path: root/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Utilities/STM32_EVAL/STM3210B_EVAL/stm3210b_eval_lcd.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Utilities/STM32_EVAL/STM3210B_EVAL/stm3210b_eval_lcd.c')
1 files changed, 1878 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Utilities/STM32_EVAL/STM3210B_EVAL/stm3210b_eval_lcd.c b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Utilities/STM32_EVAL/STM3210B_EVAL/stm3210b_eval_lcd.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9995a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0/Utilities/STM32_EVAL/STM3210B_EVAL/stm3210b_eval_lcd.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1878 @@
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @file stm3210b_eval_lcd.c
+ * @author MCD Application Team
+ * @version V4.5.0
+ * @date 07-March-2011
+ * @brief This file includes the LCD driver for AM-240320LTNQW00H (LCD_HX8312),
+ * AM-240320L8TNQW00H (LCD_ILI9320), AM-240320LDTNQW00H (LCD_SPFD5408B)
+ * Liquid Crystal Display Module of STM3210B-EVAL board.
+ ******************************************************************************
+ * @attention
+ *
+ *
+ * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+ ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "stm3210b_eval_lcd.h"
+#include "../Common/fonts.c"
+/** @addtogroup Utilities
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM32_EVAL
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @addtogroup STM3210B_EVAL
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD
+ * @briefThis file includes the LCD driver for AM-240320LTNQW00H (LCD_HX8312),
+ * AM-240320L8TNQW00H (LCD_ILI9320), AM-240320LDTNQW00H (LCD_SPFD5408B)
+ * Liquid Crystal Display Module of STM3210B-EVAL board.
+ * @{
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD_Private_Types
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD_Private_Defines
+ * @{
+ */
+#define LCD_ILI9320 0x9320
+#define LCD_HX8312 0x8312
+#define LCD_SPFD5408 0x5408
+#define START_BYTE 0x70
+#define SET_INDEX 0x00
+#define READ_STATUS 0x01
+#define LCD_WRITE_REG 0x02
+#define LCD_READ_REG 0x03
+#define MAX_POLY_CORNERS 200
+#define POLY_Y(Z) ((int32_t)((Points + Z)->X))
+#define POLY_X(Z) ((int32_t)((Points + Z)->Y))
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD_Private_Macros
+ * @{
+ */
+#define ABS(X) ((X) > 0 ? (X) : -(X))
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD_Private_Variables
+ * @{
+ */
+static sFONT *LCD_Currentfonts;
+/* Global variables to set the written text color */
+static __IO uint16_t TextColor = 0x0000, BackColor = 0xFFFF;
+static __IO uint32_t LCDType = LCD_ILI9320;
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD_Private_Function_Prototypes
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef USE_Delay
+static void delay(vu32 nCount);
+#endif /* USE_Delay*/
+static void LCD_WriteRegHX8312(uint8_t LCD_Reg, uint8_t LCD_RegValue);
+static void LCD_WriteRegILI9320(uint8_t LCD_Reg, uint16_t LCD_RegValue);
+static void PutPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y);
+static void LCD_PolyLineRelativeClosed(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount, uint16_t Closed);
+ * @}
+ */
+/** @defgroup STM3210B_EVAL_LCD_Private_Functions
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief DeInitializes the LCD.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DeInit(void)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+ /*!< LCD Display Off */
+ LCD_DisplayOff();
+ /*!< LCD_SPI disable */
+ /*!< LCD_SPI DeInit */
+ SPI_I2S_DeInit(LCD_SPI);
+ /*!< Disable SPI clock */
+ /* Configure NCS in Output Push-Pull mode */
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_NCS_PIN;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_NCS_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ /* Configure NWR(RNW), RS in Output Push-Pull mode */
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_RS_PIN;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_RS_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_NWR_PIN;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_NWR_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ /* Configure SPI pins: SCK, MISO and MOSI */
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_SPI_SCK_PIN;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_SPI_SCK_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_SPI_MISO_PIN;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_SPI_MOSI_PIN;
+ * @brief Setups the LCD.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_Setup(void)
+/* Configure the LCD Control pins --------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_CtrlLinesConfig();
+/* Configure the LCD_SPI interface ----------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_SPIConfig();
+ if(LCDType == LCD_ILI9320)
+ {
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ /* Start Initial Sequence ------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_229, 0x8000); /* Set the internal vcore voltage */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0x0001); /* Start internal OSC. */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0x0100); /* set SS and SM bit */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_2, 0x0700); /* set 1 line inversion */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1030); /* set GRAM write direction and BGR=1. */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_4, 0x0000); /* Resize register */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_8, 0x0202); /* set the back porch and front porch */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_9, 0x0000); /* set non-display area refresh cycle ISC[3:0] */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_10, 0x0000); /* FMARK function */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_12, 0x0000); /* RGB interface setting */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_13, 0x0000); /* Frame marker Position */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_15, 0x0000); /* RGB interface polarity */
+ /* Power On sequence -----------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x0000); /* SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x0000); /* DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0] */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x0000); /* VREG1OUT voltage */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x0000); /* VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude */
+ _delay_(20); /* Dis-charge capacitor power voltage (200ms) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x17B0); /* SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x0137); /* DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0] */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x0139); /* VREG1OUT voltage */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x1d00); /* VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_41, 0x0013); /* VCM[4:0] for VCOMH */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_32, 0x0000); /* GRAM horizontal Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_33, 0x0000); /* GRAM Vertical Address */
+ /* Adjust the Gamma Curve ------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_48, 0x0006);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_49, 0x0101);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_50, 0x0003);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_53, 0x0106);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_54, 0x0b02);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_55, 0x0302);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_56, 0x0707);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_57, 0x0007);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_60, 0x0600);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_61, 0x020b);
+ /* Set GRAM area ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_80, 0x0000); /* Horizontal GRAM Start Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_81, 0x00EF); /* Horizontal GRAM End Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_82, 0x0000); /* Vertical GRAM Start Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_83, 0x013F); /* Vertical GRAM End Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_96, 0x2700); /* Gate Scan Line */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_97, 0x0001); /* NDL,VLE, REV */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_106, 0x0000); /* set scrolling line */
+ /* Partial Display Control -----------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_128, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_129, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_130, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_131, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_132, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_133, 0x0000);
+ /* Panel Control ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_144, 0x0010);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_146, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_147, 0x0003);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_149, 0x0110);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_151, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_152, 0x0000);
+ /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR = 1 */
+ /* I/D=01 (Horizontal : increment, Vertical : decrement) */
+ /* AM=1 (address is updated in vertical writing direction) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1018);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_7, 0x0173); /* 262K color and display ON */
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408)
+ {
