path: root/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks')
6 files changed, 279 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/main.yml b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/main.yml
index ab86969..25ff8ce 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
- name: Install packages
- lxc-host
- - lxc-host-packages
- - radvd
+ - packages
become: yes
name: "{{ items }}"
@@ -10,62 +9,78 @@
- lxc
+ - lxc-templates
+ - debootstrap # For debian templates
- python-lxc
- - radvd
#- debug:
# msg: "item={{ item }}, host={{ host }}, lan={{ lan }}"
# tags:
# - lxc-host
-# with_dict: "{{ lxc_host_containers }}"
+# with_dict: "{{ lxc_host__containers }}"
# vars:
# i: "{{ item }}"
# host: "{{ host_database[item.key] }}"
# lan: "{{ host_database | json_query(item.key + '.interfaces | * | [?role==`lan`]') | first }}"
-- name: Configure radvd
- become: yes
- tags:
- - lxc-host
- - radvd
- vars:
- ipv6: "{{ host_database[ansible_hostname].interfaces[lxc_host__internal_if].ipv6 }}"
- notify: restart radvd
- copy:
- dest: /etc/radvd.conf
- content: |
- interface {{ lxc_host__br_if }}
- {
- AdvSendAdvert on;
- MinRtrAdvInterval 5;
- MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;
- MinDelayBetweenRAs 1;
- AdvDefaultPreference medium;
- AdvLinkMTU 1500;
- prefix {{ ipv6.address }}/{{ ipv6.netmask }}
- {
- AdvOnLink on;
- AdvAutonomous on;
- AdvValidLifetime 14400;
- AdvPreferredLifetime 3600;
- AdvRouterAddr on;
- };
- };
- name: Configure host networking
- when: lxc_host__enable_network_cfg
- lxc-host
- lxc-host-network
include_tasks: networkd.yml
-- tags: lxc-host
- with_dict: "{{ lxc_host_containers }}"
+- name: List containers
+ tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - lxc-host-containers
+ become: yes
+ block:
+ - name: Listing all containers
+ shell: lxc-ls -1 -f -F NAME,STATE
+ register: lxc_ls
+ changed_when: False
+ - set_fact:
+ existing_containers_yaml: |
+ {% for line in lxc_ls.stdout_lines[1:] %}
+ {% set parts = line.split(" ") %}
+ "{{ parts[0] }}":
+ state: "{{ parts[1] }}"
+ {% endfor %}
+ - set_fact:
+ existing_containers: "{{ existing_containers_yaml | from_yaml }}"
+ - set_fact:
+ new_containers: "{{ lxc_host__containers | difference(existing_containers) }}"
+- tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - lxc-host-containers
+ become: yes
+ loop: "{{ lxc_host__containers | dict2items }}"
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: item
+ when: item.value.state == 'started' or item.value.state == 'stopped'
- i: "{{ item }}"
- host: "{{ host_database[item.key] }}"
- lan: "{{ host_database | json_query(item.key + '.interfaces | * | [?role==`lan`]') | first }}"
+ name: "{{ item.key }}"
+ container: "{{ item.value }}"
+ host: "{{ host_database[container.host_database if container.host_database is defined else name] }}"
+ lan_if: "{{ container.interface if container.interface is defined else lxc_host__default_container_if_name }}"
+ lan: "{{ host.interfaces[lan_if] }}"
+ new: "{{ name in new_containers }}"
+# debug:
+# msg: "name={{name}}\nhost={{host}}\nlan={{lan}}\nnew={{new}}"
+# debug: msg=PRESENT
include_tasks: per-host.yml
+- name: Removing containers
+ tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - lxc-host-containers
+ become: yes
+ loop: "{{ lxc_host__containers | dict2items }}"
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: item
+ when: item.value.state == 'absent'
+ lxc_container:
+ name: "{{ item.key }}"
+ state: absent
diff --git a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/networkd.yml b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/networkd.yml
index 41ddb3f..f7ae410 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/networkd.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/networkd.yml
@@ -3,59 +3,20 @@
- lxc-host-network
become: yes
- hardware_if: "{{ host_database | json_query(ansible_hostname + '.interfaces.' + lxc_host__hardware_if) }}"
+ file_prefix: "/etc/systemd/network/{{ lxc_host__networkd_number }}-lxc-host"
br_if: "{{ lxc_host__br_if }}"
- internal_if: "{{ host_database | json_query(ansible_hostname + '.interfaces.' + lxc_host__internal_if) }}"
+ internal_if: "{{ host_database[ansible_hostname].interfaces[lxc_host__internal_if] }}"
- - debug: var=hardware_if
- debug: var=br_if
- debug: var=internal_if
- name: Configure sysctl, enable ipv4 and ipv6 forwarding
- become: yes
- copy:
- dest: /etc/sysctl.d/99-lxc-host.conf
- content: |
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
- notify: restart sysctl
- - name: Enable UFW
- become: yes
- ufw:
- state: enabled
- - become: yes
- ufw:
- policy: allow
- direction: outgoing
- - become: yes
- ufw:
- policy: allow
- direction: routed
- - become: yes
- ufw:
- policy: deny
- direction: incoming
- - name: Enable NAT configuration through UFW
- become: yes
