ES key
+ become: yes
+ command: apt-key add /tmp/apt-repo.pgp
+ when: key_missing
+ notify: apt update
+ - name: rm /tmp/apt-repo.pgp
+ become: yes
+ file:
+ path: /tmp/apt-repo.pgp
+ state: absent
+ when: key_missing
- name: "apt-key add {{ item.key }} (keyserver)"
id: "{{ item.value.key_id }}"
keyserver: "{{ item.value.keyserver }}"
state: "{{ state }}"
- when: item.value.keyserver is defined and item.value.key_id is defined
+ when: key_missing and item.value.keyserver is defined and item.value.key_id is defined
notify: apt update
- name: "add repo {{ item.key }}"