+ /* Start Initial Sequence --------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_227, 0x3008); /* Set internal timing */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_231, 0x0012); /* Set internal timing */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_239, 0x1231); /* Set internal timing */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0x0100); /* Set SS and SM bit */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_2, 0x0700); /* Set 1 line inversion */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1030); /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR=1. */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_4, 0x0000); /* Resize register */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_8, 0x0202); /* Set the back porch and front porch */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_9, 0x0000); /* Set non-display area refresh cycle ISC[3:0] */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_10, 0x0000); /* FMARK function */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_12, 0x0000); /* RGB interface setting */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_13, 0x0000); /* Frame marker Position */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_15, 0x0000); /* RGB interface polarity */
+ /* Power On sequence -------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x0000); /* SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x0000); /* DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0] */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x0000); /* VREG1OUT voltage */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x0000); /* VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude */
+ _delay_(20); /* Dis-charge capacitor power voltage (200ms) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x0007); /* DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0] */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x12B0); /* SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x01BD); /* External reference voltage= Vci */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x1400); /* VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_41, 0x000E); /* VCM[4:0] for VCOMH */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_32, 0x0000); /* GRAM horizontal Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_33, 0x013F); /* GRAM Vertical Address */
+ /* Adjust the Gamma Curve --------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_48, 0x0007);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_49, 0x0302);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_50, 0x0105);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_53, 0x0206);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_54, 0x0808);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_55, 0x0206);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_56, 0x0504);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_57, 0x0007);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_60, 0x0105);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_61, 0x0808);
+ /* Set GRAM area -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_80, 0x0000); /* Horizontal GRAM Start Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_81, 0x00EF); /* Horizontal GRAM End Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_82, 0x0000); /* Vertical GRAM Start Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_83, 0x013F); /* Vertical GRAM End Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_96, 0xA700); /* Gate Scan Line */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_97, 0x0001); /* NDL,VLE, REV */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_106, 0x0000); /* Set scrolling line */
+ /* Partial Display Control -------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_128, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_129, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_130, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_131, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_132, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_133, 0x0000);
+ /* Panel Control -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_144, 0x0010);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_146, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_147, 0x0003);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_149, 0x0110);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_151, 0x0000);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_152, 0x0000);
+ /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR = 1
+ I/D=01 (Horizontal : increment, Vertical : decrement)
+ AM=1 (address is updated in vertical writing direction) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1018);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_7, 0x0112); /* 262K color and display ON */
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ /* Enable the LCD Oscillator ---------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0x10);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0xA0);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x01);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_43, 0x04);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_40, 0x18);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_26, 0x05);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_37, 0x05);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_25, 0x00);
+ /* LCD Power On ----------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_28, 0x73);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_36, 0x74);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_30, 0x01);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xC1);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xE1);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xF1);
+ _delay_(6); /* Delay 60 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xF5);
+ _delay_(6); /* Delay 60 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_27, 0x09);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_31, 0x11);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_32, 0x0E);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_30, 0x81);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ /* Chip Set --------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_157, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_192, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_14, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_15, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_20, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_21, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_22, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_23, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_52, 0x01);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_53, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_75, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_76, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_78, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_79, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_80, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_60, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_61, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_62, 0x01);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_63, 0x3F);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_64, 0x02);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_65, 0x02);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_66, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_67, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_68, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_69, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_70, 0xEF);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_71, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_72, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_73, 0x01);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_74, 0x3F);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_29, 0x08); /* R29:Gate scan direction setting */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_134, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_135, 0x30);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_136, 0x02);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_137, 0x05);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_141, 0x01); /* R141:Register set-up mode for one line clock */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_139, 0x20); /* R139:One line SYSCLK number in one-line */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_51, 0x01); /* R51:N line inversion setting */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_55, 0x01); /* R55:Scanning method setting */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_118, 0x00);
+ /* Gamma Set -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_143, 0x10);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_144, 0x67);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_145, 0x07);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_146, 0x65);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_147, 0x07);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_148, 0x01);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_149, 0x76);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_150, 0x56);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_151, 0x00);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_152, 0x06);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_153, 0x03);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_154, 0x00);
+ /* Display On ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0x50);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_5, 0x04);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0x80);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_59, 0x01);
+ _delay_(4); /* Delay 40 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0x20);
+ }
+ * @brief Initializes the LCD.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void STM3210B_LCD_Init(void)
+ /* Setups the LCD */
+ LCD_Setup();
+ /* Try to read new LCD controller ID 0x9320 */
+ if (LCD_ReadReg(LCD_REG_0) == LCD_ILI9320)
+ {
+ LCDType = LCD_ILI9320;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LCDType = LCD_SPFD5408;
+ /* Setups the LCD */
+ LCD_Setup();
+ /* Try to read new LCD controller ID 0x5408 */
+ if (LCD_ReadReg(LCD_REG_0) != LCD_SPFD5408)
+ {
+ LCDType = LCD_HX8312;
+ /* Setups the LCD */
+ LCD_Setup();
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Sets the LCD Text and Background colors.