- notify: reload ufw
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/ufw/before.rules
- insertbefore: "# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors"
- block: |
- # NAT table rules
- *nat
- # Forward traffic through eth0 - Change to match you out-interface
- -A POSTROUTING -s {{ internal_if.ipv4.address }}/{{ internal_if.ipv4.netmask }} -o {{ lxc_host__hardware_if }} -j MASQUERADE
- # don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these nat table rules won't be processed
+ sysctl:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ value: 1
+ with_items:
+ - net.ipv4.ip_forward
+ - net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding
- name: enable systemd-networkd
@@ -63,31 +24,31 @@
enabled: yes
state: started
- - name: "/etc/systemd/network/50-0-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__hardware_if }}.network"
+# - name: "/etc/systemd/network/50-0-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__hardware_if }}.network"
+# notify: systemctl restart systemd-networkd
+# copy:
+# dest: "/etc/systemd/network/50-0-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__hardware_if }}.network"
+# content: |
+# [Match]
+# Name={{ lxc_host__hardware_if }}
+# [Network]
+# Address={{ hardware_if.ipv4.address }}/{{ hardware_if.ipv4.netmask }}
+# Gateway={{ hardware_if.ipv4.gateway }}
+ - name: "{{ file_prefix }}-1-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.netdev"
notify: systemctl restart systemd-networkd
- dest: "/etc/systemd/network/50-0-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__hardware_if }}.network"
- content: |
- [Match]
- Name={{ lxc_host__hardware_if }}
- [Network]
- Address={{ hardware_if.ipv4.address }}/{{ hardware_if.ipv4.netmask }}
- Gateway={{ hardware_if.ipv4.gateway }}
- - name: "/etc/systemd/network/50-1-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.netdev"
- notify: systemctl restart systemd-networkd
- copy:
- dest: "/etc/systemd/network/50-1-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.netdev"
+ dest: "{{ file_prefix }}-1-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.netdev"
content: |
Name={{ lxc_host__internal_if }}
- - name: "/etc/systemd/network/50-2-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.network"
+ - name: "{{ file_prefix }}-2-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.network"
notify: systemctl restart systemd-networkd
- dest: "/etc/systemd/network/50-2-lxc-host-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.network"
+ dest: "{{ file_prefix }}-2-{{ lxc_host__internal_if }}.network"
content: |
Name={{ lxc_host__internal_if }}
@@ -95,25 +56,27 @@
Bridge={{ br_if }}
- - name: "/etc/systemd/network/50-3-lxc-host-{{ br_if }}.netdev"
+ - name: "{{ file_prefix }}-3-{{ br_if }}.netdev"
notify: systemctl restart systemd-networkd
- dest: "/etc/systemd/network/50-3-lxc-host-{{ br_if }}.netdev"
+ dest: "{{ file_prefix }}-3-{{ br_if }}.netdev"
content: |
Name={{ br_if }}
- - name: "/etc/systemd/network/50-4-lxc-host-{{ br_if }}.network"
+ - name: "{{ file_prefix }}-4-{{ br_if }}.network"
notify: systemctl restart systemd-networkd
- dest: "/etc/systemd/network/50-4-lxc-host-{{ br_if }}.network"
+ dest: "{{ file_prefix }}-4-{{ br_if }}.network"
content: |
Name={{ br_if }}
+ {% if internal_if.ipv4 is defined %}
Address={{ internal_if.ipv4.address }}/{{ internal_if.ipv4.netmask }}
+ {% endif %}
{% if internal_if.ipv6 is defined %}
Address={{ internal_if.ipv6.address }}/{{ internal_if.ipv6.netmask }}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/per-host.yml b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/per-host.yml
index 817497b..3bc9d24 100644
--- a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/per-host.yml
+++ b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/per-host.yml
@@ -1,115 +1,117 @@
- debug:
- msg: "LXC HOST: {{ i.key }}"
+ msg: "LXC HOST: {{ name }}"
tags: lxc-host
-- name: Create container
+- when: new
tags: lxc-host
become: yes
- lxc_container:
- name: "{{ i.key }}"
- state: "{{ i.value.state }}"
- template: debian
- template_options: -r stretch --packages git,etckeeper,python,sudo
- backing_store: "{{ lxc_host__backing_store }}"
- zfs_root: "{{ lxc_host__zfs_root|default('') }}"
- register: lxc
+ block:
+ - name: Create container
+ lxc_container:
+ name: "{{ name }}"
+ state: "{{ container.state }}"
+ template: debian
+ template_options: -r stretch --packages git,etckeeper,python,sudo
+ backing_store: "{{ lxc_host__backing_store }}"
+ zfs_root: "{{ lxc_host__zfs_root|default('') }}"
-- name: Connection info
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- when: lxc.changed
- debug:
- msg: "Container created! All keys for superusers are installed for
- root user, so remember to add 'ansible_user=root' when running the
- play for the host the first time."