+ * @param _TextColor: specifies the Text Color.
+ * @param _BackColor: specifies the Background Color.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SetColors(__IO uint16_t _TextColor, __IO uint16_t _BackColor)
+ TextColor = _TextColor;
+ BackColor = _BackColor;
+ * @brief Gets the LCD Text and Background colors.
+ * @param _TextColor: pointer to the variable that will contain the Text
+ Color.
+ * @param _BackColor: pointer to the variable that will contain the Background
+ Color.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_GetColors(__IO uint16_t *_TextColor, __IO uint16_t *_BackColor)
+ *_TextColor = TextColor; *_BackColor = BackColor;
+ * @brief Sets the Text color.
+ * @param Color: specifies the Text color code RGB(5-6-5).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SetTextColor(__IO uint16_t Color)
+ TextColor = Color;
+ * @brief Sets the Background color.
+ * @param Color: specifies the Background color code RGB(5-6-5).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SetBackColor(__IO uint16_t Color)
+ BackColor = Color;
+ * @brief Sets the Text Font.
+ * @param fonts: specifies the font to be used.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SetFont(sFONT *fonts)
+ LCD_Currentfonts = fonts;
+ * @brief Gets the Text Font.
+ * @param None.
+ * @retval the used font.
+ */
+sFONT *LCD_GetFont(void)
+ return LCD_Currentfonts;
+ * @brief Clears the selected line.
+ * @param Line: the Line to be cleared.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg Linex: where x can be 0..n
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_ClearLine(uint8_t Line)
+ uint16_t refcolumn = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1;
+ /* Send the string character by character on lCD */
+ while (((refcolumn + 1) & 0xFFFF) >= LCD_Currentfonts->Width)
+ {
+ /* Display one character on LCD */
+ LCD_DisplayChar(Line, refcolumn, ' ');
+ /* Decrement the column position by 16 */
+ refcolumn -= LCD_Currentfonts->Width;
+ }
+ * @brief Clears the hole LCD.
+ * @param Color: the color of the background.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_Clear(uint16_t Color)
+ uint32_t index = 0;
+ LCD_SetCursor(0x00, 0x013F);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); /* Prepare to write GRAM */
+ }
+ for(index = 0; index < 76800; index++)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(Color);
+ }
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Sets the cursor position.
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SetCursor(uint8_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_32, Xpos);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_33, Ypos);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_66, Xpos);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_67, ((Ypos & 0x100)>> 8));
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_68, (Ypos & 0xFF));
+ }
+ * @brief Draws a character on LCD.
+ * @param Xpos: the Line where to display the character shape.
+ * @param Ypos: start column address.
+ * @param c: pointer to the character data.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawChar(uint8_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, const uint16_t *c)
+ uint32_t index = 0, i = 0;
+ uint8_t Xaddress = 0;
+ Xaddress = Xpos;
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xaddress, Ypos);
+ for(index = 0; index < LCD_Currentfonts->Height; index++)
+ {
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); /* Prepare to write GRAM */
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < LCD_Currentfonts->Width; i++)
+ {
+ if((((c[index] & ((0x80 << ((LCD_Currentfonts->Width / 12 ) * 8 ) ) >> i)) == 0x00) &&(LCD_Currentfonts->Width <= 12))||
+ (((c[index] & (0x1 << i)) == 0x00)&&(LCD_Currentfonts->Width > 12 )))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(BackColor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ }
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ }
+ Xaddress++;
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xaddress, Ypos);
+ }
+ * @brief Displays one character (16dots width, 24dots height).
+ * @param Line: the Line where to display the character shape .
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg Linex: where x can be 0..9
+ * @param Column: start column address.
+ * @param Ascii: character ascii code, must be between 0x20 and 0x7E.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DisplayChar(uint8_t Line, uint16_t Column, uint8_t Ascii)
+ Ascii -= 32;
+ LCD_DrawChar(Line, Column, &LCD_Currentfonts->table[Ascii * LCD_Currentfonts->Height]);
+ * @brief Displays a maximum of 20 char on the LCD.
+ * @param Line: the Line where to display the character shape .
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values:
+ * @arg Linex: where x can be 0..9
+ * @param *ptr: pointer to string to display on LCD.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DisplayStringLine(uint8_t Line, uint8_t *ptr)
+ uint16_t refcolumn = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1;
+ /* Send the string character by character on lCD */
+ while ((*ptr != 0) & (((refcolumn + 1) & 0xFFFF) >= LCD_Currentfonts->Width))
+ {
+ /* Display one character on LCD */
+ LCD_DisplayChar(Line, refcolumn, *ptr);
+ /* Decrement the column position by 16 */
+ refcolumn -= LCD_Currentfonts->Width;
+ /* Point on the next character */
+ ptr++;
+ }
+ * @brief Sets a display window
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X buttom left position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y buttom left position.
+ * @param Height: display window height.
+ * @param Width: display window width.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SetDisplayWindow(uint8_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint8_t Height, uint16_t Width)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ /* Horizontal GRAM Start Address */
+ if(Xpos >= Height)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_80, (Xpos - Height + 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_80, 0);
+ }
+ /* Horizontal GRAM End Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_81, Xpos);
+ /* Vertical GRAM Start Address */
+ if(Ypos >= Width)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_82, (Ypos - Width + 1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_82, 0);
+ }
+ /* Vertical GRAM End Address */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_83, Ypos);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0xD0);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_5, 0x14);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_69, (Xpos - Height + 1));
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_70, Xpos);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_71, (((Ypos - Width + 1) & 0x100)>> 8));
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_72, ((Ypos - Width + 1) & 0xFF));
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_73, ((Ypos & 0x100)>> 8));
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_74, (Ypos & 0xFF));
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);
+ * @brief Disables LCD Window mode.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_WindowModeDisable(void)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_SetDisplayWindow(239, 0x13F, 240, 320);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1018);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0x50);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_5, 0x04);
+ }
+ * @brief Displays a line.
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
+ * @param Length: line length.
+ * @param Direction: line direction.
+ * This parameter can be one of the following values: Vertical or Horizontal.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawLine(uint8_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length, uint8_t Direction)
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);
+ if(Direction == LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL)
+ {
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); /* Prepare to write GRAM */
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < Length; i++)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < Length; i++)
+ {
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ Xpos++;
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos, Ypos);
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Displays a rectangle.
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
+ * @param Height: display rectangle height.
+ * @param Width: display rectangle width.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawRect(uint8_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint8_t Height, uint16_t Width)
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos, Ypos, Width, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine((Xpos + Height), Ypos, Width, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos, Ypos, Height, LCD_DIR_VERTICAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos, (Ypos - Width + 1), Height, LCD_DIR_VERTICAL);
+ * @brief Displays a circle.
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
+ * @param Radius
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawCircle(uint8_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius)
+ int32_t D;/* Decision Variable */
+ uint32_t CurX;/* Current X Value */
+ uint32_t CurY;/* Current Y Value */
+ D = 3 - (Radius << 1);
+ CurX = 0;
+ CurY = Radius;
+ while (CurX <= CurY)
+ {
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos + CurX, Ypos + CurY);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos + CurX, Ypos - CurY);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos - CurX, Ypos + CurY);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos - CurX, Ypos - CurY);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos + CurY, Ypos + CurX);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos + CurY, Ypos - CurX);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos - CurY, Ypos + CurX);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ LCD_SetCursor(Xpos - CurY, Ypos - CurX);
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAMWord(TextColor);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ if (D < 0)
+ {
+ D += (CurX << 2) + 6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D += ((CurX - CurY) << 2) + 10;
+ CurY--;
+ }
+ CurX++;
+ }
+ * @brief Displays a monocolor picture.
+ * @param Pict: pointer to the picture array.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawMonoPict(const uint32_t *Pict)
+ uint32_t index = 0, i = 0;
+ LCD_SetCursor(0, (LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 1));
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); /* Prepare to write GRAM */
+ }
+ for(index = 0; index < 2400; index++)
+ {
+ for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ {
+ if((Pict[index] & (1 << i)) == 0x00)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(BackColor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(TextColor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ }
+#ifdef USE_LCD_DrawBMP
+ * @brief Displays a bitmap picture loaded in the SPI Flash.