+ - name: Important message!
+ debug:
+ msg: "Container created! All keys for superusers are installed for
+ root user, so remember to add 'ansible_user=root' when running the
+ play for the host the first time."
-- name: Create /root/.ssh
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- when: lxc.changed
- file:
- path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/rootfs/root/.ssh"
- state: directory
- mode: 0600
- owner: root
- group: root
+ - name: Create /root/.ssh
+ file:
+ path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/rootfs/root/.ssh"
+ state: directory
+ mode: 0600
+ owner: root
+ group: root
-- name: Fill authorized_keys
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- when: lxc.changed
- copy:
- dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
- content: |
- {% for user in superusers %}
- {% if users[user].authorized_keys is not none %}
- {{ users[user].authorized_keys }}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
+ - name: Fill authorized_keys
+ copy:
+ dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ content: |
+ {% for user in superusers %}
+ {% if users[user].authorized_keys is not none %}
+ {{ users[user].authorized_keys }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
-- name: config-lxc-host
- tags: lxc-host
+- tags: lxc-host
become: yes
- register: config_lxc_host
- copy:
- dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config-lxc-host"
- content: |
- lxc.network.type = veth
- lxc.network.link = br0
- lxc.network.flags = up
- lxc.network.hwaddr = {{ lan.hwaddr }}
- {% if lan.ipv4 is defined %}
- lxc.network.ipv4 = {{ lan.ipv4.address }}/{{ lan.ipv4.netmask }}
- lxc.network.ipv4.gateway = {{ lan.ipv4.gateway }}
- {% endif %}
- # 0 = trace, 1 = debug, 2 = info, 3 = notice, 4 = warn, 5 = error, 6 = critical, 7 = alert, and 8 = fatal.
- lxc.loglevel = 1
- lxc.logfile = /var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/{{ i.key }}.log
+ block:
+ - name: config-lxc-host
+ copy:
+ dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/config-lxc-host"
+ content: |
+ lxc.net.0.type = veth
+ lxc.net.0.link = {{ lxc_host__br_if }}
+ lxc.net.0.flags = up
+ lxc.net.0.name = {{ lan_if }}
+ lxc.net.0.hwaddr = {{ lan.hwaddr }}
+ {% if lan.ipv4 is defined %}
+ lxc.net.0.ipv4.address = {{ lan.ipv4.address }}/{{ lan.ipv4.netmask }}
+ {% if lan.ipv4.gateway is defined %}
+ lxc.net.0.ipv4.gateway = {{ lan.ipv4.gateway }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if lan.ipv6 is defined %}
+ lxc.net.0.ipv6.address = {{ lan.ipv6.address }}/{{ lan.ipv6.netmask }}
+ {% endif %}
-- name: "include file: config-lxc-host"
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- register: include_lxc_host
- lineinfile:
- path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config"
- regexp: "^lxc.include *=.*/config-lxc-host$"
- line: "lxc.include = /var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config-lxc-host"
+ # 0 = trace, 1 = debug, 2 = info, 3 = notice, 4 = warn, 5 = error, 6 = critical, 7 = alert, and 8 = fatal.