+ * @param BmpAddress: Bmp picture address in the SPI Flash.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawBMP(uint32_t BmpAddress)
+ uint32_t i = 0, size = 0;
+ /* Read bitmap size */
+ sFLASH_ReadBuffer((uint8_t*)&size, BmpAddress + 2, 4);
+ /* get bitmap data address offset */
+ sFLASH_ReadBuffer((uint8_t*)&i, BmpAddress + 10, 4);
+ size = (size - i)/2;
+ sFLASH_StartReadSequence(BmpAddress + i);
+ /* Disable LCD_SPI */
+ /* SPI in 16-bit mode */
+ SPI_DataSizeConfig(LCD_SPI, SPI_DataSize_16b);
+ /* Enable LCD_SPI */
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR = 1 */
+ /* I/D=00 (Horizontal : decrement, Vertical : decrement) */
+ /* AM=1 (address is updated in vertical writing direction) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1008);
+ LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); /* Prepare to write GRAM */
+ }
+ /* Read bitmap data from SPI Flash and send them to LCD */
+ for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRAM(__REV16(sFLASH_SendHalfWord(0xA5A5)));
+ }
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ }
+ /* Deselect the FLASH: Chip Select high */
+ /* Disable LCD_SPI */
+ /* SPI in 8-bit mode */
+ SPI_DataSizeConfig(LCD_SPI, SPI_DataSize_8b);
+ /* Enable LCD_SPI */
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ /* Set GRAM write direction and BGR = 1 */
+ /* I/D = 01 (Horizontal : increment, Vertical : decrement) */
+ /* AM = 1 (address is updated in vertical writing direction) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_3, 0x1018);
+ }
+#endif /* USE_LCD_DrawBMP */
+ * @brief Displays a full rectangle.
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
+ * @param Height: rectangle height.
+ * @param Width: rectangle width.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawFullRect(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height)
+ LCD_SetTextColor(TextColor);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos, Ypos, Width, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine((Xpos + Height), Ypos, Width, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos, Ypos, Height, LCD_DIR_VERTICAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos, (Ypos - Width + 1), Height, LCD_DIR_VERTICAL);
+ Width -= 2;
+ Height--;
+ Ypos--;
+ LCD_SetTextColor(BackColor);
+ while(Height--)
+ {
+ LCD_DrawLine(++Xpos, Ypos, Width, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ LCD_SetTextColor(TextColor);
+ * @brief Displays a full circle.
+ * @param Xpos: specifies the X position.
+ * @param Ypos: specifies the Y position.
+ * @param Radius
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawFullCircle(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius)
+ int32_t D; /* Decision Variable */
+ uint32_t CurX;/* Current X Value */
+ uint32_t CurY;/* Current Y Value */
+ D = 3 - (Radius << 1);
+ CurX = 0;
+ CurY = Radius;
+ LCD_SetTextColor(BackColor);
+ while (CurX <= CurY)
+ {
+ if(CurY > 0)
+ {
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos - CurX, Ypos + CurY, 2*CurY, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos + CurX, Ypos + CurY, 2*CurY, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ if(CurX > 0)
+ {
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos - CurY, Ypos + CurX, 2*CurX, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_DrawLine(Xpos + CurY, Ypos + CurX, 2*CurX, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ }
+ if (D < 0)
+ {
+ D += (CurX << 2) + 6;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ D += ((CurX - CurY) << 2) + 10;
+ CurY--;
+ }
+ CurX++;
+ }
+ LCD_SetTextColor(TextColor);
+ LCD_DrawCircle(Xpos, Ypos, Radius);
+ * @brief Displays an uni line (between two points).
+ * @param x1: specifies the point 1 x position.
+ * @param y1: specifies the point 1 y position.
+ * @param x2: specifies the point 2 x position.
+ * @param y2: specifies the point 2 y position.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DrawUniLine(uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2)
+ int16_t deltax = 0, deltay = 0, x = 0, y = 0, xinc1 = 0, xinc2 = 0,
+ yinc1 = 0, yinc2 = 0, den = 0, num = 0, numadd = 0, numpixels = 0,
+ curpixel = 0;
+ deltax = ABS(x2 - x1); /* The difference between the x's */
+ deltay = ABS(y2 - y1); /* The difference between the y's */
+ x = x1; /* Start x off at the first pixel */
+ y = y1; /* Start y off at the first pixel */
+ if (x2 >= x1) /* The x-values are increasing */
+ {
+ xinc1 = 1;
+ xinc2 = 1;
+ }
+ else /* The x-values are decreasing */
+ {
+ xinc1 = -1;
+ xinc2 = -1;
+ }
+ if (y2 >= y1) /* The y-values are increasing */
+ {
+ yinc1 = 1;
+ yinc2 = 1;
+ }
+ else /* The y-values are decreasing */
+ {
+ yinc1 = -1;
+ yinc2 = -1;
+ }
+ if (deltax >= deltay) /* There is at least one x-value for every y-value */
+ {
+ xinc1 = 0; /* Don't change the x when numerator >= denominator */
+ yinc2 = 0; /* Don't change the y for every iteration */
+ den = deltax;
+ num = deltax / 2;
+ numadd = deltay;
+ numpixels = deltax; /* There are more x-values than y-values */
+ }
+ else /* There is at least one y-value for every x-value */
+ {
+ xinc2 = 0; /* Don't change the x for every iteration */
+ yinc1 = 0; /* Don't change the y when numerator >= denominator */
+ den = deltay;
+ num = deltay / 2;
+ numadd = deltax;
+ numpixels = deltay; /* There are more y-values than x-values */
+ }
+ for (curpixel = 0; curpixel <= numpixels; curpixel++)
+ {
+ PutPixel(x, y); /* Draw the current pixel */
+ num += numadd; /* Increase the numerator by the top of the fraction */
+ if (num >= den) /* Check if numerator >= denominator */
+ {
+ num -= den; /* Calculate the new numerator value */
+ x += xinc1; /* Change the x as appropriate */
+ y += yinc1; /* Change the y as appropriate */
+ }
+ x += xinc2; /* Change the x as appropriate */
+ y += yinc2; /* Change the y as appropriate */
+ }
+ * @brief Displays an polyline (between many points).