+ lxc.log.level = 1
+ lxc.log.file = /var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/{{ name }}.log
+ register: restart_1
-- name: "include file: config.d"
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- register: include_config_d
- lineinfile:
- path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/config"
- regexp: "^lxc.include *=.*/conf.d/$"
- line: "lxc.include = /var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/conf.d/"
+ - name: "include file: config-lxc-host"
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/config"
+ regexp: "^lxc.include *=.*/config-lxc-host$"
+ line: "lxc.include = /var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/config-lxc-host"
+ register: restart_2
-- name: "mkdir conf.d"
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- file:
- path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/conf.d"
- state: "directory"
+ - name: "include file: config.d"
+ lineinfile:
+ path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/config"
+ regexp: "^lxc.include *=.*/conf.d/$"
+ line: "lxc.include = /var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/conf.d/"
+ register: restart_3
-- name: "fill conf.d"
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- register: fill_config_d
- with_fileglob: "lxc-host/{{ i.key }}/*"
- loop_control:
- loop_var: file
- copy:
- dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ i.key }}/conf.d"
- src: "{{ file }}"
+ - name: "mkdir conf.d"
+ file:
+ path: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/conf.d"
+ state: "directory"
-- name: "restart lxc container {{ i.key }}"
- tags: lxc-host
- become: yes
- when: i.value.state == 'started' and (
- lxc.changed or
- config_lxc_host.changed or
- include_config_d.changed or
- fill_config_d.changed)
- lxc_container:
- name: "{{ i.key }}"
- state: restarted
+ - name: Find files to copy
+ local_action:
+ module: find
+ paths: "files/lxc-host/{{ name }}"
+ patterns: "*"
+ register: find
+ - name: "fill conf.d"
+ with_items: "{{ find.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
+ loop_control:
+ loop_var: path
+ copy:
+ dest: "/var/lib/lxc/{{ name }}/conf.d"
+ src: "{{ path }}"
+ register: restart_4
+ - set_fact:
+ restart: "{{ restart_1.changed or restart_2.changed or restart_3.changed or restart_4.changed }}"
+ - name: Restart LXC container
+ lxc_container:
+ name: "{{ name }}"
+ state: restarted
+ when: restart and container.state == "started"
+ - name: Stop LXC container
+ lxc_container:
+ name: "{{ name }}"
+ state: stopped
+ when: container.state == "stopped"
diff --git a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/radvd.yml b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/radvd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4283a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/radvd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+- name: Install packages
+ tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - packages
+ become: yes
+ apt:
+ name: "{{ items }}"
+ install_recommends: no
+ vars:
+ items:
+ - radvd
+- name: Configure radvd
+ become: yes
+ tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - lxc-host-radvd
+ vars:
+ ipv6: "{{ host_database[ansible_hostname].interfaces[lxc_host__internal_if].ipv6 }}"
+ notify: restart radvd
+ copy:
+ dest: /etc/radvd.conf
+ content: |
+ interface {{ lxc_host__br_if }}
+ {
+ AdvSendAdvert on;
+ MinRtrAdvInterval 5;
+ MaxRtrAdvInterval 10;
+ MinDelayBetweenRAs 1;
+ AdvDefaultPreference medium;
+ AdvLinkMTU 1500;
+ prefix {{ ipv6.address }}/{{ ipv6.netmask }}
+ {
+ AdvOnLink on;
+ AdvAutonomous on;
+ AdvValidLifetime 14400;
+ AdvPreferredLifetime 3600;
+ AdvRouterAddr on;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/ufw-nat.yml b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/ufw-nat.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219b70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/ufw-nat.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+- name:
+ tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - lxc-host-network
+ block:
+ - name: Enable NAT configuration through UFW
+ become: yes
+ notify: reload ufw
+ blockinfile:
+ path: /etc/ufw/before.rules
+ insertbefore: "# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors"
+ block: |
+ # NAT table rules
+ *nat
+ # Forward traffic through eth0 - Change to match you out-interface
+ -A POSTROUTING -s {{ internal_if.ipv4.address }}/{{ internal_if.ipv4.netmask }} -o {{ lxc_host__hardware_if }} -j MASQUERADE
+ # don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these nat table rules won't be processed
diff --git a/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/ufw.yml b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/ufw.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cfb50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansible/roles/lxc-host/tasks/ufw.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+- name:
+ tags:
+ - lxc-host
+ - lxc-host-network
+ block:
+ - name: Enable UFW
+ become: yes
+ ufw:
+ state: enabled
+ - become: yes
+ ufw:
+ policy: allow
+ direction: outgoing
+ - become: yes
+ ufw:
+ policy: allow
+ direction: routed
+ - become: yes
+ ufw:
+ policy: deny
+ direction: incoming