+ * @param Points: pointer to the points array.
+ * @param PointCount: Number of points.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_PolyLine(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount)
+ int16_t X = 0, Y = 0;
+ if(PointCount < 2)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ while(--PointCount)
+ {
+ X = Points->X;
+ Y = Points->Y;
+ Points++;
+ LCD_DrawUniLine(X, Y, Points->X, Points->Y);
+ }
+ * @brief Displays an relative polyline (between many points).
+ * @param Points: pointer to the points array.
+ * @param PointCount: Number of points.
+ * @param Closed: specifies if the draw is closed or not.
+ * 1: closed, 0 : not closed.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void LCD_PolyLineRelativeClosed(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount, uint16_t Closed)
+ int16_t X = 0, Y = 0;
+ pPoint First = Points;
+ if(PointCount < 2)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ X = Points->X;
+ Y = Points->Y;
+ while(--PointCount)
+ {
+ Points++;
+ LCD_DrawUniLine(X, Y, X + Points->X, Y + Points->Y);
+ X = X + Points->X;
+ Y = Y + Points->Y;
+ }
+ if(Closed)
+ {
+ LCD_DrawUniLine(First->X, First->Y, X, Y);
+ }
+ * @brief Displays a closed polyline (between many points).
+ * @param Points: pointer to the points array.
+ * @param PointCount: Number of points.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_ClosedPolyLine(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount)
+ LCD_PolyLine(Points, PointCount);
+ LCD_DrawUniLine(Points->X, Points->Y, (Points+PointCount-1)->X, (Points+PointCount-1)->Y);
+ * @brief Displays a relative polyline (between many points).
+ * @param Points: pointer to the points array.
+ * @param PointCount: Number of points.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_PolyLineRelative(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount)
+ LCD_PolyLineRelativeClosed(Points, PointCount, 0);
+ * @brief Displays a closed relative polyline (between many points).
+ * @param Points: pointer to the points array.
+ * @param PointCount: Number of points.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_ClosedPolyLineRelative(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount)
+ LCD_PolyLineRelativeClosed(Points, PointCount, 1);
+ * @brief Displays a full polyline (between many points).
+ * @param Points: pointer to the points array.
+ * @param PointCount: Number of points.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_FillPolyLine(pPoint Points, uint16_t PointCount)
+ /* public-domain code by Darel Rex Finley, 2007 */
+ uint16_t nodes = 0, nodeX[MAX_POLY_CORNERS], pixelX = 0, pixelY = 0, i = 0,
+ j = 0, swap = 0;
+ uint16_t IMAGE_LEFT = 0, IMAGE_RIGHT = 0, IMAGE_TOP = 0, IMAGE_BOTTOM = 0;
+ for(i = 1; i < PointCount; i++)
+ {
+ pixelX = POLY_X(i);
+ if(pixelX < IMAGE_LEFT)
+ {
+ IMAGE_LEFT = pixelX;
+ }
+ if(pixelX > IMAGE_RIGHT)
+ {
+ IMAGE_RIGHT = pixelX;
+ }
+ pixelY = POLY_Y(i);
+ if(pixelY < IMAGE_TOP)
+ {
+ IMAGE_TOP = pixelY;
+ }
+ if(pixelY > IMAGE_BOTTOM)
+ {
+ IMAGE_BOTTOM = pixelY;
+ }
+ }
+ LCD_SetTextColor(BackColor);
+ /* Loop through the rows of the image. */
+ for (pixelY = IMAGE_TOP; pixelY < IMAGE_BOTTOM; pixelY++)
+ {
+ /* Build a list of nodes. */
+ nodes = 0; j = PointCount-1;
+ for (i = 0; i < PointCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (POLY_Y(i)<(double) pixelY && POLY_Y(j)>=(double) pixelY || POLY_Y(j)<(double) pixelY && POLY_Y(i)>=(double) pixelY)
+ {
+ nodeX[nodes++]=(int) (POLY_X(i)+((pixelY-POLY_Y(i))*(POLY_X(j)-POLY_X(i)))/(POLY_Y(j)-POLY_Y(i)));
+ }
+ j = i;
+ }
+ /* Sort the nodes, via a simple "Bubble" sort. */
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < nodes-1)
+ {
+ if (nodeX[i]>nodeX[i+1])
+ {
+ swap = nodeX[i];
+ nodeX[i] = nodeX[i+1];
+ nodeX[i+1] = swap;
+ if(i)
+ {
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Fill the pixels between node pairs. */
+ for (i = 0; i < nodes; i+=2)
+ {
+ if(nodeX[i] >= IMAGE_RIGHT)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if(nodeX[i+1] > IMAGE_LEFT)
+ {
+ if (nodeX[i] < IMAGE_LEFT)
+ {
+ nodeX[i]=IMAGE_LEFT;
+ }
+ if(nodeX[i+1] > IMAGE_RIGHT)
+ {
+ nodeX[i+1] = IMAGE_RIGHT;
+ }
+ LCD_SetTextColor(BackColor);
+ LCD_DrawLine(pixelY, nodeX[i+1], nodeX[i+1] - nodeX[i], LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+ LCD_SetTextColor(TextColor);
+ PutPixel(pixelY, nodeX[i+1]);
+ PutPixel(pixelY, nodeX[i]);
+ /* for (j=nodeX[i]; j<nodeX[i+1]; j++) PutPixel(j,pixelY); */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* draw the edges */
+ LCD_SetTextColor(TextColor);
+ * @brief Reset LCD control line(/CS) and Send Start-Byte
+ * @param Start_Byte: the Start-Byte to be sent
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_nCS_StartByte(uint8_t Start_Byte)
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, Start_Byte);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Writes index to select the LCD register.
+ * @param LCD_Reg: address of the selected register.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_WriteRegIndex(uint8_t LCD_Reg)
+ /* Reset LCD control line(/CS) and Send Start-Byte */
+ /* Write 16-bit Reg Index (High Byte is 0) */
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, 0x00);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, LCD_Reg);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Writes to the selected LCD ILI9320 register.
+ * @param LCD_Reg: address of the selected register.
+ * @param LCD_RegValue: value to write to the selected register.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void LCD_WriteRegILI9320(uint8_t LCD_Reg, uint16_t LCD_RegValue)
+ /* Write 16-bit Index (then Write Reg) */
+ LCD_WriteRegIndex(LCD_Reg);
+ /* Write 16-bit Reg */
+ /* Reset LCD control line(/CS) and Send Start-Byte */
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, LCD_RegValue>>8);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, (LCD_RegValue & 0xFF));
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Reads the selected LCD Register.
+ * @param LCD_Reg: address of the selected register.
+ * @retval LCD Register Value.
+ */
+uint16_t LCD_ReadReg(uint8_t LCD_Reg)
+ uint16_t tmp = 0;
+ uint8_t i = 0;
+ /* LCD_SPI prescaler: 4 */
+ LCD_SPI->CR1 &= 0xFFC7;
+ LCD_SPI->CR1 |= 0x0008;
+ /* Write 16-bit Index (then Read Reg) */
+ LCD_WriteRegIndex(LCD_Reg);
+ /* Read 16-bit Reg */
+ /* Reset LCD control line(/CS) and Send Start-Byte */
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ {
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, 0xFF);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ /* One byte of invalid dummy data read after the start byte */
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(LCD_SPI);
+ }
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, 0xFF);
+ /* Read upper byte */
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Read lower byte */
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ tmp = SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(LCD_SPI);
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, 0xFF);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Read lower byte */
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_RXNE) == RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ tmp = ((tmp & 0xFF) << 8) | SPI_I2S_ReceiveData(LCD_SPI);
+ /* LCD_SPI prescaler: 2 */
+ LCD_SPI->CR1 &= 0xFFC7;
+ return tmp;
+ * @brief Prepare to write to the LCD RAM.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(void)
+ LCD_WriteRegIndex(LCD_REG_34); /* Select GRAM Reg */
+ /* Reset LCD control line(/CS) and Send Start-Byte */
+ * @brief Writes 1 word to the LCD RAM.
+ * @param RGB_Code: the pixel color in RGB mode (5-6-5).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_WriteRAMWord(uint16_t RGB_Code)
+ LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare();
+ LCD_WriteRAM(RGB_Code);
+ * @brief Writes to the selected LCD HX8312 register.
+ * @param LCD_Reg: address of the selected register.
+ * @param LCD_RegValue: value to write to the selected register.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void LCD_WriteRegHX8312(uint8_t LCD_Reg, uint8_t LCD_RegValue)
+ uint16_t tmp = 0;
+ tmp = LCD_Reg << 8;
+ tmp |= LCD_RegValue;
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, tmp);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ * @brief Writes to the selected LCD register.
+ * @param LCD_Reg: address of the selected register.
+ * @param LCD_RegValue: value to write to the selected register.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_WriteReg(uint8_t LCD_Reg, uint16_t LCD_RegValue)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRegILI9320(LCD_Reg, LCD_RegValue);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteRegHX8312(LCD_Reg, ((uint8_t)LCD_RegValue));
+ }
+ * @brief Writes to the LCD RAM.
+ * @param RGB_Code: the pixel color in RGB mode (5-6-5).
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_WriteRAM(uint16_t RGB_Code)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, RGB_Code >> 8);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, RGB_Code & 0xFF);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ SPI_I2S_SendData(LCD_SPI, RGB_Code);
+ while(SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus(LCD_SPI, SPI_I2S_FLAG_BSY) != RESET)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Power on the LCD.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_PowerOn(void)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ /* Power On sequence ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x0000); /* SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x0000); /* DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0] */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x0000); /* VREG1OUT voltage */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x0000); /* VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude */
+ _delay_(20); /* Dis-charge capacitor power voltage (200ms) */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_16, 0x17B0); /* SAP, BT[3:0], AP, DSTB, SLP, STB */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_17, 0x0137); /* DC1[2:0], DC0[2:0], VC[2:0] */
+ _delay_(5); /* Delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_18, 0x0139); /* VREG1OUT voltage */
+ _delay_(5); /* delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_19, 0x1d00); /* VDV[4:0] for VCOM amplitude */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_41, 0x0013); /* VCM[4:0] for VCOMH */
+ _delay_(5); /* delay 50 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_7, 0x0173); /* 262K color and display ON */
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ /* Power On Set */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_28, 0x73);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_36, 0x74);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_30, 0x01);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xC1);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xE1);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xF1);
+ _delay_(6); /* Delay 60 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_24, 0xF5);
+ _delay_(6); /* Delay 60 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_27, 0x09);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_31, 0x11);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_32, 0x0E);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_30, 0x81);
+ _delay_(1); /* Delay 10 ms */
+ }
+ * @brief Enables the Display.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DisplayOn(void)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ /* Display On */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_7, 0x0173); /* 262K color and display ON */
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_1, 0x50);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_5, 0x04);
+ /* Display On */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0x80);
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_59, 0x01);
+ _delay_(4); /* Delay 40 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0x20);
+ }
+ * @brief Disables the Display.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_DisplayOff(void)
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ /* Display Off */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_7, 0x0);
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ /* Display Off */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_0, 0xA0);
+ _delay_(4); /* Delay 40 ms */
+ LCD_WriteReg(LCD_REG_59, 0x00);
+ }
+ * @brief Configures LCD control lines in Output Push-Pull mode.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_CtrlLinesConfig(void)
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+ /* Enable GPIO clock */
+ /* Configure NCS in Output Push-Pull mode */
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_NCS_PIN;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_NCS_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ /* Configure NWR(RNW), RS in Output Push-Pull mode */
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_RS_PIN;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_RS_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_NWR_PIN;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_NWR_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ * @brief Sets or reset LCD control lines.
+ * @param GPIOx: where x can be B or D to select the GPIO peripheral.
+ * @param CtrlPins: the Control line.
+ * This parameter can be:
+ * @arg LCD_NCS_PIN: Chip Select pin
+ * @arg LCD_NWR_PIN: Read/Write Selection pin
+ * @arg LCD_RS_PIN: Register/RAM Selection pin
+ * @param BitVal: specifies the value to be written to the selected bit.
+ * This parameter can be:
+ * @arg Bit_RESET: to clear the port pin
+ * @arg Bit_SET: to set the port pin
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_CtrlLinesWrite(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint16_t CtrlPins, BitAction BitVal)
+ /* Set or Reset the control line */
+ GPIO_WriteBit(GPIOx, CtrlPins, BitVal);
+ * @brief Configures the LCD_SPI interface.
+ * @param None
+ * @retval None
+ */
+void LCD_SPIConfig(void)
+ SPI_InitTypeDef SPI_InitStructure;
+ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
+ /* Enable GPIO clock */
+ /* Enable SPI clock */
+ /* Configure SPI pins: SCK, MISO and MOSI */
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_SPI_SCK_PIN;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
+ GPIO_Init(LCD_SPI_SCK_GPIO_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_SPI_MISO_PIN;
+ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = LCD_SPI_MOSI_PIN;
+ SPI_I2S_DeInit(LCD_SPI);
+ /* SPI Config */
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Direction = SPI_Direction_2Lines_FullDuplex;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_Mode = SPI_Mode_Master;
+ if((LCDType == LCD_ILI9320) || (LCDType == LCD_SPFD5408))
+ {
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_8b;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_High;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_2Edge;
+ }
+ else if(LCDType == LCD_HX8312)
+ {
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_DataSize = SPI_DataSize_16b;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPOL = SPI_CPOL_Low;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_CPHA = SPI_CPHA_1Edge;
+ }
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_NSS = SPI_NSS_Soft;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_BaudRatePrescaler = SPI_BaudRatePrescaler_2;
+ SPI_InitStructure.SPI_FirstBit = SPI_FirstBit_MSB;
+ SPI_Init(LCD_SPI, &SPI_InitStructure);
+ /* SPI enable */
+ * @brief Displays a pixel.
+ * @param x: pixel x.
+ * @param y: pixel y.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void PutPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y)
+ if(x < 0 || x > 239 || y < 0 || y > 319)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ LCD_DrawLine(x, y, 1, LCD_DIR_HORIZONTAL);
+#ifndef USE_Delay
+ * @brief Inserts a delay time.
+ * @param nCount: specifies the delay time length.
+ * @retval None
+ */
+static void delay(vu32 nCount)
+ vu32 index = 0;
+ for(index = (100000 * nCount); index != 0; index--)
+ {
+ }
+#endif /* USE_Delay*/
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+ * @}
+ */
+/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/